Winny Aye:
About Left Ear,

Um maybe it's true XL had managed(already planned) to made XY met Left Ear. But I will still take it as it's XY own decision to take Left Ear work for her. For me there's no absolute. 

Yes, it was XY's decision. But I credit XL with prompting her to think about what to do with Left Ear, and framing his questions in a way that would encourage XY to decide to take Left Ear on (and if she did, then the only logical role he could play would be as her bodyguard) instead of leaving Left Ear to go off and fend for himself in the world as she did back in chapter 23. It seemed very intentional. XL definitely seemed pleased after Left Ear agreed to become her bodyguard.  


Chapter 43:

Xiao Yao walked over to Xiang Liu. “It’s another 4 or 5 days until we reach land. We’re the only ship in the ocean here. It’s very safe, so you can heal.”

Xiang Liu looked out at the ocean and remained silent. Xiao Yao thought he was turning her down when she heard, “Fine.”

Xiang Liu pointed at the earnestly steering the ship Left Ear. “What are you going to do with him when you reach land? Let him continue to roam and be a cut rate killer for hire? What happens if he does it long and turns into a real bad guy, or gets killed by someone else?”

Left Ear heard what Xiang Liu said and grumbled. “I can feed myself!”

Xiao Yao smiled at Left Ear. “If you can work for the seagull demon then you can also work for me. I can feed you!”

Left Ear happily said, “Fine, I’ll kill people for you.”

Xiao Yao shuddered and said with a wry laugh, “I’m not hiring you to kill people!”

“I only know how to kill people.” Left Ear was very calm but his eyes betrayed his sadness. From when he had a memory he was a slave and his only ability was to kill people.

Xiao Yao stopped teasing and solemnly said, “I want you to be my bodyguard. Normally you don’t need to kill people but if someone tries to kill me then you kill them to protect me, okay?”

Left Ear stared at Xiao Yao, trying to decide if she really needed protection or was just pitying him.

Xiao Yao said, “I’m not pitying you, I really need protecting. You saw yourself that someone wants to kill me. I don’t have my own bodyguard, and Miao Pu was assigned to me by Zhuan Xu but she can’t even beat you. You’re really powerful, if you agree to protect me then I’m the one who is getting the better end of the bargain.”

Left Ear’s eyes lit up and he happily said, “I will! I will be your bodyguard!

Xiao Yao said, “Then it’s set, in the future you will protect me and I will ensure you have food to eat and clothes to wear, and I’ll find you a wife.”

Left Ear’s pale face blushed slowly so he focused on steering the ship and avoided looking at Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu.

Xiao Yao smiled and looked at Left Ear, feeling this hard to grasp feeling inside. Many years ago, was Xiang Liu just like this? Appearing dangerous and deadly, but actually simple and straightforward. If back then she could have met Xiang Liu, could he have found the woman he loved? Would he take her to buy perfumes at the flower demon shops? Go eat at hard to find restaurants in little alleys… Xiao Yao glanced at Xiang Liu but he was standing with his profile to her, looking at the ocean with a small warm smile on his lips. Because of the angle, his smile made his face no longer cold but instead splashed with a sliver of warmth.

Xiao Yao stared for a while before looking away so that she could sort out all the jumbled feelings in her heart.

 Winny Aye:
Yes it's true. XL lived behind all the happy ending of Jing&Xiao Yao. Yep, its all for her. He's the righteous brave and romantic hero. But for me romantic hero and love interest are different. So overall I actually like him as the role he played. And IF he had acted differently I may have different opinion of him too.

I also like him in the role that he played. His selflessness and sacrifices are his most compelling characteristics, IMO. If he had made more selfish choices, he would be much less compelling. 

As far as endings go, I think LYF's ending is a pretty good one. 

XY and TSJ finally get to be together and break free from the family bonds that tied them down and stopped them from being happy. They get a mostly happy, but not perfectly and unrealistically happy, ending. Despite the tragedy of his choices, XL got almost everything he wanted. And CX had to face the consequences of his choices. All in all, pretty satisfying. 

 Winny Aye:
well he maintained that vibe till the end

Yes! No doubt. 

From : Ch. 26 => Xiang Liu said in a half sincere, half joking way.

For me, I perceive  it's half/half too. 

Personal => there is always that half that makes me feeling quite prickly and trully uncofortable : be it the temper, be it the control, be it the physical violence etc . It finally came to teint some of this character actions that could look cool,  with  questionable shades :).  

Also in the drama , when she is taken to the ocean it's a second after Jing was sensed nearby. (differ from novel), but as I said few times..I'm a visual person:

ep 37(18:46) the moment he sees TSJ:

Is the moment he decide to take off to the sea...

There is nothing twisted in exploring characters defaults :)

Neither in the novel or the drama.

:D Coffee break time !!! :D

bb to read ya :)) More Xiao Jing themes :D ?

 Winny Aye:

Lol u are giving me BL feel again ...hhehhee but yep..♡

Mistake it is XY lol

Mistake it is XY lol

Hahahaha!!!! Should we talk about BL vibes with Xiao Liu ?


Wei Wei  is killing it. Love it

*sight heavily" 


Hahahaha!!!! Should we talk about BL vibes with Xiao Liu ?

Lol. From leak he would savour TSJ passionate kiss. Bless him. 

Be serious  lol


*sight heavily" 

This drama would have DW portrayed all xianxia, Wuxia  ml  styles. We will be blesses.   The only think missing is him having 1 eye cover with a mask. 

 Winny Aye:
Such glorious omen did not always appear in every clan leader initiation ceremony so all the clan members kneeled to the ground in supplication and bowed to Jing.


Jing was such a blessed clan leader. I am glad that he stayed on his throne for tens of years before following Xiao Yao to roam the Ocean world. He chose his heart over other things.

In my next reply, I would like to share about the initial origin of legend of nine tailed foxes. They definetly are not evil spirit people later make them into. I am very happy Tong Hua took this legend for her romantic male lead. Its very blessing. 

Thank you Winny!

 Yes I found it 's so refreshing to get a male nine tailed fox character!

There are usually female foxes...Ancient Love Poetry, Eternal Love of Dream...My roomate is a Gumiho etc :)


 In one ancient myth, Yu the Great encountered a white nine-tailed fox, which he interpreted as an auspicious sign that he would marry Nüjiao.[4] In Han iconography, the nine-tailed fox is sometimes depicted at Mount Kunlun and along with Xi Wangmu in her role as the goddess of immortality.[4] According to the first-century Baihutong (Debates in the White Tiger Hall), the fox's nine tails symbolize abundant progeny.[4] 

TSJ/Fan art <3

The last one is Korean Kumiho.


This drama would have DW portrayed all xianxia, Wuxia  ml  styles. We will be blesses.   The only think missing is him having 1 eye cover with a mask. 

I see what you mean... *wink wink* :D


All I saw is " the fox 's 9 tails symbolyse abundant Progeny " soooo my boy got his reduced to 2 . What does that mean. Nothing I hope.

TSJ/Fan art <3

Adding nine tailed Xiao Jings :))

(more in our aesthetics covering threads :) )



All I saw is " the fox 's 9 tails symbolyse abundant Progeny " soooo my boy got his reduced to 2 . What does that mean. Nothing I hope.

:D He's hot enough...Not worrying at all on this subject!

You kissing taste sweet ..


:D He's hot enough...Not worrying at all on this subject!

You kissing taste sweet ..


Oh found  from the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai (李白) wrote a poem titled "The Foxes' Wedding" (狐媚) :

"Golden petals scattered on the river,

 Rippling water cloaked in misty haze.

 A thousand foxes, a thousand charms, 

Celestial wedding, enchanting scene. "


Be serious  lol

Impossible they are way to beautifull :D 

People keep seeng them everywhere! XD!!!! Look at this:

One little fruit little kiss big fruity hug ...hands fruiting...:D :D!!!