Nct127 (that's rly hard to choose)

Shinee or Exo (male sm artists) 


The Chaser or Destiny (Infinite)

The Chaser

Miss A or Wonder Girls 


Taemin or Sunmi (Soloists) 

That's too hard haha... I'll pick Taemin for now because he just had a comeback lmao

New Heroes or Dream in a Dream (Ten songs)

dream in a dream

love scenario or killing me (ikon)

Love Scenario

Shadow or Artistic Groove (Taemin bsides)


where you at or dejavu (nu'est w songs)

Where you at

I Wait or You Were Beautiful (Day6 Songs)

you were beautiful

come back japanese, korean (nct 127) or chinese (wayv) version?

wayv version

Stray Kids - District 9 or Treasure - Ateez (Popular Rookie Debuts) 

Stray Kids - District 9

(I didn’t like Ateez “Treasure” but I liked their song “Pirate King”)

Regular (NCT 127) or Regualar (WayV)

Regular nct 127

Aliee or  Sunmi 


Jaehyun (NCT) vs Jaehyun (N.flying)