@ Winny-Aye @ Symbolika1

well done in your detailed analysis. . I see the XL/ WXL seen kind of a little different than  you though we still interpret some parts off it the same way.  


@ Winny-Aye @ Symbolika1

well done in your detailed analysis. . I see the XL/ WXL seen kind of a little different than  you though we still interpret some parts off it the same way.  

For me we agree , you are giving a complementary highlight <3


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 https://weibo.com/3032169305/4978262176958470… #DengWei #邓为 #LostYouForever #长相思 

I like his voice. Too bad they did not let  him use it for TSJ.


Protective and Caring Dynamic

Intimacy and Connection

Recognition of True Selves

The Bright Warm Sun

Vibrant Flowers and Blooming Courtyard

Crystal Wind Chime

Release of Cold from the Crystal Chimes

The Warmth of the Setting

I love how you find the right fitting phrases to describe XiaoJing representation. Warmth&life indeed. So far indeed it's Jing who provide warmth when she was cold, heal her when her injuries are burning. Although we only have this one scene for them in this chapter. It's still perfect. Their feelings are shown direct. 


So my conclusion is that WXL has no feeling  of attraction towards  XL . His  sensual bite didn't not have a positive overall effect on WXL.  WXL was scared.  XL got  rejected.

It's actually the same. I mean our analysis. But what you added is "XL got rejected". One would say at that time after all that happen of course who would feel such feeling... kekeke but our female leadn Xiao Liu is naturally not feeling it. All she feel was nervousness (fear).. its such teasing the feelings was written on Xuan's side. Maybe its XL manipulation as you mention. However there is this blooming. However Xiao Liu was not blooming for him. She did not response such feeling to his bite.  Therefore we can say she rejected the that feeling. But at the same time to myself I will take it as she  naturally not  attracted to him.

Chapter 6 wrap up.

Xiao Liu was in great pain. She is using everything to heal herself. And we can see she's using precious medicines Jing left for her and her wounds were actually healing quick except that it's still very painful to her. But she did not use pain killers.

While reading I was thinking why don't she use pain killer. Is it telling us that she would heal herself at all cost, but will not avoid pain she had to endure.

but yep poor Xiao Liu.


Xiao Liu Helped Xiang Liu and Xuan
Xiao Liu offered to help Xiang Liu by hurting herself physically. I guess that this was due her frenemy bond with him and her sympathy for Sheng Nong army soldiers. And then she found the fox tail which represented her past bond with Xuan. And then she helped Xuan with her own life. I am glad Xuan still got to share pain with her .


Xiao Liu and Xuan
Although it was not directly said, readers could guess that Xiao Liu is Xuan's little lost cousin. The nine tailed fox tail is evidence. When Xiao Liu was near death, she would think of her happy times in childhood with her mom and her brother. After, saving his life, I have a feeling Xuan really wanted to befriend Xiao Liu.It seems to me Xiao Liu was distancing herself from Xuan although liked spending time with him. Xuan must have felt that Xiao Liu might not be sincere because she also helped Xiang Liu, and therefore could not trust her completely. And Xiao Liu's feelings for Xiang Liu that she mentioned are honest because she don't hate him. Yet they could not be called "friends".


I consider this is the first intimate scene between Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu. The feelings are still not clear though. I shared the whole scene to understand it as a whole. It's implied in first passage that Xiao Liu was not scared that Xiang Liu would kill her and then her memory went back to when she was happy with her mother and her brother. And also her original form of being feminine came back to her. I think that's why she smiled sweetly. This was the first time he asked her about her being woman as well. This phrase, "Xiao Liu’s eyes were wide open and he smiled sweetly towards him, his smile like a flower blooming in the Spring." is when Xiang Liu was looking at Xiao Liu. So i think it's implied to his feelings. (And about this "Blooming in Spring" is a reminder of the time when Qi Yo fell in love with A Heng just by getting her smell and seeing her playing in stream. In that passage it's implied spring is a time beasts find mates, I may reshare the scene if you xiaojing fans like). And then he started suck/bite her neck and this sensation came "In the pain there was a sensation of numbness, a shivering feeling of bliss, as if someone was sucking, and licking, and lightly kissing." but that feeling is written through Xuan's feeling by his bug  connection with Xiao Liu. The meaning of bliss is happiness/joy but in this whole scene, I do not take bliss as Xiao Yao's happiness towards Xiang Liu's actions. But some sort of excitement because of getting touch like that.

Definetly it is not romantic. She was more of scared and nervous. All that she was telling him were all lies. Therefore to me romance is not feeling and very vague, especially her side, because the word used to describe her feeling directly is "nervous". The next scene between her and Jing is very different because her feelings for Jing is told very directly.


Jing's Embrace and Their Longing
When Jing found Xiao Liu in the pool, she's definelty is not healed.

But I love how everything was described as so warm when Xiao Liu woke up at Tushan Mansion. To Xiao Liu, everything was so beautiful , especially Jing that she wanted to test if her was real . Then she reciprocated his embrace. She allowed herself to rested on his sholder as if they were just Shi Qi and Xiao Liu and he held her as he will never let her go.

Xiao Liu longed her her Shi Qi but he's Jing.

Jing longed  for Xiao Liu by the way he act out when Xiao Liu was leaving.

This scene was written very well on how much Xiao Liu longed for her Shi Qi. How beautiful she think Jing is. Iy is all written so directly. Although it is short, it is quite memorable. Their longing for each other are represented directly .. Therefore, to me the author had perfect made it obvious and it is purposely written to feel the bond between the two.


My Wrap Up Review for Chapter 6
Most of chapter 6 is Xiao Liu's interactions with Xuan and Xiang Liu. She helped both of them. Her body got hurt from it.Xiao Liu's past is sort of revealed through her memory. There must be some connection between them, mostly like she is his long lost cousin, the evidence is because of the nine tailed fox tail. They came into good term after she saved his life, and it seems he really wanted to befriend her. However, it seem herself was not so ready to open up all yet. Therefore, I think Xuan still keep his suspension on Xiao Liu.
This is the first time I think Xiang Liu's neck bite is describe as kiss feel and that he saw her smiling like spring blooming towards him although she was not smiling for him but smiled because of her happy childhood memory with her mom and brother. From his neck bite and touching it is said as nervous. No romance so far. However, we will see how their bond will grow. Xiao Liu told Xuan of her true feelings of Xiang Liu which is not hate and not dislike but fear.
There is only one short brief scene for our couple. What is special is how direct her feelings were written, in a way as she longed for Shi Qi but accepted embrace from Jing. And she left him again because he is Jing for now.
The last thing I want to discuss is about her Hui Chun and buddies. I am not going to share the abstract. But what happened is Tien Er was beginning to feel more like home at Hui Chun. She learned medicine knowledge from Xiao Liu and was very good at it. So Tien Er was becoming the lady of the house.

So that's for chapter 6. I am moving to chapter 7.

 Winny Aye:
So that's for chapter 6. I am moving to chapter 7.

Hahaha okay, I know what awaits me! Chapter 6 full analysis :p I'll  Be on it :)!

Ps: Sharing this pic from weibo:

One more S2 pic, we can see them laugh and having fun <3

A long copy -paste will bump all as I will assemble our posts first :)

A long copy -paste will bump all as I will assemble our posts first :)

+previous link to ch5 and drama covering:https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?page=339

@ Winny Chapter 6:

Xiao Liu Healing&Endurance

Xiao Liu’s body was very unique so wounds healed faster than most. Jing also left a lot of good medicine ranging from the bones and elixirs from Jade Mountain, harnessed crystal, whatever was in the vast wilderness that was precious it was here. Xiao Liu’s injuries healed quickly.

Xiao Liu never hesitated or was shy about using anything, dumping the entire jar of bone essence to soak his hand in. But the only thing he never used was painkillers. Everyday he loudly howled in pain and jumped up and down.

 I will just review about these two first passages. Xiao Liu was in great pain. She is using everything to heal herself. And we can see she's using precious medicines Jing left for her and her wounds were actually healing quick except that it's still very painful to her. But she did not use pain killers.

While reading I was thinking why don't she use pain killer. Is it telling us that she would heal herself at all cost, but will not avoid pain she had to endure.

@Symbolika :I thought on some points that could explain why she dont wont to use pain killers

    1.Symbolism of Resilience and Determination: 

-  Xiao Liu's choice not to use painkillers can be seen as a symbolic representation of her resilience and determination. In the face of physical pain, she opts for the challenging path of enduring it rather than seeking immediate relief. This choice may signify her inner strength and unwavering commitment to overcoming obstacles. By choosing not to numb her pain, Xiao Liu demonstrates a willingness to confront challenges head-on, embodying a sense of resilience that goes beyond mere physical healing.

   2.Emotional Catharsis through Pain Endurance:

Xiao Liu's daily loud howls and physical expressions of pain may serve as a form of emotional catharsis. By enduring the pain without the aid of painkillers, she engages in a process of confronting and processing both the emotional and physical aspects of her trauma. The audible expression of pain could be a release mechanism, allowing Xiao Liu to channel and externalize her inner struggles. In this way, the pain becomes a tangible and audible manifestation of her emotional turmoil, providing a cathartic outlet for the challenges she faces.

Furthermore... Xiao Liu's choice not to use painkillers suggests that she actively embraces the emotional weight of her experiences. Rather than suppressing or avoiding the pain, she confronts it daily, acknowledging and working through the emotional aspects of her injuries. This approach aligns with the idea that true healing involves not just the physical body but also the emotional and psychological aspects of one's well-being.

In summary, Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers can be interpreted as a symbolic expression of her resilience and determination, while her audible displays of pain may serve as a means of emotional catharsis, allowing her to confront and process the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels.

=> It portrays her as someone who confronts adversity with courage and uses pain as a catalyst for personal growth. This approach can be seen as a form of self-awareness, as Xiao Liu confronts and allows herself to feel and express the full range of painfull emotions associated with her experiences.

In summary, Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers can be interpreted as a symbolic expression of her resilience and determination, while her audible displays of pain may serve as a means of emotional catharsis, allowing her to confront and process the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels.

=> It portrays her as someone who confronts adversity with courage and uses pain as a catalyst for personal growth. This approach can be seen as a form of self-awareness, as Xiao Liu confronts and allows herself to feel and express the full range of painfull emotions associated with her experiences.

@ Winny :I love you explain it in details . I agree with you that Xiao Liu not using pain killers represents her confronting the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels. Her courage for personal growth is something.  And yes about self awareness, I think WXL is mostly very true to herself.

@Symbolika: Do you remember how she, Xiao Liu recognized immediatly that capacity on another character? It was Yeshiqi (ep.2-pic covering the scene): 

She can recognise it , because she is just the same!. Having enduring torture in her youth, she became a doctor specialized in fertility, giving birth and giving life and hope to others. 

=> As some other characters  (XL), tortured in youth too- ends up acting quite opposite: inflicting freely physical pain to others. He was beaten and  treated roughly in his youth too - but he just does the same to others.  It's a  mimic attitude. A vicious circle. It is certainly not an resilient attitude, even for soldiers. It suits more assassins methods. 

And the opposite of Yeshiqi/TSJ & Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao's dealing with it, as we can see with their resilience attitudes.. * So - we just steped in another important point Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao - share with TSJ/Yeshiqi => her dealing with pain signify her inner strength and unwavering commitment to overcoming obstacles. By choosing not to numb her pain, Xiao Liu demonstrates a willingness to confront challenges head-on, embodying a sense of resilience that goes beyond mere physical healing.  

....Rather than suppressing or avoiding the pain, she confronts it daily, acknowledging and working through the emotional aspects of her injuries. This approach aligns with the idea that true healing involves not just the physical body but also the emotional and psychological aspects of one's well-being. As Yeshiqi did with the wounds infliged by his own brother and reaching out for the flower of life/love scents he can recognise and choose, even when seemingly completly broken and bearing all the pain. 


    Connections between Xiao Liu's - Yeshiqi 's approach to pain and torture:

Resilience and Determination:

  • Xiao Liu's Healing Process: Xiao Liu demonstrates resilience through her commitment to healing and her willingness to endure the pain associated with her injuries. Her choice not to use painkillers symbolizes a determination to face challenges head-on, similar to how she actively engages in her own healing process.

  • Yeshiqi's Endurance: Yeshiqi's ability to endure torture without making a sound or revealing weakness also reflects a profound resilience. His stoic endurance suggests a determination to withstand the physical and emotional torment imposed upon him. Like Xiao Liu, he chooses to confront the pain rather than succumb to it, showcasing inner strength and fortitude.

Emotional Catharsis through Pain Endurance:

  • Xiao Liu's Audible Expression: Xiao Liu's daily howls serve as an audible expression of her pain, offering a cathartic release for the emotional turmoil she experiences. The act of vocalizing her suffering becomes a form of emotional purging, allowing her to process and confront the challenges she faces.

  • Yeshiqi's Silent Endurance: Yeshiqi, on the other hand, endures the torture silently. His ability to keep his emotions in check and maintain composure despite the intense pain reflects a different approach to emotional catharsis. The control he exerts over his reactions suggests a silent, internal processing of the trauma he undergoes.

Dignity Amidst Adversity:

  • Xiao Liu's Respect for Yeshiqi: Xiao Liu's respect for Yeshiqi grows as she witnesses his composed behavior during the healing process. Despite the degrading and shameful nature of the torture he endured, Yeshiqi maintains his dignity. Xiao Liu recognizes parallels between his response to torture and her own reaction, understanding that the person being shamed may possess more dignity than the one inflicting shame.

  • Symbolism of Dignity in Pain: Both characters, Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi, symbolize the preservation of dignity in the face of adversity. Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers and Yeshiqi's composed endurance of torture illustrate that their characters transcend mere physical pain; they maintain a sense of self-respect and dignity in the midst of challenging circumstances.

In essence, the parallel narratives of Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi showcase the multifaceted nature of resilience, determination, and emotional catharsis. Both characters choose to confront pain and adversity in their unique ways, contributing to their individual growth and portraying the richness of their characters within the narrative.

* Resumé:

YSQ/TSJ: Silent echoes of pain reverberate within, yet in silence, strength is found. Endurance, the quiet anthem of resilience.

XY/Xiao Liu: In the symphony of healing, pain is the melody that underscores transformation. She choose not to mute the notes, for within them lies the raw beauty of resilience.


                                              **** Resilient Echoes -XiaoJing Bond****

The shared experiences of enduring pain +> demonstrating resilience, and maintaining dignity in the face of adversity  create another strong bond between Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi. Here's how their commonalities in facing challenges can bring them closer:

  1. Mutual Understanding: Both Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi have undergone intense physical and emotional challenges. This shared experience can lead to a mutual understanding of each other's struggles. They may recognize the strength and determination in one another, fostering a deeper connection based on empathy and shared hardship.

  2. Respect for Strength: Witnessing each other's ability to endure pain and adversity may instill a profound respect for the strength and resilience they possess. This mutual respect can serve as a foundation for trust and building a strong relationship, as they recognize the inner fortitude in one another.

  3. Empathy for Emotional Struggles: The emotional catharsis they both experience—Xiao Liu through her audible expressions of pain and Yeshiqi through his silent endurance—can create a bridge of empathy. They may understand the emotional toll of their respective challenges and find solace in knowing that the other person comprehends the internal struggles they face.

  4. Shared Symbolism of Dignity: Both characters symbolize the preservation of dignity despite the pain and humiliation they endure. This shared symbolism can create a sense of solidarity. They appreciate each other's ability to maintain a sense of self-respect, finding common ground in their response to adversity.

  5. Collective Growth Through Challenges: The journey of overcoming challenges and enduring pain can be transformative. As Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi navigate their individual paths of healing and growth, their shared experiences can contribute to a sense of collective growth. Facing challenges together create a bond that goes beyond mere understanding, evolving into a deeper connection forged in the crucible of shared adversity.

  6. Interdependence in Healing: Yeshiqi assumes the role of caregiver, a poignant reversal of roles that transcends the bounds of physical mending. Xiao Liu, accustomed to being the healer, finds solace in the reciprocity of care as Yeshiqi tends to her wounds. Their interdependence becomes a powerful dynamic, intertwining their destinies as each becomes the salve to the other's wounds. Xiao Liu's skills as a healer meld seamlessly with Yeshiqi's need for care, creating a profound connection that extends beyond the realm of physical recovery. In this symbiotic dance of support and healing, they navigate the complexities of their shared journey, forging bonds that deepen with every shared moment of vulnerability and strength. The caregiver & the doc.

In summary, their shared experiences of resilience, determination, and maintaining dignity in the face of adversity lay the groundwork for a connection built on understanding, respect, and empathy. As they navigate their individual journeys, the parallels in their responses to challenges  can draw Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi even more closer together, forming a bond that transcends the physical and emotional pain they've endured.



 Chapter 6  XIAO JING  journey to  Forever never Parting

[When Xiao Liu opened his eyes, he was in the middle of a cave, his entire body soaked in small pool. There was all sorts of precious medicines tossed into the pool For anyone else, mixing all these various herbs and medicines would do more harm than good. But for Xiao Liu’s weird body, soaking in all sorts of random things actually helped.
There was likely a painkiller medicine in there as well because Xiao Liu felt his body was soft and painless.]

[Jing came in. He saw Xiao Liu floating in the pool, face completely white, body covered in injuries, eyes closed and fast asleep.
Jing felt for his pulse and immediately picked him up, carrying him out of the cave in quick steps while calling for his winged ride.
Ten days later, Xiao Liu woke up in an elegantly decorated room. It was hot Summer out but cool inside, and through the window there was a courtyard filled with blooming flowers of every type. A wind chime hung on the window sill made from crystal from the North Pole and in various colors carved into different flower shapes. As the wind blew past, the cold from the crystal chimes released into the air and brought a breeze.

Xiao Liu put on a robe and walked out to the corridor. Jing stood up in the courtyard and looked directly at him. The bright warm sun, the vibrant flowers, and a gentleman. Like a painting, it was so utterly beautiful. Xiao Liu walked up to Jing and he reached out to touch his face as if to confirm he was real. Xiao Liu slightly leaned his head to feel the warmth of his palm.
Jing suddenly embraced Xiao Liu, gentle but tightly pulling him into his arms. Xiao Liu closed his eyes, allowing his head to lightly rest on Jing’s shoulder.
In this moment, they were just Shi Qi and Xiao Liu.

Cling clank, plates crashed on the ground. Xiao Liu raised his head and saw Jing Ye standing dumbstruck in the corridor, her eyes filled with shock and dismay. Xiao Liu’s evil side rose up so he maintained his position and closed his eyes, pretending he saw and heard nothing, waiting to see how Jing would react. Jing disappointed Xiao Liu, he was calm and continued to quietly embrace Xiao Liu. There was the feeling that even if the world was ending, he was still going keep on hugging.]

I love how Jing is taking her away from the cave so he could provide good care for her heal.

I have no words.  The scene where WXL wakes up at Jing place and meet him is extremely  beautiful.  This is a glimpse of their growing affection, Jing and WXl are expressing themselves  freely without any constraint,  letting nothing from outside affect them. It is also a glimpse of  what their affection could be if everything was perfect in their life.   Jing is embracing WXL  without any preference towards his form. We can see that Jing is WXL's safe haven. They are both finding comfort in their embrace

 This scene  is such a contract  to  the  scenes where WXL is in the cave with XL  or  at the battle  ( see  below  some of those scenes in green). 

["Xiang Liu ordered “Left leg, right hand.”
"Xiao Liu cursed but took a spiked branch and viciously smashed down on his left leg at the same time as he smashed his right hand on a rock."

"Xiang Liu was so close to victory but Xiao Liu ruined it. He was enraged and kicked Xiao Liu hard. Xiao Liu crumpled to the ground."

"Xiang Liu’s razor sharp claw came down towards Xiao Liu’s neck but Xiao Liu’s eyes were wide open"

"“So I used you as a lure. You have a problem with that?"

"Xiang Liu coldly laughed “Kill you? That’s be too easy on you!” He lowered his head and bit down hard on Xiao Liu’s neck and drank his blood as if to release his rage. Xiao Liu leaned his neck back and rested on the side of the pool. Thank god he was of some use to Xiang Liu. Since Xiang Liu was a nine-headed demon with a very strange form, it was near impossible for him to find medicine to heal his injuries. Which is why the equally strange form Xiao Liu was his best medicine."

Back to the important matter aka: our lovebirds XaoJing. There beautiful moment does not last long and we see WXL leaving and pushing Jing. Rightly so as reality kicks in Jing is not YSQ, he is still engaged, might leave even if he says otherwise.


Winny Aye 

Chapter 6: Like a Familiar Person Has Come

Xiao Liu Helped Xiang Liu and Xuan

There was deadly leaves swirling towards him into a wood spirit maze but Xiang Liu didn’t even bother to solve it and instead pierced through the center and took out the man. That left only him versus Xuan, one on one.

Xiang Liu rushed Xuan but he was already injured and his spiritual power greatly decreased, whereas Xuan wasn’t even hurt and was full of power. Xuan held a wooden spirit long whip in his left hand and a golden short sword in his right hand. He was actually able to deftly control two different powers at the same time and attacked, with the whip like a snake and the sword like a lion.

Xiao Liu called out “Xiang Liu, left hand.” Xiao Liu smashed his left hand on the tree and the pain was excruciating. Xuan’s attack slipped.

“Right hand.”

Xiao Liu smashed his right hand on the tree and Xuan almost dropped his weapon.

Xiang Liu was able to laugh even in the middle of battle while Xuan glared in rage and send his whip flying towards Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu lowered his head and slid down the tree into the thick forest where the winged rides wouldn’t enter so Xuan couldn’t reach him.

Xiang Liu ordered “Left leg, right hand.”

Xiao Liu cursed but took a spiked branch and viciously smashed down on his left leg at the same time as he smashed his right hand on a rock. Xiang Liu summoned his powers and tossed his sword away as he flew towards Xuan, clearly intending to deliver the killing blow. Xuan was able to roll off his winged ride so Xiang Liu’s attack struck the beast instead.

Xuan fell from a great height and loudly smashed through a giant tree. He was greatly injured and covered in blood but he jumped right back up and started running while calling for his men.

In the deep forest, the trees were so thick the winged rides couldn’t enter so Xiang Liu jumped off his condor and started chasing after Xuan on foot.

Xiao Liu was jumping from tree to tree like a monkey and following along. Suddenly his eyes spotted something long and white. It looked like the tail of an animal. Before Xiao Liu could process it, his body froze. He jumped over and picked up the white thing hanging on a tree – it was a fluffy white fox tail. Xiao Liu’s entire person was immobilized. Then his lips curled into a smile, and within that smile there was tears in his eyes that were about to fall sorrowfully.

Suddenly his face changed and he charged after Xiang Liu and Xuan like a crazed person.

Xuan was flying but Xiang Liu suddenly darted out like a ghost from within the thicket, his hands already transformed into razor sharp claws like five daggers, and it was swiftly aimed at Xuan. Xuan blocked with his whip but the whip was destroyed but the claw hand was intact. Xiang Liu’s eyes glowed demon red and Xuan’s body was pressed down like a mountain was on top of him. He couldn’t move or dodge but he refused to close his eyes. If he was going to die, then he wanted to see clearly how he died.

A figure flew forward like a shooting star into Xuan’s embrace and blocked Xiang Liu’s thunderous blow.

Ah—Xiao Liu painfully screamed.

Xuan felt the exact same pain, it pierced him straight through the heart. But he only felt the pain and wasn’t actually injured. Xuan stared in shock at Xiao Liu, not understanding why Xiao Liu saved his life at his own expense.

Xiao Liu pushed him hard “Run!”

Xiang Liu wouldn’t let Xuan escape and tried to attack again. Xiao Liu turned and risked his life again, tightly grabbing onto Xiang Liu’s clawed hand to prevent him from attacking Xuan again.

Xuan’s men arrived and helped him escape, but Xuan turned and gave Xiao Liu a mystified look.

Xiang Liu was so close to victory but Xiao Liu ruined it. He was enraged and kicked Xiao Liu hard. Xiao Liu crumpled to the ground but still used every ounce of his might to hold on to to Xiang Liu’s leg so he couldn’t chase after Xuan.

Xuan was helped on a winged ride which rose into the clouds and disappeared. He leaned on his servant and tightly clenched his lips as he felt the same pain. The pain was in his stomach, his arms, every part of his body hurt. It was like his entire body was being ripped to shreds. But he knew he wasn’t going to be ripped to shreds, because this pain didn’t belong to him, it belonged to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu offered to help Xiang Liu by hurting herself physically. I guess that this was due her frenemy bond with him and her sympathy for Sheng Nong army soldiers. And then she found the fox tail which represented her past bond with Xuan. And then she helped Xuan with her own life. I am glad Xuan still got to share pain with her .

Chapter 6: Like a Familiar Person Has Come

Xiao Liu and Xuan

Xiang Liu’s rage was like the churning ocean, threatening to swallow everything in its path. Xiao Liu knew Xiang Liu would kill him but felt no fear.

The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down…..


Xuan asked “Why are you here in Qing Shui Town.”

“Wandering the world, I wandered my way here. I liked it so decided to stay.”

“You and Nine-lives Xiang Liu are…..very close?” Xiao Liu thought “This question isn’t suitable to be answered when drinking.”

“Then drink a few more bowls then answer.”

Xuan poured Xiao Liu a big bowl and Xiao Liu drank it “I’m scared of him, but I don’t dislike him. I am not enemies with him, but also not friends.”

Xuan replied “He’s too smart, otherwise I really want to sit down and calmly drink with him once.”

Xiao Liu asked “You and Ah Nian…..is it really just sibling feelings between you guys?”

Xuan laughed “Now this question is suited to answer when drinking.”

Xiao Liu poured him a big bowl and Xuan gulped it down. He said nothing so Xiao Liu poured him another bowl. He gulped it down and took out a satchel from his robe. He opened it and pulled out a furry thing that looked like a snowball. He shook it and it expanded into a white fox tail “This is my little sister cousin’s precious treasure. When we were parting, she gave it to me but said it was just temporarily for me to play with. But that temporarily has become three hundred years.”

Xuan lightly stroked the white fox tail “My little sister is the daughter of my Aunt and my Master. I promised my Aunt I would take care of my little sister, but I broke my promise. When my little sister was small, she went missing. They all say she’s dead but I still have a shred of hope. I hope that she is alive and will come back to ask for this fox tail back. Ah Nian is also the daughter of my Master. I am good to her because it’s like being good to my missing sister.”

Xiao Liu appeared totally under the influence and needed to hold onto Xuan. He raised a bowl and used it to wipe away a tear. Xuan curled the fox tail back into a ball and put it into the satchel, and then tucked the satchel snugly next to his body. He poured more wine and drank with Xiao Liu.

After two jugs were finished, the two fell asleep drunk. In the middle of the night, Xiao Liu woke up to find Xuan had left. Xiao Liu couldn’t fall back asleep so laid awake until sunrise.

For the rest of the Winter, Xuan and Xiao Liu would often drink together. In the beginning, the two would shoot the breeze but after some time, Xuan really saw Xiao Liu as a friend and would even ask him how to use poisons. Xiao Liu was very honest and open with Xuan, telling him all about poisons and how to cure it and mix it. He even shared simple ways to avoid poisons. Sometimes Xiao Liu would earnestly warn him “Xiang Liu wants to kill you. Even if he can’t send soldiers to Qing Shui Town, the Sheng Nong resistance army is based near here for the past hundreds of years. You really should leave soon.”

Xuan thought they were real friends but when he wanted to get closer, 

Xiao Liu would pretend to be clueless.

The two appeared to be only superficial friends. When they were drunk, they could laugh. When they were sober, they were strangers.

Although it was not directly said, readers could guess that Xiao Liu is Xuan's little lost cousin. The nine tailed fox tail is evidence. When Xiao Liu was near death, she would think of her happy times in childhood with her mom and her brother. After, saving his life, I have a feeling Xuan really wanted to befriend Xiao Liu.It seems to me Xiao Liu was distancing herself from Xuan although liked spending time with him. Xuan must have felt that Xiao Liu might not be sincere because she also helped Xiang Liu, and therefore could not trust her completely. And Xiao Liu's feelings for Xiang Liu that she mentioned are honest because she don't hate him. Yet they could not be called "friends".




@ Winny: Chapter 6: Like A Familiar Person Has Come

Neck Bite & Shivering Bliss

Xiang Liu’s rage was like the churning ocean, threatening to swallow everything in its path. Xiao Liu knew Xiang Liu would kill him but felt no fear.
The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down…..
Xiang Liu’s razor sharp claw came down towards Xiao Liu’s neck but Xiao Liu’s eyes were wide open and he smiled sweetly towards him, his smile like a flower blooming in the Spring. Xiao Liu’s thin neck was in Xiang Liu’s hand, he only need squeeze and all trouble would be gone. Xiao Liu smiled and sighed softly, as if he was content. His head lowered and his eyes closed.
Xiang Liu jerked back his hand, picking up Xiao Liu and taking him away.

When Xiao Liu opened his eyes, he was in the middle of a cave, his entire body soaked in small pool. There was all sorts of precious medicines tossed into the pool For anyone else, mixing all these various herbs and medicines would do more harm than good. But for Xiao Liu’s weird body, soaking in all sorts of random things actually helped.
There was likely a painkiller medicine in there as well because Xiao Liu felt his body was soft and painless. Not far from the pool, Xiang Liu sat on a jade pallet, his brows furrowed as if all the energy was focused there,

 as if he was about to collapse at any moment. Xiao Liu didn’t dare move or speak so quietly closed his eyes.
“Why did you save him?” Xiang Liu’s voice was icy cold, containing his tamped down rage.
Xiao Liu’s mind twirled for a minute but didn’t even hesitate and said clearly “Because I know who he is.”
Xiang Liu’s brow lifted slightly.

Xiao Liu continued “A few days ago I was mulling over why you were so free with your time lately and actually spending every day with me. Then I realized you weren’t taking care of me, you were waiting for Xuan. Jing wanted me to hide in the mountains because he knew that you guys had been battling with the Xuan Yuan army for hundreds of years and they still couldn’t track you down. If you wanted, there was no way Xuan could have found me. But you guessed his real identity, and you knew he wouldn’t let me live, so you used me to set a trap with the intention to kill him.
“So I used you as a lure. You have a problem with that?”
“Normally no, since he wants to kill me so best take him out. But I know now who he really is.
 He is Zhuan Xu, one of the Xuan Yuan Kingdom princes. Not just any prince, he is the eldest grandson prince of the Yellow Emperor! If I help you kill him, then the Yellow Emperor will surely wreak vengeance on the world and I won’t have any peace. There won’t be a place within the vast wilderness that I can hide!”

Xiang Liu opened his eyes and stared “I used to think you had some guts.”
Xiao Liu responded “Sorry for disappointing you. You dare to make an enemy of the Yellow Emperor,
 I don’t. The rage of an Emperor, the blood flows a thousand miles! I cannot endure it!”
“How did you learn Xuan’s identity?”
“When you were chasing him, one of his servants was so frantic he slipped and said something about hurry up and save Prince Zhuan Xu. It was mumbled but you were willing to endure massive injury to try and kill him and there isn’t a lot of people in the vast wilderness that would get you that worked up. I thought about it and connected the dots.”
Xiang Liu stood up and walked into the pool, his hand grabbed Xiao Liu’s neck and slammed it against the stone side “You knew that I would risk severe injury to kill him!” Xiao Liu had no strength to resist so backed down “I ruined your big plan, so if you want to kill me then kill me!” He docilely stuck out his neck and closed his eyes.
Xiang Liu coldly laughed “Kill you? That’s be too easy on you!” He lowered his head and bit down hard on Xiao Liu’s neck and drank his blood as if to release his rage. Xiao Liu leaned his neck back and rested on the side of the pool. Thank god he was of some use to Xiang Liu. Since Xiang Liu was a nine-headed demon with a very strange form, it was near impossible for him to find medicine to heal his injuries. Which is why the equally strange form Xiao Liu was his best medicine.

Xuan was laying on the pallet and suddenly bolted upright and touched his neck. He was still alive!
In the beginning there was a sharp pain like teeth biting through the flesh. But gradually, the pain transformed into something odd. In the pain there was a sensation of numbness, a shivering feeling of bliss, as if someone was sucking, and licking, and lightly kissing.
Xuan felt his mouth turn dry and was suddenly very angry. With such severe injuries, was that guy crazy or what the heck was he doing?

Xiang Liu raised his head and stared at Xiao Liu, blood staining his lips, his eyes darkened, his breath slightly labored. Xiao Liu was initially sitting sprawled like a man but suddenly he slid down and unconsciously wanted to cover his chest, but he immediately stopped himself and continued to sit sprawled open.

Xiang Liu’s hand moved down from his neck, tracing his jawline, down his clavicle. Xiao Liu grabbed his hand and smiled “I’m a man. Even if you like men, you should find someone better looking.”

“You’re a man?” Xiang Liu’s slightly blood stained lips curved upward “If you’re a man, how did you lure the Jiu Jiu out?”

Xiao Liu blinked quizzically “I don’t believe you can’t change your shape as well as voice.”

“I trust a beast’s natural instinct.”

“If a beast’s natural instinct was so accurate, your Furball wouldn’t have been poisoned by me. There would be no such thing as traps, and hunters wouldn’t need to hunt.”

“What kind of transformation spell are you using? You have very weak powers but it’s completely seamless just like it’s your true form!”

Xiao Liu angrily said “This is my true form!”

Xiang Liu stared at him, his eyes as dark as ink, and Xiao Liu’s heart started racing. He violently shook off Xiang Liu’s hand and then spread himself open like a dead pig headed to boiling water “Touch me then, touch me. After you’re done then stop accusing me of being a woman!”

Xiang Liu glared at him “I’m not interested in your false form.” He released Xiao Liu, turned and walked out of the pool to go lay on the pallet and continued healing himself.

Xiao Liu’s wildly nervous heart finally relaxed. He was already severely injured, plus Xiang Liu drank his blood, so his head was woozy and he laid down in the pool to also start healing himself.

I consider this is the first intimate scene between Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu. The feelings are still not clear though. I shared the whole scene to understand it as a whole. It's implied in first passage that Xiao Liu was not scared that Xiang Liu would kill her and then her memory went back to when she was happy with her mother and her brother. And also her original form of being feminine came back to her. I think that's why she smiled sweetly. This was the first time he asked her about her being woman as well. This phrase, "Xiao Liu’s eyes were wide open and he smiled sweetly towards him, his smile like a flower blooming in the Spring." is when Xiang Liu was looking at Xiao Liu. So i think it's implied to his feelings. (And about this "Blooming in Spring" is a reminder of the time when Qi Yo fell in love with A Heng just by getting her smell and seeing her playing in stream. In that passage it's implied spring is a time beasts find mates, I may reshare the scene if you xiaojing fans like). And then he started suck/bite her neck and this sensation came "In the pain there was a sensation of numbness, a shivering feeling of bliss, as if someone was sucking, and licking, and lightly kissing." but that feeling is written through Xuan's feeling by his bug  connection with Xiao Liu. The meaning of bliss is happiness/joy but in this whole scene, I do not take bliss as Xiao Yao's happiness towards Xiang Liu's actions. But some sort of excitement because of getting touch like that.

Definetly it is not romantic. She was more of scared and nervous. All that she was telling him were all lies. Therefore to me romance is not feeling and very vague, especially her side, because the word used to describe her feeling directly is "nervous". The next scene between her and Jing is very different because her feelings for Jing is told very directly. 

@ Peng: Extra analysis of WXL and XL in chapter 6 

[Xiang Liu’s rage was like the churning ocean, threatening to swallow everything in its path. Xiao Liu knew Xiang Liu would kill him but felt no fear.
The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down…..
Xiang Liu’s razor sharp claw came down towards Xiao Liu’s neck but Xiao Liu’s eyes were wide open and he smiled sweetly towards him, his smile like a flower blooming in the Spring. Xiao Liu’s thin neck was in Xiang Liu’s hand, he only need squeeze and all trouble would be gone. Xiao Liu smiled and sighed softly, as if he was content. His head lowered and his eyes closed.
Xiang Liu jerked back his hand, picking up Xiao Liu and taking him away.

When Xiao Liu opened his eyes, he was in the middle of a cave, his entire body soaked in small pool. There was all sorts of precious medicines tossed into the pool For anyone else, mixing all these various herbs and medicines would do more harm than good. But for Xiao Liu’s weird body, soaking in all sorts of random things actually helped.]

Here XL is not aware of WXL thoughts and the fact that she is thinking  of her gege.  He thinks the sweet smile of WXL at  this moment is for him.  When  he was thinking of ending WXL 's life, he is rewarded by  WXL smiling and sighting softly as if content.   XL  reacted to this by not  simply removing his hand, but by " jerking  it." He was affected by  WXL smile and sight of content even though he was extremely angry towards him.

XL showed some compassion by taking WXL to heal in  the cave.  He has placed him in a pool with lots of medicines in the water. 

in the cave now :

[Xiang Liu coldly laughed “Kill you? That’s be too easy on you!” He lowered his head and bit down hard on Xiao Liu’s neck and drank his blood as if to release his rage. Xiao Liu leaned his neck back and rested on the side of the pool. Thank god he was of some use to Xiang Liu. Since Xiang Liu was a nine-headed demon with a very strange form, it was near impossible for him to find medicine to heal his injuries. Which is why the equally strange form Xiao Liu was his best medicine.

Xuan was laying on the pallet and suddenly bolted upright and touched his neck. He was still alive!
In the beginning there was a sharp pain like teeth biting through the flesh. But gradually, the pain transformed into something odd. In the pain there was a sensation of numbness, a shivering feeling of bliss, as if someone was sucking, and licking, and lightly kissing.

Xuan felt his mouth turn dry and was suddenly very angry. With such severe injuries, was that guy crazy or what the heck was he doing?
Xiang Liu raised his head and stared at Xiao Liu, blood staining his lips, his eyes darkened, his breath slightly laboredXiao Liu was initially sitting sprawled like a man but suddenly he slid down and unconsciously wanted to cover his chest, but he immediately stopped himself and continued to sit sprawled open.
Xiang Liu’s hand moved down from his neck, tracing his jawline, down his clavicleXiao Liu grabbed his hand and smiled “I’m a man. Even if you like men, you should find someone better looking.”
“You’re a man?” Xiang Liu’s slightly blood stained lips curved upward “If you’re a man, how did you lure the Jiu Jiu out?”
Xiao Liu blinked quizzically “I don’t believe you can’t change your shape as well as voice.”
“I trust a beast’s natural instinct.”
“If a beast’s natural instinct was so accurate, your Furball wouldn’t have been poisoned by me. There would be no such thing as traps, and hunters wouldn’t need to hunt.”
“What kind of transformation spell are you using? You have very weak powers but it’s completely seamless just like it’s your true form!”
Xiao Liu angrily said “This is my true form!”

Xiang Liu stared at him, his eyes as dark as ink, and Xiao Liu’s heart started racing. He violently shook off Xiang Liu’s hand and then spread himself open like a dead pig headed to boiling water “Touch me then, touch me. After you’re done then stop accusing me of being a woman!”
Xiang Liu glared at him “I’m not interested in your false form.” He released Xiao Liu, turned and walked out of the pool to go lay on the pallet and continued healing himself.
Xiao Liu’s wildly nervous heart finally relaxed. He was already severely injured, plus Xiang Liu drank his blood, so his head was woozy and he laid down in the pool to also start healing himself.]

Here we can see that Xl has changed his bite. Never had WXL described the previous bites providing her such feeling of bliss. The sensation form the bite are described by  Xuan . XL did this for in my opinion 2 reasons:

a- because of his has been  affected by WXL sweet smile which he thought was directed at him.

b- to make Xuan know that him and WXL  have an intimate relationship . Since he does know know  why WXL truly saved Xuan,  he did this is in order to destabilise any potential relationship WXL may have with XC.

WXL is  scared of Xl at this moment because of the implication  of this bite, he is not stupid hence why he unconsciously,  slides down in the water and wants to cover  his chest.   When XL proceeded  further  with hand and  move down from WXL  neck, tracing his jawline, down his clavicle. WXL stopped him.  

WXL denied being a man several times  and used reverse psychology on XL so he could leave him be. Here WXL is scared not excited at all, hence why his  heart started racing and  he violently rejected XL  touching him  like this.  see below again. 

Xiang Liu stared at him, his eyes as dark as ink, and Xiao Liu’s heart started racing. He violently shook off Xiang Liu’s hand and then spread himself open like a dead pig headed to boiling water “Touch me then, touch me. After you’re done then stop accusing me of being a woman!”

This stops XL  but he looks at WXL with an  angry expression  and say he is not interested in WXL false form.  

with XC

[Xuan raised his eyebrow and smirked “And when you’re hurt, you might want to restrain your urges.”
“………..” Xiao Liu was thoroughly confused. When did he ever have urges?
Xuan touched his neck and left with a laugh. Xiao Liu stared confused and then after some time he started to smile. Can I really go drink with you?
There was a voice that told him not to, but another said that he was leaving town soon, so if not now then he’ll never get the chance again..............................................

Xuan asked “Why are you here in Qing Shui Town.”
“Wandering the world, I wandered my way here. I liked it so decided to stay.”
You and Nine-lives Xiang Liu are…..very close?” Xiao Liu thought “This question isn’t suitable to be answered when drinking.”

Then drink a few more bowls then answer.”
Xuan poured Xiao Liu a big bowl and Xiao Liu drank it “I’m scared of him, but I don’t dislike him. I am not enemies with him, but also not friends.”
Xuan replied “He’s too smart, otherwise I really want to sit down and calmly drink with him once.”]

Xl's actions with the bite has produced what  he wanted to achieve. CX believes that there is something more going on  between WXL and XL.

I like WXL reaction when XC mentioned   "her urges". She had no clue about what he was referring to. When he finally  understood, he did even blush,  but proceed to ask  if  he could really go drink with XC.   WXL confessed to her gege that he is scared of XL though  he does not dislike him. They  are not enemies  nor friends.

So my conclusion is that WXL has no feeling  of attraction towards  XL . His  sensual bite didn't not have a positive overall effect on WXL.  WXL was scared.  XL got  rejected.   

That's  my 2 cents 

@Symbolika:Wich is why she smile (CX garden memory related) = the context of her smile/phoenix flower/CX 

:The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down…..

Context pics:

Short agreement=> There is zero word of her enjoyment here (even with taking that whole chapter extract - the only enjoyable moment is related to her CX memories, as she just found out who he really was: her gege.

 Winny Aye:Definetly it is not romantic.

                                                         ****************    Clear context:********************

=>                    XY is in her memory back to Spring with gege:

The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down…..
Xiang Liu’s razor sharp claw came down towards Xiao Liu’s neck but Xiao Liu’s eyes were wide open and he smiled sweetly towards him, ////       2.his smile like a flower blooming in the Spring.
  <= CX in chilhood MEMORY TiME.

Let's analyse it :


The scene unfolds in a cave where Xiang Liu saves a soaked Xiao Liu in a pool of precious medicines. Xiang Liu's initial rage is evident as he questions Xiao Liu's motives for saving someone named Xuan.

The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down…..
Xiang Liu’s razor sharp claw came down towards Xiao Liu’s neck but Xiao Liu’s eyes were wide open and he smiled sweetly towards him, ////       2.his smile like a flower blooming in the Spring.
 <= CX in chilhood MEMORY TiME. 

Xiao Liu's Motivation:

In a desperate attempt to survive, Xiao Liu fabricates a story about knowing Xuan's true identity, portraying her survival instinct and fear. Her actions reflect a pragmatic approach to navigate the dangerous situation and cover CX.

Xiang Liu's Rage:

Furious at Xiao Liu for potentially disrupting his plan, Xiang Liu violently grabs her neck, highlighting the power dynamic between them. The physical confrontation amplifies the intensity of his repons. Xiao Liu is again mistreated.

Revelation of Xuan's Identity:

Xiao Liu reveals Xuan as Zhuan Xu, the eldest grandson prince of the Yellow Emperor, disrupting Xiang Liu's plan and introducing the potential wrath of a powerful ruler. She lies again to cover CX, her primary goal in this scene.

Bite and Bloodsucking:

In a moment of intense reaction, Xiang Liu bites Xiao Liu's neck and drinks her blood. This act is aggressive and intimate, suggesting a mix of pleasure, pain, and a peculiar connection, notably felt by Xuan through his bug link with Xiao Liu. There is none description of her enjoying it, we rather skip directly on CX's reaction.

A. Xiang Liu is aware of the bug link between Xiao Liu and Xuan, biting Xiao Liu could be a strategic move to exploit this connection. By doing so, he may be attempting to send a message or influence Xuan emotionally through the shared sensations. It feel like a long distance play. 

B.Alternatively, this act could be a deliberate move by Xiang Liu to create tension and uncertainty among the characters. By involving Xuan indirectly through the blood link, Xiang Liu might be attempting to sow seeds of mistrust or confusion. 

Xiao Liu's Gender Identity:

Xiang Liu questions Xiao Liu's gender, introducing an element of uncertainty. In response, Xiao Liu asserts that her current form is her true self, Xiao Liu's assertion that her current form is her true self is a declaration of autonomy and self-definition. It is  an act of resistance against the pressure.

Uneasy Calm:

After the intense encounter, the scene concludes with an uneasy calm as both characters, severely injured, retreat to the pool for healing—a temporary ceasefire.

***Xiao Liu - point of view:

  1. Childhood Memory:

    "The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers... Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile."

  2. Her Assertiveness:

    "I’m a man. Even if you like men, you should find someone better looking."


The scene masterfully navigates fear, survival instincts, and power dynamics. Xiao Liu's lies and manipulations reflect her pragmatic approach to survival. The biting and bloodsucking are not romanticized => instead, they convey a transactional and survival-driven relationship.

Quotations from her memories further highlight the contrast between the present and her happier past. The absence of Xiao Liu's enjoyment aligns with the overall mood, emphasizing her primary concerns—survival and navigating a perilous situation. 

 Winny Aye:Xiao Liu’s wildly nervous heart finally relaxed. He was already severely injured, plus Xiang Liu drank his blood, so his head was woozy and he laid down in the pool to also start healing himself.

The ending of the whole scene confirm this analysis.


After the cave, comes the Sun , and Tushan Jing/Yeshiqi=>so will cover later, following your extracts here! The contrast is huge! => 

  • Xiang Liu remains cautious and wary due to his injuries, showcasing a protective side to his character.
  • Jing, on the other hand, demonstrates deep concern for Xiao Liu's well-being. He arrives promptly upon sensing Xiao Liu's presence and takes immediate action to care for him.


@Winny -Chapter 6: Like A Familiar Person Has Come

Jing's Embrace and Their Longing

A day later, Jing arrived nearby. Xiang Liu was still injured and a very wary person so he would never meet someone that could be a threat. When he felt Jing close to the cave, he quietly left and the injured Xiao Liu was alone in the cave when Jing came in. He saw Xiao Liu floating in the pool, face completely white, body covered in injuries, eyes closed and fast asleep.

Jing felt for his pulse and immediately picked him up, carrying him out of the cave in quick steps while calling for his winged ride.

Ten days later, Xiao Liu woke up in an elegantly decorated room. It was hot Summer out but cool inside, and through the window there was a courtyard filled with blooming flowers of every type. A wind chime hung on the window sill made from crystal from the North Pole and in various colors carved into different flower shapes. As the wind blew past, the cold from the crystal chimes released into the air and brought a breeze.

Xiao Liu put on a robe and walked out to the corridor. Jing stood up in the courtyard and looked directly at him. The bright warm sun, the vibrant flowers, and a gentleman. Like a painting, it was so utterly beautiful. Xiao Liu walked up to Jing and he reached out to touch his face as if to confirm he was real. Xiao Liu slightly leaned his head to feel the warmth of his palm.

Jing suddenly embraced Xiao Liu, gentle but tightly pulling him into his arms. Xiao Liu closed his eyes, allowing his head to lightly rest on Jing’s shoulder. In this moment, they were just Shi Qi and Xiao Liu.

Cling clank, plates crashed on the ground. Xiao Liu raised his head and saw Jing Ye standing dumbstruck in the corridor, her eyes filled with shock and dismay. Xiao Liu’s evil side rose up so he maintained his position and closed his eyes, pretending he saw and heard nothing, waiting to see how Jing would react.

Jing disappointed Xiao Liu, he was calm and continued to quietly embrace Xiao Liu. There was the feeling that even if the world was ending, he was still going keep on hugging.

Jing Ye finally moved and walked over “Is Master Liu’s injuries worsened? Let me help him stand.”

Xiao Liu guffawed out loud, she’s a funny one as well! He squirmed out of Jing’s arms and smiled at Jing Ye. She bowed to him “Thank you Young Master for saving my Lord’s life. Please accept my bow of gratitude.” Xiao Liu avoided it “Your lord saved my life so it’s even.” Xiao Liu thanked Jing “Lao Mu is waiting for me so I’ll be off.”

Xiao Liu turned and left. Jing reached out his hand but slowly pulled it back, only watching Xiao Liu’s form disappear down the corridor.

When Jing found Xiao Liu in the pool, she's definelty is not healed. 

But I love how everything was described as so warm when Xiao Liu woke up at Tushan Mansion. To Xiao Liu, everything was so beautiful , especially Jing that she wanted to test if her was real . Then she reciprocated his embrace. She allowed herself to rested on his sholder as if they were just Shi Qi and Xiao Liu and he held her as he will never let her go. 

Xiao Liu longed her her Shi Qi but he's Jing.

Jing longed  for Xiao Liu by the way he act out when Xiao Liu was leaving. 

This scene was written very well on how much Xiao Liu longed for her Shi Qi. How beautiful she think Jing is. Iy is all written so directly. Although it is short, it is quite memorable. Their longing for each other are represented directly .. Therefore, to me the author had perfect made it obvious and it is purposely written to feel the bond between the two.

I love this scene in drama, the way it was shot.

Their embrace and the light candle, to me representing their love is like a light / hope for each other and it's on fire. Fire represents passion in bond. 

After the cave, comes the Sun , and Tushan Jing/Yeshiqi=>so will cover later, following your extracts here! The contrast is huge!

****The further text of ch.6 suggests several key aspects of Xiao Liu and Jing's (Ye Shiqi) relationship:

  1. Protective and Caring Dynamic:

    • Jing demonstrates a protective and caring attitude toward Xiao Liu. He quickly comes to Xiao Liu's aid, takes care of him during his injuries, and provides a safe and comfortable environment for his recovery.

                  2. Intimacy and Connection:

  • The scene in the elegantly decorated room and courtyard portrays a deep emotional connection between Xiao Liu and Jing. The gentle but tight embrace signifies emotional intimacy and a sense of security.

   3. Recognition of True Selves:

  • The moment when Xiao Liu rests on Jing's shoulder, and they recognize each other as Shi Qi and Xiao Liu, implies a level of authenticity and recognition beyond their external appearances or roles.


                                                      A. Symbolism in Setting and Description:

  • The choice of setting, the beautifully decorated room, and the vibrant courtyard with blooming flowers symbolize a romantic and idyllic environment. The crystal wind chime adds a touch of magic to the scene, reinforcing the idea of a special and significant connection:
  1. The Bright Warm Sun:

  • The bright warm sun symbolize positivity, hope, and a new beginning. Jing's arrival, coinciding with the description of the bright sun, may suggest that his presence brings light into Xiao Liu's life, possibly indicating a positive turn of events or a moment of happiness.

            2.Vibrant Flowers and Blooming Courtyard:

              The mention of a courtyard filled with blooming flowers adds a layer of symbolism. Flowers often symbolize growth, renewal, and the beauty of life. The vibrant and blooming courtyard might reflect the blossoming or rejuvenation of emotions and relationships, particularly between Jing and Xiao Liu.

    3.Crystal Wind Chime:

  • The crystal wind chime made from the North Pole, with colors carved into different flower shapes, can symbolize fragility, clarity, and the beauty of fleeting moments. The sound of the wind chime may also represent the delicate nature of their relationship, echoing the subtlety and complexity of their emotions.

    4. Release of Cold from the Crystal Chimes:

  • The release of cold from the crystal chimes into the air, creating a refreshing breeze, might symbolize the dispelling of hardships or difficulties. It could represent Jing's ability to bring comfort and relief to Xiao Liu, both physically and emotionally.

      5. The Warmth of the Setting:

  • The overall warmth described in the setting, including the warm sun and the cool interior, may symbolize the emotional warmth and comfort that Jing provides to Xiao Liu. It creates a contrast with the external world, suggesting that Jing's presence is a source of solace and tranquility for Xiao Liu.

                                                                        B. Direct and Purposeful Writing:

  • The text is written in a direct and purposeful manner, making the emotions and dynamics between the characters clear to the reader. The author uses vivid descriptions and emotional cues to convey the depth of the relationship.

In summary, the text suggests that Xiao Liu and Jing share a complex and emotionally charged relationship marked by protection, intimacy, longing, and recognition:

The passage suggests that in this intimate moment, they see each other for who they truly are, beyond any masks or pretenses.

 Winny Aye:Xiao Liu put on a robe and walked out to the corridor. Jing stood up in the courtyard and looked directly at him. The bright warm sun, the vibrant flowers, and a gentleman. Like a painting, it was so utterly beautiful. Xiao Liu walked up to Jing and he reached out to touch his face as if to confirm he was real. Xiao Liu slightly leaned his head to feel the warmth of his palm.
 Winny Aye:
However Xiao Liu was not blooming for him. She did not response such feeling to his bite.  

That was clearly covered, because she was 1. in her memory with CX (childhood) 2. threatened and as she said used (text+drama). We covered this yes :)

Xiao Liu slightly leaned his head to feel the warmth of his palm.

Oh well, now the fun part to analyse as a whole...will be back as soon as done * hugs* <3!

Ps: as I wont start in a minute...:D If I forgot some parts, please let me know! 

 Winny Aye:
So that's for chapter 6. I am moving to chapter 7.

See ya, will cath the train........:D

DRAFT FORM (to be reshaped) :

                               Chapter 6 Analysis: Xiao Liu, Xiang Liu, Tushan Jing, and Xuan

****Xuan and Xiao Liu's Relationship: 

The interactions between Xuan and Xiao Liu oscillate between camaraderie and distance. Despite their laughter when drunk, sobriety brings an emotional detachment. Xiao Liu's reluctance to reveal her feelings and the enigmatic nature of her connections create an air of mystery. Xuan's desire for a genuine friendship clashes with Xiao Liu's guardedness.

Xiao Liu's Ambiguity: Xiao Liu's reluctance to fully embrace a friendship with Xuan hints at her complex emotional landscape. Her assistance to both Xiang Liu and Xuan adds an element of unpredictability. The genuine concern Xuan expresses is met with Xiao Liu's strategic evasiveness, deepening the mystery surrounding her character.

Possible Family Connection: The subtle revelation that Xiao Liu is Xuan's little lost cousin is left for readers to decipher. The nine-tailed fox tail acts as a silent testament to their familial bond. Xiao Liu's reluctance to fully acknowledge this connection adds an intriguing layer to their interactions.

In summary, the interactions between Xuan and Xiao Liu unveil a tapestry of emotions, family ties, and the contrast between past happiness and present challenges. Xiao Liu's guardedness and Xuan's yearning for a genuine connection create an emotional tension that adds complexity to their relationship.

Xuan - Xiao Liu Interactions: The passage unveils a deeper connection between Xuan and Xiao Liu as they share their pasts over drinks. The red blood around her invokes the fire red phoenix flowers, triggering a poignant memory of her childhood with her gege. This flashback creates a stark contrast between the warmth of her past and the harshness of her present.

Xuan's Feelings and Family Ties: Xuan's revelation about the white fox tail, a precious memento from his little sister cousin, adds emotional depth to his character. The snowball-like fox tail becomes a symbol of longing and a connection to his familial past. Xuan's feelings for Ah Nian and his promise to take care of her reveal the complexities of his emotions and family ties.


1. Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu's Cave Encounter: 

In this chapter, the narrative unfolds in a cave where Xiang Liu rescues a soaked Xiao Liu, both significantly injured. Xiao Liu, desperate to survive, fabricates a story about knowing Xuan's true identity, showcasing her pragmatic approach to navigate the dangerous situation and protect Xuan. Xiang Liu's initial rage is evident, violently grabbing Xiao Liu, highlighting the power dynamic between them.

The biting and bloodsucking act by Xiang Liu is both aggressive and intimate, suggesting a mix of pleasure, pain, and a peculiar connection. Two interpretations arise: strategic exploitation of the bug link to influence Xuan emotionally or a deliberate move to create tension and uncertainty, sowing seeds of mistrust and possibly jealousy.

Xiao Liu asserts her gender identity in the face of Xiang Liu's questioning, demonstrating autonomy and self-definition. The uneasy calm that follows in the cave indicates a temporary ceasefire between the characters.

Xiao Liu's Childhood Memory: The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down….. 

The scene is set with a vivid childhood memory where Xiao Liu envisions a swing under a phoenix tree with her gege. This memory is juxtaposed with the current dire situation, emphasizing the stark contrast between her present and happier past.

2. Tushan Jing's Arrival: 

A day later, Tushan Jing arrives near the cave. Xiang Liu, still injured and wary, avoids meeting a potential threat. Xiang Liu quietly leaves, leaving the injured Xiao Liu alone - when Jing arrives. Jing, demonstrating deep concern, takes immediate action to care for Xiao Liu, carrying him out of the cave.

Xiao Liu's Recovery at Tushan Mansion: 

Ten days later, Xiao Liu wakes up in an elegantly decorated room at Tushan Mansion, describing the beauty of the surroundings. The scene is symbolic and romantic, suggesting emotional intimacy between Xiao Liu and Jing. The vibrant courtyard, blooming flowers, and crystal wind chime create a picturesque setting.

The bright warm sun symbolizes positivity, hope, and a new beginning, possibly indicating that Jing brings light into Xiao Liu's life. The vibrant flowers and blooming courtyard symbolize growth, renewal, and the blossoming of emotions and relationships, particularly between Jing and Xiao Liu.

The crystal wind chime represents fragility, clarity, and the beauty of fleeting moments. The sound may symbolize the delicate nature of their relationship. The release of cold from the crystal chimes into the air can symbolize the dispelling of hardships or difficulties, reflecting Jing's ability to bring comfort and relief to Xiao Liu.

The overall warmth described in the setting, including the warm sun and the cool interior, may symbolize the emotional warmth and comfort that Jing provides to Xiao Liu. It creates a contrast with the external world, suggesting that Jing's presence is a source of solace and tranquility for Xiao Liu.


3. The Painkiller and Jing's Care: 

Notably, the text highlights Xiao Liu's injuries and the role of painkillers. Xiao Liu is severely injured and, thanks to Xiang Liu's biting, becomes a peculiar medicine for him. This dynamic adds complexity to Xiao Liu's interactions with both Xiang Liu and Jing, showcasing her instrumental role in the supernatural world.

  1. Symbolism of Resilience and Determination:

    • Xiao Liu's choice not to use painkillers can be seen as a symbolic representation of her resilience and determination. In the face of physical pain, she opts for the challenging path of enduring it rather than seeking immediate relief. This choice may signify her inner strength and unwavering commitment to overcoming obstacles.
  2. Emotional Catharsis through Pain Endurance:

    • Xiao Liu's daily loud howls and physical expressions of pain may serve as a form of emotional catharsis. By enduring the pain without the aid of painkillers, she engages in a process of confronting and processing both the emotional and physical aspects of her trauma. The audible expression of pain could be a release mechanism, allowing Xiao Liu to channel and externalize her inner struggles.


                     °     Xiao Liu's choice not to use painkillers suggests that she actively embraces the emotional weight of her experiences. Rather than suppressing or avoiding the pain, she confronts it daily, acknowledging and working through the emotional aspects of her injuries. This approach aligns with the idea that true healing involves not just the physical body but also the emotional and   psychological aspects of one's well-being.

In summary, Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers can be interpreted as a symbolic expression of her resilience and determination, while her audible displays of pain may serve as a means of emotional catharsis, allowing her to confront and process the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels. It portrays her as someone who confronts adversity with courage and uses pain as a catalyst for personal growth. This approach can be seen as a form of self-awareness, as Xiao Liu confronts and allows herself to feel and express the full range of painful emotions associated with her experiences.


                                                              Resilient Echoes - XiaoJing Bond: 

The shared experiences of enduring pain demonstrate resilience and maintaining dignity in the face of adversity, creating a strong bond between Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi.

Mutual Understanding: 

Both Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi have undergone intense physical and emotional challenges. This shared experience can lead to a mutual understanding of each other's struggles. They may recognize the strength and determination in one another, fostering a deeper connection based on empathy and shared hardship.

Respect for Strength:

Witnessing each other's ability to endure pain and adversity may instill a profound respect for the strength and resilience they possess. This mutual respect can serve as a foundation for trust and building a strong relationship, as they recognize the inner fortitude in one another.

Empathy for Emotional Struggles:

The emotional catharsis they both experience—Xiao Liu through her audible expressions of pain and Yeshiqi through his silent endurance—can create a bridge of empathy. They may understand the emotional toll of their respective challenges and find solace in knowing that the other person comprehends the internal struggles they face.

Shared Symbolism of Dignity:

 Both characters symbolize the preservation of dignity despite the pain and humiliation they endure. This shared symbolism can create a sense of solidarity. They appreciate each other's ability to maintain a sense of self-respect, finding common ground in their response to adversity.

Collective Growth Through Challenges:

 The journey of overcoming challenges and enduring pain can be transformative. As Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi navigate their individual paths of healing and growth, their shared experiences can contribute to a sense of collective growth. Facing challenges together creates a bond that goes beyond mere understanding, evolving into a deeper connection forged in the crucible of shared adversity.

Interdependence in Healing: 

Yeshiqi assumes the role of caregiver, a poignant reversal of roles that transcends the bounds of physical mending. Xiao Liu, accustomed to being the healer, finds solace in the reciprocity of care as Yeshiqi tends to her wounds. Their interdependence becomes a powerful dynamic, intertwining their destinies as each becomes the salve to the other's wounds. Xiao Liu's skills as a healer meld seamlessly with Yeshiqi's need for care, creating a profound connection that extends beyond the realm of physical recovery. In this symbiotic dance of support and healing, they navigate the complexities of their shared journey, forging bonds that deepen with every shared moment of vulnerability and strength. The caregiver & the doc.

In summary, their shared experiences of resilience, determination, and maintaining dignity in the face of adversity lay the groundwork for a connection built on understanding, respect, and empathy. As they navigate their individual journeys, the parallels in their responses to challenges can draw Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi even closer together, forming a bond that transcends the physical and emotional pain they've endured.

                                      ***Wisteria Symbolism and Xiao Liu's Recovery at Tushan Mansion***

 The wisteria holds profound symbolism in Chinese culture, representing endurance, longevity, and the ability to withstand adversity. As Xiao Liu wakes up in the elegantly decorated room at Tushan Mansion, the presence of wisteria in the courtyard adds layers of meaning to her recovery.
The delicate yet resilient nature of wisteria aligns with Xiao Liu's own resilience in the face of physical and emotional challenges. The vibrant purple blooms may signify not only Xiao Liu's healing but also the blossoming of a new chapter in her life. The wisteria's climbing and cascading growth can be seen as a visual metaphor for Xiao Liu's own journey—reaching upward and flourishing despite the hardships.

Contrasting the cave setting, the wisteria-laden courtyard provides a stark yet beautiful backdrop for Xiao Liu's recovery. It symbolizes the transformative power of care, compassion, and the enduring strength found in the face of adversity. The scene captures the essence of Xiao Liu's healing journey, where the wisteria becomes a silent witness to her resilience, growth, and the blossoming connection with Tushan Jing.
The warm hug shared under the wisteria becomes a powerful symbol of emotional warmth, comfort, and the beginning of a deeper connection between Xiao Liu and Tushan Jing. The purple blooms, representing endurance, mirror Xiao Liu's journey, illustrating that beauty and growth can emerge from the most challenging circumstances. The wisteria, in its climbing and intertwining nature, symbolizes the intertwining destinies of Xiao Liu and Jing, suggesting a connection that goes beyond the surface.
In essence, the wisteria symbolizes not only Xiao Liu's individual resilience but also the potential for beauty and growth that can emerge from the most challenging circumstances. 

It ties together the natural elements of the setting with the emotional landscape of the characters, enriching the narrative with layers of cultural and symbolic significance. Xiao Liu and Jing's blooming hug lit by the warm light of a single candle.

Links to precedent covering/explorations:Links to all our explorations  through chapters and novel: 

*(https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?page=333 -chapt3, Links to Prologue: : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?p=2873689&page=319 ), Ch1 covering: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?p=2876697&page=322 - Ch.2 exploration:https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?p=2876697&page=327 -Ch4 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?page=336 -Ch5 :  https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?page=339)*

 Winny Aye:
Winny Aye 14 hours ago

Protective and Caring Dynamic

Intimacy and Connection

Recognition of True Selves

The Bright Warm Sun

Vibrant Flowers and Blooming Courtyard

Crystal Wind Chime

Release of Cold from the Crystal Chimes

The Warmth of the Setting

I love how you find the right fitting phrases to describe XiaoJing representation. Warmth&life indeed. So far indeed it's Jing who provide warmth when she was cold, heal her when her injuries are burning. Although we only have this one scene for them in this chapter. It's still perfect. Their feelings are shown direct. 

One is enough if like this one ! :D