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Lmao girrll, why are you bothering yourself with the main comment section? A bunch of miserable souls who live in such a fantasy wanting an abusive man like that, but can’t handle it when the REAL like man is doing the same to them, talking about depression. They can lie to themselves all they want but still won’t change the fact that a LOT of people have already watched it solely for the emotional connection between YaoJing. They can’t understand why this CP is super popular to the extend of women wanting their men to dress like Deng Wei etc lmao leave them.

Yes Lol.. they are all super making up superior to themselves with some online votings result in some internatonal pages. LOL:D

There's a lot of YaoJing fans around still. I am super pleased with Weibo results.. YaoJing being one of most popular couple of all Chinese drama in 2023.

And yes about fantasizing abusive man, and with this pityful background so their wrong doings should be all ignored...... they would say we are defending Jing...make no sense...saying Jing was indescisive??? OMO

..his goal was clearly Xiao Yao from the beginning..and its because her title he had to maintain tushan title... he was handling the matters in most calming and least hurting for all.. where is this indecisive thingy..  

Well, XL kicking her around trash ..(he mistook her still for being spy) stepped on her most hurting area of wound, ...throwing her out from the tree branch because he was in moody state.. and forced drown her to get some touch of her lips...kekkeke ..we just cannot think like them that his actions are not at all abusive..

Lol its a bit too quiet here...

So i will just share some of interview with Tong Hua, I am currently reading...

Literary news

Exclusive interview with Tong Hua, author of "Sauvignon Blanc"

Writer's Network2013-08-26 12:51:48

Tong Hua

    The latest work of romance novelist Tong Hua, the author of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", "The Ballad of the Desert", and "Song in the Clouds", was recently planned and published by Boji Tianjuan Culture Company. At the same time, "Sauvignon Blanc" The series is also in the process of writing scripts. Writers.com reporter Gu Yue recently interviewed Tong Hua via email on issues such as writing, starting a film and television studio, and life.

    Writing is actually happy and lonely.

    Reporter from Writers Network : Judging from your academic and life experience, you are not a major in literary creation at all. You have been in a foreign country for many years and your novels with Chinese classical backgrounds are very famous. Do you feel that you were not a literature major before? Have your study experience and overseas life brought you a different style from other mainland writers in your works?

    Tonghua : I am very scared, because I really feel that I am very ordinary. I am telling stories that we have all experienced or dreamed about in our hearts. What I should be grateful for is the love of readers. It is only because of them that I become extraordinary. My personal creative purpose was actually just for me at first. First I had the desire to express myself through writing, so I started writing. But after I finished writing, readers shared it with me, which made me feel very happy. Writing a good story depends on many factors, including imagination, logic, writing ability, personal experience... etc. It is the product of a mixture of everything.


    Writer Network Reporter : Do you listen to the opinions of readers and friends when writing? Will the plot be modified taking into account their suggestions?

    Tonghua : My point of view has always been to write the story I want to write, rather than the story the readers want to read. Writing the stories you want to write is for yourself, it comes from your inner needs, and you have a strong desire to express yourself. Writing what readers want to read is for others, not because you have a strong desire to express yourself. What's more, there are tens of millions of readers in the world, and each reader likes different things. Which reader should I write for? Writing is a lonely and happy thing. Don't lose your loneliness and happiness just to cater to the market.


    Reporter from Writers.com : In a previous interview, you said that sometimes stories suddenly pop into your mind, and then you can start writing them. Where does the inspiration usually come from?

    Tong Hua : When writing ancient stories, you need to let your heart go out. Your imagination is very important. When writing modern stories, you need to take your heart back and get yourself as close to life as possible. The best way to get inspiration is your own life, stay curious about the world, lower your attitude, and like a child do not label the things around you, but observe, understand, and try. As we grow older, it is easy for people to be imprisoned by past experiences and knowledge, so I often encourage myself to try more things that I have never tried before.


    Writer Network Reporter : Which work is your favorite so far? Which film did you encounter the most bottlenecks in creating? How to overcome these bottlenecks and adjust your mentality?

    Tong Hua : This question is the hardest to answer. To me, every work is irreplaceable and special, and there is no one that is better or worse.


    TV series vs. original novels: Every adaptation is an adventure.

    Reporter from Writers Network : Many of your works have been made into TV series, such as "Step by Step", "Ballad of the Desert" and "Song in the Clouds". What do you think of film and television adaptations? In particular, it is often encountered that in order to adapt to the rules of film and television communication and the preferences of the audience, sometimes a large number of plots of the original works are adapted, and characters are deleted or added. This is a problem that writers have to face?

    Tonghua : Novels and TV series are completely different presentation methods. There are various restrictions and there will definitely be changes. I have no control over what aspects the changes will be. I can only wait for the final presentation. Every adaptation of a novel into a TV series is an adventure. All I can say at the moment is that of course I am worried that the TV series adaptation will not be successful, but I hope it will be successful.


    Reporter from Writers Network : How do you think you can get people who have watched the TV series to read the book again? In addition to being more detailed and in-depth, what other advantages does the book have over the TV series?

    Tonghua : The presentation methods of TV series and novels are completely different. One has a richer imagination and is more beautiful, while the other is implemented in the appearance of the actors, the shape of the costumes, and the presentation of the locations, which is more realistic, with the beauty of music and pictures. , but it also lacks the imagination space of the novel. I prefer to describe them as two rose flowers growing from one root. Roses can produce flowers of completely different colors and sizes on one stem. It is very possible that one color is your favorite, and the other color is the one you hate the most. Audiences and readers have the freedom to choose, and cannot be forced.


    Writer Network Reporter : What is your next writing plan? What other types of stories would you most like to try?

    Tong Hua : I generally don’t make specific writing plans for myself, because I feel that this is something I like to do. Since I like it, I want to do it from the bottom of my heart. There is no need to regulate and restrict it. I think everything goes as it goes. Just be natural, write what you want to express most, and don't challenge things you don't feel deeply in your heart just for the sake of breakthrough. As for the theme, it mostly depends on the temperament of the story itself. Just like "Those Young Times That Can't Be Returned", it actually has a lot of realistic influences, and many things in it actually happened.


    Establishing a film and television studio: This attempt goes naturally.

    Reporter from Writers Network : You have established a film and television studio. As a former full-time writer, this is considered a crossover. How do you think about this? Is it because this way you can make your own work into a TV series completely according to your own ideas, and control the work from the source of production?

    Tong Hua : I still don’t work as a screenwriter for TV series. I would like to be a screenwriter for a movie. This may have something to do with personal preference. But I don’t object to planning and editing TV series. Such changes should come naturally. Movies, TV dramas and novels are all about telling stories in the final analysis. Compared with writing a novel, planning a film and television drama requires a lot of practical considerations. When there is no snow, you can use stunts or replace it with snow scenes, but these will compromise the effect. However, it is also quite interesting to present the story better while being restrained. The studio has currently launched a TV series, "A Good Marriage", a romantic comedy starring Huo Jianhua and Tang Yan. This drama was planned by me. There will be TV series and movie projects in the future, but it is not convenient to disclose them now.

    "Sauvignon Blanc 3": Only by reflecting on the past can we live better in the present.

    Reporter from Writers Network : "Sauvignon Blanc 3: Longing for Boundless" has been published, and the Sauvignon Blanc series has also reached its final finale. After months of anticipation, readers We all can't wait to see this "perfect ending". Do you think readers will be satisfied with the current ending? Is this ending a happy ending in your mind?

    Tonghua: I don’t know! Based on past experience, it is always difficult to reconcile consensus. Some people are satisfied while others are dissatisfied. I don’t know how to evaluate this ending. To me, the story always seems to be in a “temporary end” feeling, because the story can only end at a certain point, but in my heart, they are all fresh, Their lives still go on in that world, but I won't write about them anymore.

    Writer Network Reporter : You once said that through the story of "Sauvignon Blanc", you wanted to answer a question of your own: whether people like Zhuanxu and Xiaoyao, who were "abandoned" by their parents since childhood and live in distrust of the people around them, can be happy. Has this question finally been answered?

    Tong Hua: I got part of the answer! The hurt and suffering in childhood cannot be decided by oneself. They are caused by adults and society. However, one can choose whether to be defeated by the hurt and suffering or to defeat the hurt and suffering. I once watched a Western documentary, which roughly stated that victims of violence in childhood often become either violent persons as adults, or become law enforcers who suppress violence, and are beaten down and knocked down.

    Reporter from Writers.com : What kind of emotions does it represent when you name the final chapter "Thinking Without Limits"? In the current social trend of "living in the present", will the theme of remembering the past deviate from the mainstream trend of people's current thoughts?

    Tong Hua : It means literally, "Love has no end", which is similar to "Eternal love will last forever, but this hatred will last forever." Of course, the theme of remembering the past will not deviate from the mainstream trend of thought. Otherwise, how could "To Youth" and "Chinese Partner" be so popular? Both of these works are remembrances of past time and emotions. If you forget the past, you will not be able to treat the present well. Only by constantly reflecting on the past can we live more correctly in the present.


    In life: I like to write in "isolation".

    Reporter from Writers Network : What kind of person are you in life? What do you like to do?

    Tong Hua : I like to write in an absolutely quiet environment. When writing, I don’t like to surf the Internet, answer the phone, or meet people. I used to hesitate to look at contracts from film and television companies because I wanted to concentrate on writing stories. When I'm not writing, I'm just an ordinary housewife.




Another interview..


From a whim to a chance encounter, Tong Hua's novel "Sauvignon Blanc" launches a new revised version of the classic 

Peninsula reporter Huang Jingfei

The new classic revised edition of Tong Hua's "Sauvignon Blanc" published by Motie Books has aroused heated discussions as soon as it was released. Everyone knows Tong Hua because of the many TV series adapted from her works, and "Bu Bu Jing Xin" created the pinnacle of online literary IP. The newly revised version of "Sauvignon Blanc" has just been released, and it is reported online that the drama version of "Sauvignon Blanc" is about to start filming, which has attracted fans' attention. Tong Hua revealed in an interview that the new version not only revised the wording, but also refined the entire story structure and character.

Write stories that share the joys and sorrows of the characters

Reporter: In 2019, you launched a complete series of revised versions of classics. What considerations were there? Why did you choose "Sauvignon Blanc" as the first release?

Tonghua: So far, I have written a total of five ancient stories, and "Sauvignon Blanc" is the last one. When I read it at the time, I thought it was one of the most mature in terms of writing skills, but looking back, I found that there were still many shortcomings. This revision did not make up for all the regrets, but it revised the areas that could be made up for. The first edition of "Sauvignon Blanc" has long since expired. I have always wanted to revise and reprint it, but due to various reasons, it is finally possible to reprint it today. It is a coincidence.

Reporter: Most of your works are "heartbreaking". Is this also a tragic story in your mind?

Tonghua: Although it seems that this story still has some poorly written parts, overall, the degree of completion is still relatively high. I basically expressed what I wanted to express clearly. I don't think it's a tragedy, because everyone got what they wanted and realized what they wanted most. For example, the male protagonist Xuanxuan hopes to be safe and protect himself and his family, and he does it. Xiang Liu was loyal and righteous and died on the battlefield. Tu Shanjing hopes to be with Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao hopes to have someone to accompany her and never leave her... As for those things that cannot be obtained, life is not perfect, and it is not easy to get what you want most. When writing a story, you need to go deep into it. You will definitely feel the same sadness and joy as the characters, and tears will inevitably be shed. Every character's lack of hope makes me sad.

Writing "Bu Bu Jing Xin" was a spur of the moment

Reporter: When you became famous with "Step by Step", did you ever think that you would become a professional writer?

Tong Hua: I wrote "Step by Step Jingxin" on a whim, but it got out of hand. I think writing chose me, rather than me deliberately choosing to be a professional writer. It should be said that writing has already begun to change my life from the moment I wrote "Bu Bu Jing Xin". I'm so grateful for that spur of the moment moment.

Reporter: If it is adapted into a film and television, what is the core of the story of "Sauvignon Blanc" that you most hope to retain?

Tong Hua: "Sauvignon Blanc" can be adapted into a film and television work, but it is quite difficult because the structure of the story is a bit special. From the perspective of the story structure, the male lead is Xuanxuan, who is the dramatic core of the story. However, as a romance story, the heroine Xiaoyao’s lover is Tushan Jing. Going back to the structure, that is, the female lead is not the same as the male lead. Falling in love is difficult to adapt the script. If adapted, I hope to retain the emotion inside. I take the film and television aspects of my works very lightly. If the story is suitable for adaptation, I will naturally try my best to integrate the best resources to adapt it, but if it is not suitable, so what?

Reporter: Will you beautify the characters or change the original idea or adjust the plot direction based on readers' preferences and evaluations?

Tonghua: No. The characters in a story have their own thoughts and preferences. They make their own choices, sometimes regardless of the author's will. When I wrote, I put my sincere emotions into it, loving every character, feeling sad for them, and happy for them. Readers will feel the sincerity inside and be moved by their emotions. Successful online literature has one characteristic: the author tells a good story. If you want readers to see it on the vast Internet, you must first tell the story well. Writing is actually a very lonely and selfish thing.

When writing ancient style works, one will "like the new and dislike the old"

Reporter: You have written so many "antique" works that are well-known to readers. How do you avoid falling into a certain routine or pattern?

Tong Hua: I feel that my stories will definitely be limited to my own thoughts and thoughts, with my own traces, and it is impossible to be completely detached. I have not deliberately avoided routines, but I will "like the new and hate the old". Every story inspires Whenever I write, I always do it because there is something new in it.

My stories focus on the emotions of the characters. The historical background is just a curtain background. There are many fictional characters in each story. Many of them are just dreams made up by me, but the emotions conveyed by friendship, family, and love are real.

Reporter: Having written so many love stories, what is your own view of love?

Tong Hua: My point of view is that love can make life very beautiful, but love is not the only thing in life. Women should first live their own lives. Only a woman with independent financial ability and spiritual independence can embrace love calmly. In reality, it is not just men who have family and career choices, but women too. There is no correct answer at this time, only the choice of who is more suitable.

All cross-border crossings are caused by chance.

Reporter: Popular novels provide people with a reading feast, but can they become classics?

Tong Hua: I see this very clearly. Popular literature generally does not become a masterpiece like serious literature. Popular literature and popular songs are both timely. But popular novels can relax people, and they are also very meaningful. I am a common man walking on the street! I write popular and best-selling novels. My friends and I make romantic TV series or emotional commercial movies. I enjoy watching movies with a group of friends who love this industry. Work and enjoy life.

Reporter: From financial analysis to professional writer, now you are working in a film and television company. Have you been crossing boundaries?

Tong Hua: Destiny happened, let it take its course. I am a hard-working person, but I am not a pushy person. I just do what I need to do in the moment and then develop step by step. It seems to happen naturally without crossing boundaries. When I am writing, I will retreat and concentrate on writing, ignoring everything else. When I am working on a film and television project, I have to hold meetings and discuss with everyone.



Jing and Feng Long relationship..


Article from..


(Auto translatated)

How is the relationship between Fenglong and Tu Shanjing in "Sauvignon Blanc"?
  • Author: Fire Alarm 119
  • 2023-08-09

"Sauvignon Blanc" is a well-produced TV series that brings you a very good viewing experience. Various contents in it are also highly discussed. What is the relationship between Fenglong and Tushan Jing in "Sauvignon Blanc"? It is deeply loved by everyone. Today, the editor will take a look at the relationship between Feng Long and Tu Shanjing in "Sauvignon Blanc".

Feng Long and Tu Shanjing have a good relationship in "Sauvignon Blanc".

Chishui Fenglong was sent to Qingqiu by his grandfather to learn business management from Tu Shanjing, so he lived and studied with Tu Shanjing for a long time.

Fenglong once insulted Tu Shanhou, but Tu Shanjing, who had always been gentle and polite, had a fierce fight with him. Tu Shanjing also forced Fenglong to swear that he would never insult Tu Shanhou in the future.

After that time, Fenglong was particularly envious of Tu Shanhou. He would be so happy if he had a younger brother who was willing to fight for him.

Later, he figured out that if he didn't have a younger brother, he could just let Tu Shanjing be his older brother.

Therefore, the two got along very well. Chishui Fenglong regarded Tushanjing as his master, his brother, and his best friend.

His ambition, ambition, and selfishness will all be told to Tu Shanjing. Tu Shanjing understood him no matter what he wanted to do, helped him, and never minded cleaning up trouble for him.

Therefore, Chishui Fenglong had a natural belief in Tushan Jing. He was willing to accept whatever Jing said.

When Tu Shanjing proposed the overall strategy of "shedding Xiyan and going to the Central Plains", although Chishui Fenglong was not optimistic about Xingxuan's future, he was still aroused by him to be ambitious.

Because he does not want to be a patriarch who relies on the support of his ancestors. He wants to be a powerful minister who assists the wise king and opens up new territories.

In the end, Fenglong chose to trust Tushan Jing, formed an alliance with Xuanxuan, assisted Xuanxuan, unified the world, and achieved great achievements for thousands of years.

This is all the analysis about the relationship between Feng Long and Tu Shanjing in "Sauvignon Blanc". I believe that after watching it, everyone will understand the plot of the TV series better. In the future, the editor will continue to bring you relevant plot introduction information. If you like If you are interested in the content of this article, please pay attention to the line class.

Ooh my gosh Koala version  omited a very important part :

"Xiao Yao continued to drink and Xiang Liu

kept her company and also silently drank

Xiang Liu suddenly asked "Do you want to

marry Feng tong?"

Xiao Yao's expression changed, she

appeared to try and snap herself alert.

Xiang Liu's eyes were piercing bright and

his voice tender and soft as he asked "Do

you want to marry Ye Shi Qi?"

Xiao Yao murmured "I do."

Another question was right at the tip of

Xiang Liu's lips but he was actually torn

until a moment later he asked "Who do

you most want to spend your entire life"

CHinese  text :  http://m.xsbiquge.la/book/36337/19812292/2.html

Xiang Liu said: "Xiaoyao, look at my
eyes. "
Xiaoyao looked at Xiangliu. Xiangliu's
eyes were like bright black gems
emitting an enchanting light. Xiaoyao
looked at them and felt like she was
falling in.
Xiang Liu asked: "Are you willing to
marry Fenglong?"
Xiaoyao's expression was dull and she
replied softly: "l don't want to."
Xiang Liu asked: "Are you willing to
marry Jing?"

Xiaoyao's expression changed, as if she
was struggling to wake up. Xiang Liu's
eyes shone even brighter, and his voice
became softer and asked: "Are you"

You do know that koala page is bias right? Cos her fav is xl so she writes in a way that doesn’t align with what’s in the book.

That’s why I’ll always choose dramatics page.


You do know that koala page is bias right? Cos her fav is xl so she writes in a way that doesn’t align with what’s in the book.

That’s why I’ll always choose dramatics page.

Yes I see Koala removed a bunch of lines, and added some lines of her own... i wonder maybe she's just writing the way she seeing things at times but oh well


CHinese  text :  http://m.xsbiquge.la/book/36337/19812292/2.html

Thank you so much for the link...

Here is the Thai ver

Xiang Liu sat down and drank his wine while gazing at Xiao Yao with mixed emotions. It was hard to know what he might be plotting. Finally, Xiao Yao couldn't help but ask, "When will I be able to go? What is your plan for me?"
 Instead of answering Xiao Yao's question, Xiang Liu threw a jug of wine at her saying, "This is a very potent brew, it only takes one cup to get drunk." It was cold in the room without a brazier so Xiao Yao's body felt somewhat chilled, she said, "No matter how strong the wine, there's no way I could get drunk after drinking only one cup!"
She raised the jug and took a few big gulps; the strong wine seemed to burn a path down her throat and into her stomach, she suddenly felt warm and much more relaxed. Xiao Yao continued drinking, Xiang Liu silently drank along with.
Then Xiang Liu asked, "Are you willing to marry Feng Long?"
Xiao Yao was already slightly drunk but she smiled coldly and said, "If I weren't, why would I accept?" Xiang Liu said, "Xiao Yao, look into my eyes." Xiao Yao looked in Xiang Liu's eyes, they glittered like jade with a strange demonic power. The more she looked, the more she felt like she was lost. Xiang Liu asked, "Are you willing to marry Feng Long?"
Xiao Yao's expression was blank as she replied softly, "I'm not willing."
Xiang Liu continued, "Are you willing to marry Jing?" Her expression finally changed, and she struggled as if she were waking up. The glow in Xiang Liu's eyes intensified as he asked, even more softly, "Are you willing to marry Shiqi?" Xiao Yao murmured, "I'm willing."
There was one question left on Xiang Liu's lips but he couldn't bring himself to ask.
After a while, he said, "Who do you most want to spend the rest of your life with?"
Xiao Yao opened her mouth as if to reply but her expression was full of resistance. She intended to refuse to answer the question. After struggling in resistance a few times, she started to shake and convulse, suddenly she cradled her head saying, "It hurts...it hurts..." Xiang Liu used his demonic powers to inspect Xiao Yao's mind, but her determination had become unbelievably strong, when she was faced with a problem that would normally make her refuse to think, she fought back against it to an abnormal extent, the headaches were the result of the explosion of emotions from her resistance. Xiang Liu was afraid of damaging her mind so he didn't dare to force her, he immediately withdrew his power and said to her, "If you have a headache, you should rest!" Xiao Yao collapsed and lay on a pillow, she twisted her face in agony.

She resisted twice one was on questioning marrying Jing and whom she wants to spend the rest of her life with... She did answer she is willing to marry Shi Qi..Would  anyone want to marry the one they dont want to spend the rest of their life with the most?.. but of course...shiqi was not there anymore. ..and in chapter 16, we knew how much Xiao Yao resisted Jing.

And yep we all know Xiao Yao wanted a companion throughout life..not necessarily romantic...but she met Jing.. we see how much shes becoming romantic..

All I can get so far from that scene. .. theres nobody available for her to spend the rest of the life with. [She hoped the most on Jing (test him since chapter 8), she counted on him the most. After shes broken heart, shes been resisting at all cost..]

@Winny Aye @FTCU:

It is very sad. I knew she was biased but when one decide to translate a novel, one should stay true to the writer work not promote one's head canon or fanfiction.

I am so glad we have the Chinese text and @Wynny Aye's  Thai novel to work with .

Hi I am new to this thread.

There's one question that's been bugging me. Has Xiao Yao in the novel ever compared Jing to the Moon? Or this is something that is added in the drama only?

thanks for answering!

thanks for answering!

Hello ! Yes there are direct quotes in the novel that complete the drama's Xiao Yao statement " Tushan Jing is like the bright moon..." One can be found  in chapter 10:

TH  Chinese  text below





Quote :Shi Qi looked at Xiao Liu “A person cannot choose their birth, even if we are unwilling, we must accept it.” Shi Qi smiled warmly, a clear and gentle smile If a heart is like a clean moon, even in the darkened clouds it will pass and the moon will return. Xiao Liu pointed to her heart and asked half in jest half serious “But if the lady’s heart is tainted, then will my lord’s heart be clear like the moon and shine it on the lady’s heart.”  

Context : they both  have to embrace the title if Tushan Jing and Gao Xing Princess and all the ties that come with it. Would they be able to be together after that change?

Find our full analysis  and related passage here : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2938307&page=10 https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2938307&page=11


The first one to occur is in...chapter 1  as Jing meet Xiao Yao as Yeshiqi and Xiao Liu=>



The beggar said nothing, Xiao Liu  looked up at the sky, a waxing moon hanging coldly by the edge of the sky, like a sneer from the heavens mocking humanity. After a while, Xiao Liu   reached out and picked up the beggar, who was a man, with a large frame but as thin as a rail, light as a feather, showing no signs of weight. 


Have a good day!


Here as well Chapter 20 

The sky is high and the clouds are
light, the moon is bright and the stars are
osmanthus forest, the
shadows of the flowers are ripe and the
fragrance is overflowing. Xiaoyao walks
on the fragrant flowers in the moonlight,
singing and dancing softly, her body is like
a willow, her eyes are like spring water,
she sings to the moon,
her danceshadows are messy, the last sentence is
to stay together forever, never to be
separated, her voice is like a gossamer,
she sighs three times in one song, and her
emotions are lingering."....……………………

Xiaoyao smiled shyly: "Just play the

song I sang to you that night. Do you still

remember it?"

How could you forget?

Jun Ruo Shui Feng

I am like a lotus in the wind"…………………………

"Xiaoyao understood what he was

saying, got into his arms, hugged his waist

tightly, his music stopped, and Xiaoyao

murmured: "I like to hear it."

Jing continued to play to her,"

TH had made many reference of XY seeing Jing as her moon in the novel.

Chapter 20 

Right! <3

 After playing it once, Jing started playing again, but this time not repeating Xiaoyao's song. Instead, he wanted to tell Xiaoyao: If you are a lotus in the wind, I'm willing to be the wind on the water, longing for each other; if you are the moon in the clouds, I'm willing to be the cloud in the sky, loving and cherishing each other; if you are the vine on the tree, I'm willing to be the tree in the mountain, accompanying and relying on each other; even if there are joys and sorrows in the world, even if there are gatherings and partings in life, my heart is like a rock, unwavering, only wishing to be with you, never to part! 

小夭听懂了他的倾诉,钻进他怀里,紧紧搂住他的腰,他的琴音停住,小夭呢喃:“我喜欢听。” Xiao Yao understood his confession, snuggled into his arms, hugged his waist tightly, his music stopped, and Xiao Yao murmured, "I like to hear it."


Adding another drama moon and Jing  related moment - it fit to the textual of chapter 1 previously quoted "The beggar said nothing, Xiao Liu  looked up at the sky, a waxing moon hanging coldly by the edge of the sky, like a sneer from the heavens mocking humanity" that sound quite like a destiny momentum. It's from ep19, related to ch14 :

Jing....(ch14 drama ep19)

Xiao Yao is drawning and hear her fathers voice clearly telling her: "I will send someone to rescue you as soon as possible".Xiao Yao then - Enter the between heaven and earth....moment and space...   It's ...

the man shown under the moon who is here to save her.  As the Destined person.



Depending on the translation app used  we also get this  for Chap 20 

" The sky is high and cloudy, the moon is
bright and the stars are dark, in the
mignonette forest, the shadow of the flowers
is rotting, and the fragrance is overflowing
Xiao Yao stepped on the moonlight fragrant
flowers, singing and dancing, body like a
willow, eyes like spring water, she sang the
noon wandering, she danced shadow messy,
the last sentence of the long time to keep
each other, do not separate, the sound is like
a wandering silk " 

All these moon mentioned when she is singing to Jing

TH served Xiao Jing.  Blessed be TH.