hiii was abt to share the 3rd one coz i find it smth new to me but anyway, thanksss.?

Yeah same! Loving the visual of this scenery <3


Yeah same! Loving the visual of this scenery <3

Its beautiful artpiece...?

 Winny Aye:

I think I have done some parts. I just did not share it here because its yaojing thread...so i dont write about XL here much.. we better stay mostly yaojing here right!

Frankly I don't mind it depends on the others :) But this can't be done without being extra attentive to all.  You skip one small part and you are going to be refuted. It's like a full thesis work. 

Back to reading ya ! :))

Winny Aye 

Their level of finding reasons on why XY had fallen for Jing is what got me ...!! But yep never deny her attraction for another guy or probably even her cousin .... They are too much proving themselves that Jing  is easy choice ...Im like ?? Jing loves XY. But thats not the only reason why XY loves Jing. But to me love is not something we can control. Sometimes theres no reasons at all.

{my responses are being delayed, can't catch up w/the thread though, sorry} ?

yes, me too to the point of either belittling XY for falling in love w/him like it's her fault. yess weve been saying that here, and me personally, there is that attraction and maybe that's TH's style? on that yesss? like "a safety net." ?. love or falling in love, that's true though, that's one hard thing to control or be fully in control. it just happens and you don't need a thousand reasons to love someone.


Frankly I don't mind it depends on the others :) But this can't be done without being extra attentive to all.  You skip one small part and you are going to be refuted. It's like a full thesis work. 

I should not mind much about it! Like I said I dont really care like what i said about this "what if" because she loved all three guys and thats what i write in my initial review too. But with a lot of XL fans theory is what get me into why they want to prove it so much. Or I did not see it all the way they..for example like chapter 32 when XL was making XY answer to whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, they already take it that its XL (because she denies so much on loving him lol if so why would she want to keep him in her mirror ?)..there wasnt a clear answer but i think at the time is that shes more confused with what she actually want to do the rest of her life. And another time when XY said she wished shes the one to save XL hundreds of years and wishing have a family too. They already summed up that she wanted.have a family with him whereas I think she s more of sympathized with him and wanted him to have normal life and a family. ..not that its her because she already was counting on another already . So yep I think i will be rereading the whole thing flow again.. ......

Winny Aye 

But one thing is for sure she will eternally yearn for Jing if he never comes back. And that pain will be greater than her losing other two guys. But since it isnt , its positively ended...??? YaoJing is life.

id agree w/this. she was willing to follow him and got herself trapped, even the slightest hope, she wouldn't give up, if it wasn't for her thinking how miao pu is, she wouldn't try hard to break that coffin to get out. anyway, honestly, xuan has the greatest part of her heart and i think it's the only we all can agree with. :⁠-⁠D 


Winny Aye 

But one thing is for sure she will eternally yearn for Jing if he never comes back. And that pain will be greater than her losing other two guys. But since it isnt , its positively ended...??? YaoJing is life.

id agree w/this. she was willing to follow him and got herself trapped, even the slightest hope, she wouldn't give up, if it wasn't for her thinking how miao pu is, she wouldn't try hard to break that coffin to get out. anyway, honestly, xuan has the greatest part of her heart and i think it's the only we all can agree with. :⁠-⁠D 

The reason is his body is not found and within she still believes he could come back...still yearning for him...u know what i mean... yep I do not deny her bond other guys

Lol its Halloween time. Tmr is oct31..i will think about some aesthetic. .??..off to do some work..will come back  later



the way she acted when she found out the other guy died is nothing compared to when she found out Jing had “died”.

that's true though. 

Jing will always let XY make her own choices & hang out with whoever she wants to,no restrictions there.

That’s why he backed out,even when she & Jing broke up,he STILL knew how much she was hurting & yearning for Jing, so what’s the point in trying to be a rebound when you know you’re already going to croak & when you know she’s already in love with another man?

he himself said that he's not the one XY's missing, and that i think is already saying he knows, and he felt it, i mean her heartbreak, twice, i think, and the last one is where he said she's missing someone else-- Jing.

Yup! This is from the own horses mouth,’the one XY is missing is tushan Jing’. Did we force him to say that? NO! Did we put a gun to his head to make him say that? NO! He knows & feels it from XY herself. During their breakup, XY, ah nian & Xing Yue went shopping & XY came out to get some air,a car drove by accidentally splashing water on her which made her drop her accessory case. Jing bent down to take it for her & when she knelt & saw it was Jing,all the emotions she tried soo hard to suppress came rushing back, she started crying & had to flee from him.

she'd rather be royal mother and be alone/single forever than open her heart to another man.

Agree:  her expressed desire to be a Royal Mother symbolizes her yearning for a life centered around family, potentially including a child with Jin, as an integral part of her commitment to their relationship. 

If she can't have those, she is willing to give herself to that responsability, and only that. 


The Royal Mother’s expression was as if she already knew everything. Xiao Yao’s eyes teared up, the entire world belonged to Zhuan Xu and there was nowhere she could go to hide from him. Only Jade Mountain cut off from the entire world gave her a place to rest.

Xiao Yao replied “I do!”

(note: hiding from CX sight).

Xiao Yao said “I thought it through, the world may be vast but there is nowhere I can go now. Being the Royal Mother is my only resting place.” In the past she greedily sought out the sights and sounds of the outside world but now that she lost everything, nothing mattered to her anywhere. She was tired and wanted only a peaceful spot to putter around for the rest of her life. 

---> Part CX/XY:

Zhuan Xu grabbed Xiao Yao’s hand tightly like he was never going to let go “Why?”

Xiao Yao smiled so casually, like this had nothing to do with her “Zhuan Xu, how can you not know why? I could have lived like an ordinary girl, marrying and having kids, living a simple happy life. You took it all away from me! I can’t kill you, I can’t kill myself, I can’t even leave! The whole world knows I am Qi Yo’s daughter, the whole world is under your rule – if I can avoid people trying to kill me, I still can’t avoid your forces to bring me back. Zhuan Xu, the world is so vast but you’ve pushed me to the point of being with you or having nowhere else to go!”

“If you don’t become the Royal Mother, I can give up…….”

Xiao Yao shook her head “Zhuan Xu, I’m tired, let me rest now!”

Zhuan Xu tightly held onto Xiao Yao’s hand pleading “Xiao Yao, if you don’t become the Royal Mother I will give you any freedom you want, go anywhere you want!”

Xiao Yao got on her knees and raise her head to look up at Zhuan Xu “Gege, please I beg you to remember all we shared and agree to let me be the Royal Mother, give me a place to rest.”

Her expression was placid and in her dark depths there was no love or hate anymore, just nothingness.

He remembered when those eyes reflected intelligence and charm, beauty and wit. Those eyes showed happiness and sorrow, would get worried and mad…..even those last days on Sheng Nong Mountain those eyes reflected hatred.

But now there was nothing there! It was like a dried up well……..


Xiao Yao stared at the peach blossom forest and remembered when Jing proposed to her. It was on Cao Ao Peak on Sheng Nong Mountain, which didn’t have any peach blossom trees, but Jing knew her parents pledged their love under peach blossom trees so he used his power to conjure up thousands of miles of peach blossoms and as the petals rained down he nervously asked “Tu Shan Jing wishes for Xi Ling Jiu Yao’s hand in marriage.”

Xiao Yao reached out her hand and caught a few peach blossoms and smiled.

Xiao Yao walked directly to the altar without looking anywhere else and the Royal Mother asked “As custom, I shall ask one final time – once you are Royal Mother you cannot get married or ever leave Jade Mountain. Do you still agree?”

Zhuan Xu yelled “Xiao Yao———-“ with tears in his eyes, pleading with every fiber of his being.

Under the peace blossoms falling around her Xiao Yao seemed to spot Jing and she tightly clenched her hands around the petals in her palm as she smiled at him and said “I agree.”


From the sky came a white crane with a blue robed man standing on its back, refined and elegant.

“Jing, is it really you?”

Jing answered “I am Wen Xiao Liu’s Ye Shi Qi. Because you counted seventeen leaves on the herbal branch, that is why I am called Shi Qi.”

Xiao Yao smiled through her tears “You’re really back!”

Jing grabbed her hands “I’m sorry for making you wait so long!”

Xiao Yao burrowed into Jing’s arms as her tears fell “Jing, Jing, you’re finally back!”

Jing comforted her “Don’t cry…..don’t cry…..”

Xiao Yao started crying even louder and pummeled his chest “I kept waiting for you, I kept waiting for you and didn’t believe you died. Every full moon I think you’ll come back but you never did! I waited so long and thought you wouldn’t come back……..I thought you really abandoned me…..I hate you, hate you…..”

Jing let Xiao Yao hit and yell at him while repeating “I know you suffered a lot and I didn’t keep my promise. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

   OUF! :D ...they can go back to "business"!=>

Winny Aye 

I think I will be rereading the the whole book from prolouge to epilouge again. I mean Thai version. So may take few days.

if you can, go. (⁠^⁠^⁠) im sure the transl is not that far from orig ch one or the transl eng?. 

Sounds of Desert.

hope i can make time for this soon.(⁠^⁠^⁠) 

anyway, ill always stick to what TH said and how Tencent teased us w/yaojing focused shorts, them as harmonious lovers, and more, and TH's  part of the LYF team and they kissed!! {so naturally and intimately done, though not as how the novel described it coz of course, we know, right, censorship smth haha.} and had flirty eye contacts and that we're so obese w/those. lmao. so discussions are good too for some exercises here. haha.


There’re soo many evidence on why XY loves Jing to the extend of being alone forever than opening her heart to another man. Even the royal mother knew this wasn’t XY’s choice, she’s doing it because Jing’s gone. the only safest way to hide from CX’s clutches is jade mountain, she told him straight up that, he took everything she could’ve dreamed & hoped for from her, she’s tired now & just wants to be alone forever. Even when she was agreeing to be royal mother, she was rather staring at Jing’s hallucination imagining him,all this should tell you that Jing really had a special place in her heart & wanted to die & be with him in the afterlife.

 Winny Aye:
YaoJing is life.

She certainly does know that the other choice is everything => But Life yes <3

I also love how her first reaction to seeing Jing back & alive was her dropping everything & walked straight to him to make sure she wasn’t seeing a ghost. It took Jing mentioning how he got his YSQ name for XY to finally realize it was him ☺️. She thought Jing abandoned her when he didn’t come back during the full moon during those years,which kept shattering her heart, even tho she REFUSED to believe he was dead. Again with the I hate you lol, we all know XY doesn’t mean it hehe ?. Just look at how she snuggled into his chest & bawled her eyes out, which guy would she cry for like that?