
I need some time to clear my mind but I think It all began with his fake death when he returned to the capital. Also, the explanation in the drama of the quenzi was very poor. His martial abilities were also overlooked, which was disappointing because it's a huge part of the novel. FX is a master assassin who uses his tyrannical quenzi, which he learned as a baby and started to master at the age of 12 with the help of Wu Zhu in controlling his meridians. We didn't get to see his daily cultivation or rigorous training. We also didn't see how he learned and mastered the four different techniques, which made him unique in the world.

The drama took a strange turn when FX did not kill the vegetable spy at 11 years old. It was disappointing that there weren't many martial fights, and the short encounter with the young dukes was ridiculous.

S1 and S2 included I recall only 2 memorables martial fights: the first assassination attempt when the screenwriter "killed" Tenz (S1) and the fight with the shadow at the chrisanteme event.

I need to refresh my memory regarding the episodes and chapters you are referring :)

regarding the %... I think they reduced it by 80%

Will Wuzhu die in the end??? If yes then how n when will he die??? 


Will Wuzhu die in the end??? If yes then how n when will he die??? 

The end of uncle Wu is ambivalent in the novel. His fate is unclear ???

In chapter 746 of novel,  uncle Wu Zhu is recovering on Dong Mountain. in the novel, Waner never learns that Wu Zhu killed  Lin Gong and so Wu Zhu never promised his life to Waner when FX no longer needs him. 

After getting opinions from novel readers

What I have came to the conclusion is that season 2 could have been an absolute beast in terms of sequel.. I heard from novel readers they skipped lots of good action etc also they rushed the arcs.. The ruthlessness was reduced..both secondary char wise and also for Fan xian. The brutality scale also. As someone who haven't read novel properly or those who haven't read at all for them this season is still very good...but i am kinda sad that this could have been a mega blockbuster at an even higher scale

I am hoping they would redeem this in s3 and not try to rush it nd won't forget about the dark/intense atmosphere of novel

can someone explain the cultivation level ?

level 1 is like who? 

Ye Ling'er, Yan Bingyun, Wang Qinian, etc are at what level?


After getting opinions from novel readers

What I have came to the conclusion is that season 2 could have been an absolute beast in terms of sequel.. I heard from novel readers they skipped lots of good action etc also they rushed the arcs.. The ruthlessness was reduced..both secondary char wise and also for Fan xian. The brutality scale also. As someone who haven't read novel properly or those who haven't read at all for them this season is still very good...but i am kinda sad that this could have been a mega blockbuster at an even higher scale

I am hoping they would redeem this in s3 and not try to rush it nd won't forget about the dark/intense atmosphere of novel


Youare exactly right, Season 2 was a real mish-mash with the drama writers creating new story lines, moving events around, etc.  I  believe that they did it to condense or re-configure this part of novel to fit into less than 40 episodes. Still , the drama writers deserve some credit for generally sticking with the main story plot lines, but I have to say I found most of the rewrites and new story lines annoying- particularly the faked death.The yodeling soundtrack to signal comedic scenes was also annoying.  That said, the Web novel is a long, detailed (tedious?)  746 chapter read.  Excising Sisi the concubine was a good decision as her character was not a critical one.  Regarding the number of martial arts/action scenes in season 2, they did have  30% fewer episodes than season 1 and they did add the Haitang vs. 2d prince swordsman scene where she defended fan Sizhe.  With the wu zhu vs temple robot fight, as well as FX vs Shadow, and a limited scenes of  Haitang/shadow vs ace from Dongyi  and the entrance of grandmaster Ye Liu Yun , I do not remember if drama writers left any critical martial arts scene out of season 2- but definitely more,much more action sequences expected for season 3. 

with more than 400 chapters to go, and at least 4 main arcs plus the Ming arc to finish,  season 3 portends to be another mish-mash- enjoyable perhaps but still a mish-mash.  Honestly hope writers will keep all the arcs, particularly the ones involving Northern Qi, and Haitang, but I guess I will have to wait a few years to see.  

 Anthony Tumiwa:

can someone explain the cultivation level ?

level 1 is like who? 

Ye Ling'er, Yan Bingyun, Wang Qinian, etc are at what level?

i will try. Am sure someone will come up with better explanation but here is a start.

cultivation level is like proficiency level, like white belt to black belt in karate. 

level one is beginner- one with no skills.  Guo  Bao kun for sure.  Maybe he is even level 0. Level 9 is the step below Grandmaster and apparently there are different levels of level 9.  Haitang and YunZhi Lan from Dongyi are both Level 9, but Haitang cannot beat him. Then there are the 4 grandmasters, again with different  levels, and there is wu zhu, who can  beat at least 2 of them.

Book does not describe who might be  levels 1 to 5 , but say that members of certain  Overwatch Council bureaus are at least level 6 fighters. That big guy in season 1 ( Cheng Joshu)  who killed Teng Zi Jung is level 8, so when FX beat him, that made FX a level  8 (at that point). Teng ZiJing was a level 7, as was FX when they first fought. 

shadow is level 9. Haitang’s 2 seniors are level 9 and above her.

As to the specific levels of specific characters, I really do not recall.

wang quinan  with his light skills only and no fighting skills? 5 or 6? really do  not know.

Ye Linger has her family’s  chopping block technique, so she is a 5 or 6?

Ye Zhong, Ling Er ‘s dad, is level 9.

The archer , Yan Xiaoyi, and the emperor‘s lead guard, Gong Dien, are also level 9.

So are Xioo En and adopted son Shang Shan Hu of northern Qi

Gao da, the best of the tiger guards,  Maybe a 7? 

am sure someone with better recall will have better answer for you. 


can we wish that they do s3 as two parts season 

Hopefully they won't reduce the action aspect of the series that's a major trait that attract Wuxia lovers. 

If they took 82 episodes for first 300 chapter than how the hell will they condense next 400 chapters into 40 episodes if we go by current rules. Hopefully someone put this into the mind of team of producers/investors to divide it into 40 part 1 +40  part 2 or 30 p1+ 30p2.

They could get so much revenue out of this novel by putting proper investment.... Sigh when will these investors learn... 

Recent Series like immortal samsara  (38+21) love like the galaxy (27+29) The blue whisper (22+20)were divided into parts to go beyond the 40 ep total count

 or either go for jol S4

the main issue I see right now is that some hidden reveals are already in the open such the emperor being a grandmaster, such wu zhu being a cyborg (robot has no AI). Those were crucial in the end of the novel. So both punch are just gone.

i understand they needed to reduce the 746 chapters. But how come season 1 was a master peace following almost verbatim the novel (except the fake death and the death of Tenz who was only an aide in the novel, never a close friend) and season 2 had so many new storylines/arc. I am not saying some didn’t need new perspectives but they changed so much so that it changed the characters personalities.

fan xian lost his arrogance and cunning personality which was so funny and endearing in S1. ChengPP became a foe. The second prince took over the eldest princess place. They added way too much place to the alcoholic empress. Not enough to Duoduo who was just a potential girlfriend instead of the powerful martial artist.

the annoying yogurt, yodeling and stupid comedic (why ridiculing the black guard, totally not necessary). The unessary meal where the princess acted like a brainless dumb girl.  

no magic. No guessing who was foe or friend. No suspense.

Some actors got way too many screen time such second prince. Ye girl had also too much time with second prince. The wedding was underwhelming at least. The revenue part was all over the place and boring. The Ming family reduced to 2 people (!!) and 2 boring episodes. And finally the last 3 minutes of the season was a flop. I am back (with my tyrannical quenzi) when it was ignored except one fight.

2 fights this season. Good ones but overall what takes half of the story (fan Xian struggling with tyrannical quenzi) was dismissed or terribly explained.

Meh meh meh

At this point I am not sure how they will pick up at S3 to make it an exciting season.

Fan Xian is an exception regarding martial. He learned tyrannical quenzi when he was a baby using the book wuzhu gave him. At 12 he opened his meridians and tyrannical quenzi increased his power. Wu Zhu helped him to increase his speed and endurance. But the tyrannical quenzi was not controlled and was messing his meridians which could potentially kill him. When he fought the shadow (after the chrisantemes event), he lost his tyrannical quenzi down to almost gone. 

Then fan Xian went for several months/year to the west jiangjang to take over the revenue position, destroy the Ming family who was colluding with the eldest princess and smuggling money (main source of the kingdoyand palace). It was epic with many cunning manipulation. From fan Xian. During this time, duo duo came from the north to deliver a book from her grandmaster which would help him recover his tyrannical quenzi.

Fan Xian is a 9 level low level when he enter the capital at 16. But 1 year after his was 9 level mid level. Like 90% and 95%. He was the only one to learn the 4 great grandmaster powers. Each having a different one. One mastering swords, the other speed, etc (do not remember exactly but each had a different ace specifically to them and their disciples hard to learn if you did not belong ).

At the end, fan Xian reach the plateau to be a great grandmaster which is 100% capacity of meridians and absolute control of nature and physical and brain. Think of a magician but real.

Many achieved the 5,  6 level which was mostly good fight with good earing, powerful movements. Level 7, 8 was just more powerful like Gao Da and most knights and guards. Level 9 are under 15 in the world with a different 9 levels. Like the eunuch Zou (not seen in S2)  is very high level 9.

One grandmaster, Ye Liuyin said he was very close to become a grandmaster. The plateau is to not fear to die and separate body and mind and become one with nature. Fan Xian is afraid to die since he really died in his previous life. But he will overcome this fear.

Sorry for the long post looll ? 

Really appreciate your feedback one thing I can say they couldn't really focus on his cultivation episodes.. Properly.. With so much going around I just wished s2 had at least total 5 proper fights instead of 3.. Among these two by fx.. Other by wuzhu, duoduo nd someone else for last 

Hello Novel Readers, I Have Read Comments Abou And Know Some Spoilers But Still Can't Sleep, So It Will Be Good For Me If Some People Spoil me with some more spoilers.

Q1. What Is Divine Tample?( Some Kind Of Time Machine/Bunker For People Before Frozen Era)

Q2. What Is Wu Zhu ?( Some Kind Of Cyborg/or And Full Robot)

Q3. Why Ye Quingmei Left Divine Tample ? 

Q4. Who Are The Peaple From Divine Tample ?( And Why They Want To Take Wu Zhu And FX Back To Temple)

Q5. Is CPP Dead? ( Why/How)

Q.6 Is Princess Royal Dead ?

Q7. Is North Qi And Qing Fight End ?

Q8. Why North Qi Emperor Acting As Male ?

Q9. Why Did Emperor Betray ?

Q10. Other Than 3rd Is Other Prince's Alive ?



Hello Novel Readers, I Have Read Comments Abou And Know Some Spoilers But Still Can't Sleep, So It Will Be Good For Me If Some People Spoil me with some more spoilers.

Q1. What Is Divine Tample?( Some Kind Of Time Machine/Bunker For People Before Frozen Era)

Q2. What Is Wu Zhu ?( Some Kind Of Cyborg/or And Full Robot)

Q3. Why Ye Quingmei Left Divine Tample ? 

Q4. Who Are The Peaple From Divine Tample ?( And Why They Want To Take Wu Zhu And FX Back To Temple)

Q5. Is CPP Dead? ( Why/How)

Q.6 Is Princess Royal Dead ?

Q7. Is North Qi And Qing Fight End ?

Q8. Why North Qi Emperor Acting As Male ?

Q9. Why Did Emperor Betray ?

Q10. Other Than 3rd Is Other Prince's Alive ?


First, I do not want to brag but I wrote FX's mother story in a comment under my review. The story is told by third parties so it is a long compilation. You will have your answers in depth there :)

Q1. The divine temple is an AI program (later named "Divine Temple") that awakened as a sentient being after hundreds of thousands of years. If you want to know the full story, I invite you to read the comment under my review of JOL2.

Q2. Wu Zhu is an AI cyborg created by the Divine Temple to carry out its directives physically. The same as above, read my comment.

Q3: She was born in the temple, possibly as part of a laboratory experiment. The Divine Temple conducted research on humans and the effects of radiation, so it's likely that they used some DNA to create her. During the studies, she also acquired knowledge of machines. By the age of 4, her IQ was significantly higher than any human's, and somehow she managed to escape to meet other humans with a goal to have a better life.

Q4: The Divine Temple did not contain any humans, but instead selected emissaries to help regulate humanity and prevent it from evolving to the point of destroying the planet again.

Q5. Cheng PP was killed because he harbored 20 years of revenge against the emperor. He knew that the emperor was behind the assassination of FX's mother. His ultimate goal was to kill the emperor and place Fan Xian on the throne. However, things did not end up going his way, and he was ultimately killed by the emperor.

Q6. The eldest princess will die. She will commit suicide

Q7. Fan Xian will avoid the war between the kingdoms.

Q8. Because rulers were males in feudal eras. To keep the throne, her mother hid her genre and she remained a man (up to almost the end of the novel)

Q9: The emperor was a narcissistic, paranoid jealous man. However, FX's mother was the true power behind the throne. She single-handedly transformed the government, established new rules, instituted an overwatch council, appointed censors and officials, and created multiple successful businesses that brought prosperity to the kingdom. As a result, she became the wealthiest person in the kingdom. Naturally, the emperor became envious and desired to be remembered in history as a prominent figure, rather than being perceived as a puppet under a woman's control. She succeded with everything she wanted when she escaped... until she was betrayed by her husband, the emperor.

Q10. In the end, the first prince survived and became the regent of Dongyi, which was his mother's homeland. As promised, Fan Xian ensured that the sect continued to thrive. Sadly, the grandmaster Xian died following an epic battle involving the four great-grandmasters. Ultimately, three of them perished, and one departed for the western lands (Europe) along with Fei, the poison master. The third prince became the next emperor. FX exiled himself with his family, friends, and 95% of his entourage. It is a happy ending :)


Really appreciate your feedback one thing I can say they couldn't really focus on his cultivation episodes.. Properly.. With so much going around I just wished s2 had at least total 5 proper fights instead of 3.. Among these two by fx.. Other by wuzhu, duoduo nd someone else for last 

In my mind, and because 746 chapters are full of events, it is an impossible task to make it a trilogy with 36 episodes, S2 and S3.

I do not understand why they did not decide to make a 4th season, evey 5th season. S1 was an enormous success. The ratings before S2 aired went out of the roof. 

it is sad. JOL could have been THE drama of the decade.