I'm 26 and I'm still very new to dramas, but I've been really enjoying the ones I've seen!

I'm always happy to talk about shows we have in common, or share recommendations it's the best part about these types of sites!

I came from MyAnimeList if you'd like to friend me there, although I have rarely been watching anime recently.


What's your favourite genre of dramas? 

I also have MAL but haven't watched anime in years 😆. There are some I want to check out but I just can't make myself start.

Hi John! I went to your profile to see what you're watching and it seems like you plan to watch some of the most fundamental romantic kdramas there are. I hope you enjoy them! Also, I noticed your birthday is January 21 so HAPPY BIRTHDAY (for Tuesday)! I hope the next year brings you joy!

Thank you! :) @FlowerWishes



What's your favourite genre of dramas? 

I also have MAL but haven't watched anime in years 😆. There are some I want to check out but I just can't make myself start.

Thank you!!

Definitely Romance! I came from anime where I mostly was into the same genre, I wouldn't say I've quite outgrown it or anything, but it's a lot rarer nowadays for me to find something anime that catches my attention.


Thank you!!

Definitely Romance! I came from anime where I mostly was into the same genre, I wouldn't say I've quite outgrown it or anything, but it's a lot rarer nowadays for me to find something anime that catches my attention.

Nice! I'm not the biggest fan of pure romance genre (I like it mixed with f.ex. fantasy or history) but there are some really nice romance k-dramas out there. I'm sure you'll have plenty of stuff to watch! 😁

Hi John!! I have a whole list of recs on my profile but since ur just starting out I'd recommend "Still 17". It's suuuuper super underrated to this day so it wouldnt be mentioned alongside the big names like Goblin and Weightlifting fairy BUT I fully believe its still worth a shot! Definitely a romance, although it has some heavier themes and character backstories but still super easy to digest. 

Another one I'd recommend is "What's Wrong with Secretary Kim", a cult classic!! A lot of people say its cheesy but when I first started watching this is what I died forrrrr.  And "I am not a robot" is amazing too! The plot is definitely unique but again still worth a try hahah

MDL synopsises can be vague so dm me if u ever need an in depth rec. Have fun watching!!!

 do dahae lover:

Hi John!! I have a whole list of recs on my profile but since ur just starting out I'd recommend "Still 17". It's suuuuper super underrated to this day so it wouldnt be mentioned alongside the big names like Goblin and Weightlifting fairy BUT I fully believe its still worth a shot! Definitely a romance, although it has some heavier themes and character backstories but still super easy to digest. 

Another one I'd recommend is "What's Wrong with Secretary Kim", a cult classic!! A lot of people say its cheesy but when I first started watching this is what I died forrrrr.  And "I am not a robot" is amazing too! The plot is definitely unique but again still worth a try hahah

MDL synopsises can be vague so dm me if u ever need an in depth rec. Have fun watching!!!

Thanks for the recs! I'll definitely add those to the list! I think I've heard of still 17 come to think of it. That will have to be my first one of the three. 😀

Oh and cheesy never bothered me before so I'm all for it 😆 


Nice! I'm not the biggest fan of pure romance genre (I like it mixed with f.ex. fantasy or history) but there are some really nice romance k-dramas out there. I'm sure you'll have plenty of stuff to watch! 😁

I can live with pretty much any combination with romance haha

Fantasy is probably my favorite!


I can live with pretty much any combination with romance haha

Fantasy is probably my favorite!

You may like Hotel del Luna. For just romance with no fantasy elements I liked Our Beloved Summer, Thirty but Seventeen, Healer, and Descendants of the Sun.

When it comes to romance/fantasy, I prefer Chinese dramas. They have a genre called xianxia which basically blends elements of martial arts, Taoism, traditional Chinese mythology etc. and it has a very dramatic and angsty love stories that trascend  lifetimes, spanning across thousands of years and multiple reincarnations. It's all very dramatic (lol) but I love high fantasy.


You may like Hotel del Luna. For just romance with no fantasy elements I liked Our Beloved Summer, Thirty but Seventeen, Healer, and Descendants of the Sun.

When it comes to romance/fantasy, I prefer Chinese dramas. They have a genre called xianxia which basically blends elements of martial arts, Taoism, traditional Chinese mythology etc. and it has a very dramatic and angsty love stories that trascend  lifetimes, spanning across thousands of years and multiple reincarnations. It's all very dramatic (lol) but I love high fantasy.

I have descendants of the sun on my watch list but those other three I don't believe I've heard of them, I'll most certainly be fiving them a look!

So far I've only seen Kdrama so I'm excited to expand more, and see what other cultures shine through in cdrama for sure! Xianxia huh? Haven't heard of that before today either.. has me a bit worried with the whole angst aspect that can be grating depending on how heavy. But I like the sound of everything else you say! Transcending lifetimes and such, reincarnation, that's all very intriguing to me 😊