Kyoko, a young woman with an unhindered spirit despite being physically bound to a wheelchair due to illness, and Shuji, a stylish and popular fashion magazine hairstylist, are brought together in a fateful traffic incident. Despite their confrontational meeting, they soon find themselves falling in love, with Shuji drawn to her courage and enthusiasm and Kyoko attracted to his ability to look beyond her physical limitations and into her heart. However, Kyoko's protective older brother and her worsening condition begin to test the bounds of their love for each other and threaten to end their beautiful life together.
Takuya Kimura as Shuji Okishima
Takako Tokiwa as Kyoko Machida
Miki Mizuno as Sachie Tamura
Hiruyoki Ikeuchi as Takumi Okabe
Atsuro Watabe as Masao Machida
Takanori Nishikawa (T.M.Revolution) as Satoru Kawamura
Koji Matoba as Kozo Miyama
Chiaki Hara as Mayumi Ozawa
Koyuki as Nakajima Satsuki
Genre: Romance, human drama
Episodes: 11
Viewership ratings: 31.86
Theme song: Konya Tsuki no Mieru oka ni by B'z
- holds the record for most awards won from The Television Drama Academy Awards -Dramawiki
-Beautiful Life is a massive success, and holds the TV rating record of drama in Japan over the 30 years (41.3%).-wikipedia
My first drama with Kimura Takuya:)