Hana Kimi MDL Link

Synopsis: Based on a popular comic, this hilarious comedy follows the chaos, troubles and friendship at a boys boarding school after a girl-disguising-a-boy joins. Ashiya Mizuki has just come back to Japan from California where she was raised. She fell in love with Sano Izumi, a hopeful high jump hero, who has quit after an accident. As she wants him to go back to the sport once again, she enters the same high school as a boy! With a short hair, flattened chest and lowered voice, she starts sharing the same room with Sano. --Fuji Creative

The full title is Hanazakari No Kimitachi He. This drama stars Oguri Shun as Sano Izumi, Horikita Maki as Ashiya Mizuki and Ikuta Toma as Nakatsu Shuichi.

This was my first ever drama, so it holds a special place with me (: Also I loved the manga, even though this drama is loosely based off of it, some parts are exaggerated, and Sano's character was done a little differently didn't matter. This drama is hilarious and heartwarming, and I still watch replays of parts over and over again (:
Since we've been discussing Hana Kimi a lot lately in the Dramatards thread, here we can discuss everything Hana Kimi related :D
Where is our Nakatsu in the picture I cant see him?
I mean I cant find him lol
And here, also, I'll post this link yet again! :p

Haha Nakatsu's psychic roommate always cracks me up, too.
Haha I love the music that plays every time that Nakatsu fantasizes over Mizuki :p
No but I really want to see him on the picture...
melany fernando wrote: Haha I love the music that plays every time that Nakatsu fantasizes over Mizuki :p

Hahaha me too! And the "ba bap ba da" music :p
melany fernando wrote: Haha I love the music that plays every time that Nakatsu fantasizes over Mizuki :p

Hahaha me too! And the "ba bap ba da" music :p
Nikito wrote:

Oguri Shunnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO darn adorable!
I dunno why that posted twice haha

I cant get over how cute Oguri Shun looks in Hana Kimi, he was so young then.. I mean he is still young, but you can see his baby face in that drama. Adorable.