Hello, it's been so long since I've watched any jdramas. I'm wanting to watch some recent romance dramas with good story lines, or even just some feel good dramas (no sad dramas please.) If you have any recommendations can you please link them below? 

nice flight! it was very good, a good jdrama with passionate people loving their jobs.

I also would like to recommend Silent if you don't mind a little sad plot

Kahogo no Kahoko (if you havent seen already),  

Shanai marriage honey

Boku no Satsui ga Koi wo Shita (no sad dramas, just absurd lol)
Saiai (if you don't mind a little drama)

Neechan no Koibito - this is a winner... it's cute, romantic, and very uplifting.
Sweat and Soap - it's a bit odd, but the romance is super super adorable (though...weird, lol)
Takahashi from the bicycle shop - currently airing, but it's already very cute
My cuteness is about to expire!? - short and sweet
Koi desu - very wholesome love story between a visually impaired girl and a yankee

Koi Desu is wonderful!

By the way, I can't seem to find -50kg no Cinderella @Moonlight. Did you somehow write it wrong?


By the way, I can't seem to find -50kg no Cinderella @Moonlight. Did you somehow write it wrong?

I didnt write it wrong -.-


  • Silent
  • Sister
  • -50kg no Cinderella
  • Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun
  • Tsukanoma no Ichika