Help finding this kdrama please

I am currently watching Vagabond and the scene where the >!reporter's body was not found  and the room was clean reminded me of another scene similar to that.!< I don't recall the actors or much of the rest of the drama but it was a scene where lead or one of the good guys follows a bad guy into a self check in motel. >!The bad guys were packed up because they were going to leave soon but they ordered some type of sup for lunch.  Well the good guy breaks in the room, they fight  the room is left a mess. One of the bad guys falls, I believe from the motel roof but could be window but dies because he snds on like a metal tube thats like in front of the hotel, (like construction site). The good guy calls the police and i believe leaves the hotel following the other bad guy but loses him.  When he comes back and the police arrive the dead guy stuck on the metal tube is no longer there and the hotel room is completely clean.  The cops don't believe the guy and leave but the lead and another good guy find soup spill (from the lunch they had ordered when the fight started) or smell under the freshly changed tile so the other guy believes the lead. They check security footsge but nothing shows the bad guys entering.!< Also the guy that fell in the metal stick /tube was someone Encountered   earlier in the drama.  That is what I kind of remember from the scene. Sorry if it doesn't make sense and tyia.

Also I'm not sure if this scene is from the same drama or I'm confusing it but I believe he followed the bad guys because he recognized the license plate from earlier in the drama.

If you know the actors or other memorable scenes please comment them as that might help me remember more. 

ugh i have watched that kdrama but i dont remember the name.
Maybe the "Memorist"?

Could it have been The First Responders? I vaguely remember there being a murder that nobody can prove happened because there's no body but can't remember the details.