video teaser for their new Japanese single that'll be released in February :D and that will be the theme song of the new NHK drama :D

I think this song is going to be daebak!! =D just the teaser makes me go crazy XD
That's another era without AJ :( But he mentioned on his christmas card for kissmes that he will be back soon so yay!! U-Kiss will be attending dream kpop fantasy concert next month, and I already bought my ticket!! woohoo I'm going to see them next month!! ♥
dongholove wrote: That's another era without AJ :(
But he mentioned on his christmas card for kissmes that he will be back soon so yay!!
U-Kiss will be attending dream kpop fantasy concert next month, and I already bought my ticket!! woohoo I'm going to see them next month!! ♥

lucky girl :) enjoy it ;D

new Korean digital single

it's well... how to put it... let's say okay ^^"
Alone is out!!!!!!!!
and it's Daebak!!!!!

gosh - I really got into kpop with U-KISS - and they are so amazing and cool <3 kissme forever
Hello! ^^ So I went to DKFC to see U-KISS two weeks ago. And as promised to my kissme frieends here in MDL, I'll post pictures. Here they go~~~

MDL wont allow me to post alot of pictures so visit this link for more pictures:

awwwww you were so close to them :O
I'm jealous lol
here's the teaser for their next week comeback! With AJ!! woooooooot!!!! :D

UKISS fighting!! KISSmes love you!
first perf. of Standing Still!
What do you think?
I can tell you that I like it very much :D

twinklelie wrote: awwwww you were so close to them :O
I'm jealous lol

that was kinda zoomed xD but i was really near to the stage.. i could touch them if there werent so many people! ;~;
Please vote U-KISS on Show Champion!!!

Here's how to register: http://f***
and here's how to vote: http://f***

It's very easy~! This is 10% on music charts!

Also, if you guys wanna donate in the Summer Snow (musical) rice wreath project for soohyun and kevin ( please contact: me @tokkipanda. Any amount is a very big help! Thank you!! :)

For non filipinos, i have a paypal account! and for filipinos, i accept bank transfer and LBC ^^;;

I never ever..ever..thought I'd see U-KISS with the Backstreet Boys. Craaaaazy~~O.O
^ U-KISS and most of the people in our fandom really likes BSB since they covered songs of BSB before.. We went really crazy when we knew they're meeting them. I wished they performed As Long As You Love Me together. :( So happy for them since they're all BSB fans (according to Kevin) :D


Guess who got his hair cut! No more noodle hair!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOO!
I sobbed in real life. He's so damn good looking.
dongholove wrote: Anyway..

Guess who got his hair cut! No more noodle hair!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOO!
I sobbed in real life. He's so damn good looking.

No offense Dong Ho, but that previous haircut of yours was kinda meh :x
Saranghae UKISS <3 *w*

I've been a kissme for 3 years almost 4 :D

My fav music is Stop Girl and now Standing still xD (OMG "INSIDE OF ME" is PERFECT !!!)
They are one of my favourite k-Pop group! The first song i heard was Neverland! : )