"Thanks for understanding.. I hope they could do it cuz this one is obviously worth doing"

Nah! I should thank and say sorry in return. With the fan base expecting more from S3, hope they will make us satisfied. GD :) 


"Thanks for understanding.. I hope they could do it cuz this one is obviously worth doing"

Nah! I should thank and say sorry in return. With the fan base expecting more from S3, hope they will make us satisfied. GD :) 

It's good our misunderstanding got cleared. 

Let's see how long we have to wait well atleast we won't need to wait 4+years this time.. M still daydreaming when will we get SSS 2

Hehe. I remember someone commenting, "Please stay alive till S3.". I hope we get to see each other soon.

There is a rumor of a release around late 2026 or mid-2027. 

can keep it friendly and kind?  I do not think aggressiveness and sarcasm is nice :(

thank you!


Hehe. I remember someone commenting, "Please stay alive till S3.". I hope we get to see each other soon.

There is a rumor of a release around late 2026 or mid-2027. 

We will stay alive and thriving :-) Yeah it will not release before 2026 for sure 

"can keep it friendly and kind?  I do not think aggressiveness and sarcasm is nice :( 

thank you!"

Why so serious? Did you mean for the stay alive comment? Bruh! We were chilling and happily sharing the fact that the production team wouldn't make us wait long.

Is it hard to comprehend even such a simple flow of conversation? 

"We will stay alive and thriving :-) Yeah it will not release before 2026 for sure."

Yes, we will. I hope you did not misunderstand the flow of convo like the other person. Enjoy the dramas :)


If I recall correctly,  here is still what needs to be included in Season 3 from the remaining nearly 400 chapters, not Necessarily in sequential order: 

1. remainder of Ming Arc 

2. assassination  on way home

3.. Killing of CPP

4. trip to dongyi and  acquiring of aces 

5. storyline with emperor of northern Qi

6. Haitung and the grasslands

7. trip to divine temple with Haitang, and 13th wang to find Wu Zhu

8. finally, showdown with emperor of Qing ( with tasty side bit of opportunistic climber HZW getting his).  You want blood? This part will have lots of blood. 

9. And included in all the above is the deaths of elder princess, 2d prince, crown prince, empress dowager, failed revolt at dong on mountain ( leading to the deaths of 2 grandmasters and thousands of troops) and a few other storylines.


as per the novel.... BEWARE... SPOILERS UNDER

- mega fight between all great grandmaster. Rumor said emperor was dead, FX became (with the approval of emperor) a temporay regent

- The emperor, with the help of CPP, planned a battle far from the capital. During the battle, two great grandmasters died, but not immediately. A grandmaster from Dongyi gave FX his sect with 100 cultivators, including thirteen level 9 cultivators, among them Wang (who became a close friend) and Yun (mentioned in the 300 poems). Additionally, a grandmaster from the north sent FX a notebook with Italian phonetic words, which helped him finally reach a plateau above level 9. The third grandmaster is still alive, while the eunuch Hou has died. Wu Zhu witnessed the battle but did not intervene, despite FX asking him to help the emperor.

- During his regency, FX assassinated the empress dowager, who then led to the suicide of the empress, the eldest princess, and the second prince. Upon the return of the emperor to the capital, the crown prince also took his own life.

- haitang saint duoduo did not meet him at the capital but when he went in the west jiangjang 

His journey to the west was essentially to destroy the Ming family, take control of the smuggling instead of the Ming family and for himself (deal with the emperor of the north) and partly for the emperor. Yes, FX was not clean on that; his brother remained in the north territory. FX also destroyed the family in charge there for smuggling, but the family was way smaller and easier to destroy. FX did a mega clean-up, with much cunning and scheming on his part. All the smuggling families colluded with the eldest princess, who took a lot of money from them. If they keep only 2 useless episodes like that, they would remove around 70 chapters from the novel. Good or bad, I don't know, but they had to reduce the 746 chapters somewhere.

-A huge battlefield scene when FX was regent, before the second prince and crown prince committed suicide, and before everyone knew that the emperor did not die. I'm not sure if they will include this scene, as it seems they are on a tight budget, considering the lack of martial choreography, etc.

- mega fight between wu zhu and the emperor. FX learned that the emperor was the mastermind of his mother assassination. he remain at the overwatch council until the emperor removed him from this position. ChengPP died during that time (he was always supporting FX, never bretrayed him)

- the journey and visit of the Divine temple is epic. so I hope they will show us this.

- out of memory, should have at least 3 mega martial fights

... everything else is correct :)

Exactly its too much to fit into 1 season of 36 episodes. Dong mountain + rebellion arc should be around 10 episodes. Dongyi is another 6, chen pingpings arrest + fan xians first rebellion is around 7 episodes aswell.  Fan xians 2nd rebellion is around 3 episodes. There's still not enough to fit the other arcs into this.

There's tons of fights left:

Shadow vs sigu jian

4 Grandmasters 

9th level young generation vs emperor 

Fan xian and shadow vs the ascetic monks

Fan xian vs xao yi

There's just way too much to do


Exactly its too much to fit into 1 season of 36 episodes. Dong mountain + rebellion arc should be around 10 episodes. Dongyi is another 6, chen pingpings arrest + fan xians first rebellion is around 7 episodes aswell.  Fan xians 2nd rebellion is around 3 episodes. There's still not enough to fit the other arcs into this.

There's tons of fights left:

Shadow vs sigu jian

4 Grandmasters 

9th level young generation vs emperor 

Fan xian and shadow vs the ascetic monks

Fan xian vs xao yi

There's just way too much to do

And the trip to visit the divine temple. 

Yes. Tons of materials. What makes me puzzled is how much difference between S1 and S2. I do not believe the 10 episodes difference was the issue, although it didn't help

Hilarious. Just read a comment in JOL 3 that the novel is BS versus the drama. lol


"We will stay alive and thriving :-) Yeah it will not release before 2026 for sure."

Yes, we will. I hope you did not misunderstand the flow of convo like the other person. Enjoy the dramas :)

Everything's fine :-)


And the trip to visit the divine temple. 

Yes. Tons of materials. What makes me puzzled is how much difference between S1 and S2. I do not believe the 10 episodes difference was the issue, although it didn't help

Yup, its a different direction they're taking. They swapped and removed some very cool chen ping ping and wu zhu scenes from the novel. 

1.  Was after fan xian was injured by shadow, chen ping ping and wu zhu had a long conversation which is important and also the most wu zhu has ever spoken.

2. After wu zhu is injured  he speaks to chen ping ping not waner and has probably one of his coolest scenes, when wu zhu say "if fan xian dies, the qing kingdom falls" 

wu zhu say "if fan xian dies, the qing kingdom falls"

Wow! Guess Wu Zhu was deeply hurt from YQM incident and was hell bent on destroying the entire kingdom if anything happens to his favorite pupil.


wu zhu say "if fan xian dies, the qing kingdom falls"

Wow! Guess Wu Zhu was deeply hurt from YQM incident and was hell bent on destroying the entire kingdom if anything happens to his favorite pupil.

That's why he's among my favorites