
Hehe I think it might be one of his numerous residence. I mean XY’s man is RICH RICH hehe

ah yes, haha very rich... lol 


I kinda remember I saw somewhere a mention of a Temple....Am I burning ????

interesting... temple? hmmm :⁠-⁠D


More cake ? <3

borrowing Wei's emoji today ? haha as for him personally, there's a lot of competition, ill just watch from afar lmao



Guess it's time for me to let the champagne, and grab a part of cake! :D!!! *hugs*


* Off to search for a HUGE spoon* ....XD!

Lol :⁠-⁠D :⁠-⁠D

i suddenly remember some posts i saw for lantern fest

here's one lmao 


Thank you Winny for your translation ! Kuddos!



                                          (◡‿◡✿)Happy Birthday to Deng Wei!(◡‿◡✿)

this Figaro photo's really so adorbs, both of the photos picked by FIG for bday greetings bring back memories ??

and i saw this haha, one of my new adorb collections today {indivl photos and link to follow haha}

"...This is a blessing from diamonds all over the world, Xiaowei."

bday greetings from diamonds local and intl and ohhh i love the beginning of this video! ?(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) ✧✧✧✧

I had told some of my friends before that i would like to share ...a sweet passionate kiss scene from chapter 20 before february ends ... i guess this time is best suited. Koala version is really good but i feel the thai ver has a bit of different i will share it here..

Chapter 20


There were only them left in the room. Xiao Yao shot Jing a cold expression while asking, “Why don't you come to see me? If I don't come to you, don't you know how to find me at all?” Jing said, “I have gone to see you." Last night, he hid in the trees and watched until she fell asleep and then disappeared. “You peeped at me?”

“It is not considered as "yes". I didn't come close. Just seeing your silhouette..." Jing explained in a voice that became softer every moment. Xiao Yao laughed and asked, “Do you want to see me?” Jing nodded his head once. He wanting to see her, that was why he came to little Zhu Rong's mansion.

Xiao Yao said. “I told Xing Yue that I want to learn to play the harp(zither) with you. If you teach me how to play the harp(zither), you will see me every day." Jing smiled excitedly. Xiao Yao asked knowingly.
“Am I very smart?”
Jing smiled and nodded his head.

Xiao Yao saw his eyebrows and eyes relaxed because of his smile. She couldn't help but feel heartache. When everyone went hunting, he was sitting alone with what kind of expression on his face? When he walked towards Yi Yang, ut Yi Yang was stunned and looked at him with disdain. What expression did he have on his face?

Xiao Yao hugged him, and put her face leant on his shoulder. Xiao Yao's demeanor was soft, gentle, and sincere. Even without saying a single word, but she had completely expressed her feelings in her heart. Jing hugged Xiao Yao, buried his face in her hair. Jing felt that the days were peaceful and beautiful. He didn't wish for anything else anymore. The two hugged each other in silence for a long time, so long that they forgot the time.

 A soft voice was heard from outside. Xiao Yao seemed to get startled and raised her head. Jing caressed her head affectionately, “Nothing, it's just two servants.  This time  are Jing Ye and Hu Ya. Even if they see us, it doesn't matter."
Xiao Yao smiled, pushed Jing to the side of the bed, and said, “I would like to take a closer look at this leg of yours again.”

Jing sat and leaned on the pallet. Xiao Yao knelt on his side, slowly feeling from his ankles upwards, knead all the way to the knees. Then slowly descend from the knees. It stoped at the place where the bone was broken. Xiao Yao thought for a moment. She checked again and again for a while. Finally, she said to Jing: “I can heal your leg. Yes, although it cannot be said that it will be completely cured, but when walking, there will definitely be no abnormality being seen.” Jing asked, “Do you disdain it?"

Xiao Yao shook her head and then bent down to kiss Jing's injury for once. Jing's body trembled violently. Xiao Yao was also shocked by her own actions. She felt extremely embarrassed, so she let go and sat with her head bowed silently. Jing moved to sit beside her. “If you don't disdain it, just don't treat it yet."

“But... But I care about others being disgusted. Well, it's not like I really care. I just don't want anyone to belittle you...I just want you to be happy. I think you.." Jing put his index finger on Xiao Yao's lips and didn't allow her to continue speaking.
“I understand. You are worried that I will be upset by others' disgusted glances. But no, Xiao Yao…” Jing's hand rubbed from her forehead down. “Just only you be willing to take one look at me, no matter what kind of eyes others use to look at me,  I cannot be harmed at all." Xiao Yao bit her lip. While she was thinking about speaking, suddenly, she felt that Jing's breathing seemed to become more rapid. His body leaned toward hers, and in that blink of an eye Xiao Yao even forgot what she had planned to say. Jing gently kissed the corner of her mouth. Xiao Yao closed her eyes, and didn't dare to move. Jing kissed the other corner of her mouth. Xiao Yao still did not dodge. Finally, he gently sucked Xiao Yao's lips. Jing's lips were warm, soft, and moist. It reminded Xiao Yao of the guppies on a summer morning. When she was young, she used to bring dew-soaked guppies,  pursed it on her mouth, then gently suck out the nectar. Mild sweetness seeping from her mouth to throat, from the throat flowing smoothly to the heart . Only this time she was a guppy flower that had been sucked by Jing. Jing sucked and used the tip of his tongue to lightly drag across Xiao Yao's lips, round again and again.  He then affectionately inserted the tip of his tongue into Xiao Yao's mouth.

Xiao Yao's body went limp. Her head fell back weakly. She didn't understand, even though Jing was the one who suck her, but why did she still feel sweet? It was also sweeter than the nectar from the guppies' flowers. Sweet from the mouth to the throat. Sweet from the throat to the heart. Then it spread throughout her entire being, causing her to lose her strength.

Xiao Yao slowly and weakly fell on to bed. Jing lifted her head and look at Xiao Yao. Her hair was messy. Her beautiful lips slightly open Both cheeks were flushed red. Her long eyelashes fluttered like a frightened butterfly. Jing couldn't resist kissing Xiao Yao's eyelashes, using his lips to gently conceal it, not letting them be shocked again. But he liked to see them shocked because of him, so then he  let them out. He kissed Xiao Yao's cheek. He was glad they were colored by the evening sun because of him. He kissed Xiao Yao's hair. He loved the way they curled up between his fingers.

Xiao Yao opened her eyes timidly. But she didn't dare open all. She kept her eyes closed halfway. The corners of her mouth filled with a smile. Jing couldn't resist sucking the corner of her mouth, thinking of absorbing that smile into his heart to preserve forever. Xiaoyao smiled and said, "Sweet."
 Jing didn't understand what she was saying.
Xiao Yao hid in his arms. “Your kiss is sweet taste.” Jing understood. He kissed her happily. “Because you are sweet. I only absorbed a little bit of your sweetness.”
Xiao Yao moaned softly, and she shrunk and hid herself in Jing's arms, intending to avoid his lips, “Ticklish.”

The desire within Jing's body became intense that he didn't dare to touch Xiao Yao again. He only hugged her loosely. Xiao Yao raised her head. Her eyes shone brightly, "Why?"
 "What Why?"
“Why now? Last time on the beach I invited refused."

“I don't know, maybe it's because you're too good. Or maybe it's because I'm being selfish right now. Just thinking about myself. Or maybe it was because just now you were so…” Jing smiled, looking at Xiao Yao. The last words are barely sounded. Xiao Yao could only guess from the shape of his mouth that it probably meant the word "alluring". Xiao Yao smacked Jing's chest  once. But, Jing caught her fist to brought it his lips and kissed it hard.

Xiao Yao's heart pounded loudly. She felt that in matters between men and women, men and women are very different. Although she seemed to be the one initiating bravely, but when it reachd a certain level, she instead couldn't help but feel embarrassed, excited, and flustered. Although she had had expectations deep down but still felt scared by her own instinct. As for Jing, who looked shy and quiet. But when it reached a certain level, he would instead be the one to push hard, following his own instinctive desire only to possess without any fear.  


Happy Purple Day To All..

Oooo lala I dunno why I always say ooh lala whenever that kiss scene appears lol. I think that’s one of the sexiest kiss I’ve ever scene.

But why didnt they do it like the novel? You know,her laying on the bed while he kissed her. Maybe it’d have been too hot for the viewers? lol 

 Winny Aye:
Happy Purple Day To All..

!Gosh!!! I cant wait to cover this!!!! Ch. 20?! I am ready!!! :D   hahahaha!  Sooo beautifully written!....nonono..I 'll hold on, I'll wait untill we come fully into it! <3 Now this was a guppy tasted birthday cake @ Winny - Thank you for your gift <3

 Winny Aye:
It is also sweeter than the nectar from the guppies' flowers. Sweet from the mouth to the throat. Sweet from the throat to the heart. Then it spread throughout her entire being, causing her to lose her strength.

N o I want quote more, the whole passage is to be read....beautifull...

 Winny Aye:
Finally, he gently sucked Xiao Yao's lips. Jing's lips were warm, soft, and moist. It reminded Xiao Yao of the guppies on a summer morning. When she was young, she used to bring dew-soaked guppies,  pursed it on her mouth, then gently suck out the nectar, mild sweetness seeping from her mouth to throat, from the throat flowing smoothly to the heart . Only this time She was a guppy flower that had been sucked by Jing. Jing sucked and used the tip of his tongue to lightly drag across Xiao Yao's lips, round again and again.  He then affectionately inserted the tip of his tongue into Xiao Yao's mouth.


 Winny Aye:
her mouth filled with a smile. Jing couldn't resist sucking the corner of her mouth, thinking of absorbing that smile into his heart to preserve forever. Xiaoyao smiled and said, "Sweet."
Oooo lala

BIS! XD!!! 

This line, ‘Jing’s desire is now too great, he no longer dared to touch Xiaoyao, so he just cuddled her loosely’. Seems Jing wanted to go to second base but held back A LOT ☺️. I understand tho, cos he wants to OPENLY be with her,marry her heck they can do the deed before marriage cos we all know XY can be horny sometimes lmao.

Winny Aye 

I had some of my friends before that i would like to share ...a sweet passionate kiss scene from chapter 20 before february ends ... i guess this time is best suited. Koala version is really good but i feel the thai ver has a bit of different i will share it here..

oh here it is, haha, on it now :⁠-⁠D, yes totally fine, remembering the most intimate yj scene before Feb ends, push haha 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 

Xiao Yao's heart pounded loudly. She felt that in matters between men and women, men and women are very different. Although she seemed to be the one initiating bravely, but when it reaches a certain level, she instead couldn't help but feel embarrassed, excited, and flustered. Although she had had expectation deep down but still felt scared by her own instinct. As for Jing, who looked shy and quiet. But when it reached a certain level, he would instead be the one to push hard, following his own instinctive desire only to possess without any fear.

their personalities complement each other perfectly! ✧✧✧

Happy Purple Day To All..

truly a purple day for all, Wei Wei's special day, he who loves Jing so much, Jing who only wants to be Shiqi, XY as wen xiaoliu named him 17 which is on a personal level for her, everything's connected, it's yj and i love it (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) 

Symbolika1, that's beautifully portrayed! well done! (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)


This line, ‘Jing’s desire is now too great, he no longer dared to touch Xiaoyao, so he just cuddled her loosely’. Seems Jing wanted to go to second base but held back A LOT ☺️. I understand tho, cos he wants to OPENLY be with her,marry her heck they can do the deed before marriage cos we all know XY can be horny sometimes lmao.

XY can be horny sometimes  -haha ;-D ;-D

Jing had to restrain his 'big bad wolf' instinct... ah nature lol which i think could go w/ this gif i found on his Jing Weibo acct lol

"Jing. urgent. Affection. condition."  #sauvignon blanc#