Mirichan wrote: It is!!!In about 4 days now!!!But I am not at home by then~:(
Awwww my post important entry in my planner and now...lol just to inagine for the crazy fan of him to forget his birthday!!!:p
I know it from myself already...fir months I think about it and I wait fir it and then when it actual happens....
Aww.... I would hate that. But if you're busy, you're busy.
For Yamapi's birthday, i'm going to go buy a big fat cookie that say's 'Happy Bday Tomo!' on it. Then i'm going to take a picture of myself with it, next to my Ai Texas poster that i got a couple weeks back ^^ (Yes, i'm a bit weird)
And i'm going to spend all evening watching my Short but Sweet Concert and my SGSB yamapi asia tour DVD ^^