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 Winny Aye:
Prolouge LYF

 Winny Aye:
At the dawn of time, when the universe was just formless chaos, the world had only one ruler. That was the Great Emperor Pan Gu, who opened the Heavens and created the world itself.

At that time, the distance between Heaven and Earth was much closer. Humans lived on Earth and the Gods lived on the Heavenly Mountains. Humans could travel on a sky stair to reach the Gods. The Humans, the Gods, and the Demons all co-existed together in the world.

The Great Emperor Pan Gu had three subordinates that he was as close as siblings with. The one with the greatest spiritual power was a woman, but the time was so long ago that her name no longer can be found. Only known is that she created the Hua Xu Kingdom, so the people called her Hua Xu. The other two subordinates were men, one was named Sheng Nong and was stationed in the Middle Plains to ensure peace from all four reaches, and the other was named Gao Xing and was stationed to the East to protect where the sun rose the Holy Yang Valley and the Eye of the East Gui Xu.

After the Great Emperor Pan Gu passed, the world descended into fiery conflict and endless warfare. Hua Xu tired of the endless battle and left for the far reaches to create the peaceful and harmonious Hua Xu Kingdom. But what made her live on through the legends was not her Hua Xu Kingdom, but her two children – her son Fu Yi and her daughter Nü Wa.

Fu Yi and Nü Wa were brave and just, subduing all the heroes of the world willingly and ending the warfare. They were crowned Emperor Fu Yi and Empress Nü Wa.

 Winny Aye:
They brought peace to the bruised and battered vast wilderness, and gradually life began anew again.

Aftar thousands of years, Emperor Fu Yi passed and Empress Nü Wa was devastated. She left for the Hua Xu Kingdom and was never seen again. What happened to her remained a mystery and the Fu Yi and Nü Wa tribes slowly lost prominence.

With the downturn of the Fu Yi tribe, the Sheng Nong tribe in the Middle Plains and the Gao Xing tribe in the Southeast rose to be the two great powers. On the surface both abided by the pacted signed before Emperor Fu Yi and Empress Nü Wa to never attack each other, but deep down each was bursting with ambition to devour the other.

In the Northwest area of the vast wilderness, there was a unassuming mountain called Xuan Yuan Mountain. Living at the base of the mountain was a small God tribe that the powerful Gods never took notice of – the Xuan Yuan tribe. After a great ceremony, the tribal elders of the Xuan Yuan tribe chose the bravest, smartest strapping young man in the tribe to be their leader. But even the tribal elders could not have foreseen what great feats and accomplishments this young man would one day accomplish.

In another few thousand short years time, the young man expanded the formerly small Xuan Yuan tribe until by the time Gao Xing and Sheng Nong became aware of its rival existence in might, the time had passed to eliminate Xuan Yuan easily. They could only watch wearily as Xuan Yuan vaulted to join them and become one of the top three greatest God tribes in existence.

The three great God tribes. The head was Sheng Nong, the tribe that received the direct order from the Great Emperor Pan Gu to watch over the Middle Plains, and each leader of the Sheng Nong Kingdom was called the Flame Emperor. The Flame Emperor ruled by beneficence. The second was Gao Xing, under orders to watch over the Southeast, and each successive ruler was called the Grand Emperor. The Grand Emperor ruled by protocol. The last was the upstart Xuan Yuan based in the Northwest, its ruler was called the Yellow Emperor, and he ruled by law.

From then on, Sheng Nong in the Middle Plains, Xuan Yuan in the Northwest, and Gao Xing in the Southeast – the three powers co-existed warily for thousands of years in a seemingly stable balance and division of power.

My thoughts

So this is Dahuang and three god tribes. But before Xuan Yuan, there was Hua Xu. It tells me that things can change...after one kingdom gone, come another..but it mainly talk of Fu Yi and Nu Wa, the rulers of Hua Xu. They reminds me of Zhang Xu and Xiao Yao might have bonded of if they were not separated since young. I don't know. So in here we learn to know about the three great emperors and 3 great god tribes, Xuan Yuan, Sheng Nong and Gao Xing. 


First I need a resumé :

The prologue serves as a celestial prelude, laying the groundwork for the intricate web of power, love, and divine intricacies in Tong Hua's universe. It reflects themes of  alliances, love, tragic separations, and the cyclical nature of power. Drawing parallels to the previous books, perhaps it hints at the possibility of characters like Xiao Yao and Zhang Xu mirroring the fates of Fu Yi and Nü Wa. As the celestial drama unfolds, the prologue acts as a bridge, connecting the narrative threads of Tong Hua's earlier works to this tapestry."

As you said Winny, at first it hints that the story could repeat itself...but , we will see as the story unfold , how the union of Jing and the female protagonist  Xiao Yao, might symbolize a crucial balance in this doomed fate, like a convergence of destinies meant to reshape the division power cycle, the shading of pasts tragic loves,  and finally set/stage a path foward, rather than a repeat story  movement .


- The Drama choose to start with the complete  misfortune of Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan in their youth:

                                                                   Zhaoyun Hall on Xiyan 

We see how the royal family is marked by dysfunction, characterized by typical palace politics. 

Despite the King of Xiyan having numerous sons and grandchildren, Cang Xuan finds himself overlooked and marginalized, despite his father's sacrifice for the nation, leading him to become an outcast.

Xiao Yao's military mother, and Queen of Haoling, ( has decided to divorce the King ,more secrets are untold)- remains reticent about crucial information, burdening the children with responsibilities way beyond their years. 

=>It raises the question of how one can ask a child to swear to protect another when the adult, unable to safeguard them, imposes such heavy burdens. 

Both mother dies (battlefield while enemy facing//suicide), and so does the granny who used to take care of them both. "They'll be back soon",  they smile while stabbing in front of kids, their vital organs...Both mothers choose to die, before child care.

The only confort remaining is the kids bond.

Their heritage are a knife (used by CX mother to kill herself...) given to Cang Xuan:

And little Xiao Yao gets: from inside these books a magical trinket:

The Xiyan King split up than the children, by sending Xiaoyao to Mount Jade, to learn under the Royal Mother. A heartbreaking scene follow, showing them parting...The little prince cries on the mountain top, while the little princess is off on an air-carriage in the sky.....

...and => TIME JUMP : 300 years later - lefting us on a cliffhanger: what happened to those kids who are left with such heavy burdens from their  relatives??? Their hearts broken to ashes.

**********************************Intro/Drama prologue end**************************************


The prologue of "Lost You Forever" by Tong Hua and the prologue scenario from the TV series adaptation share some common elements, but there are also significant differences in terms of tone, focus, and presentation. Let's explore the in-depth comparisons:

Common Elements:

  1. Mythical Setting: Both the novel and the TV series prologues are set in a mythical world with divine rulers and various tribes or kingdoms of gods.

  2. Great Emperor Pan Gu: Both narratives mention the Great Emperor Pan Gu as the original ruler who created the world and had three important subordinates.

  3. Creation of Peaceful Kingdoms: In both versions, one of the subordinates, Hua Xu, creates the Hua Xu Kingdom to establish peace and harmony.

  4. Successors of Hua Xu: The novel and the TV series both mention the children of Hua Xu, Fu Yi, and Nü Wa, who become significant rulers and bring peace to the world.


  1. Focus and Tone:

    • Novel: The novel prologue provides a broad historical overview with a focus on the rise and fall of kingdoms and the shifting balance of power among the god tribes. It has a more distant and epic tone.
    • TV Series: The TV series prologue, on the other hand, zooms in on the personal tragedies of the characters Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan, emphasizing the dysfunction within the royal family and the burdens placed on the children. The tone is more immediate and emotionally charged.
  2. Character Development:

    • Novel: The novel introduces several historical figures and tribes, detailing the rise of the Xuan Yuan tribe and the coexistence of the three great God tribes.It's a more distant and general overview.
    • TV Series: The TV series prologue focuses on the childhood experiences of Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan, highlighting the impact of family dynamics and personal tragedies on their characters. 
  3. Conflict and Ambition:

    • Novel: The novel mentions the ambitions and power struggles between the Sheng Nong, Gao Xing, and Xuan Yuan tribes, creating a backdrop of tension and rivalry.
    • TV Series: The TV series emphasizes the internal conflicts within the royal family of Xiyan, portraying a sense of betrayal and marginalization experienced by Cang Xuan.(and the possible shadowed in secrets for Xiao Yao to be experienced "She is different").
  4. Detailed Events:

    • Novel: The novel provides a detailed account of the passage of time, covering thousands of years and the events that shaped the world.
    • TV Series: The TV series prologue focuses on specific, emotionally charged events in the childhood of two characters, building a more intimate connection with the audience.

=> In summary:

While both the novel and the TV series share a foundation of mythical elements    and historical events, they diverge in terms of focus, tone, and character development. The novel takes a grand and historical approach, while the TV series opts for a more personal and emotionally intense narrative. The tone is settled as we are ready to enter this personnal and emotional journey centred story approach, to enhance both perception of the same story!.

(After all Tong Hua supervised the screenplay too). 

*(Book/ Drama Prologue draft- Winny and Peng, tell me if I missed something to edit before we move on to chapter 1 :p )*

 Winny Aye:
, we will be quite completed with this world.

1110% Yes :D

Excellent.   I love how you emphasise the burden the parents left on the 2 children while they failed to protect them .

I was so angry when CX's mother stabbed herself in from of him, choosing to be with her husband  abandoning her motherly duties.  I felt so hurt for this little boy.   

XY' mother died in battle so I  forgive her. It was out if her control. 

Love the visual added  to the  

@ Symbolika1.   You missed nothing  so far. Excellent analysis of both drama amd the novel prologue. 


its completed analysis ..love your effort ...even comparison with tv series differences are great. Actually i reallly like tv series initiating...although confused at first watch. i was immediately attach to the characters .CX and XY.  

I will be looking forward to see on ch1...analysis ...ekkekekke its very yaojing


Excellent.   I love how you emphasise the burden the parents left on the 2 children while they failed to protect them .

I was so angry when CX's mother stabbed herself in from of him, choosing to be with her husband  abandoning her motherly duties.  I felt so hurt for this little boy.   

XY' mother died in battle so I  forgive her. It was out if her control. 

Love the visual added  to the  

@ Symbolika1.   You missed nothing  so far. Excellent analysis of both drama amd the novel prologue. 

yes me too...when Cx mom stab herself ...im like what...really feel for him.

yes its perfect analysis ...im off to do 2 more posts on chapter 1 ..see u

Before Symbolica does the analysis I want to share  the 2  points that for me set  some kind of begining of XY's  little affection towards the Beggar.

These 2 scenes are long before our fav bath scene. 

Scene A - "Ma Zi opened a jar and a light delicate scent wafted out. Xiao Liu reached in
and scooped out a golden ointment
with his hands and started applying it
on the man, starting with his face,
The cold ointment alleviated some
of the pain and the man's pursed lips
softened slightly. Xiao Liu saw the
blood staining his lips and applied
some ointment there as well. The man
quickly tried to shut his mouth and
took Xiao Liu's finger into his lips. It
was the only time tonight Xiao Liu felt
anything soft from his body.

Xiao Liu was momentarily stunned

but the man already opened his lips

and Xiao Liu pulled back his finger

He gently lifted his arm and started

applying medicine. " 

Scene B- " But then he saw the man's matted
hair and he furrowed his brow before
calling for Chuan Zi "Cloth, hot water
basin, pail." Xiao Liu sat down on the
edge of the pallet, put his legs inside a
pail, lifted up the man's dirty head and
placed it on his knees to wash his hair
Chuan Zi sheepishly offered "Brother
Liu, tomorrow you have to see
patients, go get some sleep and I can do
this.'W Xiao Liu scoffed "With your clumsy
hands, I'm afraid you'll undo my hours
of hard work tending his wounds.
You can just change the water." Xiao
Liu's hand movements were gentle
even more than usual, getting some
suds from the soap and 1ittle by
little washing the man's hair. After
thoroughly shampooing it, he ladled
warm water over the hair to rinse
away the blood and dirt. He used
a scissors to snip away the ruined

After washing his hair, Xiao Liu's hands moved across his scalp and he lowered his hair to check. He could feel the man tense up and Xiao Liueexplained "I want to check if you have any head injuries.'

The irony was that the torturers wanted him lucid to feel every bit of the pain so they didn't harm his head Xiao Liu didn't want to use any pressure so he used up many clothes gently drying his hair.  He worried air brush would hurt him so he used his fingers like a thick soft hair

brush to detangle the strands. After arranging his hair, he had Chuan Zi get a clean pillow before laying his head on the pillow.

The sun was already rising when Xiao Liu stepped outside that room. He washed his face with cold water and ate his breakfast while ordering Ma Zi" 

There is nothing sexual about that bold part b. I love that XY is stunned . This is not the reaction of a doctor  at all.  Also it kind of set the tone  for this mysterious beggar. Under all this disgusting bruises person there is softness.

This is the 1rst time XY is washing his hair. Has she ever washed the hair of someone else before?  If no them again this is the 1st person she does this to. She is extremly gentle not to hurt him. When Chiang Zi offered  to do this task, she refuse, she send him off. This is the begining   of XY tlc for this man's hair. Lol. 

I also love  this scene below 

Scene C- "The man kept his eyes lowered "I.
Listen. To you."

Xiao Liu chewed more dry grass "In the
future if you see people who know you,
you will still listen to me?"
The man pursed his lips and his hand
lightly gripped the bannister, his face
pale and he remained silent
Xiao Liu was about to scoff when he
raised his eyes and looked directly at
"I listen!" In his clear eyes there
appeared to be flashing embers as if
branding the word "listen" in his heart
Xiao Liu hesitated for a moment and
then said "Then you can stay."

Here the italic and bold part  for me the PACT is made.  Sealed branded in his heart. Them WXY agrees to let him stay.  The man made this knowing fully well that he is making it between this woman and himself. It is a big pact. An important pact. What is important to me here is that XY is the one  having a say in this pact She set the condition " you will listent to me" . Nothing is forced on her. No threats. She has free will to even reject  the beggar acceptance of the  condition she has stipulated. She is in controle.  I am stressing this because there will be more  pacts that she will make later on   with XL, TSJ and FL ( those that I remember on top of my head. There could be more).  

These are my 2 cents. 



Excellent.   I love how you emphasise the burden the parents left on the 2 children while they failed to protect them .

I was so angry when CX's mother stabbed herself in from of him, choosing to be with her husband  abandoning her motherly duties.  I felt so hurt for this little boy.   

XY' mother died in battle so I  forgive her. It was out if her control. 

Love the visual added  to the  

@ Symbolika1.   You missed nothing  so far. Excellent analysis of both drama amd the novel prologue. 

 Winny Aye:


its completed analysis ..love your effort ...even comparison with tv series differences are great. Actually i reallly like tv series initiating...although confused at first watch. i was immediately attach to the characters .CX and XY.  

I will be looking forward to see on ch1...analysis ...ekkekekke its very yaojing

Thanks for the prologue drama/novel comparaison- appreciation!!!=> actually comparing and going through both is really exiting! :D!!  I Feel like from the novel to the drama,  the "ZOOMING into " narrative form , to highlight bright the characters, shows and reveals many  MORE   aspects/angles.

 And it's likely to appear , maybe?:p, that the more we will zoom in with the comparative and free exploration, the more we , as if we where using a microscope, through the drama visual lenses, zoom into the characters heart with even more accuracy :).

This zoomed form is clearer now, as we had compare the 2 forms of the same coins :)

continue on Chapter 1....

description of Jing..

Xiao Liu walked over and took a good look. The man’s entire face was battered and bruised so badly it was swollen like a pig’s head. His features were completely indistinguishable. On a reed thin body, paired with a giant head, it was freakishly scary.


Xiao Liu pushed aside his clothes, or more like scraps of cloth, and the man’s entire body was criss-crossed with scars and wounds of all types – whips, knives, burns, and there was a completely charred path right on his chest that came from a brand. Because he didn’t have any excess muscle, his bones protruded clearly and the burned skin hung on his rib cage.

Xiao Liu was gentle as can be and fully concentrated on tending the wounds. But no matter the care taken, there were a multitude of wounds, some with rotted flesh that needed to be cut away, others with dead skin that needed to be snipped, and his broken leg needed to be set.

Because of the pain, Xiao Liu could feel the man shaking but his eyes remained closed and he tightly bit his lips quietly enduring. He battered body was naked and everywhere was the signs of torture meant to degrade and shame him. Yet his behavior remained lofty and composed.

Xiao Liu realized he probably reacted this way to the torture as well, the person being shamed h
aving more dignity than the person shaming. The person torturing him would have been filled with even more rage and therefore increased the torture.

I am copy pasting some phrases description of jing tortured body...clearly it's filthy.. nevertheless , Xiao Liu could see underneath his filthy body was a man of diginity. I think her respect started here. After he recovered , Ma Zi and Chuan Zi were awe. 

This was the first time either of them clearly look at him. He had long black eyebrows, sparkling eyes, a high straight nose, his simple cheap wool clothes was worn with elegance and sophistication. In a second both Ma Zi and Chuan Zi felt so unworthy and also in awe.


Despite eating the same dry grass, his movements were refined and gave off the impression that he wasn’t eating dry grass but the fruit of the Gods from the mountains.


Ma Zi reaction ...he's already assuming Jing was above them.

Ma Zi consoled him “Brother Liu, some people were born on top of the clouds, others are no better than dirt. There is nothing to compare. Let’s be accepting and live our dirt life as best as can be.”

No matter whether Jing is cripple , body full of scars, and wearing cheap clothes . He is sophisticated, enduring and has dignity. Xiao Liu admired him for it ...and so were others. Ma Zi and Chaung Zi and Lao Mu already consider him above them.

All in all , my take on Jing is that, he represents value of person is not depending on the appearance and wealthy clothing ... even in old cheap clothing, Jing is still sophisticated ..♡

These are my 2 cents. 

Will add your post , when soon we'll get into it! :)) Thanks :)<3 (I'm holding myself not to reply yet :D...but I'd rather have it the most complete, with adding winny's - or reverse=> winny add yours ,untill we have a complete view , with visuals "zoomed" visuals 

There is nothing sexual about that bold part b. I love that XY is stunned . This is not the reaction of a doctor  at all.  Also it kind of set the tone  for this mysterious beggar. Under all this disgusting bruises person there is softness.

Yeah she forgot to be a doc, that's so funny and cute :D

In his clear eyes there
appeared to be flashing embers as if
branding the word "listen" in his heart.

One of their first dialogue <3

Nothing is forced on her. No threats. She has free will to even reject  the beggar acceptance of the  condition she has stipulated. She is in controle.

Yes! Don't worry we should cover it too. Thanks ! It's nice to have your highlights, what marked you! *hugs* <3

 Winny Aye:
I will be looking forward to see on ch1...analysis ...ekkekekke its very yaojing

ekekeke...I can't wait either, to pull your and peng peng novel -chapter 1 posts :D...!!!! <3 Thank you both again too!


The man
quickly tried to shut his mouth and
took Xiao Liu's finger into his lips. It
was the only time tonight Xiao Liu felt
anything soft from his body.

Xiao Liu was momentarily stunned.

I think Xiao Liu felt life in him there.

Here the italic and bold part  for me the PACT is made.  Sealed branded in his heart. Them WXY agrees to let him stay.  The man made this knowing fully well that he is making it between this woman and himself. It is a big pact. An important pact. What is important to me here is that XY is the one  having a say in this pact She set the condition " you will listent to me" . Nothing is forced on her. No threats. She has free will to even reject  the beggar acceptance of the  condition she has stipulated. She is in controle.  I am stressing this because there will be more  pacts that she will make later on   with XL, TSJ and FL ( those that I remember on top of my head. There could be more).  

the bold one ...what do you mean by that...u mean she's controlling? 

Personally I do not actually find as a negative thing.It's more like she has her conditions to accept or do something  ...although she may not stick to her conditions all time. 

Edit: I think the only reason she was making this condition "you listen to me" , she consider herself head of the family and he is under her care...there is no ill will.. so doesnt matter at all for me.

Before Symboloca

I'm NOT okay for you to call me this way :D!!!!!XD!!!! 



I'm NOT okay for you to call me this way :D!!!!!XD!!!! 


white fluffy..its cute..♡♡

 Winny Aye:

white fluffy..its cute..♡♡

Well I have copy pasted all to read back all your inputs , so I can respond the sooner......

Time is all I need *sight* :D looollll :p


I'm NOT okay for you to call me this way :D!!!!!XD!!!! 


Loooll I corrected. Typing mistake lol