Winny Aye:

Xiao L realised that `Jing his wearing the medicine herb she made for him.. This should have  actually made her realised that as a engaged man Jing should not have been wearing it. This simple act by Jing should have made Xiao L realise that things are not rosy between Jing  and his fiancee FFYY.

Jing promised Xiao Liu that he will never harm Xuan without asking  the Why off such a request from Xioa L. . We see Jing demonstration of  his commitment to `Xiao Liu.   Xiao Liu on the other hand fail for the 1rst time YSQ/ Jing trust.  As someone who has been longing for Jing/ YSQ,   she  failed  to tell him about the action of  his fiancee FFYY.  She could have  share even her suspicions ate least  This is rather sad considering what Jing did for her - providing  the  ice crystals needed to heal her dear gege Xuan.- and all  the promises he just made to her.    Any good friend would have shared what had transpired with FFYY  with Jing,  let alone some who claimed  long deeply to be with him.  

It's good take. Xiao Liu probably should have warned Jing about FFYY. But we understand she did not want to interfare..especially with Jing whom she's trying to cut her longing from as if she did not completely trust him. But yep she regret it later. 

Agree. She is even ENVELOPED by the scent...

Novel quote: Jing leaned forward to hear what Xiao Liu was saying and the medicinal herb scent he was wearing enveloped Xiao Liu 

 Winny Aye:
We see Xiao L lying  to XL about why she wants to remove the bug from Xuan. We learn about  how she acquired the bug and that she  has no clue about what  type of bugs they are and how to remove them.  XL  is the one informing Xiao Liu that the bugs are rare  and different to the other bugs. This implies that XL had done some research  on the bug but he is not  willing to share  all of his findings with Xiao Liu :  

 'how could she not have told you what the name of this particular voodoo bug was?”  ....The pair of voodoo bugs you have is very rare."  

XXL even lied about not knowing the requirements  the receiver of the bug had to fulfil.   and swiftly bark  that he does not know.  Xiao Liu is not fooled and is aware that XL is lying : 

By not providing a direct answer XL  is letting  Xiao L  to draw her own conclusion and take his lack of reply as a confirmation. They them T go and manage to remove the bug from  Xuan and transfer it into XL . 

XL and WXL could be so honest with each other. Of course it made sense why she would want to remove bug from Xuan but not telling truth to XL is ...practical act to me( know they are enemies and the way XL treated her) . personally i felt worse about XL not telling her the truth when he accepted to take it (knowing about it more than her) and made her swear to not break the promise and pay back with bitterness is a bit cruel. But then i also did not like how he used her to harm Xuan (while holding somewhat feelings for her already).

Agree. We covered this point in our exploration :) And thanks to scrptwriter TH it's even clearer, yes.

Be back later, ongoing full synthesis....Have a happy day <3

Chapter 7-Novel and Drama exploration &analysis:

                                        Setting and Tone: A Blend of Atmosphere and Emotion

  1. Atmospheric Setting:

    • Textual Evidence: "The cold Winter left and the warm Spring arrived." The seasonal transition symbolizes a broader change, establishing a tone of renewal and transformation.
    • Comparison: The symbolic transition mirrors the characters' internal shifts, setting the tone for a chapter where deeper layers of personalities are explored.
    • Contrast: Winter's coldness versus spring's warmth highlights the stark differences and potential conflicts within character relationships.
  2. Character Relationships:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xuan sighed 'Fine, you place the pieces, he calls the moves.'" The chess match dynamics reveal a subtle power structure and hierarchy.
    • Comparison: The power dynamics in the chess match are mirrored in the relationships between Xuan, Xiao Liu, and Jing, showcasing control and influence.
    • Contrast: Xiao Liu's impatience contrasts with Jing's willingness to accommodate, emphasizing the nuances within their relationships.
  3. Emotional Resonance:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xuan won but didn’t feel happy whereas Jing lost and was smiling." Emotional responses during the chess match provide insights into character personalities.
    • Comparison: The contrast between Xuan's dissatisfaction and Jing's contentment adds layers to their characters, showcasing the complexity of emotions.
    • Contrast: Xiao Liu's inner turmoil and jealousy provide a stark contrast, foreshadowing potential conflicts and challenges in his relationship with Jing.
  4. Intrigue and Foreshadowing:

    • Textual Evidence: "That will determine whether the Tu Shan clan is my friend or foe." Xuan's interest in the Tu Shan family hints at larger political considerations.
    • Comparison: The foreshadowing of political intrigue is comparable to the chess match, both symbolizing strategic maneuvers within the narrative.
    • Contrast: The mysterious elements, political considerations, and personal histories create intrigue, contrasting with the seemingly mundane chess match.
  5. Power Dynamics and Symbols:

    • Textual Evidence: "Symbols like the chess pieces, family emblems, and the carriage serve as metaphors for deeper meanings." The symbols add layers to the narrative.
    • Comparison: The recurring motif of symbols is comparable to the recurring motif of chess, emphasizing their importance in understanding character relationships.
    • Contrast: The chess match symbolizes power dynamics, while family emblems and the carriage symbolize personal histories, creating a rich and complex narrative.
  6. Xiao Liu and Tushan Jing as Pawns:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xiang Liu is using Xiao Liu as a pawn to assassinate Xuan." The strategic use of characters becomes evident.
    • Comparison: Xiao Liu's influence on Jing as a pawn for Xuan is comparable to Xiang Liu's manipulation, showcasing power struggles.
    • Contrast: Xiao Liu and Jing being pawns in different schemes highlight the complexity of their positions in the larger narrative.
  7. Voodoo Bugs and Emotional Manipulation:

    • Textual Evidence: "Emotional turmoil becomes a weapon against Xuan, impacting decisions and alliances." Xiang Liu's manipulation is revealed.
    • Comparison: Emotional manipulation is comparable to the power dynamics in the chess match, emphasizing the use of emotions as strategic tools.
    • Contrast: The emotional turmoil becomes a weapon against Xuan, contrasting with the seemingly straightforward chess match.
  8. Voodoo Bugs and Xiao Liu's Experience:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu’s expression grew dark and he said to Xiang Liu 'I have a bad feeling about this.'" The lover bug's recognition creates unease.
    • Comparison: Xiao Liu's unease is comparable to the broader sense of unease foreshadowed throughout the chapter, connecting personal experiences to larger narratives.
    • Contrast: Xiang Liu's silence and Xiao Liu's negative feelings contribute to the mystery and emotional burden, contrasting with the expected resolution of the chess match.

                                   Emotional Resonance: Xiao Liu's Inner Turmoil and Jealousy

  1. Jealousy and Conflicting Emotions:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu's jealousy might stem from a mix of conflicting emotions."
    • Comparison: The conflicting emotions add depth to Xiao Liu's character, similar to the emotional responses revealed during the chess match,splashing herself,herb scent.
    • Contrast: Xiao Liu's conflicting emotions may create inner conflicts that set the stage for future developments in his relationship with Jing.
  2. Unresolved Feelings:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu's precedent declaration that the girl who marries Jing would be happy might be an acknowledgment of Jing's positive qualities."
    • Comparison: The acknowledgment of Jing's positive qualities contrasts with Xiao Liu's inability to reconcile this with the current situation, suggesting unresolved feelings.
    • Contrast: The unresolved feelings contribute to the complexity of Xiao Liu's character and hint at potential challenges in accepting changes in relationships.
  3. Self-Doubt and Insecurity:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu's self-admonishment and his shout at himself indicate a level of self-doubt and insecurity."
    • Comparison: The self-doubt and insecurity are comparable to the emotional responses during the chess match, revealing the psychological depth of the characters.
    • Contrast: Xiao Liu's struggle with self-doubt and insecurity may be a broader reflection of his resistance to change and uncertainties in his relationship with Jing.
  4. Protectiveness and Sensitivity:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu's avoidance of discussions about the bride-to-be and his decision to go for a walk may reflect a protective instinct."
    • Comparison: The protective instinct adds layers to Xiao Liu's character, similar to the negotiation during the chess match that offered insights into power dynamics.
    • Contrast: Xiao Liu's protectiveness and sensitivity may become sources of tension and challenges as the narrative unfolds.
  5. Personal Struggle with Change:

    • Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu's struggle to accept the changes in Jing's life could be a representation of his difficulty adapting to evolving dynamics."
    • Comparison: The struggle with change is comparable to the broader theme of foreshadowing and intrigue in the chess match, suggesting larger conflicts and developments.
    • Contrast: Xiao Liu's personal struggle with change may contribute to the emotional undercurrent in his relationship with Jing, creating challenges that need resolution.

(draft Part 1)

(draft Part 1)

  "Chess of Emotions: Unraveling Power Dynamics, Voodoo Bugs, and Political Intrigue in Chapter 7" 

  1. Character Development:

    • Xiao Liu's Inner Turmoil: Chapter 7 delves into Xiao Liu's emotional struggles and jealousy, showcasing a more vulnerable side to his character. This internal conflict hints at the complexity of his feelings, setting the stage for personal growth and relationship challenges.

    • Tushan Jing's Situation: The introduction of Tushan Jing's upcoming marriage not only serves as a plot point but also contributes to his character development. It adds layers to Jing's personality, revealing his willingness to accommodate and adapt to societal expectations.

  2. Power Dynamics and Alliances:

    • Chess Match Symbolism: The chess match serves as a symbolic representation of power dynamics and strategic planning. Xuan's interest in the Tu Shan family hints at political calculations and potential alliances, adding depth to the overarching plot.
  3. Intrigue and Foreshadowing:

    • Political Intrigue: The chapter introduces political intrigue through Xuan's interest in the Tu Shan clan. This foreshadowing creates a sense of mystery, suggesting larger political machinations that may impact the central characters.
  4. Symbolism and Imagery:

    • Symbols and Metaphors: The use of symbols like chess pieces, family emblems, and the changing seasons enriches the narrative. These symbols serve as metaphors, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the characters' relationships and the evolving storyline.
  5. Strategic Use of Relationships:

    • Xiao Liu and Jing as Pawns: The revelation that Xiang Liu is using Xiao Liu as a pawn in his plan to assassinate Xuan adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. This strategic use of relationships sets the stage for potential betrayals and alliances.
  6. Voodoo Bugs and Emotional Manipulation:

    • Introduction of Voodoo Bugs: The concept of voodoo bugs is introduced, hinting at a mystical element that can impact characters' relationships. Xiang Liu's manipulation and the emotional turmoil surrounding the bugs become intriguing components of the unfolding plot.
  7. Foreshadowing Tragic Developments:

    • Unease with Voodoo Bugs: Xiao Liu's unease with the lover bug, recognizing friendship rather than romantic love, foreshadows potential tragic developments. This introduces an element of suspense and raises questions about the consequences of the voodoo bugs on character relationships.
  8. Emotional Resonance:

    • Complex Emotions: The emotional responses during the chess match and Xiao Liu's inner turmoil create a resonant emotional atmosphere. The complexity of characters' feelings adds depth and authenticity to the storytelling.
  9. Setting the Stage for Future Conflict:

    • Personal Struggles and Conflicts: The personal struggles, conflicting emotions, and hints of unresolved feelings set the stage for future conflicts and challenges. These internal battles contribute to the characters' growth and the evolution of their relationships.
  10. Building Suspense:

    • Mystery and Suspense: The chapter introduces mysterious elements, unanswered questions, and political considerations, building suspense and keeping readers invested in the narrative. The unresolved plot points contribute to a sense of anticipation, encouraging readers to continue exploring the story.

In essence, Chapter 7 serves as a multifaceted chapter that not only advances the plot but also enriches the narrative through character development, symbolism, and the introduction of intriguing elements that will likely shape the future direction of the story.



  1. In the intricate tapestry of Chapter 7, the author deftly weaves together threads of emotion, power dynamics, and mysticism to create a rich narrative that goes beyond the surface. The chess match serves as a symbolic arena where characters engage in a subtle dance of influence and hierarchy, mirroring the complexities of their relationships. The transition from winter to spring, a metaphorical renewal, becomes a backdrop against which personal histories and conflicts unfold.
  2. The voodoo bugs, introduced with a touch of mystique, add an intriguing layer to the narrative. Xiang Liu's manipulation and Xiao Liu's unease foreshadow a deeper significance that transcends the immediate chess match. These bugs, acting as a metaphor for emotional connections, become both a tool and a burden, creating a sense of unease and anticipation. The characters, notably Xiao Liu and Tushan Jing, emerge as pawns in a larger game, caught in the crossfire of political calculations and mystical machinations. The subtle shifts in power dynamics and the influence of emotions underscore the ambiguity of allegiances and hint at unforeseen consequences. Xiao Liu's inner turmoil, jealousy, and struggle with change are not merely personal anecdotes but seeds planted for future conflicts. The unresolved feelings and protective instincts reveal layers of character depth that will likely unfold as the narrative progresses.

  3. The chess match and the voodoo bugs act as literary devices, masterfully employed to convey underlying themes. They serve as mirrors reflecting the characters' internal struggles and external challenges. The author invites readers to discern patterns, anticipate developments, and unravel the complexities embedded in the narrative. As we navigate the twists and turns of Chapter 7, the chessboard becomes a metaphor for life's intricate moves, where each character plays a role, unaware of the larger game at play. The voodoo bugs, like emotional specters, linger in the background, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and foreboding. 
  4. In conclusion, Chapter 7 is a masterclass in storytelling, where the author seamlessly blends emotion, symbolism, and political intrigue. It leaves readers poised on the edge, eagerly anticipating the cascading consequences of the moves made on this literary chessboard.
  5. The challenges faced by Xiao Liu, including his inner turmoil and jealousy, contribute to his emotional growth. These experiences become pivotal in shaping his character and understanding the complexities of relationships. Tushan Jing's calm and accommodating nature also reflects emotional maturity, adding depth to his character. 
              Xiao Liu and Tushan Jing's bond withstands the tests presented in the chapter, showcasing its  resilience. Despite the emotional turmoil, misunderstandings, and the looming changes in Jing's  life, their bond remains intact. This resilience speaks to the strength of their connection and the  deep genuine care they have for each other. 


Hope you enjoyed our exploration of Chapter 7!. We are going to unfold chapter 8 and it's related episode :)) Have a good day <3

Chapter  8  It’s So Late, Why Have You Not Returned

Xiao Jing  - journey to Forever never parting 

(my analysis is in blue)

[extract form novel translation ]

[After removing the voodoo bug from Xuan, Xiao Liu resolved a big worry and soundly slept for three days.
After he had time to think about it, he realized that he forgot to ask Xiang Liu last time whether the person who tried to kill Xuan was Jing’s fiancee. Why would she help Xiang Liu kill Xuan? Was there a connection between the Fang Feng family and the Sheng Nong resistance army? Or was it Xiang Liu helping Fang Feng Yi Yang this time? Didn’t Xiang Liu say he was a killer for hire during his free time?
Xiao Liu thought and thought and couldn’t eat or slept. But after a few days, he figured it out. Xuan left already so it didn’t matter if Fang Feng Yi Yang wanted to kill him. The vengeance and conflict of those big families is not something Xiao Liu wanted to understand. All he needed to know was that it wasn’t Jing who wanted to kill Xuan.
Xiao Liu put everything aside and went back to living his lazy life.
It was the middle of Summer and Xiao Liu was laying on the pallet fanning himself and covered in sweat. Jing entered from the back door and found Xiao Liu fanning himself under the awning and muttering “So hot! So hot!”
Jing walked up and hung a blue ice crystal wind chime on the awning and within moments a cool breeze misted down from above and dispelled the heat
. Xiao Liu looked at the wind chime and considered whether to accept it. He already asked for two, to not accept the third seemed rather coy. But the first two were meant to save Xuan’s life and Xiao Liu felt it was important and not personal. This was for himself and made him feel like he was taking something.
Jing sat down next to the pallet and watched Xiao Liu’s facial expression changes. Xiao Liu suddenly sat up and hollered angrily “
This is Qing Shui Town, not Qing Qiu! Why haven’t you left yet?”
Jing stared at Xiao Liu 
“You are here, I won’t leave.”
Xiao Liu was so angry he threw the fan at Jing. “Didn’t you say you would listen to me. Then leave! Leave far far away and stop bothering my life. You are Tu Shan Jing, not Ye Shi Qi!”

Jing lowered his eyes and pursed his lips tightly. Xiao Liu was very familiar with this sight and didn’t have the heart to be mean anymore.
He turned his head away and refused to look at him.
After some time, Jing’s voice spoke “You tenderly cleaned my wounds. You carefully washed my hair. You patiently fed me medicine and food. You gently bathed my body. You were afraid I was in pain so you talked with me. You were afraid I was ashamed so you told me jokes. You were afraid I would give up so you described the beautiful views for me. You were afraid I was lonely so you told me interesting stories. You didn’t just heal my body, you saved my soul. You will never be able to imagine how much I wish I were Ye Shi Qi. But I have no choice but to be Tu Shan Jing. Because of this, more than you I hate myself. I know you hate Tu Shan Jing so I control myself not to come visit you. But I’m scared to leave. You gave Ma Zi a family, you found Xan Tian Er for Chuan Zi, you set up everything for Lao Mu. You are already prepared to leave it all behind and continue wandering. Im afraid if I turn around even for a second, I won’t be able to find you ever again.”
This was the first time Jing spoke so much and the atmosphere was very solemn. He silently looked at Xiao Liu but Xiao Liu never turned around. Jing finally got up and quietly left.
Xiao Liu suddenly collapsed on the pallet and stared at the wind chime. Shi Qi saw through it, that he was planning to leave.]

 Jing came to see Xiao Liu  to give him a gift. 
Xiao Liu was again affected by Jing 's TLC - tender loving care -  towards him and this get him angry since he does not want to get attached to Jing anymore.   This is kind  of silly of him since he was the one who went in chapter. 7 to ask Jing for  favours. We know that since Xuan is her dearest gege, then the favour was  personal though indirectly. It seems to me  that  sometimes, when Xiao Liu   wants  something from Jing then it is alright to seek him out . Xiao Liu is so angry that he screams and throws  the fan at  Jing telling him to leave the town, to leave him be and to stop  bothering his life.   Xiao Liu  throws the  "
You are Tu Shan Jing not Ye Shi QI ..." back at him again as if Jing did not know this .  By also  emphasising where they are, Xiao Liu is  claiming Qing Shiu Town has his territory so Jing should leave.  Jing 'sreply "he  You are here, I won’t leave is not referring only about leaving the town but more about the fact  that he will not leave Xiao Liu. He proceeds to   explained why he will not leave Xiao Liu :   what Xiao Liu did to him and how he  saved his soul. He  explaines that he fears  that if he leaves,  Xiao Liu is going to  leave town  soon and he will never find him again.   Xiao Liu did not speak nor  looked at  to him. so, Jing   left.  Xiao Liu realised that Jing saw threw him, and knew what he was indeed planning tom leave Qing Shiu Town.  Jing knows his Xiao Liu very much indeed.  

In my opinion,  Xiao Liu planned on leaving  because of  Jing  and FFYY presence in town. He  wants to cut tie with Jing. Since Jing  is remaining in  Qing Shiu Town therefore He, Xiao Liu, will be the one then to leave. Every where he went, he has been hearing about FFYY and this will continue.  Like the expression says, Jing's  life will be in "his face"  so to speak. We have also seen in some of the previous chapters that he had expressed to   Xiang Liu  and Xuan  how much  Qing Shui Town and his clinic meant to him.  I believe he is using the excuses  of Tian'er, love for travel and lack of companionship,  his big fear of abandonment  and all to justify his action and to  give himself a valid reason to leave.  We  have seen in previous chapters Xiao Liu feared that Jing kindness might be due to  repaying the debt of having saved him and taken care for him  when he was injured.  If he stay in town he will also see `Tian er and her husband life as a couple grow, theirnup and downs.  If he stays in town Xiang Liu will always find him since he knows where Xiao liu  lives. There is the possibility that when Xiao Liu  leaves, he will change his face hence why  Jing said : ''Im afraid if I turn around even for a second, I won’t be able to find you ever again.”

Taking all these into consideration,  Xiao Liu is not simply  planning on leaving Qing Shiu Town but rather running away instead of facing  and fighting for what he truly wants. 

the story move on to Xuan coming to  Xiao Liu and asking him to accompany him to gao Xngas his master the Emperor wants tom see him.  Xiao Liu refuse and think of a way to live town unseen so Xuan would not catch her.     

[Xiao Liu stood up and went into his room to pack but his mind was racing. There was no way he was going to see the Grand Emperor. He can fool Zhuan Xu, but there was no way he could fool the Grand Emperor. But how to escape when Zhuan Xu came specifically to get him and brought a lot of menPlus he was under Gao Xing orders and could immediately call Gao Xing troops outside town. And if needs be, he can call on his identity as the Xuan Yuan Prince and use Xuan Yuan troops nearby as well.
Even though Xiao Liu could change his face and form, but he was now under surveillance by a God and if there wasn’t anyone to block for him to avert their attention, then even if he changed forms he couldn’t escape.
Xiao Liu decided he couldn’t escape by his ability alone,
 he needed help. Right now he really missed Xiang Liu. Only Xiang Liu could care less about Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing authority, plus he could go hide in the Sheng Nong army base to run away from Zhuan Xu. But after their Gao Xing trip Xiao Liu hadn’t seen Xiang Liu and there wasn’t any time to summon him for help.
The only one left was Tu Shan Jing. The Tu Shan clan businesses blanketed the vast wilderness, including selling to the Sheng Nong resistance army. They had to have secret passages to move items in and out of town. But right now the Grand Emperor of Gao Xing and the Xuan Yuan Prince both wanted him. If Tu Shan Jing helped him, then he would be making an enemy out of the entire world. Would Tu Shan Jing be willing to make an enemy of both Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing for one little Wen Xiao Liu?
The moment this thought popped into his headXiao Liu suddenly wanted to know Jing’s choice even more than he wanted to escape Qing Shui Town. Xiao Liu looked at the ice crystal wind chime and smiled coldly. Whatever Jing chose to do, once Xiao Liu asked then he’ll know.]

 Xuan came back  and revealed  to Xiao Liu  his real identity and  explained that he has an order from the Grand Emperor to  bring him  to his place  Since Xiao Liu does not want to follow him,  this provided  new development provided  Xiao Liu,  the hasty need  to  leave quickly He thought  hard and fast  on how to leave  undetected by Xuan and his people. He realised that he needed  help to escape and  the best person  who could provide this was XL . The use of 'Right now " by the writer emphasised that it is only at this moment that he is missing  XL,  not  before and for this specific endeavour.  Xiao Liu was not longing for  XL.  Due to  XL's allegiance , Xiao Liu considered him the best option for his escape  and  his army's base could provide a great hiding place.  Since he had not had contact with XL for a while he decides Jing is the only option left for him to escape. As We can see `Xiao Liu is again thinking of  using Jing despite having screamed  at him earlier on   to leave him be, to stop bothering him.  It seems like Fate has plan for them 2 to meet before Xiao Liu leaves  and disappears completely from Jing's live as he planned to do. 

Xiao Liu  knew the risk this would be for Jing and the Tu Shan clan .  Now more  that even leaving, Xiao Liu is interested in finding out if Jing would put him  above his clan reputation and interest  and help him against the Grand emperor  and Xuan Yuan.  This is again a way for Xiao Liu to see how much he is important to Jing. it is his way to measure the level of Jing's commitment  to him. This is now the  2nd time that Xiao Liu want to test Jing's commitment.  We  know and so does Xiao Liu,  that Jing has already proven how much Xiao Liu is important to him.  Jing had also said in previous chapters, that anything Xiao Liu want, he would give and if he does not have it,  he would do everything to procure it for him.  Jing has been sincere and has proven this by his actions.  Jing had also said that he will away be there when / if Xiao Liu needs him.

Xiao liu looked at the chime and smiled coldly . We have seen in @ Symbolic analysis, "The wind chime represents Jing's attempts to mend and connect". By looking at it with a cold smile,  Xiao Liu is determine to see if this connection is strong. The cold smile show that he sure that he will get a rejection from Jing, he is in fact ready for it.    All will rest on Jing hands again. It will be a make it or break it moment for them both.  In my opinion, I find Xiao Liu  here unfair towards Jing. How many time does one needs to prove himself for him? I guess  we will have our answer when they finally meet and `Xiao Liu test Jing.   It is important to notice that Xiao Liu so far has only been interested in testing Jing's  and only Jing's commitment towards him.  

Xiao liu  at  Tu Shan Jing place 

[Jing Ye brought Xiao Liu to a study and inside Jing sat at a desk listening to two retainers give a report. Xiao Liu stepped back and enjoyed the flowers while the conversation finished inside. Jing Ye went inside to announce Xiao Liu and Jing came out and asked “What happened?”
Xiao Liu smiled wanly that Jing knew he wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t something he wanted. Xiao Liu turned around “Xuan Yuan’s Prince Zhuan Xu is waiting for me at Hui Chun Clinic to take me to see the Grand Emperor of Gao Xing Kingdom.”
Jing said slowly “I will accompany you to Gao Xing. The Grand Emperor is a sage ruler, he would not be looking to harm you.”
“It doesn’t matter to me if he’s a sage ruler or not. I don’t want to meet him!”
Jing asked “You want to run away?
Xiao Liu smiled “Yes, I want to run away.”
Jing replied It’ll be very difficult.”

Xiao Liu nodded with more smilesIt is very difficult, if it wasn’t difficult I wouldn’t be here with you. The Tu Shan clan must have a secret passage way out of town. You help me escape.”

Xiao Liu’s smile froze and he stared at Jing Once escaped then its resisting an Imperial Summons from the Grand Emperor. Zhuan Xu will send people to track us down, and if we continue to resist he won’t hesitate to kill. The road ahead will be perilous, and even if we escape, you will have made an enemy of both the Gao Xing and Xuan Yuan Kingdoms.
Jing took Xiao Liu’s hand and pulled him into the study and said to Jing Ye “Prepare clothes, I’m taking Xiao Liu and leaving Qing Shui Town.”

Jing Ye must’ve heard what they said and glared in rage at Xiao Liu but held it in “My lord there is no need for you to be in danger, I will have two men accompany Master Liu out of town. I will stake my life on protecting him.”
Jing gently said “Prepare clothes for us.
Jing Ye knew Jing made up his mind so didn’t dare speak again and went to prepare the clothes.]

 Though smiling Xiao Liu was   NOT  too  pleased to see that Jing  associate him - WXL coming his place,  to him only  needing something from Jing.  Xiao Liu has only himself to blame  for this.   Xiao Lu explained the situation  and what he wants. When Jing replied that it will be difficult, we see Xiao Liu smiled even  more and explained  that  he would not be here if it was not difficult.  Here  Xiao Liu is lying. He was  not really, here because he wanted Jing's help to escape. He was here because he wanted to find out if Jing  will put him above all the risk to himself  and his clan.  Xiao Liu then  state  " you help me escape"  she was not asking, but rather demanding  that Jing helps  him escape.  Xiao Liu is smiling not because he is happy,  but because  he is now testing Jing, purposely putting him in a tight and difficult position. He want to see that Jing  would not be able to help him.  Jing's  simple reply " Fine"  was  not at all what Xiao Liu expected  to hear. Xiao Liu tried  again  and this time explained all the dangers this would  bring.   Xiao Liu  could not believe that Jing was  actually  putting him before this clan, his name  and would stake his life to protect him.  This a the biggest proof of commitment  and Tu Shan Jing has pass the test as we can see. 

  Jing proceed to make some fake Jing and Xiao Yao out of some magic tools 

[ Jing pricked his middle finger and touched the doll and it transformed into the exact replica of Jing. The fake Jing handed the other doll and gently told Xiao Liu “It needs a drop of your blood.”
If Xiao Liu didn’t just see it with his own eyes, he would think that fake Jing was real and the sitting real Jing was fake. He pricked his finger on the doll which quickly got bigger and was the same size as Xiao Liu but its features were completely blank.
Jing Ye was stunned “How can this be, this was a treasure left by the Tu Shan ancestors and I’ve never heard of it transforming this way.”
Xiao Liu nervously laughed “Probably because I look so plain, the doll can’t recognize it.” Jing stood up and touched the fake Xiao Liu’s face and arranged his features until it looked just like Xiao Liu.
Xiao Liu sighed in relief “Fine, fine, it’s all fine now.”
The fake Xiao Liu doll laughed like Xiao Liu and spoke in the exact same voice as him 
“You don’t even know what you look like yourself, why blame me?”......................................

Jing ordered “You take them to change.” Jing Ye knew he made up his mind and went with the two dolls.
Jing walked up to Xiao Liu “If you change your looks, can it avoid all detection?” Xiao Liu hesitated and then nodded. Jing smiled “Then we’ll go with the plan.”
Xiao Liu’s heart was thumping wildly You….you always knew I could transform my face?”
The power of transformation wasn’t a very hard power to learn, but only those with great power using it can truly transform and avoid detection. With Xiao Liu’s power, no one would believe him using the skill could avoid detection using a magical object seeker.
Jing said “The Tu Shan clan aren’t simply from the God tribe. One of our ancestors was the far-reaching original nine-tailed fox. So the bloodline of the Tu Shan family can all transform. I have the spiritual eye and can usually see through all transformation and masking spells and powers. That was how I was able to see Ah Nian’s true face and knew to avoid her. But everything about you seems real even to me, except my instinct tells me your face is fake. So…..that is why I can’t leave you. If I leave and you disappeared, it would be without a trace.
Xiao Liu was stunned. Jing knew all along that he was fake..........................

The carriage started to move and it was dark and Xiao Liu and Jing were tightly pressed together due to its cramped space. When Xiao Liu went to look for Jing, it was a spur of the moment thing. He wanted to see Jing put in a tight spot, he wanted to hear Jing try to talk him into going to see the Grand Emperor and it was no big deal. Xiao Liu wanted to hear all of this with his own ears, so that he could use this cruel method to cut the final threads of longing in his heart, so that he could leave without a care, so that he could let Wen Xiao Liu vanish forever without any sadness.
But when Xiao Liu said he didn’t want to go and 
Jing never asked why he would rather risk death to escape than go, nor did he pause to think about his own danger before agreeing to help him escape
, the longing in Xiao Liu’s heart expanded instead of being severed.]

The fake doll  shared a very important information in regards to Xiao Liu: Xiao Liu Does not know  how he looks like originally.  He does not know his original female features. Xiao Liu 's reaction  and words to the doll , amused me because we know that Jing knows this is not his real form.  The words from fake Xiao Liu are kind of sad  really. Xiao  has changed his face many times so cannot remember his real features.   I love Xiao Liu's  reaction to realising that Jing has known all along that his appearance was not  his real one.  This is such a contrast to the reaction Xiao Liu  had when Xiang Liu  touched the subject of his male form. When Jing explained  how he had  known and since when, Xiao is just stunned,  not afraid, doe not even deny it the way he  denied it to Xiang Liu. 

 We see Xiao Liu thinking about why he tested Jin  using this cruel method.  I am glad that he admitted that the method was indeed cruel. As he explained,  it is was in oder to cut the thread of longing in his heart.  It is important to note that the thread of longing  in his heart is only mentioned in relation to Jing. Xiao Liu has NEVER related his  thread of longing in his heart  to Xiang Liu nor Xuan. Only to Jing.   I love  how  Jing's acceptance to help him without asking  Why, has expanded  the longing in Xiao Liu's heart. Xiao Liu should have known that Jing would have helped him without any question or conditions after all he did say in chapter 2  "
“No matter what reason, there won’t be a second time when you need me but can’t find me.

Again I reiterate that the feeling of longing Xiao Liu  has,  has been ignited somehow by the presence of Jing in his life. This has not been ignited by anybody else before Jing  and so far even after meeting other people( from chapter 1n to 8) .   Xiao Liu reason for the test has nt been shared with Jing nor how Jing word has been affecting  his feeling of longing . 

parts 1 completed .  This is my 2 cents non how nu understood this parts of chapter 8 

Xiao Liu suddenly collapsed on the pallet and stared at the wind chime. Shi Qi saw through it, that he was planning to leave.]

Thank you Peng! In the drama covering this scene (ep.13):

- Xiao Liu when Yeshiqi leaves, she turn around and look at his direction, before she look at the wind chime. This is an appuyé on her emotions.

Yeshiqi leave.

She turn around to face the direction he took to leave (inside the house).

And only after that, she'll look to the wind chime...her emotion is visible too.

(here you see that she changed her sight)

throw  the fan

The fan comes in the drama just after without the yelling part :D :

She turn around from the chime and go to sit , grab the fan, air herself

 but as she cannot help but look at the wind chime...

 she poutly, in a moody gesture cover her eyes with the fan - to blind her sight of the object :).

Wind Chime + Fan... 2 interesting objects..


The fan comes in the drama just after without the yelling part :D :

She turn around from the chime and go to sit , grab the fan, air herself

 but as she cannot help but look at the wind chime...

 she poutly, in a moody gesture cover her eyes with the fan - to blind her sight of the object :).

Xioa liu has big problem  aka her YSQ/ Jing.  Bless them.


Thank you Peng! In the drama covering this scene (ep.13):

- Xiao Liu when Yeshiqi leaves, she turn around and look at his direction, before she look at the wind chime. This is an appuyé on her emotions.

Yeshiqi leave.

She turn around to face the direction he took to leave (inside the house).

And only after that, she'll look to the wind chime...her emotion is visible too.

(here you see that she changed her sight)

she looked sad when he left....


Novel quote: Jing leaned forward to hear what Xiao Liu was saying and the medicinal herb scent he was wearing enveloped Xiao Liu 

I miss to review this in my review...but yep she's happy that he 's scented like that.


Xiao Liu is again affected by Jing 's TLC - tender loving care -  towards him and this get him angry since he does not want to get attached to Jing anymore.   This is kind  of silly of him since he was the one who went in chapter. 7 to ask Jing for  favours. We know that since Xuan is her dearest gege, then the favour was  personal though indirectly. It seems to me  that when Xiao Liu   wants  something from Jing then it is alright to seek him out under the pretence  of testing him. . Xiao Liu is so angry that he screams and throws  the fan at  Jing telling him to leave the town, to leave him be and to stop  bothering his life.   Xiao Liu  throws the  "You are Tu Shan Jing not Ye Shi QI ..." back at him again as if Jing did not know this .   This makes Jing  explain  what Xiao Liu did to him and how he  saved his soul. He  explaines that he fears  that if he leaves,  Xiao Liu is going to  leave town  soon and he will never find him again.   Xiao Liu doed not speak nor  looks at  to him.  so Jing   leaves.  Xiao Liu realises that Jing saw threw him, and knew what he was indeed planning tom leave Qing Shiu Town.  Jing knows his Xiao Liu very much indeed.

 I really feel for Jing when Xiao Liu threw fan at him. But I also understand Xiao Liu on why she won't want to mess up with Jing's family drama. She's sad when he actually left. And yes Jing knew his Wen Xiao Liu very well that Wen Xiao Liu was thinking of leaving everything behind. 

Chapter 8

My Analysis Part 1


After removing the voodoo bug from Xuan, Xiao Liu resolved a big worry and soundly slept for three days.

After he had time to think about it, he realized that he forgot to ask Xiang Liu last time whether the person who tried to kill Xuan was Jing’s fiancee. Why would she help Xiang Liu kill Xuan? Was there a connection between the Fang Feng family and the Sheng Nong resistance army? Or was it Xiang Liu helping Fang Feng Yi Yang this time? Didn’t Xiang Liu say he was a killer for hire during his free time?

Xiao Liu thought and thought and couldn’t eat or slept. But after a few days, he figured it out. Xuan left already so it didn’t matter if Fang Feng Yi Yang wanted to kill him. The vengeance and conflict of those big families is not something Xiao Liu wanted to understand. All he needed to know was that it wasn’t Jing who wanted to kill Xuan.

Xiao Liu put everything aside and went back to living his lazy life.

The chapter started with Wen Xiao Liu being relieved because she was able to removed the poisonious bug from Xuan, her brother from the past. There must be something that she did not want to follow him or reveal herself to him. 

Wen Xiao Liu had finally had a rest for 3 days. But then she was still curious about what was going on between Fang Feng Yi Yang and Xiang Liu in collaborating to assasinate  Xuan. 

But then she realized that her life was not for it. And for her as long as it was NOT Jing who was plotting kill her past brother then, she will be happy. It is very clear Shi Qi was very very important to her as if he was part of her.

Cutting Ties & Fear of Losing 


It was the middle of Summer and Xiao Liu was laying on the pallet fanning himself and covered in sweat. Jing entered from the back door and found Xiao Liu fanning himself under the awning and muttering “So hot! So hot!”

Jing walked up and hung a blue ice crystal wind chime on the awning and within moments a cool breeze misted down from above and dispelled the heat. Xiao Liu looked at the wind chime and considered whether to accept it. He already asked for two, to not accept the third seemed rather coy. But the first two were meant to save Xuan’s life and Xiao Liu felt it was important and not personal. This was for himself and made him feel like he was taking something.

Jing sat down next to the pallet and watched Xiao Liu’s facial expression changes. Xiao Liu suddenly sat up and hollered angrily “This is Qing Shui Town, not Qing Qiu! Why haven’t you left yet?”

Jing stared at Xiao Liu “You are here, I won’t leave.”

Xiao Liu was so angry he threw the fan at Jing. “Didn’t you say you would listen to me. Then leave! Leave far far away and stop bothering my life. You are Tu Shan Jing, not Ye Shi Qi!”

Jing lowered his eyes and pursed his lips tightly. Xiao Liu was very familiar with this sight and didn’t have the heart to be mean anymore. He turned his head away and refused to look at him.

After some time, Jing’s voice spoke “You tenderly cleaned my wounds. You carefully washed my hair. You patiently fed me medicine and food. You gently bathed my body. You were afraid I was in pain so you talked with me. You were afraid I was ashamed so you told me jokes. You were afraid I would give up so you described the beautiful views for me. You were afraid I was lonely so you told me interesting stories. You didn’t just heal my body, you saved my soul. You will never be able to imagine how much I wish I were Ye Shi Qi. But I have no choice but to be Tu Shan Jing. Because of this, more than you I hate myself. I know you hate Tu Shan Jing so I control myself not to come visit you. But I’m scared to leave. You gave Ma Zi a family, you found Xan Tian Er for Chuan Zi, you set up everything for Lao Mu. You are already prepared to leave it all behind and continue wandering. I’m afraid if I turn around even for a second, I won’t be able to find you ever again.”

This was the first time Jing spoke so much and the atmosphere was very solemn. He silently looked at Xiao Liu but Xiao Liu never turned around. Jing finally got up and quietly left.

Xiao Liu suddenly collapsed on the pallet and stared at the wind chime. Shi Qi saw through it, that he was planning to leave.

Jing aka Ye Shi Qi was still coming to take care of her. She sort of harshly cutting him out from her life because he was Tushan Jing who was very much living in different world than her at the moment and was tied to his Tushan Clan and the Clan had already  bind him with a wife to be. We can definetly understand her motives. Jing was tied to his Clan. It's unlikely the powerless Wen Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi version of Jing had any strength against such high power holding him. Although up till now we do not know about Wen Xiao Liu past but we do know she must had lost her beloved ones before and sort of suffered from abandonment and loneliness. Wen Xiao Liu longed for Ye Shi Qi's warmth. But she could not allowed herself to it. Of course she had crossed this line before in helping her cousin/brother because she felt it was important . And there was a line when Wen Xiao Liu was even thinking that getting favor from Jing felt as if she was taking something. That line made me think that maybe she did not deserve such treatment because she may have thought she could not give him anything more. That is my personal take on her thinking. 

 Jing must had guessed Wen Xiao Liu's plan already. For the first time since chapter one he spoke a lot from his heart for the first time. He completely let out all his feelings about how Xiao Liu had healed not only his life but also his soul. The atmosphere was very solemn. It was very clear how much he was in fear of losing Wen Xiao Liu from life. I nearly tear up reading his lines. 

These lines were added in the drama.

@Winny Aye 

Great. I felt sad when reading Jing words and his worries and fear that Xiao Liu would be gone if he ever leave  for Qing Qiu and he would never be able to find him again. 


@Winny Aye 

Great. I felt sad when reading Jing words and his worries and fear that Xiao Liu would be gone if he ever leave  for Qing Qiu and he would never be able to find him again. 

Yes....its already indicating what he maybe doing ...poor guy..

Wind Chime + Fan... 2 interesting objects..

As I love so much visuals, I just had to explore this further.....:D I mean ...those two objects , each of them venting in this scene something, is just not  trivial!...

                                                     General overview of those objects:


Hand fans have existed since antiquity. Some of the earliest examples can be seen in ancient Egyptian artwork. The folding hand fan originated in Japan and was introduced into Europe in the 16th century. Since its beginning, the hand fan has been more than a practical means of cooling a person down: in Asia, it assumed an important ceremonial role; in Europe, it became a signifier of status, with elaborate designs and expensive materials showing both taste and wealth.

There is also a widely held belief that hand fans had another use besides just their practical application: that of conveying secret messages. It is believed that gestures and precise hand movements using fans constituted a secret language. In an age when women had to conform to strict rules of etiquette, it is believed that this secret language became an ideal way for a lady to discreetly communicate with and flirt with her admirers.

Although this sounds like an intriguing and romantic idea, is there any evidence that such a language existed?

Early Accounts of the 18th Century

By the 18th century, hand fans had become a popular and fashionable accessory and were seen frequently at social gatherings. Their frequent appearance became fodder for both satirists and romantic poets. In 1711 Joseph Addison wrote a satirical article in The Spectator advertising his school for ladies, the purpose of which was to instruct ladies in the proper use of the hand fan so that they "may be entire mistresses of the weapon which they bear." (View full article here.)

In 1742 the poet John Winstanley wrote:

“In Love’s soft Reign, the Sceptre is the Fan,

Woman is the Sovereign, and the Subject Man.

Her frowns and smiles its different motions show,

His hopes and fears from its impressions flow.”

Yet these references only suggest a subtle use of the fan to convey meaning. It was not until the end of the century that a more formalized method of hand fan communication was spoken of.

In the late 1790s, Charles Francis Badini and Robert Rowe designed what they referred to as "Communication" hand fans. Badini named his “Fanology or the Ladies Conversation Fan” and Rowe named his “The Ladies Telegraph, for Corresponding at a Distance”. Printed instructions were written on the fans informing ladies how to use them.


  2.WIND CHIMES:                            

                            Wind Chimes: Symbolism, Superstition, and Feng Shui:

People's imaginations have been captivated by these suspended tubes, rods, or bells, which are delicate and attractive and to which artistic and metaphysical aspects are sometimes linked. From ancient culture to modern times, wind chime superstitions weaved a tapestry of beliefs and practices that continue to intrigue and inspire.

The purpose of wind chimes is highly prized in many cultures for various reasons, including their beautiful sounds and the deep symbolism and mystery surrounding them. Whether as protectors against evil spirits, bringers of good fortune, or facilitators of communication with the divine, wind chimes continue to enchant and inspire us with their captivating music and spiritual symbols. 

The earliest documented evidence and meaning of wind chimes dates back to ancient China, around 3000 BCE. Stone, metal, or bamboo wind chimes were mainly used for their music and to predict the weather. The Chinese culture thought that the sounds of wind chimes could keep negative energies away and bring a wealth of luck.

During the Middle Ages, monasteries and churches in Europe used wind chimes. The metal bells were hung in bell towers and made melodic sounds used to call for religious ceremonies or mark significant times during the day.

The Symbolism of Wind Chimes

Harmony and balance are both part of wind chime symbolism. The pleasant sounds they create represent the interconnectedness of different elements and the need for equilibrium. The sound of wind chimes reminds us to seek harmony within ourselves and the world.

They are also associated with spiritual energies and the divine. The sound of wind chimes is believed to carry prayers, messages, and intentions to higher realms. They symbolize a bridge between the earthly and the spiritual, facilitating communication and connection with the divine.

Feng Shui and Wind Chimes

The placement of wind chimes is essential in Feng Shui. They are commonly hung near entrances, windows, or gardens where they can catch the natural wind and disperse positive energy throughout the space. 

In Feng Shui, wind chimes can be used to balance and harmonize the elements in a space. For example, if an area has excess fire energy, a metal wind chime can control and balance between fire and the presence of metal elements. 

Positioning the chimes also enhances the forms of energy. The northeast direction is associated with the earth element. The east and southeast directions are related to the wood energy, and hanging wood chimes in this direction support family luck and peaceful life. The west and northwest directions are associated with the metal energy. Placing metal chimes in these areas can enhance creativity, communication, and mental clarity.


                                           IN  Chapter 8/drama ep. / Xiao Liu- Jing CONTEXT:

Wind Chime and Fan Symbolism:

  1. Wind Chime as Connection: The wind chime introduced by Jing serves as a symbol of connection and attempts to bridge the emotional gap between Xiao Liu and Jing. It brings a refreshing breeze, representing a desire for tranquility and understanding. In contrast, the fan represents a personal space and a form of self-protection for Xiao Liu.

  2. Cooling Effect: The wind chime's cool breeze is juxtaposed with Xiao Liu's physical discomfort in the heat. This contrast symbolizes Jing's efforts to bring comfort and relief to Xiao Liu's turbulent emotions. The fan, used by Xiao Liu, represents a personal attempt to cool oneself, emphasizing the need for emotional independence.

  3. Acceptance and Rejection: Xiao Liu's contemplation of whether to accept the wind chime or not reflects her internal struggle. The act of covering her eyes with the fan can be seen as a symbolic gesture of shielding herself from the emotional vulnerability associated with accepting Jing's overtures.

  4. Gender Symbolism: The fan, traditionally associated with femininity, can symbolize Xiao Liu's desire for independence and control over her emotions. In contrast, the wind chime, a shared object between them, represents the intertwining of their lives and the blurred lines between personal and shared space.

  5. Visual Contrast: The visual contrast between the wind chime and the fan highlights the conflicting emotions and desires of the characters. It becomes a visual metaphor for the push and pull within their relationship, where one seeks closeness while the other yearns for distance.

  6. Mood and Atmosphere: The wind chime and fan contribute to the overall mood and atmosphere of the scene. The cooling breeze and the sound of the wind chime create a serene ambiance, while the fan, used in frustration, adds a touch of tension and resistance.

  7. Emotional Resonance: These objects become vessels for the characters' emotions. The wind chime represents Jing's attempts to mend and connect, while the fan embodies Xiao Liu's internal struggles and attempts to maintain emotional boundaries.

=> Refined addition:

Wind Chime and Fan Symbolism:

  1. Soothing Sounds: The sounds produced by the wind chime could carry additional meanings. The gentle tinkling might represent the potential for healing and resolution, contrasting with the harsh words exchanged between Xiao Liu and Jing. The delicate tones of the wind chime act as a counterpoint to the heated exchange, symbolizing the possibility of harmony and understanding beneath the surface of their conflicting emotions.

  2. Wind Chime as Connection: The wind chime introduced by Jing serves as a symbol of connection and attempts to bridge the emotional gap between Xiao Liu and Jing. It brings a refreshing breeze, representing a desire for tranquility and understanding. In contrast, the fan represents a personal space and a form of self-protection for Xiao Liu.

  3. Cooling Effect: The wind chime's cool breeze is juxtaposed with Xiao Liu's physical discomfort in the heat. This contrast symbolizes Jing's efforts to bring comfort and relief to Xiao Liu's turbulent emotions. The fan, used by Xiao Liu, represents a personal attempt to cool oneself, emphasizing the need for emotional independence.

  4. Acceptance and Rejection: Xiao Liu's contemplation of whether to accept the wind chime or not reflects her internal struggle. The act of covering her eyes with the fan can be seen as a symbolic gesture of shielding herself from the emotional vulnerability associated with accepting Jing's overtures.

  5. Gender Symbolism: The fan, traditionally associated with femininity, can symbolize Xiao Liu's desire for independence and control over her emotions. In contrast, the wind chime, a shared object between them, represents the intertwining of their lives and the blurred lines between personal and shared space.

  6. Visual Contrast: The visual contrast between the wind chime and the fan highlights the conflicting emotions and desires of the characters. It becomes a visual metaphor for the push and pull within their relationship, where one seeks closeness while the other yearns for distance.

  7. Mood and Atmosphere: The wind chime and fan contribute to the overall mood and atmosphere of the scene. The cooling breeze and the sound of the wind chime create a serene ambiance, while the fan, used in frustration, adds a touch of tension and resistance.

  8. Emotional Resonance: These objects become vessels for the characters' emotions. The wind chime represents Jing's attempts to mend and connect, while the fan embodies Xiao Liu's internal struggles and attempts to maintain emotional boundaries.

In summary, the wind chime and fan serve as powerful symbols in the narrative, representing the complexities of Xiao Liu and Jing's relationship. These objects become visual cues that enhance the storytelling, offering readers nuanced insights into the characters' emotions, desires, and the evolving dynamics between them.

Let's delve deeper into the metaphoric representation of Xiao Liu and Jing through the shapes of the wind chime and fan:

  1. Wind Chime:

    • Harmony in Complexity: The wind chime, with its interconnected and dangling pieces, reflects the complexity of relationships. Each piece contributes to the overall harmony, echoing the intricacies of Xiao Liu and Jing's connection. The varying lengths and shapes symbolize the diversity of experiences and emotions they bring to their relationship.

    • Interdependence: The individual elements of the wind chime rely on each other to create a harmonious melody. This mirrors the interdependence between Xiao Liu and Jing, suggesting that their individual qualities and experiences contribute to the shared dynamic. The chime may only produce its beautiful sound when all parts work together, reinforcing the idea of mutual contribution.

    • Fluidity and Change: The swaying movement of the wind chime in response to the breeze signifies the fluidity and adaptability required in relationships. Similarly, Xiao Liu and Jing navigate the changing winds of their emotions and circumstances, emphasizing the need for flexibility and understanding.

  2. Fan:

    • Closeness and Distance: The fan, with its ability to open and close, mirrors the fluctuating dynamics between Xiao Liu and Jing. When closed, it represents a desire for personal space and emotional distance. In contrast, when open, it symbolizes moments of vulnerability and closeness. The fan becomes a tool for Xiao Liu to regulate the level of intimacy in their relationship.

    • Protective Barrier: When Xiao Liu uses the fan to shield her eyes, it becomes a metaphorical barrier protecting her from the emotional exposure associated with accepting Jing's gestures. The fan acts as a form of self-protection, allowing Xiao Liu to control the degree of vulnerability she reveals to Jing.

    • Feminine Symbolism: Traditionally associated with femininity, the fan may also symbolize Xiao Liu's assertiveness and independence. It becomes a tool through which she asserts her autonomy and control over her emotions, challenging traditional gender norms.

    • Expressive Gestures: The fan, with its ability to be wielded expressively, reflects the range of emotions Xiao Liu experiences. Whether used in frustration or as a shield, the fan becomes an extension of Xiao Liu's emotional state, adding depth to her character.

In essence, the author employs the shapes and characteristics of the wind chime and fan to metaphorically convey the nuanced aspects of Xiao Liu and Jing's relationship. Through these objects, readers are invited to explore the intricacies of harmony, interdependence, fluidity, closeness, distance, and individual expression within the Xiao Liu and Tushan Jing evolving narrative and relationship.
