Even though Season 2 deviated from the novel in a few story arcs, the heart of the narrative remains intact. Feel free to engage in discussions about Season 3 or ask questions to fellow readers here. However, it's worth noting that the executive producer and screenwriter may not adhere strictly to the novel's storyline in season 3.

Please keep the conversation friendly. We can agree to disagree respectfully.

Reminder: this discussion will share spoilers. 

Those interested in reading the novel:

PDF format (thanks to MK916): The complete novel is available to download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8kfo7mjyy4o4dwx/Joy_of_Life_-_Mao_Ni.epub/file 

I believe (but I'm not entirely sure since I'm not the screenwriter, lol) that we might see the following in the season 3:

- The matriarch of the Ming family may die, possibly followed by the death of her son (though not at the same time in the novel).
- Xia, who is one of her grandsons and a pirate, will take over the Ming family and become FX ally
- There will be an epic battle between great grandmasters.
- An epic battle will occur in the capital or on the battlefield.
- FX taking over Dongyi with the first prince (his brother)
- The emperor will become paranoid, leading to the fall of FX and the death of ChengPP. If they do it right, prepare tissues. In novel, it is heartbreaking
- A journey to the divine temple will occur (north in the snow), and they will return with wuzhu.
- There will be revenge, big fight and the death of the emperor.
- The third prince becomes the new emperor
- The story might end on a happy note. Novel ends with a HE

Those are the main events I see, but they could be very different. They have a tight budget because it is impossible to think otherwise when they cut so many epic scenes, such as the Ming family and other martial fights.