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 I do not want him to take Jing side at all.  He took XZ side over XY. This is unfair in the end  all this lead to XY leaving, never wanting to see her cousin ever again. He could have handled it better instead of brushing this under the carpet.  It is not an easy situation to deal with. It remind me of how he deal with the death of ZX father in episode 1. He  was brushing it under the carpet but the mother of ZX killed her brother in law them she killed herself. He even wanted to have her arrested.    He did not learn from it. If not for XL, XY would have been dead. 

 Winny Aye:
In chapter 1...her shyness..

Thank you for going back to where it started, should we make their path together , with them chapter by chapter? Sounds great  to me ! :)

This was her first woman's feelings breaking through Xiao Liu...and they are many to cover like,some I can think off briefly:

She gets possessive only with TSJ; did she feel that way for XL?NO.
She dresses up for TSJ; does she do that whenever she is meeting with FBB?Nospecial "rouge".
She thinks TSJ is perfect, despite his flaws. Did she act that way toward XL?No.
She’s Affectionate toward TSJ. Did she ever try to initiate sweet affections towards XL?No.
When she thought TSJ was dead, she secluded herself as the next Jade Mountain to be the next royal mother. She won't act like that if her heart is divided in two directions.
 With FFB/XL she likes to go out have fun play around ,but she's never possessive of him nor gets jealous like she does with Jing. And in contrary use him openly to make Jing jealous when she can't be with him. She confessed her love to Jing. Only.

We can cover , the path chapter by chapter, compare/add the visuals of the drama , if you want :)!


The man closed his eyes and said nothing. During this entire time he was like that. Every time Xiao Liu touched his body, he shut his eyes and pursed his lips. Xiao Liu understood. After enduring so much torture, his body despised any type of touch and each time he had to endure it.

Xiao Liu put the cloth next to him and said “You wash yourself. Your hair isn’t fully grown back yet so don’t scrub so hard.”

Xiao Liu sat to the side and munched on a snack and kept him company.

Perhaps because each scar on his body was a type of shame, the man always kept his head raised and eyes closed as to not look at his own body. He took the cloth and started washing himself. From the neck down to the chest down to the stomach and finally lower towards his legs.

Xiao Liu’s eyes followed his hand when suddenly he turned to the side and munched loudly on the duck neck, making crunch crunch sounds.

The man’s eyes opened and he looked towards Xiao Liu. The sunlight shone through the window and bathed Xiao Liu in light. His cheeks were red and it was illuminated by the sunlight like a piece of beautiful jade with red spots on it.

And then in chapter 8...we know why she got those red spots...

Xiao Liu sighed “I’m a man, don’t you think you’re being weird.”

This time Shi Qi’s response was immediate “You’re a girl.”

Xiao Liu actually felt Shi Qi had known for a long time that she was a girl, but how did Shi Qi know? “Why are you so certain? Even Xiang Liu being that smart can’t be absolutely certain I’m a girl.”

Shi Qi softly chuckledThat’s because he hasn’t seen you……” He suddenly shut up.

“Seen me what?”

Shi Qi refused to explain so Xiao Liu got more curious “Seen me what?” Xiao Liu shook Shi Qi’s arm     coquettishly and wheedled “Not seen me what? Tell me! Tell me!”

Xiao Liu was always acting like a loutish man and this was the first time showing a pouty girlish side. Even in the darkness and Shi Qi couldn’t see her face clearly, he was already defeated. He said “The first time I bathed after I was strong enough, you sat to the side and I saw…..when you saw my body…..I knew you…..to me…..”

Xiao Liu yelped and then covered her face “You’re lying! I didn’t, I didn’t!”

“I’m not lying.”

“You’re lying, it’s totally a lie. I never blush.”

“I’m not lying.”

Shi Qi usually gave in to whatever Xiao Liu wanted so this was the first time he was so absolutely stubborn and unwilling to concede to her. Xiao Liu turned around and refused to face Shi Qi or talk to Shi Qi anymore, using action to show that Shi Qi was lying and until he admitted it then she wasn’t going to talk to him.

Shi Qi was silent until Xiao Liu felt all wronged and grumbled “Such a little matter and you won’t even give me in to me.”

Shi Qi replied “It’s not a small matter.

Xiao Liu pouted, if this wasn’t a small matter, then what counts as a small matter?-------------


.....that day you helped me bathe and when you saw my body you blushed beet red. In that instant I  was truly reborn. In your eyes, I was still a man…..a man who affected you…..”

Xiao Liu yelled “Don’t you dare say another word!”

Shi Qi’s eyes misted with tears and it splashed on Xiao Liu’s hair, but his voice was filled with mirth “When you carried me out of the tub, you didn’t even dare look directly at me before placing me on the pallet. You ran off even before you were done talking. How could I ever think you were a man?”

Xiao Liu hit him on the chest and groused “You are so sneaky! And here I thought you were the most honest! I was hoodwinked!”



Chapter 4

From then on, Shi Qi would always wear the same sack cloth robe and come walk with Xiao Liu every night by the river. The two of them would walk until Xiao Liu got tired and went back to sleep, and then Shi Qi would leave. The days seem to pass not very different then before, except the topic of their  conversations had changed.

Xiao Liu would ask “How many servants do you have?”


“How much money do you have?”


“Years ago….was that because of an inheritance battle?”


“Is Jing Ye prettier? Or Lan Xiang?”


“Do you remember all the herbs I taught you.”


“Remember them well because it looks ordinary but if you add little things to it, it can take down even a god or a demon.”


“You’re not that nine-headed monster Xiang Liu, with nine-lives and can eat whatever he wants.”


“Is Jing Ye prettier? Or Lan Xiang?”


“The serving people are usually the least trustworthy. You be careful.”


“Also…..don’t resort to violence. Pretend 

to be stupid and endure. If it resorts to violence then you have to be thorough and end it right then     and there.”

Shi Qi said nothing.

Xiao Liu sighed “If you really can’t beat them, then come back. You can keep brewing medicine for me, at least you won’t starve to death.”

Shi Qi stared at Xiao Liu and there were rolling waves in his eyes seemingly pulling Xiao Liu in.


I was wondering why She asked that twice when i read...but I understand why when I reached to chapter 8. 

The two maids stared and Xiao Liu couldn’t look away either. Shi Qi appeared taken back and slightly lowered his eyes but he liked Xiao Liu staring at him like this so he kept his eyes locked on hers as he walked over.

Xiao Liu teased “No wonder a girl learned dance for ten years to try and seduce you. After you go back, there won’t be a lack of women throwing themselves at you.”

Shi Qi appeared uneasy and worried Xiao Liu would misunderstand and quickly said “I won’t look.”

Xiao Liu felt a sweetnesst  in her heart but didnt want him to see it so purposely turned her head “Whether you look or not has nothing to do with me.”

                                           Chapter 1 - Gender revelation/womans feeling are emerging

  1. Physical and Emotional Trauma:

    • The man, presumably Shi Qi, has undergone significant physical and emotional trauma, evident from his aversion to touch. The mention of torture suggests a dark and painful past.
    • Xiao Liu's understanding and patience during the washing scene reveal a level of intimacy and care, as she observes and respects his discomfort.
  2. Symbolism of Scars:

    • The scars on Shi Qi's body are portrayed as a form of shame, emphasizing the emotional weight associated with his past experiences. Each scar seems to carry a story, contributing to his reluctance to confront his own body.
  3. Intimacy and Comfort:

    • Xiao Liu's companionship during this vulnerable moment, even as she munches on a snack, reflects a level of comfort and acceptance between the characters.
    • Shi Qi's reaction to Xiao Liu's eating habits suggests a familiarity and ease in their relationship, possibly built over shared experiences and time spent together.
  4. Revelation of Gender Identity:

    • The revelation that Xiao Liu is, in fact, a girl comes as a surprise to Shi Qi. The discussion about her gender adds a layer of complexity to their relationship, revealing hidden feelings and perceptions.
  5. Shi Qi's Observations:

    • Shi Qi's acknowledgment that he knew Xiao Liu was a girl is a pivotal moment. His explanation about seeing her during a vulnerable moment creates an intimate connection between them.
  6. Emotional Turmoil and Denial:

    • Xiao Liu's denial of blushing and her subsequent pouting demonstrate her discomfort with the revelation. The emotional turmoil suggests a deeper connection and the potential for romantic feelings between the characters.
  7. Playful Dynamics:

    • Despite the serious undertones, there is a playful element to their interaction. Xiao Liu's coquettish behavior and Shi Qi's teasing contribute to the novel's emotional complexity, blending moments of seriousness with lighter tones.
  8. Themes of Trust and Honesty:

    • The dialogue exchange reveals the importance of trust and honesty in their relationship. Shi Qi's refusal to concede on this matter underscores its significance, suggesting that Xiao Liu's gender identity is a crucial aspect of their connection.


Same but Funny version:

🌟 Professional Highlights:

  1. XIAO LIU  is an Expert in Bathing Techniques:

    • Demonstrated unparalleled skills in assisting individuals with sensitive bathing   needs, as seen in quoted Chapter ,when providing a bath to a certain scar-laden, mysterious man (no peeking allowed).
  2. Snack Multitasking Maven:

    • Successfully managed to maintain focus on snack consumption while overseeing said scar-laden man's bath, proving that one can munch and monitor simultaneously. (Snacking level: Expert)
  3. Master of Coquettish Arm-Shaking:

    • Utilized the art of coquettish arm-shaking to wheedle information out of a secretive counterpart!!. This technique, while not formally recognized, has proven highly effective in prying out undisclosed details.
  4. Blush-Proof Resilience:

    • Asserted a strong stance on never blushing, only to be hilariously debunked by a certain someone who claimed to have witnessed such a phenomenon during a revealing bathing incident. (Note: Denial level - 100%)


Congratulation , Xiao Liu=> You are interested in further exploration of your feminity and 

this little guy in the bathtube :D!


 I do not want him to take Jing side at all.  He took XZ side over XY. This is unfair in the end  all this lead to XY leaving, never wanting to see her cousin ever again. He could have handled it better instead of brushing this under the carpet.  It is not an easy situation to deal with. It remind me of how he deal with the death of ZX father in episode 1. He  was brushing it under the carpet but the mother of ZX killed her brother in law them she killed herself. He even wanted to have her arrested.    He did not learn from it. If not for XL, XY would have been dead. 

Well I dont actually find bad for covering up ZX bad deeds. Because I did not find it as wholly taking  ZX side over XY. I'd rather see it as he did not want  what had happened to happen thats why he put it under carpet. And thats why he tried to make XY forget  Jing because its torturing for her. After all ZX and XY are cousins. He wont want to break the bond or at least not to put flame...So i dont blame him. Cos I dont see him handling situation in another way. He was an emperor and he knew how emperor had to endure. Everything is not in his control when it came to emotional stuffs. And he's emperor..the story already implied he had to think of politics before emotion.,normal people in his reign lived well but those who near him suffer....but its not like he's not regret...


wow another great detailed analysis ...guessing u are staying late at night hehhe..

i will response later..soon..its interesting

 Funny version:

? Professional Highlights:

XIAO LIU  is an Expert in Bathing Techniques:

Demonstrated unparalleled skills in assisting individuals with sensitive bathing needs, as seen in Chapter 8 when providing a bath to a certain scar-laden, mysterious man (no peeking allowed).
Snack Multitasking Maven:

Successfully managed to maintain focus on snack consumption while overseeing said scar-laden man's bath, proving that one can munch and monitor simultaneously. (Snacking level: Expert)
Master of Coquettish Arm-Shaking:

Utilized the art of coquettish arm-shaking to wheedle information out of a secretive counterpart!!. This technique, while not formally recognized, has proven highly effective in prying out undisclosed details.
Blush-Proof Resilience:

Asserted a strong stance on never blushing, only to be hilariously debunked by a certain someone who claimed to have witnessed such a phenomenon during a revealing bathing incident. (Note: Denial level - 100%)

=> funny parts 2:

🧐 Skills and Expertise:

  1. Sensitive Body Language Interpreter:

    • Possesses an innate ability to read the unspoken language of a scar-ridden body, offering comfort and understanding during moments of vulnerability. Demonstrated proficiency in decoding closed eyes, pursed lips, and the meticulous avoidance of one's own physique.
  2. Teasing and Pouting Specialist:

    • Exhibits a remarkable talent for playful teasing and pouting, as evident in the compelling exchange regarding gender revelation. Expertise includes turning away in a huff and demanding silence until the truth is acknowledged.
  3. Strategic Hair Covering:

    • Skilled in the art of using one's hair as an expressive shield, particularly in situations involving embarrassment or denial. A master at turning around dramatically to emphasize displeasure or to avoid discussing inconvenient truths.
  4. Bathtub Exit Maneuvering:

    • Executed a flawless bathtub exit maneuver during a crucial moment, showcasing the ability to flee a potentially awkward situation with grace and haste.

💖 Relationship Management:

  1. Heartstring Tugger:

    • Successfully tugged at the heartstrings of a certain someone by revealing vulnerability and the emotional impact of a shared bathing experience. Expertise in making even the most stoic characters shed a tear (or two).
  2. Hoodwinking Prevention Advocate:

    • Vigilantly advocates for the prevention of hoodwinking, especially when it comes to matters of identity and blush-inducing revelations. A staunch believer in honesty, even if it leads to playful chest-hitting.

🌈 Personal Development:

  1. Unveiling True Colors:

    • Showcased the ability to break out of the loutish man persona and reveal a pouty, girlish side, proving that multifaceted character development is possible, even in the darkest (and bathiest) moments.
  2. Adaptability and Growth:

    • Demonstrated the capacity for growth by adapting to unexpected revelations about gender identity. Acknowledges the importance of embracing change and moving forward, all while maintaining a strong pout.

In conclusion, Xiao Liu is not just a character:  she's a dynamic, snack-loving, bath-giving force to be reckoned with!:D. With a flair for playful banter and a heart capable of unveiling vulnerability, Xiao Liu brings a unique blend of skills to the literary stage, creating moments that are both heartwarming and hilariously blush-inducing...She is litterally bubbling.Becoming a little bubble of woman, should I say?.

                                                                   Ps: all the interrogative points are lost in space emoticons...

 Winny Aye:
wow another great detailed analysis ...guessing u are staying late at night hehhe..

i will response later..soon..its interesting

:D It's your post, I smelled the sun, the soap, YeshiQi and Xiao Liu you posted here, and no way to sleep :D. (asked above, if you feel it we can exlore chapters like that from the begining?). So we make the whole re-exploration and talking while going through? Should be fun!<3  (the hardest will be to stick on the chapters we are convering... :D) XD!!! 


Thank you for going back to where it started, should we make their path together , with them chapter by chapter? Sounds great  to me ! :)

This was her first woman's feelings breaking through Xiao Liu...and they are many to cover like,some I can think off briefly:

She gets possessive only with TSJ; did she feel that way for XL?NO.
She dresses up for TSJ; does she do that whenever she is meeting with FBB?Nospecial "rouge".
She thinks TSJ is perfect, despite his flaws. Did she act that way toward XL?No.
She’s Affectionate toward TSJ. Did she ever try to initiate sweet affections towards XL?No.
When she thought TSJ was dead, she secluded herself as the next Jade Mountain to be the next royal mother. She won't act like that if her heart is divided in two directions.
 With FFB/XL she likes to go out have fun play around ,but she's never possessive of him nor gets jealous like she does with Jing. And in contrary use him openly to make Jing jealous when she can't be with him. She confessed her love to Jing. Only.

We can cover , the path chapter by chapter, compare/add the visuals of the drama , if you want :)!

You welcome. .and thank u...

Yes. ...what I think is exactly you wrote. ..♥

I will add one more fact (because some fans liking to out more make theories)...about this "XY surpass her feelings for XL to other. ..to TSJ" thingy...

But there was no sign of XL while XY had sweet times with her TSJ. If  she was surpassing there must be some signs, i mean some mentioning ..for example ZX unconscious mentioning of XY while spending the night with Xing Yue. But for XY it's only Jing, she likes it when he's the wolf.


Shi Qi's Observations:Shi Qi's acknowledgment that he knew Xiao Liu was a girl is a pivotal moment. His explanation about seeing her during a vulnerable moment creates an intimate connection between them.

Emotional Turmoil and Denial:Xiao Liu's denial of blushing and her subsequent pouting demonstrate her discomfort with the revelation. The emotional turmoil suggests a deeper connection and the potential for romantic feelings between the characters.

In conclusion, Xiao Liu is not just a character:  she's a dynamic, snack-loving, bath-giving force to be reckoned with!:D. With a flair for playful banter and a heart capable of unveiling vulnerability, Xiao Liu brings a unique blend of skills to the literary stage, creating moments that are both heartwarming and hilariously blush-inducing...She is litterally bubbling.Becoming a little bubble of woman, should I say?.

Copy some from your post although I like all points. .

i like this connection and her emotional turmoil and denial...its cute...yess a little bubble of a woman. .this her first encounterment of female feelings. ..and she's not ready to accept it. 


:D It's your post, I smelled the sun, the soap, YeshiQi and Xiao Liu you posted here, and no way to sleep :D. (asked above, if you feel it we can exlore chapters like that from the begining?). So we make the whole re-exploration and talking while going through? Should be fun!<3  (the hardest will be to stick on the chapters we are convering... :D) XD!!! 

Yess...its cute..and at bath scene. ..

All those scenes. .♥

And the way she looked at him..

And yessss..

Let's explore all Xiao Jing highlighted scenes in novel. ..in all 51 chapters. ..let's do it!♥♥♥♥♥

 Winny Aye:
she likes it when he's the wolf.

Right :) Thx for your inputs too!<3:


"I will add one more fact (because some fans liking to out more make theories)...about this "XY surpass her feelings for XL to other. ..to TSJ" thingy...

But there was no sign of XL while XY had sweet times with her TSJ. If  she was surpassing there must be some signs, i mean some mentioning ..for example ZX unconscious mentioning of XY while spending the night with Xing Yue. But for XY it's only Jing, she likes it when he's the wolf.

 Winny Aye:
Copy some from your post although I like all points. .

i like this connection and her emotional turmoil and denial...its cute...yess a little bubble of a woman. .this her first encounterment of female feelings. ..and she's not ready to accept it. 

Well I'll add them this fun way :) ...I like how it can suit her teasing and joyfull tone.

 Winny Aye:
Let's explore all Xiao Jing highlighted scenes in novel. ..in all 51 chapters. ..let's do it!♥♥♥♥♥

Okay! And let's take our time, there is no rush till S2 come and closure our loving journey! I propose you when you have time...share extracts aligned with the timeline, to whom I'll answer  on the tone as written above, light, simple and heartwarming - that for me resonate  like their playfullness  <3 Images welcome :D


Okay! And let's take our time, there is no rush till S2 come and closure our loving journey! I propose you when you have time...share extracts aligned with the timeline, to whom I'll answer on the tone as above, light, simple and heartwarming <3 Images welcome :D

Yes...we will take our time...yes it will make us reread the chapters again in fact...

 Winny Aye:
Yes...we will take our time...yes it will make us reread the chapters again in fact...