You may like Hotel del Luna. For just romance with no fantasy elements I liked Our Beloved Summer, Thirty but Seventeen, Healer, and Descendants of the Sun.
When it comes to romance/fantasy, I prefer Chinese dramas. They have a genre called xianxia which basically blends elements of martial arts, Taoism, traditional Chinese mythology etc. and it has a very dramatic and angsty love stories that trascend lifetimes, spanning across thousands of years and multiple reincarnations. It's all very dramatic (lol) but I love high fantasy.
I have descendants of the sun on my watch list but those other three I don't believe I've heard of them, I'll most certainly be fiving them a look!
So far I've only seen Kdrama so I'm excited to expand more, and see what other cultures shine through in cdrama for sure! Xianxia huh? Haven't heard of that before today either.. has me a bit worried with the whole angst aspect that can be grating depending on how heavy. But I like the sound of everything else you say! Transcending lifetimes and such, reincarnation, that's all very intriguing to me 😊