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So true.    That's what I was so pissed when he  was involved in the death of Jing. He then  pretended that he was doing it for XY. 

I get him at some point, he was there when XY was heartbroken, coughing up blood,having sleepless nights, crying, being bedridden for days. But then he later finds out XY & Jing are back together. He doesn’t understand how or why XY loves Jing soo much or what she sees in him or what makes him special. He wants XY to look or yearn for him the way she does for Jing but XY only sees him as a brother/cousin.


I get him at some point, he was there when XY was heartbroken, coughing up blood,having sleepless nights, crying, being bedridden for days. But then he later finds out XY & Jing are back together. He doesn’t understand how or why XY loves Jing soo much or what she sees in him or what makes him special. He wants XY to look or yearn for him the way she does for Jing but XY only sees him as a brother/cousin.

Yes, he did not understand Jing and he did not understand Xiao Yao as well. And yep the reason he involved in what happened to Jing is I think he cannot accept that Xiao Yao loves another man...


Have there been any updates about season 2 or any pictures so far?

Nothing new.... Thankfully with our  YiaoJing -TH thread we are quite busy around Lyf <3

Patience... <3 should arrive at worst for summer time...


Patience... <3 should arrive at worst for summer time...

yeah..summer will be arriving soon..although its summer in my place right now and it will be raining season when its summer time in some other countreis..anyway. .patiently waiting 


Thank you everyone for your replies. They are so helpful. IDK I feel that Tong Hua is a little bit too biased for XL while the drama seems to be a tad more in favor of our baby sweetheart Tushan Jing. Or maybe because Deng Wei's doe eyes and disarmingly sweet smile that lends me that impression?

So I am pleasantly surprised that the drama decides to be less ambiguous on that front and has XY declare Jing as the moon instead of whatever roundabout way that is written in Chapter 10.

TH seems to be really fond of using the 'moon' as some sort of symbolism for longing/love. The moon shows up a lot of times in scenes featuring XL and XY as well as TSJ and XY.  XL fans are claiming that "The moon belonged to XY and XL at the beginning but XY wants to change it to associate the moon with Jing later on."

For me I no longer think Tong Hua was bias on XL. I used to think she favor XL because he's the only one who got epilogue. But as I read in more details i understand why XL character needs an epilogue. Overall, he's the most absent characters among the 4 main leads. I don't find any chapters that is mainly dedicated to him. What i mean im reading in details and keeping notes up to chapters 17. But I have read the whole thing twice before. Yaojing dedicated chapters (from chapter 1 to 17) are 8 and 14, and ZX/CX dedicated chapter is 11. Even though FFB quite appearing in chapter 16 has to be mixed up with others important theme such as ZX and politics stuffs and YaoJing fluffy scene. Even the chapter title is not for him. He's all absent in chapters 9,10,11,12 and 14 whereas Jing is only absent in chapter 15 and 17. And chapter 1 only has ml that is jing/shiqi. Even in that chapter of XL fans claims as one of their most important as in chapter 22, that is when xl took xy under ocean to cure her for 37 years, it is only part of the chapter, and there are other scenes of ZX and Jing too, and even  chapter title is for Yaojing. Whereas Yaojing couple get the whole chapter 20 is dedicated to their love story. And later chapters after Yaojing made up, XL will be mostly absent too, only briefly appearing in chapter 35, 37, 38., and not that dominant until chapter 43 but then it has yaojing titles and other important part are shown too. Its true that Jing is abent from chapter 43 to chapter 48, but his character will discussed a lot in those chapters because Xy is always missing jing, and longing for him in her heart. XL death make XY devastated in chapter 51, but while XL seem to be of focus, it also concluded on.Xy moving on with life so well. So XL did need epilogue that is only dedicated to him. Since I find Tong Hua focus a lot more on ZX/CX and Jing, I dont think she favored XL. In terms of romance, I don't know how anyone can missed it but yaojing romance was developed so well since beginning. I really enjoy the love story. Yaojing is one of my forever favourite romantic couple in fiction existed.  

Edit: Chapter 48 seems to be fot XL that is "A Heart Has More Than A Thousand Knots" . I was thinking back and forth alot. In the end i conclude that title is also for Zhuan Xu. 

More about Moon

I don't really take Moon as longing. And like Symbolika1 has replied before that moon is mentioned firstly in yaojing scene.

And her scenes with XL..

Moon is mentioned in chapter 4. Twice. . With XL scenes.

The first scene was when WXL/XY was going to ask some help about Chuan Zi and San Tier Er..and she saw the beautiful full moon. According to the context, i find moon represents the beauty of life.  But WXL felt shes all alone, (her Chun Hui clinic family will be gone before her), and she's lonely ..so although moon is beautiful, but its not so for her when she watched it alone for so long.But still moon is beautiful for her. I think she just wanted a companion who will enjoy the beauty of life with her not necessarily romantic partner (but she got shiqi in the end, i find their relationship very romantic). And ohh yep, XL cured XY on full moon night on her 37 years of staying in ocean.

And this scene particular scene made me realize that moon light to me, in this story is, representing hope in dark times (some light that make one able to see the path in the dark)

I mean she followed where the moon shines, onto the land..and it takes her to Ye Shiqi

And then in chapter 43, she is always longing to se Jing in the next full moon night (she never really believe or let die him die from her,)

All in all, so far what I find is while XY and XL can enjoy the beauty of life (moon) together (there is light in dsrk times), it can also be said Jing did actually represented Moon for XY in some way. Overall I think XY take moon as beauty, hope and finding path in darkness.

All credits Koala playground for novel abstracts..

@Winny Aye 

Beautiful post. I totally agree with you  after reading it.  The moon indeed represent hope  in darkness and also XY has refered to Jing as her moon  as @Symbolika1  has shown. 

I am also impressed  at how many chapters the characters care featured in or not.


@Winny Aye 

Beautiful post. I totally agree with you  after reading it.  The moon indeed represent hope  in darkness and also XY has refered to Jing as her moon  as @Symbolika1  has shown. 

I am also impressed  at how many chapters the characters care featured in or not.

Yes -@winny's post is  very inspiring <3

chapter 43

Thank you winny <3  I'd like to answer as it's late for now , at least on the part regarding chapter 43...as it crossed in my memory a passage we went through in chapter 10 with Shiqi and Xiao Liu =) .


                                                 PONTING TO THE MOON -CONNECTING HEARTS 

Extract - from ch.10:http://m.xsbiquge.la/book/36337/





Shi Qi smiled slightly, her smile bright and warm, "The heart is like the bright moon, and all changes are like clouds covering the moon. No matter how dark it is, the clouds will eventually disperse and the bright moon will emerge." Xiao Liu pointed at his heart with a smile and said half-seriously: "But my heart is stained with ink. If there is a bright moon in your heart, I hope you can always make the moon shine in my heart".

Extract from ch. 43:http://m.xsbiquge.la/book/36337/




















Xiaoyao laughed out loud, stared at the moon, and said, "Jing chose a full moon day to get married. I originally wanted to ask him why, but I was a little embarrassed and thought I would have plenty of time after the wedding, so I didn't ask. This is the last time we met. , it was thirty-two days ago, the full moon day of Mengxia month. He came to Xiaoyueding to say goodbye to me in the afternoon. He said he was leaving before dinner, but he still didn’t leave after dinner. We still didn’t leave until the moon climbed to the top of the mountain. Walking under the moonlight in the mountain stream. The moon was beautiful that night. I asked him to sing under the moonlight, but he couldn't. I laughed at his clumsiness while singingLater, before he rode the white crane away, he pointed at the moon and said to me 'After the next full moon, no matter whether the moon waxes or wanes, the world is ups and downs, we will always stay together and never be separated.'"

Xiaoyao suddenly sang to the vast sea:

I am like a lotus in the wind

Miss each other

Miss each other

You are like a cloud in the sky

I am like the moon in the clouds

Fall in love and cherish each other

Fall in love and cherish each other

As king as a tree in the mountains

Concubine is like a vine on a tree

accompany each other

accompany each other

Why is there joy and sorrow in the world?

Why there are gatherings and separations in life

Only wish to be with you

Stay together forever, never separate

The silver moonlight falls sadly, the sparkling sea gently rises and falls. Xiao Yao reaches out to the moon, smiling, saying, "Without seeing his body, in my memory, he will always be leaning against the white crane, smiling at me, pointing to the moon and saying, 'After the next full moon, no matter the moon's phase or the joys and sorrows of the world, we will stay together, never to part.' I am probably really foolish, really weak. I can't believe he's dead. I always feel like maybe on the next full moon, he will come back."


In these passages, Tushan Jing (Shi Qi) and Xiao Yao (Xiao Liu) share a profound connection through their reflections on the moon and their shared memories. By  pointing to it & connecting hearts.

In Chapter 10, Tushan Jing compares the heart to the bright moon, emphasizing how changes, like passing clouds, may obscure its brightness temporarily but cannot diminish it permanently. This metaphor suggests resilience and the enduring nature of emotions. Xiao Liu responds with a half-serious remark about her "ink-stained heart," expressing a vulnerability and a hope that Tushan Jing's light can shine into his life. - I hope you can always make the moon shine in my heart".

Then, in Chapter 43, Xiao Yao reminisces about her last encounter with Tushan Jing under the full moon. Their shared moment under the moonlight symbolizes their deep bond and promises of eternal togetherness, even in the face of life's uncertainties. The song sung by Xiao Yao further reinforces their connection, likening themselves to natural elements like the moon, clouds, trees, and vines, intertwining their fates and pledging unwavering devotion to each other.

Despite Tushan Jing's apparent death, Xiao Yao's lingering belief that Tushan Jing may return on the next full moon illustrates her unwavering hope and refusal to accept separation. Here the moon serves as a powerful symbol of their enduring love and the possibility of reunion beyond life's temporal boundaries. Of her hope. Of the time passage-  I always feel like maybe on the next full moon, he will come back."

  1. Metaphor of the MoonThe moon serves as a central motif throughout the passages, representing various thematic elements such as constancy, illumination, and the passage of time. Tushan Jing's comparison of the heart to the bright moon suggests an inner luminosity that persists despite life's transient challenges. This metaphor implies an inherent resilience and the capacity for emotional renewal. Additionally, the moon's cyclical phases reflect the ebb and flow of life, including joy, sorrow, and the inevitability of change.

  2. Ink-Stained Heart: Xiao Liu's half-serious remark about his "ink-stained heart" adds complexity to the metaphorical landscape. Ink traditionally symbolizes knowledge, creativity, and depth of emotion, but its also a dark tinted materia. By describing his heart as stained with ink, Xiao Liu  acknowledge the complexities and depths of his own emotions, suggesting past experienced trauma and  burdens that have left their mark on him. His plea for Tushan Jing to bring light into his heart underscores a desire for emotional healing and connection between them.

  3. Shared Memories and PromisesIn Chapter 43, Xiao Yao reminisces about his last encounter with Tushan Jing, highlighting the significance of their shared experiences and promises. Their intimate moment under the moonlight symbolizes a profound bond and mutual understanding. The song sung by Xiao Yao further reinforces their connection, depicting their relationship as harmonious and deeply intertwined with nature.

  4. Hope and Resilience: Despite Tushan Jing's apparent death, Xiao Yao's persistent hope for his return on the next full moon reflects themes of resilience and unwavering faith. This hope transcends the boundaries of rationality, suggesting a deep-seated belief in the enduring power of love and the possibility of reunion even in the face of loss and separation.

  5. Themes of Love and LossThe passages explore themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. Tushan Jing and Xiao Yao's relationship is portrayed as both transcendent and fragile, marked by moments of intimacy and separation. The moon becomes a symbol of their enduring love and the longing for reunion, even in the face of mortality.

Let's explore few quotes! :)


  1. Metaphor of the Moon:

    • Tushan Jing's comparison of the heart to the bright moon: "The heart is like the bright moon, and all changes are like clouds covering the moon. No matter how dark it is, the clouds will eventually disperse and the bright moon will emerge."
      • This metaphor suggests resilience and the enduring nature of emotions despite temporary obscurations caused by life's challenges.
  2. Ink-Stained Heart:

    • Xiao Liu's remark about his "ink-stained heart": "But my heart is stained with ink. If there is a bright moon in your heart, I hope you can always make the moon shine in my heart."
      • Here, ink symbolizes the complexities and depths of emotions and experiences that have left their mark on Xiao Liu, highlighting a desire for emotional healing and connection expressed to Jing.
  3. Shared Memories and Promises:

    • Xiao Yao's recollection of his last encounter with Tushan Jing: "He came to Xiaoyueding to say goodbye to me in the afternoon... We still didn’t leave until the moon climbed to the top of the mountain."
      • This passage emphasizes the significance of shared moments under the moonlight, symbolizing their profound bond and mutual promises of eternal togetherness.
  4. Hope and Resilience:

    • Xiao Yao's lingering hope for Tushan Jing's return: "I always feel that maybe he will come back on the next full moon."
      • Despite Tushan Jing's apparent death, Xiao Yao's persistent hope reflects themes of resilience and unwavering faith in the enduring power of love.
  5. Themes of Love and Loss:

    • Xiao Yao's reflection on Tushan Jing's absence: "In my memory, he will always be leaning on me."
      • This poignant statement captures the enduring nature of their love and the longing for reunion, even in the face of loss and separation.

We see how the interwoven nature of the two extracts from Shiqi's words- moment ,where she points to her heart ,and later stretches out her hand to the moon, suggests a profound connection between inner emotions and external symbols of nature, particularly the moon.

  1. Heart and Moon Metaphors:

    • In the first extract, Shiqi uses the metaphor of the heart as the bright moon, symbolizing emotional resilience and the enduring nature of feelings despite life's challenges.
    • Later, when Xiao Yao stretches out her hand to the moon in the second extract, it symbolizes a tangible reaching out towards the external representation of her inner emotions and memories.
  2. Continuity of Theme:

    • Both passages evoke themes of love, memory, and the passage of time, albeit in different contexts.
    • Shiqi's initial metaphorical reference to the heart and the moon sets the thematic tone, highlighting the enduring nature of emotions and the cyclical nature of life.
    • Her later action of reaching out to the moon physically reinforces these themes, suggesting a tangible connection between inner feelings and external manifestations in nature.
  3. Symbolic Gestures:

    • Xiao Yao gestures of pointing to her heart and stretching out her hand to the moon serve as symbolic acts that convey her innermost emotions and desires. The pointing gesture serves as a visual representation of her feelings, while anchoring her words in a tangible expression of her love and longing for Tushan Jing. 
    • These gestures bridge the gap between the internal and external worlds, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human emotions with the natural world.
  4. Unified Expression of Love and Longing:

    • Together, these extracts form a unified expression of love, longing, and hope, with Shiqi's words and actions reflecting his deep emotional bond with Xiao Yao and her enduring belief in the possibility of reunion.
    • The heart-moon metaphor and the gesture towards the moon symbolize a continuum of emotions, from inner reflections to outward expressions of longing and connection.

In summary, the interwoven nature of Shiqi's / Xiao Liu 's words and gestures in chapter 10 -and Xiao Yao's  gestures and words on Jing  in chapter 43 - underscores and reflect each other on the profound connection between:  inner emotions and external symbol of nature, the moon, in conveying themes of love, memory, and resilience in this Tong Hua masterpiece word after word....



@Winny Aye 

Beautiful post. I totally agree with you  after reading it.  The moon indeed represent hope  in darkness and also XY has refered to Jing as her moon  as @Symbolika1  has shown. 

I am also impressed  at how many chapters the characters care featured in or not.

Thank u so much ...hehehe yes i just notice after rereading too. I have quite different opinions and found new insights than when i first read it  and made review of it. 


Thanks so much for sharing so much insights on moon metaphor., ink_tain hearts and more. Its enjoyable read. 



Thanks so much for sharing so much insights on moon metaphor., ink_tain hearts and more. Its enjoyable read. 

Thank you, so was your post! I couldnt cover it all ,  there is so much more...! =) 

Wish you a bright and happy day, HUGS <3

Chapter 17: Going Round and Round Along A Distant Path

My Thoughts 

Zhuan Xu's Scheme To Get Himself to Sheng Nong
Zhuan Xu smiled wryly. "Nightmare! It's not only women who feel bad about being with someone they don't love; men feel the same way. To be honest, I'd rather be stabbed twice."
Xiao Yao laughed in amusement. "The one who suffered the most this time is you. You've already been cruel to yourself. How could I be angry with you?"
Comparing with Zhuan Xu's self-harm, his harming Anian was almost unworthy of mentioning.
Zhuan Xu knocked Xiao Yao's head. Xiao Yao held Zhuan Xu's wrist and quietly checked his pulse for a while, and then she said, "Hurry up, you are becoming more addicted every moment. If another half a year has passed, I no longer dare guarantee that I'll be able to eliminate the toxin from your body completely."
Zhuan Xu muttered, "It's close, very close. Everything is ready now. All that's left is the final step."

In chapter 17, we could see how much Zhuan Xu invested himself into paving way to Sheng Nong. He acted all as if he was really becoming a wastral, good for nothing prince, using toxic drug, had fun with women and missing on his duty that Huang Di. Of course, Zhuan Xu called it "nightmare". He certainly was not enjoy doing it. And it was eating him up.
I think he chose to do this method because he wanted his enemy to lay low on him so that they could see that he was such unchallenging enemy. This was all acting. 

Xiao Yao's Support & The Importance of Central Plain
Zhuan Xu looked at his hands and said with a wry smile, "Am I too selfish? In fact, I should let you go away from me like A Nian."
Xiao Yao took Zhuan Xu's hand, "There is one line that grandfather said that is correct. I am the blood of the Empress of Xuan Yuan. Only you and I are left in the entire Chao Yun Residence. Before my grandmother died, she told us to help each other. If you are doing well now, I can ignore it, but in your current state, even if I go far away, I can't feel at ease."
Zhuan Xu said to himself, "Help each other? I only see you helping me. I have never seen you help me."
Xiao Yao shook Zhuan Xu's hand and joked, "Why are you in such a hurry? Our deities' lives are so long. Are you still afraid that you won't have a chance to help me? I'm already good at counting glass abacus beads! Just let you lean on me now, and I'll rely on you for everything in the future!"
Seeing that Zhuan Xu was still frowning, Xiao Yao leaned her head on Zhuan Xu's shoulder, her voice becoming both gentle and soft. "Do we still need to distinguish between you and me so clearly?"
Although the corners of Zhuan Xu's mouth were still tightly pressed together and there was no smile on his face, one of his raised eyebrows slowly relaxed, and then he called out, "Xiao Yao."
He gently clenched Xiao Yao's hand. Xiao Yao didn't know what awaited Zhuan Xu and her in Zhong Yuan. It was a place where the power of the Xun Di hardly reached, and even Huang Di who had subdued it had limited influence over it. There were the oldest and most ancient clans in the Da Huang. There was military of Sheng Nong which was still deeply connected Sheng Nong Mountain. And there were the most prosperous commercial cities of the Da Huang. There were the six great clans of Zhong Yuan who were extremely arrogant and conservative... but no matter what awaited them, Xiao Yao only knew that they had to keep moving forward.

Xiao Yao was all beside Zhuan Xu to suppport him. Zhuan Xu knew that. We could see that he did feel bad that Xiao Yao had to give this much to him. But from Xiao Yao's side, we could see how much she value her bond with Zhuan Xu, not only because he was her blood connected family but because his happiness was her happiness, according to what she said, "Do we still need to distinguish between you and me so clearly?"
Central plain is vast. Most powerful families were living here. Although Huang Di might had conquered war with Sheng Nong but its not that he had really so much power over all the land. And there existed a Sheng Nong army who was still rebelling.
Zhuan Xu had gamble it with his alliance Chi Sui Feng Long and Tushan Jing.
A little more of my taking on the subject of Zhuan Xu conquering Da Huang. Would Zhuan Xu still won over Da Huang if he did not get Jing & Feng Long?
My answer was no. Because of Tushan wealth and Chi Sui's political power is important support for exiled Xuan Yuan prince like Zhuan Xu. We knew Huang Di would support him. But from chapter 15 to 17, we could see Zhuan Xu uncles and cousins were no joke with their power as well. Feng Long said those Xuan Yuan Princes were powerful in Xuan Yuan with supporters. Tushan Hou support those Xuan Yuan princes to get more power connection and Feng Long even hesitated on supporting Zhuan Xu. If its not for Jing's advice, Feng Long might not dare to give in that much. But even if Huang Di insisted on giving Zhuan Xu Xuan Yuan (which is probably not), Zhuan Xu would still need to won over Central Plain families such as Chi Sui and Tushan and others to really conquer the world. 

I do really love how the drama clearly show Jing advicing Feng Long, and they both made an event to bring Cang Xuan to Sheng Nong mountain. 

I do love how Jing is calmed in handling things, warn Feng Long to not show being too eager. 

Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei/Xiang Liu
His Intruding

The sound of yelling soldiers could be heard outside, apparently chasing someone. Xiao Yao didn’t cry out or move, only playing with the wine bottle in her hands. She expressed some dissatisfaction as being disturbed. “I won’t be forced by you to hide you. Leave as soon as possible; it’s not too late to find someone else.”
The intruder evidently didn’t accept Xiao Yao’s suggestion. He walked to the bed, and Xiao Yao started counting down for him: “One, two, three...” When she got to ten, he still hadn’t fallen. Xiao Yao knew the newcomer possessed profound power, and no poison could fell him. The man raised his clenched fist and sat down on Xiao Yao’s bed.
Xiao Yao said, “Even if you have profound power, you’ve already been hurt. I still advise you not to come looking for me.” The man wore a mask, and he looked at Xiao Yao silently. Xiao Yao’s body tensed up. A feeling told her that this man was someone she knew.
She reached out and the man did not stop her.
Xiao Yao slowly removed the mask and it was Fang Feng Bei.
Xiao Yao forced a smile and said, "I somewhat hoped that you would come to visit my bedroom at odd hours on purpose."
Fang Feng Bei did not speak, so Xiao Yao asked, "Do you not know how to meet with your buddies for drinks and hang out ? Why did you have to come to me?"
"You said it yourself, they are buddies for drinks and hangout"

When Xiao Yao was all having hard time with Zhuan Xu and her own deep emotion on what A Nian said about her mother, the injured Fang Feng Bei had arrived. We can see Xiao Yao was dissatisfied and disturbed with this intruding. She sacastically said she's purposely waiting for him followed why did he know to find his buddies. Indeed she has to force herself to smile. But he needed her help and not buddies for drinking and hangout.

The Bite for Her Blood
"Who are you, exactly?"
"Who do you want me to be?" Fang Feng Bei's voice was cold. Xiao Yao didn't make a sound. After a long pause, she said, "Whoever you want to be."
Fang Feng Bei half-raised himself, his head low down. His lips approaching at Xiao Yao's neck.
Xiao Yao put up a hand to stop him. "No!"
 His lips pressed against her palm.Fang Fengpei lay back down immediately. Xiao Yao turned sideways and offered him her wrist. "Bite here."
"Why not there?" Fang Feng Bei asked, his face expressionless. Xiao Yao was suddenly reminded of the Fang Feng Bei who always acted as he pleased and enjoyed himself. "What do you think, Fang Feng Bei?"
Fang Feng Bei paused for a moment, holding Xiao Yao's wrist up. Several small, sharp fangs pierced into her wrist. This was the first time Xiao Yao had seen him drink her blood with her own eyes. She felt no pain, but instead a sense of cool pleasure, like a breeze blowing over her. Xiao Yao watched Fang Feng Bei intently. Fang Feng Bei glanced at Xiao Yao, and she hurriedly closed her eyes obediently.
She felt extremely weak, for she was still in terror of him!
After a while, Xiao Yao started to feel somewhat dizzy, but she refused to make a sound. This was Xuan Yuan City, and he needed to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible!

Xiao Yao let him drank blood from her wrist instead of her neck (she's in terror). This scene to me was a bit tricky. Because his bite was not painful. According to the context it left mark as rough kiss. To her feelings, it is a cool wind pleasure sensation that passed her. I was carefully reading. It is described as that of intimate touch(the word "pleasure" and "mark as rough kiss". But that feelings never lingers on her as I know notice because I am comparing with Jing's kiss on her forehead and emberassing getting shy around him, such as when she was near his body in chapter 1 or when sniffing his hair.
Nevertheless, she still value her relationship with Fang Feng Bei. But she would not answer him when he asked "who do you want me to be?"
Because it was all up to him whether whom he wanted to be.

Their relationship
Perhaps it was because he had always made her feel familiar with him ever since he taught her archery that day until now. It had been two years already. Within these two years, they had been friends traveling to every nook and cranny of Xuan Yuan City.
Sometimes he would disappear, sometimes he would appear as his mood took him.
Xiao Yao often thought that they would be able to continue traveling like this forever, because both of them had very similar dispositions, not caring about anything, indulging in everything without restraint, being interested in everything. Everything could make them smile.
They appreciated everything beautiful but did not think of possessing anything. Their lives were like treading on the dividing line between light and darkness. If they chose to face the light, there would be thousands of miles of chilly desolation behind them. However, if they chose to face the darkness, then the world's glory would shine behind them. But even if they faced the light, they would still be treading in the darkness. It was not that they did not know the pure and genuine light, but everything they had experienced could never be forgotten. It was like a shadow that followed them closely. They were strong, solitary, and cold. No matter what they encountered, they could all continue to live on.
Last night, when she found out that he was Xiang Liu, she did not feel surprised at all, as if everything should be like this. Even a part of her heart seemed to have been released, but at the same time, another part was hung up.

This passage describes what Xiao Yao thought of Fang Feng Bei (softer version of Xiang Liu). Xiao Yao did find more comfort with Fang Feng Bei who patiently taugt her archery and took her to visit around Xuan Yuan city which was what she liked to do, exploring the world  Xiao Yao thought they had similarities "strong, solitary and cold"! She had no problems with him coming and going at randoms times in her life because they had no restraints. Darkness and light what both of them experience in lifetime. But no matter how much they seems to freely enjoy the world, both of them still tie to their roots. That's when she was confirmed that Fang Feng Bei was Xiang Liu, she was relieved her curiosity was confirmed but also hung up because if he's Xiang Liu, he was so tied to Sheng Nong army.
Nevertheless, Xiao Yao did care about him. I just do not feel lingering sensual feeling towards him like she did to Jing. Just like Tong Hua answered here.....and their relationship was mutual. 

鸵鸟石: I still love Xiang Liu's unfettered attitude. Since he understood they could not be together, he completely cut off any hopes without leaving any room for it, unlike Yin Nanzhao** who dragged his feet, harming others as well as himself!
TH: I feel that [their?] feelings are always mutual. Xiao Yao did not have Luo Xun**'s ability to throw herself passionately in[to a relationship] without consideration for life and death. Xiao Yao clear-headedly pulled him out - someone who could not be allowed to enter [her] dreams.

Link : https://www.zhihu.com/question/614412527/answer/3228535041?utm_id=0

(The article is a great read but this interview was screenshot and the article did not give link. So I had to extract the words. But according to what it is written, it looks reliable) i agree with it so I am adding about it here)

Back in chapter 13, while Xiang Liu was all pointing her to touch his lips, she refused it, admitting her fear of him getting into her dreams. Indeed, passionate love was not something Xiao Yao looking for (Spoiler, i guess she only realised she was that in love when her heart was broken from Jing.)

Comforting Wine From Jing
A Nian's condemning words towards her mother were the greatest horror hidden deep in her mind. She didn't want to think back on it. But in front of her, the blood-red dress kept appearing. That man was arrogant, and crazy, as if he would trample the whole world under his feet, but the eyes he looked at her mother were so gentle and deep. As for the eyes her mother looked at him with... At the time, Xiao Yao didn't understand, but now she did.
Mother's tears seemed to still be on her face, and Xiao Yao couldn't help but reach out to touch her cheek, intending to wipe away the tears. But she found nothing.
 Xiao Yao was so scared that she sat up straight away, opened the small chest at the head of the bed, and took out a bottle of plum wine from it amidst the many bottles and jars of poison that were lined up.
This was the wine that Jing had sent. She didn't know if he had already dragged out the traitors, or thought of a way to hide it from his grandmother, or perhaps because Zhuan Xu and Feng Long had reached an agreement together, hence they trusted Jing more and were willing to use a secret guard to contact him. In any case, every two months now, Xiao Yao would receive two bottles of plum wine through Zhuan Xu.
Xiao Yao drank a few gulps and felt a surge of energy from Jing, which comforted her. Xiao Yao dispelled all her thoughts and feelings about her mother. She drank while thinking about her father, and gradually smiled. The fear diluted. Her heart clearly told her: her father loved her very much! She must be her father’s daughter!

This matter of who father really is one of the fear she held deep inside her. And actually her recalling of that scene meaning she might actually knew the truth subconsciously but not wanting to accept it. She loves her family and her father is important to her. And that gulp of wine from Jing comforted her. (In chapter 16, his wine has made her feel fresh.) He was managed to send her two bottles every month. They were in touch.

From drama scenes

Xiao Yao's Happiness in Getting Wine from Jing, his longing token.

Overall this chapter ends with Zhuan Xu/Cang Xuan, and Xiao Yao coming ahead to more advantures at Sheng Nong/Chenrong, where Jing and Feng Long are waiting.


Links to Translation of Thai ver

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


@Winny Aye 

Well done. Nice analysis 

My Thoughts

Zhuan Xu's Scheme To Get Himself to Sheng Nong

Thank you !! <3 Here is a little bonus...In the drama episode -Before the camera enter Chenrong Mansion, and show us Jing and Feng Long - in their setting of  re-shaping the -path further...There is a rainbow above their setting! It's late so just posting and leaving you this image , to wish you a good rest and sweet dreams , as to @Peng of course!.

i see some updates on the thread, reading mode again, thanks for all that's been shared here ;-D 

how are you all doing? how's your mdl break?

hope everything's fine with everyone, we're almost over April, then there's May, June and maybe we'll hear some good news by then? or maybe July? hope we can also see some poster updates for s2 finally *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*