Hey guys, as I'm nearing the end of watching Reply 1997, I've realized that it has recently made me start craving family dramas.

I have two options available for me to binge-watch as soon as I'm done with Reply 1997, but I can't choose. So I decided to ask in the forums. Now they're both pretty long and I've heard good things about both of them, so it's really difficult to choose one. Help me decide. 

Ugly Alert 


My Father is Strange 

Ugly Alert definitely! I loved everything about it! The family's backstory is touching, the relationship between the brothers is very strong, the chemestry between the couples is very sweet and complex, at the same time, and the premise is very intriguing! Though, I didn't watch the other drama, so I can't compare them.
thanks lwyn for the suggestion. My only concern with watching Ugly Alert is that it might drag after a while, because of it's length. 
I think it only draggs a little bit towards the end, but honestly, you don't get bored with it! I was thinking the same when I first started it, but I end up binge watching the whole thing! The first episodes are more about the brothers' life during their childhood and you'll get through an emotional rollercoaster while watching the struggles they have to go through from a young age. Afterwards, they move towards the present day and they show how the brothers have fallen apart after the oldest one went to prison, and the whole drama is basically about how they try to reconnect and forgive each other, while moving on with their lives and finding some little happiness in their partners. And there's always a dark theme going on in the background which makes the story very intriguing! And honestly, the main couple is probably one of my favorite ones... their scenes together are so sweet and fun to watch! And I loved how the drama touched on some heavy, emotional stuff! You should watch it even if it takes time!
what about the romance? Ugly Alert or Father Is Strange