
Writing each other in floral manner too. Haha !Magnolia related :D

haha, yesss, why not, haha sweet like flower. the letter Jing wrote in response to the song XY sang and danced for him. (⁠^⁠.^⁠)

 Winny Aye:


Second reason is that often in the pics shared what I see are what we call glycines. Not magnolia,so..I'm just lost with this point you try to bring on. But, I certanly relate XiaoYao/Tushan Jing to nature/leafs/flowers/seeds/soil/fertile grounds.

lol thats true everything about nature & life is yaojing.

agree nature and life is yaojing(⁠^.^⁠)


Just to be sure..this pic is a leaked one too for S2 right?

 Winny Aye:

Ultimate happy ending...?


Yeah, this came after s1 ended… there’re even videos of this & when they visited qingshui village during the war 

yesssshhh, their h.e in s2 ?. ohhhh im curious and excited abt the latter, i might've seen it but not sure if it is what you mentioned though-- (⁠T⁠T⁠).


Deng Wei’s marker & bottled water he previewed is sold out. Oh diamonds ? were not bashing him, they were eager to see him & some were getting tired & sleepy cos they were on there for more than 4 hours & they didn’t show DW yet. Now some have either bought the acting course classes or making up their own classes lol. It’s all love


i think the bashing on DW again is related to the ones ive shared-- his recent intw w/c is another chance for more exposure---

ill get back to photos shared and will read back those i haven't. thanksss for all the interactions so far(⁠^⁠.^⁠) brb

ohhh no, i didn't make myself clear??.the msg i added to my last post did sound like that {i owe everyone an apology for the misunderstanding, was in a rush to get off mdl, i never meant his diamonds, they wouldn't bash him or make issues against him to make things difficult for him, they're protective of him, i mean they'd always find ways to cheer him up when those attacks/mess get extreme} "the bashing again" i meant was like yesterday that @Peng-peng mentioned and those other related not good acting comments against him or some senseless ones like the sandwich he made for XY for their reenactment of the wisteria cake scene, he actually even jokingly said apologized there's no lettuce, as i remember, that was so cute, their smiles(⁠^⁠^⁠). i just thought that whenever there's an event for DW to attend or something like this interview, his appearance in Hengdian Film and Television Festival, which is another opportunity for more people to see him and get to know him and for his new fans to get to know more abt him, those who disliked or even hated him coz he's becoming more known to many esp since his role as Jing gained him a lot of fans, would be out creating a mess, so i said that. sorry, didn't make myself clear before i went offline-- ?


=>Deng  Wei will be walking the Hengdian Festival Red carpet tomorrow?! => Confirmed!

China movie news replied to a fan saying: they will be meeting Dengwei tomorrow at the Hengdian Festival red carpet !

oh that's why the last time i checked weibo before i posted abt his intw details here, diamonds were talking abt another event to support him, so it's still abt Hengdian TV and Film Fest, i see.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* more exposures for him, the better it is for his career.?


Have a good day ? 

beautiful and handsome.(⁠^⁠^⁠) hope to see him in Dior's event w/ the already established artists, beautiful ladies, this 27th, it'll be another good opportunity for him. hope to hear some more good news abt Dior and him. thanksssss for sharing.?


Thank you <3

the ones i picked up abt his Hengdian Film and Television Festival’s exclusive intw were honestly something new to me:⁠-⁠D i mean the personal details he shared esp like his the ones he liked watching, fave genre or who he wanted the most to work with coz i still consider myself a baby diamond, just got to know him this year coz of Jing in lyf*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* so infos i found interesting and worth sharing, i post here jijiji, and it's nice to get back on them later on and his fans move me each time w/their love and dedication for him, i find them funny and cute and admirable, i was once like that, so active like i have a fan's diary to fill daily. jijiji. :⁠-⁠)


Lol I was on there for 6 hrs ?

that's amazing how much you patiently waited for his appearance, i wasn't even much aware abt this interview and hengdian tv and film fest till i checked weibo and saw his c-diamonds crowding the live broadcast w/photo collages of DW, very cute*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*.  you represent all i-diamonds who also eagerly and patiently waited to see him and hear from him.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*? 


this subject???

i think the photos you shared were the replies of his diamonds waiting for his appearance in that film fest, i saw one and i used it in one of my earlier posts, the photo collage of Jing and Shiqi in s1 that i find so interesting, the contrast and all that. jijiji (⁠^⁠^⁠)


that's amazing how much you patiently waited for his appearance, i wasn't even much aware abt this interview and hengdian tv and film fest till i checked weibo and saw his c-diamonds crowding the live broadcast w/photo collages of DW, very cute*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*.  you represent all i-diamonds who also eagerly and patiently waited to see him and hear from him.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*? 

Yes, thanks to his c-diamonds  that we're able to get many many updates on Deng Wei. The first thing I check in the morning is Deng Wei 's Chaohua page and his There's tree in Sendai.  These pages wouldn't have been as active and lively as they are now without his diamonds' dedication.  

I first noticed him in TTEOTM, I think he did a great job in bringing his characters to life. Then I watched this behind the scene video of him protecting Bai Lu from a run away, agitated horse:  I thought what a selfless and brave young man he really is, and from then on I became his fan.

Btw, he looks so good on his latest interview.


Developping about a single kind of flower is difficult for me, for two reasons. Firstly i have a visual problem: Magnolia in Europe is mainly - Force (and I must say I'm really not into flower language, more on their shapes, color etc). They were introduced in 1731 from Louisianna by a french botanist. So quite late...:D

The magnolia firstly symbolizes strength. Its age, tenacity and resistance make this plant an emblem of power.
The meaning of the magnolia also takes us back to this period of renewal and sunshine that is spring.
By its superb appearance in spring and summer, the magnolia also represents dignity, respect and fidelity. Thus, offering a bouquet of magnolias is a testimony of deep feelings towards the person you wish to please.
The magnolia symbolizes Yin, a symbol of Chinese philosophy representing beauty and perfect femininity.
The symbolism of magnolia flowers also varies depending on their color.

yessss it's what weve, @Romans_Revenge, WinnyAye, and i, been sharing and talking abt that  Winnyyy and i were into magnolias and shared more infos and connect to YaoJing coz of the various color symbolisms and their scenes in the novel, and i personally felt like my purple heart's changing to various colors too, haha. thankssss anyway for sharing. (^.⁠^⁠) 

Blueberries Field 

Yes, thanks to his c-diamonds  that we're able to get many many updates on Deng Wei. The first thing I check in the morning is Deng Wei 's Chaohua page and his There's tree in Sendai.  These pages wouldn't have been as active and lively as they are now without his diamonds' dedication.  

I first noticed him in TTEOTM, I think he did a great job in bringing his characters to life. Then I watched this behind the scene video of him protecting Bai Lu from a run away, agitated horse:  I thought what a selfless and brave young man he really is, and from then on I became his fan.

Btw, he looks so good on his latest interview.

hiiiii you're here again, thanksss for dropping by.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*

the last link you attached keeps loading on my part though.(⁠T⁠T⁠) 

Yessss absolutely right! and you're awesomeeeee*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*yessssshh feel you, haha, kind of a routine now, right :⁠-⁠D. {same here lol}  purple diamonds, i/c,  do share one common thing *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* and that makes all his diamonds easily distinguishable and admirable really. happy to know that. (^⁠.^⁠) i believe we all have the same gallery content too haha. but that's really what makes us all alive and enthusiastic esp while waiting for s2, his villain role and now his first male lead role to be aired, and it's also making this thread alive, there's sm to be busy with just staying on this thread or on weibo haha and im loving it too.

i see, tteom days, i failed to notice him then :⁠-⁠(  only Jing got my full attention and curiousity, but ill get back to his Xiaolin char coz i see lots of cfans edits abt it(⁠^⁠^⁠). That bts, yessss, it made me respect him all the more. thanksss for sharing.(⁠^⁠^⁠)

abt his intw, i picked up some infos new to me so i shared them here earlier. he answers so well in all his interviews, he's soft spoken and down-to-earth, and well-mannered---, that it's so hard not to care more abt him as him and his acting career. it's like the more you know abt him, the harder you fall for him, really. jijiji.???


Xiao Yao watched them from behind, noticing Left Ear's body posture tensing up as his ears turned bright red. Who knew the cold brutal killer would turn shy and nervous like this? Xiao Yao's heart turned melancholy, her Jing was once this awkward and shy. Xiao Yao used to be so frustrated with him, thinking he didn't like her enough, didn't care enough, and even thought about ending the relationship. But looking back now, she understood it was a type of cherishing, of caring too much as to be hesitant. That was so precious, because it was the first and the truest heart.”

This should tell you that she CARED about if Jing liked her that much or not. A woman who likes a man but she’s not sure that he likes her very much should tell you that she’s already in love with him & worried he might hurt her feelings. 

sooo trueee. (⁠T⁠T⁠)(⁠T⁠T⁠) one of the beauty of staring w/the drama before the book is that as i keep reading these lines and this part of the chapter, i can imagine yz and dw as xy and jing acting this painful scene out, esp on yz as xy here, her mind and heart's full of longing for Jing, that's just unbearable-- ?

Winny Aye 

--reposting photos

Im not over magnolia magnolia ?

I made new aesthetic too

 from chapter 44

Xiao Yao suddenly started crying “Jing, the flower is gone! I can’t see you anymore!” 

Xiao Yao’s eyes were staring into the distance and she said with a smile “Jing, you’re finally back!”

"Jing, I miss you so much, so much……..Don’t leave………don’t leave……..”

Jing was here! Jing was right beside her.

Her real despair. ..but beautiful

yessssshh everything abt this part of the chapter w/magnolias, her lines and Left Ear's observations and Xuan she mistaken as Jing-- it's also hard for me to move on to other yaojing flower love language yet, it's keeping my full attention. th, th, th, you're such a good writer, whether intentional or not to pick these flowers, you have my respect here.haha. ??

that's such a lovely yaojing-magnolia edit Winnyyy*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*??? {was also thinking of doing the same but} you did awesome here already (⁠^⁠.^⁠)

since im seeing DW's superchat being filled with flowers {timely w/our magnolia disc and later w/other yaojing flowers} and nature photos with the tag-- 邓为 ?每日一善 ?#每日一善# w/c means
Deng Wei?A good deed every day? #日一 kind #
{gg transl}, ill share some related yaojing vibe nature edit by c-yaojingS, they're all great.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*

(⁠^⁠.^⁠) (⁠^_⁠^⁠) (⁠^,⁠^⁠) ^⁠_⁠^


like it a lot, like a modern drama for them*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* 

{this one is really yaojing:⁠-⁠D time travelling haha cute}