Hello everyone.

Since I wasn't able to find this movie by myself, I like to try my luck here.

I watched this Korean movie years ago but now I can't remember the title anymore.

What I can vaguely remember about the plot is (It's possible I am wrong about certain details so take my memories with a pinch of salt ):

The plot is about a young woman who is called as a loud childish retard collecting trash on the street. She may be mentally challenged/autistic and homeless. The protagonist gets entagled with a little girl, befriends her and saves her from a group of kidnappers, human trafficers or her abusive trash family by killing them. She was definitively covered in blood in a room and cried for joy when the little alive crying girl appears and embraces her. At the end of the movie the Heroine and the little girl happily collecting trash together with a cart and the scene ends with our protagonist attacking a random man for insulting them.

I think it was a controversial indie film from the late 2000s or early 2010s where the director & lead actress were criticized for how she portrayed a mentally disabled person. I also asume it kinda was a black comedy thriller.

Thank you for reading this message.