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Hi everyone... Looks like I'm very far behind, I'll try to catch up and enjoy this long discussion.

There's something interesting.
@H19279, Hi..Welcome to join.
But as @simbolika said, this is a yaojing thread, it would be better if we were in our own threads, although I like it if you are here. because I like interesting discussions.

And @symbolika, sorry... it's not that I don't like all the analysis here, I really enjoy it, it's just that what @H19279 said is true. It would be better if we analyzed according to the instructions given by TH.

Even though I am a member of the Yaojing Party, I have more respect for the author's work. And this is the writing technique used by TH."snakes on the grass, lines on dust", stretching out for thousands of miles"and this is not a lie made by @H19279

Maybe we can start by looking for the meaning of these terms, and maybe that will make it easier for us to understand the reading.

that way the yaojing thread will be very interesting. I hope you don't misunderstand what I mean.^^ I hope we can reconcile ^^


What is lovesickness? A yearning that can never be realised, is the greatest yearning.

Loving each other means being everlasting and unchanging for two people. However, yearning is drawn out desolation for one person.

Lost You Forever Vol 1: As When We First Met

An encounter at Qingshui town is every character's introduction in the story which changed everyone's fate, and even the fate of the entire Great Wilderness. Xiao Yao met Ye Shi Qi, as well as Xiang Liu and Cang Xuan. The curtain to their story was raised, but everything was only "snakes on the grass, lines on dust", stretching out for thousands of miles. Is what we perceive with the naked eye really the truth? How deep can love go for a person in the face of manifold choices? Lovesickness is a cup of poisononus fine wine; it is sweet as it enters the throat, melting the soul and eroding the bones (sending one into a state of esctasy), until it enters the heart and lungs, after which there is no longer a cure for it. Once the poison acts, it rips out the heart and lungs. Only the smile, the companionship of the loved one can cure it. If these cannot be obtained, all that remains is yearning engraved on the bones that lasts until death. The story still continues.

Oooh my  Gosh I love this moment . Those 2 lovebirds do not even need a bug to connect.  how beautiful is that. it is som hear warming to see them . 

"The next day, Xiao Liu slept til noon and found the entire residence empty as everyone went to watch the tournament. She didn’t feel like stoking the kitchen fires so ran off to eat street food.
She ate two bowls of clam leek soup and afterwards sat under the riverbank wall under the sun watching the activity on the river. A boat passed with a green robed man sitting with his back to Xiao Liu and he was enjoyed the view beside a blue robed man. The familiar figure was instantly recognizable as Jing, and since he couldn’t see Xiao Liu, then Xiao Liu stared at him directly.
Jing suddenly turned his head and looked at the shore. Xiao Liu didn’t move and just looked at him, not sure if he saw her. The boat moved past and the green disappeared into the distance.
He knew she was here, she knew he was here. But iwas no longer like when they were in Qing Shui Town, when she would wave and call Shi Qi and he would show up beside her."

and as if  per magic  tadaaaa ( my own reaction here lol)

"Xiao Liu didn’t know how long she sat there until a person walked by and sat down beside her. The faint herbal scent wafted over but Xiao Liu didn’t turn her head because she knew that even if he saw her face, it was not her real face. She smiled at the passing boats and her heart fluttered with a small happiness.
After some moments, Xiao Liu asked “Not afraid of being followed?”
“My ancestor is the fox. There is only my following, few can track me.”
Xiao Liu remembered being captured by Xiang Liu the first time and how he found her. The second time when Zhuan Xu tossed her in prison, he again found her. He really was very adept at tracking."

ooh my heart. Love sweet love. 

Oooh my  Gosh I love this moment . Those 2 lovebirds do not even need a bug to connect.  how beautiful is that. it is som hear warming to see them .

"The next day, Xiao Liu slept til noon and found the entire residence empty as everyone went to watch the tournament. She didn’t feel like stoking the kitchen fires so ran off to eat street food.
She ate two bowls of clam leek soup and afterwards sat under the riverbank wall under the sun watching the activity on the river. A boat passed with a green robed man sitting with his back to Xiao Liu and he was enjoyed the view beside a blue robed man. The familiar figure was instantly recognizable as Jing, and since he couldn’t see Xiao Liu, then Xiao Liu stared at him directly.
Jing suddenly turned his head and looked at the shore. Xiao Liu didn’t move and just looked at him, not sure if he saw her. The boat moved past and the green disappeared into the distance.
He knew she was here, she knew he was here. But it was no longer like when they were in Qing Shui Town, when she would wave and call Shi Qi and he would show up beside her."

and as if  per magic  tadaaaa

"Xiao Liu didn’t know how long she sat there until a person walked by and sat down beside her. The faint herbal scent wafted over but Xiao Liu didn’t turn her head because she knew that even if he saw her face, it was not her real face. She smiled at the passing boats and her heart fluttered with a small happiness.
After some moments, Xiao Liu asked “Not afraid of being followed?”
“My ancestor is the fox. There is only my following, few can track me.”
Xiao Liu remembered being captured by Xiang Liu the first time and how he found her. The second time when Zhuan Xu tossed her in prison, he again found her. He really was very adept at tracking."

ooh my heart. Love sweet love. 

 @Peng: you provided a delightful and heartwarming moment between two characters, Xiao Liu and Jing !. Let's delve into it's analysis :) :

  1. Setting the Scene:

    • The author paints a vivid picture of the scene, starting with Xiao Liu waking up late and finding the residence empty due to a tournament. This sets a laid-back and relaxed atmosphere.
    • The decision to not stoke the kitchen fires and opt for street food adds a casual and carefree touch to Xiao Liu's character.
  2. Observing from Afar:

    • Xiao Liu, after enjoying her street food, chooses to sit by the riverbank wall, observing the activity on the river. This emphasizes her calm and content state of mind.
    • The mention of a boat passing with Jing on board creates an air of anticipation and excitement, as the reader knows that these two characters share a connection.
  3. Unspoken Connection:

    • The author skillfully describes the moment when Jing, without directly seeing Xiao Liu, turns his head and looks at the shore. This subtle interaction speaks volumes about their connection and understanding.
    • The comparison to their interactions in Qing Shui Town adds depth, suggesting a progression in their relationship. The lack of overt gestures creates a sense of mature and unspoken understanding.
  4. Magical Encounter:

    • There is a touch of enchantment to the scene, highlighting the special and almost otherworldly connection between the characters.
    • The disappearance of Jing into the distance creates a sense of longing, leaving readers eager to see how their connection will develop.
  5. Unexpected Reunion:

    • Xiao Liu, immersed in her thoughts, is pleasantly surprised when someone sits down beside her. The faint herbal scent suggests that it is Jing, creating a sensory element that adds depth to the scene.
    • Xiao Liu's decision not to turn her head, knowing Jing can't see her real face, adds an element of mystery and intimacy. It also shows her acceptance of their unique connection.
  6. Dialogue and Playfulness:

    • Xiao Liu's question about being followed introduces a playful and teasing tone. Jing's response, claiming that few can track him due to his fox ancestry, adds a layer of humor and confidence to his character.
    • The mention of past encounters, such as Xiang Liu finding her, adds continuity to the story and reinforces the idea that these characters are intricately connected.
  7. Emotional Impact:

    • The description of Xiao Liu's heart fluttering with happiness suggests a deep emotional connection between the characters. This moment is a culmination of their shared experiences and unspoken understanding.
    • The overall tone of the passage evokes feelings of warmth, joy, and the magic of love. The subtlety in the interactions and the unspoken bond between Xiao Liu and Jing make their relationship all the more endearing.

In conclusion, this passage beautifully captures a moment of quiet connection and understanding between two characters, using vivid imagery, subtle interactions, and a touch of magic to create a heartwarming scene.


he passage you provided is rich with elements that center around the theme of love. Let's delve deeper into the different facets of love portrayed in this passage:

  1. Subtle Expressions of Affection:

    • The passage illustrates love through subtle and nuanced expressions. Xiao Liu and Jing share a connection that goes beyond mere words or overt gestures. The way Jing turns his head to look at the shore, even without seeing Xiao Liu, conveys a deep understanding and awareness of each other's presence. It's a silent acknowledgment that speaks volumes about the bond they share.
  2. Unspoken Connection:

    • The passage emphasizes the power of an unspoken connection. In Qing Shui Town, Xiao Liu would wave, and Shi Qi (Jing) would appear. However, the dynamics have evolved, and now, their connection doesn't require explicit gestures. This evolution suggests a deepening of their relationship, where understanding and connection transcend the need for verbal or visible cues.
  3. Magical and Enchanting Love:

    • There is an enchanting quality to their relationship. Love, in this context, is portrayed as something almost otherworldly, a force that brings two people together in a magical and serendipitous way. This  enhances the romantic and whimsical nature of their connection.
  4. Longing and Anticipation:

    • The boat passing with Jing on board and then disappearing into the distance creates a sense of longing and anticipation. Love is not just about the moments spent together; it's also about the yearning for each other when apart. The reader feels the emotional weight of their connection as Jing moves away, leaving the anticipation of their next encounter.
  5. Intimacy and Acceptance:

    • Xiao Liu's decision not to turn her head, knowing that Jing can't see her real face, reflects a level of intimacy and acceptance. Love, in this instance, is depicted as a profound connection that goes beyond physical appearances. It's about understanding and embracing each other, imperfections and all.
  6. Playful and Teasing Love:

    • The playful banter between Xiao Liu and Jing adds a layer of lightness and humor to their relationship. Love isn't always serious; it can also be playful and teasing. Xiao Liu's question about being followed and Jing's confident response contribute to the dynamic and multifaceted nature of their love.
  7. Heart Fluttering with Happiness:

    • Xiao Liu's heart fluttering with happiness encapsulates the emotional impact of love. Love, in its purest form, brings joy and contentment. This moment serves as a testament to the positive and uplifting influence that love can have on individuals.

In summary, the passage beautifully explores the theme of love through various lenses, incorporating subtlety, anticipation, intimacy, playfulness, and beautifull emotional resonance. It showcases the complexity and richness of the characters' connection. 

                                                                         Photo recap of Deng Wei on set today <3

DW Studio Update :) !

Intimacy and Acceptance:

Xiao Liu's decision not to turn her head, knowing that Jing can't see her real face, reflects a level of intimacy and acceptance. Love, in this instance, is depicted as a profound connection that goes beyond physical appearances. It's about understanding and embracing each other, imperfections and all.

Heart Fluttering with Happiness:

Xiao Liu's heart fluttering with happiness encapsulates the emotional impact of love. Love, in its purest form, brings joy and contentment. This moment serves as a testament to the positive and uplifting influence that love can have on individuals.

Longing and Anticipation:

  • The boat passing with Jing on board and then disappearing into the distance creates a sense of longing and anticipation. Love is not just about the moments spent together; it's also about the yearning for each other when apart. The reader feels the emotional weight of their connection as Jing moves away, leaving the anticipation of their next encounter....

Related chapter 11 drama ep.17:  

(the fan is back :D)                                                 I AM HERE





                                                                         Photo recap of Deng Wei on set today <3

My gosh he looks  so fine. I really hope those dramas will be huge hit when they come out.


Related chapter 11 drama ep.17:  

(the fan is back :D)                                                 I AM HERE




My heart. I an going to watch this episode. Thank you so much. I love them. They are so cute. Their trial and tribulations  were worth it for them to know the meaning a being in love and the value of that  relationship and what it entails 


                                                                         Photo recap of Deng Wei on set today <3

Not gonna lie but now when I read any XL parts, I only  picture this guy.  My  heart.  Look at those lips, that nose  with the geauty spot, those eyes annnnd those hands. I just died . 


Not gonna lie but now when I read any XL parts, I only  picture this guy.  My  heart.  Look at those lips, that nose  with the geauty spot, those eyes annnnd those hands. I just died . 

Nahh..he`s not xl lol....i am eager to see this drama so so much...


Related chapter 11 drama ep.17:  

(the fan is back :D)                                                 I AM HERE




Lol that scene is brief but sweet...

Scenes from Chapter 11..

Xiao Liu sneaked out along with Ru So and then went to squeeze in with the spectators in the Gao Xing tribal group section. Ru So laughed “Chi Sui Xian will obviously be freezing everything soon, it’ll be cold then so this is perfect to stay warm.”

Xiao Liu had been pretending to be a man for two hundred years so was fine with it, squeezing in and finally feeling the mood of watching a tournament match.

The match began and it was intense, ice versus water, and just like Ru So said Xian froze all the water and it was like there was snow falling just on the match ring. Xiao Liu’s powers were low and the entire arena was like the middle of the Winter so she started shivering. Ru So saw it and put his hand on hers and passed her some power to warm her up. He also lowered his head to explain what was happening on the match ring between two opponents.

Xiao Liu suddenly felt like someone was staring at her and she looked towards the VIP section where there was a curtain covering one area. She asked Ru So “Who is sitting over there?” Ru So looked “The Tu Shan clan.”

Xiao Liu was silent and then started laughing and muttering “You made me promise not to date a guy for fifteen years, you didn’t say I couldn’t talk to guys.”

Ru So asked “What did you say?”

Xiao Liu laughed “Nothing, keep on explaining.”


A boat passed with a green robed man sitting with his back to Xiao Liu and he was enjoyed the view beside a blue robed man. The familiar figure was instantly recognizable as Jing, and since he couldn’t see Xiao Liu, then Xiao Liu stared at him directly.

Jing suddenly turned his head and looked at the shore. Xiao Liu didn’t move and just looked at him, not sure if he saw her. The boat moved past and the green disappeared into the distance.

He knew she was here, she knew he was here. But it was no longer like when they were in Qing Shui Town, when she would wave and call Shi Qi and he would show up beside her.

Xiao Liu didn’t know how long she sat there until a person walked by and sat down beside her. The faint herbal scent wafted over but Xiao Liu didn’t turn her head because she knew that even if he saw her face, it was not her real face. She smiled at the passing boats and her heart fluttered with a small happiness.

After some moments, Xiao Liu asked “Not afraid of being followed?”

“My ancestor is the fox. There is only my following, few can track me.”

Xiao Liu remembered being captured by Xiang Liu the first time and how he found her. The second time when Zhuan Xu tossed her in prison, he again found her. He really was very adept at tracking.

Xiao Liu asked “Have you gone to watch the tournament?”

“The Tu Shan clan doesn’t fight, we come here to discuss business and find talent.”

Xiao Liu said nothing more and Shi Qi silently kept Xiao Liu company under the sun. Xiao Liu never turned around but his herbal scent was very calming. Until the sun was setting over the river, Shi Qi softly said “I need to leave. When are you going back?”

“I need to go back too.”

“Then you go first.”

Xiao Liu felt a sliver of warmth in her heart and stood up to leave. She walked slowly down the river edge towards the residence, knowing someone was sending her off with his eyes. It made this walk feel less lonely with someone keeping her company.

But the person sending her off gave her the warmth while he kept the loneliness of watching her gradually disappear from sight.

Two scenes here. In the first scene, was Wen Xiao Liu happy she sense jealousy from Jing looking at her.?

Think brief encounterment is sweet. I like how the sensual theme herbal scent. 

 Winny Aye:
He knew she was here, she knew he was here

In the drama:

 Winny Aye:
under the sun. Xiao Liu never turned around but his herbal scent was very calming.

Sun and herbs are definitivly a recurent patern for Jing! <3

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Liu felt a sliver of warmth in her heart

No device needed. It's all natural! :D

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Liu said nothing more and Shi Qi silently kept Xiao Liu company under the sun. Xiao Liu never turned around but his herbal scent was very calming. Until the sun was setting over the river, Shi Qi softly said “I need to leave. When are you going back?”

“I need to go back too.”

“Then you go first.”

Xiao Liu felt a sliver of warmth in her heart and stood up to leave. She walked slowly down the river edge towards the residence, knowing someone was sending her off with his eyes. It made this walk feel less lonely with someone keeping her company.

But the person sending her off gave her the warmth while he kept the loneliness of watching her gradually disappear from sight.
  1. Silence and Non-Verbal Communication:

    • The fact that Xiao Liu and Shi Qi say nothing further speaks volumes about the depth of their connection. Sometimes, silence can convey more than words, highlighting a deep level of understanding and comfort between the two characters.
  2. Sensory Details:

    • The mention of Xiao Liu's herbal scent adds a sensory dimension to the scene. This detail not only engages the reader's senses but also suggests a certain familiarity and intimacy between the characters. Smells can be powerful triggers of memory and emotion, enhancing the emotional impact of the scene.
  3. Temporal Progression:

    • The passage unfolds from daylight to sunset, creating a visual transition that mirrors the emotional shifts in the characters. The progression of time adds a layer of inevitability to their parting, emphasizing the transient nature of the moment.
  4. Symbolism of Sun and River:

    • The sun setting over the river holds symbolic significance. The sun often represents life, warmth, and vitality, while the river can symbolize the flow of time or the journey of life. The combination of these elements suggests a moment of transition, possibly foreshadowing changes in the characters' lives.
  5. Unspoken Emotions:

    • Shi Qi's silent observation and Xiao Liu's internal feelings of warmth and loneliness convey a rich emotional landscape. The passage skillfully captures the complexity of human emotions, highlighting the sweet nature of their companionship and impending separation.
  6. Balancing Politeness and Emotion:

    • The exchange of words, "Then you go first," reflects a delicate dance of politeness and unspoken emotions. There's an unselfish consideration in wanting the other person to go first, even though both characters are aware of their impending parting.
  7. Contrasting Emotions:

    • The juxtaposition of warmth felt by Xiao Liu and the loneliness experienced by Shi Qi creates a poignant contrast. This duality enhances the emotional depth of the passage, making it more resonant and relatable to readers who may have experienced similar moments of connection and separation.
  8. Narrative Technique:

    • The use of third-person narration allows the reader to observe the scene from an external perspective, providing insights into both characters' thoughts and emotions. This narrative choice enhances the reader's empathy and understanding of the characters' internal worlds.

Let's  further explore the sensory details, symbolism, and nuances in the passage with specific quotes:

  1. Sensory Details:

    • "Xiao Liu never turned around but his herbal scent was very calming."

      • This line introduces the olfactory sense, emphasizing the herbal scent that surrounds Xiao Liu. The use of the word "calming" suggests that this scent has a soothing effect, possibly providing a sense of security or familiarity to Xiao Liu.
    • "She walked slowly down the river edge towards the residence, knowing someone was sending her off with his eyes."

      • The visual imagery of Xiao Liu walking along the river edge engages the reader's sense of sight. The act of "someone sending her off with his eyes" introduces a non-verbal, visual communication that adds an emotional layer to the scene.
  2. Symbolism:

    • "Until the sun was setting over the river..."

      • The setting sun often symbolizes closure, endings, or transitions. In this context, the sunset over the river may represent the conclusion of a chapter in their lives or the inevitability of change.
    • "It made this walk feel less lonely with someone keeping her company."

      • The riverbank becomes symbolic of the journey of life. Xiao Liu's walk is not just a physical movement; it represents her life's path. The presence of someone, even in silence, alleviates the loneliness of this journey.
  3. Nuances in Dialogue:

    • "I need to leave. When are you going back?"

      • Shi Qi's inquiry about Xiao Liu's departure time indicates a desire to coordinate their movements, subtly expressing a wish to spend more time together before parting.
    • "Then you go first."

      • Xiao Liu's response is layered with nuance. On the surface, it may seem like a polite gesture, allowing Shi Qi to leave first. However, it  also reveal a reluctance to part, as she doesn't want to witness him watching her disappear.
  4. Contrasting Emotions:

    • "Xiao Liu felt a sliver of warmth in her heart..."

      • The use of the word "warmth" conveys a positive and comforting emotion. This warmth is likely generated by Shi Qi's silent companionship, creating a contrast to the upcoming loneliness.
    • "...while he kept the loneliness of watching her gradually disappear from sight."

      • The phrase "loneliness of watching her" conveys the emotional weight Shi Qi bears. The act of watching someone disappear suggests a sense of loss or separation, highlighting the poignancy of the moment.
  5. Xiao Liu's Loneliness:

    • "She walked slowly down the river edge towards the residence, knowing someone was sending her off with his eyes. It made this walk feel less lonely with someone keeping her company."

      • The act of walking alone by the river suggests a metaphorical journey,  through the challenges of life or a period of transition. The loneliness is subtly alleviated by the unspoken company of the other person, emphasizing the emotional support provided by Shi Qi's silent presence.
    • "...while he kept the loneliness of watching her gradually disappear from sight."

      • The phrase "loneliness of watching her" conveys a sense of solitude experienced by Shi Qi as he witnesses Xiao Liu's departure. This loneliness may imply a longing or a sense of emptiness that arises from the imminent separation.
  6. Shi Qi as the Sun:

    • "Until the sun was setting over the river..."

      • The setting sun symbolize the conclusion of a phase or a cycle. In the context of Shi Qi, it represent his role as a stabilizing force in Xiao Liu's life, providing warmth and light.
    • "Shi Qi silently kept Xiao Liu company under the sun."

      • The image of Shi Qi being associated with the sun suggests a positive and nurturing presence. The sun often symbolizes vitality, energy, and life, emphasizing Shi Qi's role in bringing light and warmth to Xiao Liu's world.
  7. Herbal Scent as a Symbol:

    • "Xiao Liu never turned around but his herbal scent was very calming."

      • The herbal scent associated with Shi Qi serves as a sensory symbol. The calming nature of the scent represent the emotional soothing or grounding effect that Shi Qi has on Xiao Liu. It  also symbolize healing or a connection to nature.
    • "Xiao Liu felt a sliver of warmth in her heart and stood up to leave."

      • The "sliver of warmth" in Xiao Liu's heart is linked to both Shi Qi's presence and the herbal scent. This warmth signifies emotional comfort and a positive influence on Xiao Liu's feelings and well being.

=> In summary, Shi Qi is portrayed as a positive and comforting force, symbolized by the sun and the calming herbal scent. Xiao Liu's loneliness is poignantly depicted as she walks along the river, and the contrast between her solitude and Shi Qi's supportive presence enhances the emotional depth of the scene. 

Further SUN/Jing: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=3

The use of symbols and sensory details adds layers of meaning, inviting readers to engage with the characters' emotions on a deeper level, and feel empathy for them.