I'm seriously considering skipping ALL episode 12 of dramas.


Anytime I've had my heart broken in a drama, chances are it was in episode 12!!

Fated to Love You: This was the first example of my hate for ep. 12's.  Dear God it killed me.  Jang Na Ra did such an amazing job as a grieving mother. Holy shit.  It made me take a break from that drama and dramas in general.

Oh My Venus: Oi...this one was a doozy.  So Ji-sub is such an amazing actor.  After his accident he was laying in the hospital bed listening to Min-ah's character Joo-eun declare her love for him.  I CRIED SO HARD. It was heartbreaking to watch. 

Healer: This one didn't destroy me, but was extremely emotional and made me scared for Bong Soo's (Chang-wook) safety.  He found out truths and portrayed that hurt and confusion with such intensity that it was quite emotional.

Love From Another Star: Another one that didn't destroy me, but made me cry.  Min-joon injured was hard to watch.  Also, his epilogue interview when he starts to talk about his departure and can't finish before he's broken down to tears....it was heart wrenching.

Master's Sun: Another whole lotta nope courtesy of So Ji Sub...I honestly thought he was going to die. I couldn't handle it.  Him telling Gong-shil he loved her, believing he'd never see her again was amazing.  And then I had a mental breakdown right next to Gong-shil.  This pair really tears at my heart. (So ji sub might be my favorite rom com (ish) actor because he's cold exterior is a mask for how soft he really is)

She Was Pretty: while this wasn't sad in a sense, it was because I finally had to give up hope and succumb to my SLS. Siwon's Shin-hyuk is my favorite character in all of drama land.  Oh, what could have been...

So funny, I'll have to start paying more attn to ep 12 in the dramas I watch!
@joannesmith..It took me forever to figure out why episode 12 always messed me up..but then I realized that a lot of dramas that I watch are 16 episodes and that is the climax and or the turning point for the drama....
doesn't make it any less heartwrenching though.  Damn episode 12's.
Don't skip Healer, this drama is too good... after it gets better. I kept watching Master's Sun because I love the actress to much from other dramas, but I think the male lead took to long to show he liked her... I actually liked this episode because he was true to himself. She Was Pretty, sorry, I can't remember. The others, didn't watch, so no opinion. But mostly the episode 8/10 (or half of the drama) the leads get together or at least have 1st kiss (I just started notice this after I read somewhere)... maybe when it gets to ep 12 things could get to the point of dramatic crisis, when something really bad usually happen, good relationships face problems, everything falls aparts... I never notice if this always happens in episode 12...maybe it is a curse? lol 
I've completed all the dramas mentioned above @userbmc, and Healer is definitely a top 5 for me!!!!  In she was pretty it was the episode the leads got together so I had to let go of my hope that MAYBE Siwon would get the girl...I am so in love with his characters it's unreal.  I'd watch it again just for him!!!
Out of those, I watched Oh My Venus, Healer, Master's Sun, She Was Pretty and none of them made me feel anything ( maybe only a little in Master's Sun )..
So I think you are just being overly emotional.
@God, oh absolutely.  I'm an extremely emotional person so I tend to get super into things and even the slightest things make me happy, or sad, or frustrated.
@Joy I just like dramatic things
@userbmc, me too! I live a very structured boring life so theyre my escape
@Joy my life is too messy I need to see some dramas and imagine some people out there are more fcked up than me lol sad but true, Dramas as an escape anyway, you are not alone (sorry my english mistakes, btw... it is not my first language)
@userbmc, no noticeable mistakes on my end so I'd never have guessed it wasn't your first language.  
There are definitely aspects of my life that are fucked up too..but I do the same things day in and day out.  I'm a mom to 3 and two of them are in school and I stay home with my 1 year old.  Not gonna lie, looking back I'd never had imagined that age the age of 28 I'd be doing breakfast, lunch, supper, cleaning, and almost nothing else with my time (as in not working or really contributing to my household, or society in general!) lol
@Joy You are young and also a mom! I am a college student, but some choices also made my life very messy right now, cause I'm 24 but I already should be graduating and working next year (all my friends are) but I hate my major and dont want to work with it at all. Everyday is like, do what I have to do, maybe I can understand the feeling a little? I mean, took me a long time to realize that I was doing what my family wanted and not for me. Now that I know it, it sucks lol but we have to keep going, I always try to think that are better things ahead... By walking this same path I found somethings that I do love and some very special people... but I also have my place here where I totally forgot my reality, feels great...
@userbmc, I totally understand what you mean.  I had my oldest child a month after turning 19.  I put off college for a year and then worked full time, went to school full time, and was a single mom to him.  I'm now happily married, but I have a 4 year degree that I don't utilize because there isn't shit for jobs in my area in my field without having gone to graduate school. (The stay at home mom thing only started last year, and was supposed to be temporary during my horrible pregnancy, but the economy is shit and for what I'd pay in daycare costs, it's more effective to stay home with my baby)  I think dramas are a nice escape and the people I've met and talked to between here and tumblr in regards to dramas are some of the nicest people I've had conversations with, yourself included.
@joy let's just hope everything get better... you are so nice! I have to go now, but let's talk another time :) it is already late here now, good night!
@userbmc, good night hun! Let's definitely chat again.