
ignored my phone's warning, it died on me. my my me?? I'm back. @ WinnyAye oh no 2 vs 1 Jing has no flaws. you asleep? go ahead then, you need that too, we've been here for hours lol and see how many pages we've covered already lol

Hehe i fell asleep and woke up now. .? ..nahh i was writing down the facts that made him got into trouble.  But they are actually also his strength.  Tong Hua is something. ??? yeo i like Spoiling husband like Jing too. But some he should go dominant sometimes. .? Well actually did. .he could become a wolf..we all known. .Kekeke 

I mean. He is weak physically because he has been abused  tortured and lost a lot of his powers . XY is not called weak  because she has little power due to what fox guy did to her.

Interesting thought. Even with Jing's limping leg and lessened power he did rescue XY and even fought some of the trained soldiers when he saw wxl's wounded back and weak condition.

Yes he was engaged with YY but he told her multiple time to get lost. Why should he not spend time eith the woman he is in love with.  After what he has been through, life is short . He did not cheat 

Yes. That's the most impt thing, he never cheated. It was shown how he did try to drive YY away even to cut part of his robe she touched.

Edit: I forgot to tag lol @Peng-peng thanks for sharing your insight ❣️ I'd like to continue to respond to it too?

 Winny Aye:

Just woke up..this issue is something for me here too.?

Hey I just got back too LOL. Did I feel your presence? LMAO. Been rewriting my reply to @peng-peng awhile back but gave up and left my phone to finish charging instead and forgot to get back?? fortunately when I got back my phone's not trying to fight with me lol. It got tired too imagine we've been here nonstop for hours! Haha.


Hey I just got back too LOL. Did I feel your presence? LMAO. Been rewriting my reply to @peng-peng awhile back but gave up and left my phone to finish charging instead and forgot to get back?? fortunately when I got back my phone's not trying to fight with me lol. It got tired too imagine we've been here nonstop for hours! Haha.

Hahaha it's something. .we are full of energy but phones aren't lol..but i enjoy our conversation. ..

Haha. We talked abt anything I think lol from novel to some topic that was something personal. Excuse myself got something going on here. Brb. ??


I mean. He is weak physically because he has been abused  tortured and lost a lot of his powers . XY is not called weak  because she has little power due to what fox guy did to her.

Interesting thought. Even with Jing's limping leg and lessened power he did rescue XY and even fought you-know-who's army when he saw wxl's wounded back and weak condition.

Yes he was engaged with YY but he told her multiple time to get lost. Why should he not spend time eith the woman he is in love with.  After what he has been through, life is short . He did not cheat 

Yes. That's the most impt thing, he never cheated. It was shown how he did try to drive YY away even to cut part of his robe she touched.

Edit: I forgot to tag lol @Peng-peng thanks for sharing your insight ❣️ I'd like to continue to respond to it too?

He never cheated. But life is something. ...?

People can still blame him because he's tied to her. I felt sympathy actually. .but ohh well

If there's any passers by here,  i would say it is opinions of our side only . But theres something to think about i guess..and if one wants one own thought. .just read the novel carefully than go through opinions and get influenced by them . What i have taken on XL and CX may seemed but they do have merits just not in domestic stuffs..i would not take them as life partner. That again is subjective. However,  i will still hold on to what i said main section. .i just didn't stick to one guy while watching. CX and XL are both redeemable for me as mls in novels. (Some other gone beyond bad)...but they did not take chances and went into that direction and that's why im stick with Jing throughout. .


Haha. We talked abt anything I think lol from novel to some topic that was something personal. Excuse myself got something going on here. Brb. ??

See u around girls. .im starting the day now.

I changed a part of how I described my reply earlier so it won't be taken as something else again. I decided not to mention his name anymore on this thread and won't be much engaging on matters abt him. I've said a lot already and that's enough for me.

@WinnyAye well we all have our points of view, they can differ to some degrees. Our views abt Jing can differ too, that's fine coz we do know how to make our views meet in the middle, it's part of us knowing him, like I said us who are 'genuinely' on his side. I have to emphasize that term coz I think there's a difference with how we see and talk about him and how others, who are 50-50 or even less abt him, do. That's what I've observed so far. 

 Winny Aye:

See u around girls. .im starting the day now.

Go ahead. Have a blessed day. Thanks for the conversation too. I'd like to respond to some others I missed that I can't get out of my head yet lol.

 i guess it was to show that his flaws are actually his strength. ?  that could be a way to see it @WinnyAye and maybe that's how TH also wanted it to be. I think it goes with all her lyf major characters. She created them with various strengths and weaknesses, put them into certain situations, then tried to turn those weaknesses into strengths.


I think  most people are scared to comment since they’ve seen how toxic it gets, but there are a lot of YaoJing fans especially on Facebook.

I think so too. 

Regarding the grand national, he did not expect her to set him up like that. 

His nephew is more than that. He is his son to some extent.  I cannot see his love for him as something negative. 

I agree he didn't expect her to be the one to feed her the drug, her of all people, the last thing he though he could still trust coz I'm sure he had had his guard up against his brother even though he had forgiven him. He had some disagreements with her grandma abt his engagement, FFYY, and the clan's maintenance of its neutrality esp in politics but that didn't make him lose all his trust in her I think, also since she did a lot to keep him alive during the years he was in coma and he considered them. Family is valuable to him too and his nephew is innocent first of all, he thought of him as his own son too for some years.

It is too bad that TH like to  maine some of her ml. They're never on the same level.  And it is alway the disable who is nice. No matter what good  quality the character has. He is alway seen as weak

 yeah, sadly he'll always be that to some. I blamed TH too for some time. Then I read what someone wrote that she did him good and wrote his char well and something else I forgot already, bottom line I think is, Jing- when you get to him or how Deng Wei has introduced him, you'll realize how loveable he is too like how that person came to appreciate him and even more so for DW for his wonderful portrayal. That made my day❣️?


Yeah this was douyin trend were boyfriends were up like dengwei and honestly they all nailed it. They were even walking like him lol

Omg this I can't get out of my head just yet LMAO they have to have his long legs I think to walk like him like a model haha.


lol yeahhh you didn’t know? Even I was surprised when I saw douyin videos of guys dressing like DW.  I’m like y’all couldn’t have dressed your boyfriends yourself but waited for a hottie like DW to spice your relationships? lol 

I didn't. Wasn't frequent on douyin. Haha. 'spice their rel'ships' lol influencer DW

You guys can share vids abt that here, too. lazy to go through douyin yet. Haha.


 yeah, sadly he'll always be that to some. I blamed TH too for some time. Then I read what someone wrote that she did him good and wrote his char well and something else I forgot already, bottom line I think is, Jing- when you get to him or how Deng Wei has introduced him, you'll realize how loveable he is too like how that person came to appreciate him and even more so for DW for his wonderful portrayal. That made my day❣️?

I think she did him good. No matter how much gentleman he is, I like how she put this slyness essence there. Maybe he is not her fav but i dont think she loved him any less...kekeke have to say..even when drama follows novel very faithfully I think TJS is a little seemed more muted (at first time read) and I think he shines more in 2nd half. My opinion. ..? but Deng Wei..lol he acted out the character so well...cute innocent princely charming yet also he also let out slyness in his eyes..thats how i feel..i still cant get enough of this scene when he took and drink her poison with a smile..?????

I think she did him good. No matter how much gentleman he is, I like how she put this slyness essence there. Maybe he is not her fav but i dont think she loved him any less...kekeke have to say..even when drama follows novel very faithfully I think TJS is a little seemed more muted (at first time read) and I think he shines more in 2nd half. My opinion. ..? but Deng Wei..lol he acted out the character so well...cute innocent princely charming yet also he also let out slyness in his eyes..thats how i feel..i still cant get enough of this scene when he took and drink her poison with a smile..?????

Maybe you can find a gif on that scene and do post it here or maybe others can, I will very much appreciate that!? I was at first like what happened? Oh...oh... k. Haha. 

Well on the muted part- I suddenly felt bad again for how his throat was severed? if they made that first time he opened his mouth more dramatic like more emphasis on the crack in his voice or I mean the stutter or yeah you can guess, I'm lacking words again? I'd feel worse for him even if I wasn't much on him just then,and I badly wanted the bts for that, to hear his real voice along with how he played that part?