Jeaniessi wrote: PinkDiamond made it for me! It is very nice. I love it so...

♥ PD!

(although...It will be back to SJS until the end run of Ghost)

i think your avi might be better than our collages since its more clear cut xD
Jeaniessi wrote: This one makes me smile...I'm reposting.

Every once in a while...I just have to bump this!

and Thanks Neko... PD is an artist...Yes she is.
don't know if you already have it here...
sorry in advance if it's just a duplicate..
don't send bomb to me..ok?:-)

finally decided to go look at actors' threads & ummmmmm I really need to be saving these pictures O.O rofl. I really don't understand exactly WHY the hell I haven't watched more of his stuff. I see we share the same birthday of Sept 10 & he freakin speaks fluent english?! ....I always appreciated his acting, but tsk tsk shame on me for not paying attention to all this. His likability factor in my book has just soared lol.
I said to myself..." Jeanie, which Shota Picture shall we post today?" And myself said "Self, it doesn't matter because they are all amazingly awesome and pretty"

Here are some of my favorite pics...reposted? Iunno.

That chair next to him is reserved... for me.

I love close ups of his face.

And when he looks mean or badass.

And when he looks sweet and innocent.

i dont think it's possible for him to look bad
cityhunter83 wrote: i dont think it's possible for him to look bad

true that!

Naughty boy...I know what those gestures mean!

Who else loves when he is naughty?!
Lis-ssi? PD? Have I worn out the welcome of this thread? have the triplets disbanded? Wae?
you know me, i love naughty boys.
cityhunter83 wrote: you know me, i love naughty boys.

I knew there must be someone else out there! :) What does it say about me that I LOVE those two pictures?!
awe i miss this thread. all the shota candy jeanie provides. it's been too long. i like the hoodie pic so it will be my new avi. thanks jeanie
Rourou represents :
My collection of Matsuda Shota's pictures (Forgive me if it's double posted)

Let's get started :

The greatest picture when it's black and white ^_^

I saw an angel right there :)

Ahh, this cover picture was like the best ever !

Now the 2nd series :

Pensitive yet keeps his own charm :D

Why did u have to be so cool !

Another cover picture that i fell in love with

Moving to the 3rd serie :

Buwah, this picture!! i think i should remain silent...

The manly guy !

Oww, this hair style !

There still 4th and 6th an 7th.... and many other series but let's keep it for another round ;)
Again forgive me if it's double posted ^__^