Keep in mind this will be a RAW watchparty which means unsubbed/no English text. Fansubbed versions will be posted around a day later. 

The date/time will be exactly when Kieta Hatsukoi is airing in Japan (see the official timer on MDL). 

I will post a link of a site in this forum thread of the watchroom of a watchparty site. You don't have to sign up for it. The link will be posted a few minutes before Kieta Hatsukoi airs. If the video isn't loading please refresh the page since that usually solves it. 

You can subscribe to this topic  by commenting to receive further notifications. For now its just for episode 3. 

thank you !! looking forward to it ><

Nice to see that you will be joining ^^ Looking forward to it as well. 

yess it's gonna be so fun! I remember so well when there were watch parties for cherry magic, sadly I didn't join them at that time


yess it's gonna be so fun! I remember so well when there were watch parties for cherry magic, sadly I didn't join them at that time

Glad you're able to join in this time ^^ and yeah there used to be those for CM I was usually there.

Thanks so much☺️Super excited!!! 

No problem!~5 more hours ^^

Watchparty has ended after 3 times watching it.

Currently rewatching for anyone interested 

Rewatching one last time for anyone who still missed it/wants to rejoin. Its a lot less busy now. 

Thanks for joining everyone. Well, we now know the limit is 12 users so I will take that into consideration next time. I hope all the users who mentioned wanting to join before were able to get in. 

 Thank you so much for day ❤️


 Thank you so much for day ❤️

Glad you were able to watch and enjoy the show ^^

I have been searching for episode 3 :( to no avail


I have been searching for episode 3 :( to no avail

Sorry I already hosted episode 3 three times back when the episode aired. It has been more than 2 hours so I can't rewind it anymore. I'm sure the raw will be uploaded onto the usual drama stream sites soon ^^