Winny Aye

lyf chapter 14 thai ver translated by me.

Part 4

oh hey an update! ? 

appreciate the effort Winny! (⁠^⁠.^⁠)


Much to cover for chapter 14 and ep. related, as y see it's taking a huge amount of time, concentration, passion , sharing and judging contexts, tones, used words, missing words...:D...But we  are on it! 

Just in this passage: you can read by yourself how Xiao yao's inner thoughts are missing in K version, while  in the ofiicialy translated book version , is using the word FEEL many times in the same extracts... etc. So we are 

very carefully reading , comparing and discussing before posting the explo/analysis ...trying to be the most accurate to the text and adding the chinese translated with DeepL from :

Taking our time and enjoying our exploration <3

yes, and im like back to zero atm haha but just need some time to get back before leaving my comments here, sorry  ; appreciate everyone's efforts here!?


Leaked  s2 i havent seen yet: TSJ and XY facing Hou....

ive seen this one before i think... :⁠-⁠D


That man in black looks like Feng Long  to me. 

right, it's FL B⁠-⁠) looking forward to this :⁠-⁠D


This was when they went back to qingshui town during the war, that’s why XY dressed casually. 

some time after the run away bride thing right? {i seem to be forgetting stuff?} 

im excited to see how this meeting goes :⁠-⁠D

-purple wave R_R!! been a while ?


Ouch <3!

yes this one ?, he's a lil exposed that i don't mind a lil more haha


Remember Cui Tan 's interview? ( Performance Director in Film Industry):and he needs to use his eyes and his body language. There are even times when he have to use a SUBBTLE breath to express the inner emotions of the character!.  

Full interview and director's one => Link above....:)

yesterday's yj trend is ? and again, im grateful for this director's acknowledgement of DW as Jing & Shiqi (⁠^⁠_^⁠)


He understood the assignment & fulfilled it. Didn’t he also say when he got the script,he read the novel in order to perfectly portray TSJ? I’m glad Xu Kai & yang yang declined the role cos they wouldn’t have fit the character at all. Deng Wei didn’t even audition,he got the script,read the story & immersed himself into TSJ, in which you could feel his emotions.

-even book fans of Jing appreciated his effort, im always glad and thankful he got the role and played it well, for me, he's the one and only one for Jing & Shiqi ^⁠_⁠^ XK and YY are well established actors themselves, this role i think was destined for someone else to be discovered ☺️

@Romans_Revenge - which character is your profile pic? anime char? B⁠-⁠) just curious :⁠-⁠D

i know @Peng-peng's is Sesshomaru coz of the C mark on his forehead {sorry in advance for the spelling if wrong haha}


-even book fans of Jing appreciated his effort, im always glad and thankful he got the role and played it well, for me, he's the one and only one for Jing & Shiqi ^⁠_⁠^ XK and YY are well established actors themselves, this role i think was destined for someone else to be discovered ☺️

Yes...DW is born for Jing&Shi Qi role... Jing&Shi Qi..He had all the auras... they are perfect for each far I am also one of those...who can't imagine another one for the role far...

 Winny Aye:


-even book fans of Jing appreciated his effort, im always glad and thankful he got the role and played it well, for me, he's the one and only one for Jing & Shiqi ^⁠_⁠^ XK and YY are well established actors themselves, this role i think was destined for someone else to be discovered ☺️

Yes...DW is born for Jing&Shi Qi role... Jing&Shi Qi..He had all the auras... they are perfect for each far I am also one of those...who can't imagine another one for the role far...

couldn't agree more (⁠^⁠.^⁠)

yes, and im like back to zero atm haha but just need some time to get back before leaving my comments here, sorry  ; appreciate everyone's efforts here!?

Take your time, the main point for you is to enjoy our place here <3

 Winny Aye:
Last time when she walked around Ying Zhou Island, was when she was still a child. which is very different from the now Ying Zhou Island. At that time was only it was inhabited by the Divine Clan.  It was beautiful but lifeless. Now there were many human races living there. Sometimes the demon tribes roaming around could be seen. It was very lively, and everyone lived peacefully and contentedly. Therefore, gestures and actions were  naturally well-behaved and beautiful.

Xiao Yao couldn't help to be proud of her father. After returning, it may be because she has grown up. She could sense that Father was unhappy, but  Father said that he used everything he had in exchange for everything he wanted. This must be what Father wanted. Xiao Yao saw a set of women's storage coral boxes. From small to large, there are about twelve pieces in total. Small box Can be used to put flour cinnabar and eyebrow powder. The large size can be used to hold barrettes and accessories.

Thank you winny <3! One more step foward our analysis and exploration! 


@Romans_Revenge - which character is your profile pic? anime char? B⁠-⁠) just curious :⁠-⁠D

i know @Peng-peng's is Sesshomaru coz of the C mark on his forehead {sorry in advance for the spelling if wrong haha} 

Found it on Pinterest, I think it’s AI

 Winny Aye:
lyf chapter 14 thai ver translated by me.

Part 4

Global Analysis:

Plot and Setting:

Xiao Yao, the protagonist, returns to Ming Ze residence, where she interacts with maids and prepares to meet Jing at the Tushan Family's residence. 

Character Dynamics:

  • Xiao Yao: She is portrayed as confident and authoritative, yet compassionate towards her maids. Her interactions with other characters, such as Jing and Zhuan Xu, reveal deeper relationships and potential conflicts.

  • Maids: They serve as supporting characters, reflecting the hierarchical structure of the palace and providing insight into Xiao Yao's daily life.

Themes and Tone:

  • Love and Relationships: Xiao Yao's desire to see Jing before his departure point out the themes of love and longing. The interactions between characters, particularly Xiao Yao's interactions with Jing and Zhuan Xu, explore themes of loyalty, betrayal, and sacrifice.

  • Identity and DutyAs a princess , Xiao Yao grapples with societal expectations and her own desires, which  lead to internal conflicts and character development.

  • Familial Bonds: The relationship between Xiao Yao and Zhuan Xu, who is revealed to be her brother, introduces familial dynamics that may influence the plot and character motivations.

Symbolism and Imagery:

  • Objects such as the coral boxes and clothing choices  hold symbolic significance, reflecting themes of wealth, status, and identity within the story's cultural context.

  • Physical descriptions of characters, settings, and objects create rich imagery that enhances the reader's immersion in the world of the novel.


Xiao Yao's Reflections on Her Father:

  • Xiao Yao mentions feeling proud of her father when she observes the changes in Ying Zhou Island. This pride suggests a strong emotional connection and admiration for her father's accomplishments.

  • Despite her pride, Xiao Yao also senses her father's unhappiness, which hints at underlying tensions or complexities in their relationship. This nuanced portrayal adds depth to their dynamic and suggests that their relationship may be multifaceted.

    Absence of Father Figure:

    • The absence of Xiao Yao's father from the immediate scene  indicate a  separation between them.

  • This absence also symbolize a larger theme of familial separation or estrangement, which may be explored further in the novel's broader narrative arc.

    Impact on Xiao Yao's Character:

    • Xiao Yao's reflections on her father's actions and choices seems to influence her own decisions and sense of identity. His presence, even if indirect, likely shapes her worldview and values.

    • The contrast between Xiao Yao's inner thoughts about her father's achievements and his perceived unhappiness adds complexity to her character, highlighting her ability to empathize and reflect on familial dynamics.

Potential Plot Development:

  • Xiao Yao's relationship with her father serve as a subplot or thematic thread throughout the novel, with their interactions and conflicts driving character development and plot progression.

  • As the story unfolds, revelations about Xiao Yao's father and their relationship may emerge, deepening the narrative's emotional resonance and thematic richness.


TUSHAN HOU 's description:

Physical Description and Demeanor:

  • Tushan Hou is described as handsome beyond expectations, with features reminiscent of Jing but appearing stronger and exuding a fierce and barbaric aura.

  • The thin scar on the corner of his mouth adds a layer of intrigue to his character, suggesting a past marked by adversity or conflict.

  • Despite his attractiveness, there's a hint of hidden aggression in Tushan Hou's demeanor, as implied by his scar and the description of his facial expression.

Personality Traits:

  • Tushan Hou's demeanor suggests a complex personality, blending physical strength with a potentially turbulent inner world.

  • His silence after encountering Xiao Yao and the change in atmosphere following his arrival hint at his commanding presence and the respect he commands from those around him.

Relationship with Other Characters:

  • While Tushan Hou's interactions with Xiao Yao in this passage are limited, his presence triggers a shift in the atmosphere and prompts Xiao Yao to reflect on his differencies with Jing.

  • The dynamic between Tushan Hou and other characters, particularly Xiao Yao and Jing, are hinted to evolve over the course of the novel, potentially leading to conflicts and revelations about their shared history.

Symbolism and Imagery:

  • Tushan Hou's physical appearance and demeanor  carry symbolic weight, representing themes of strength, resilience, and hidden depths and power seaking within the narrative.

  • The scar on his face serves as a visual cue that hints at Tushan Hou's past experiences or internal struggles, adding texture to his character and inviting readers to speculate about his backstory.

     there's a distinct contrast between Tushan Hou's aura and that of Jing, despite their physical similarities. Let's explore how their auras differ based on the details provided:

    Tushan Hou's Aura:

    • Tushan Hou's aura is described as exuding a fierce and barbaric quality, suggesting a sense of strength, intensity, and  even aggression.

    • His demeanor, characterized by a thin scar and a commanding presence, evokes an air of authority and resilience, hinting at a past marked by hardship and conflict.

  • Jing's Aura:

    • In contrast, Jing's aura  based on previous interactions or descriptions, is inferred to possess qualities such as gentleness, warmth, and sincerity.

    • Jing's demeanor, as perceived by Xiao Yao and others,  is characterized by a sense of kindness, compassion, and emotional depth, contrasting with Tushan Hou's more rugged and assertive demeanor.

  • Differences in Personality and Behavior:

    • Tushan Hou's aura reflects his inner strength and resilience, suggesting a character who is unafraid to confront challenges head-on and assert his authority when necessary.

    • Jing's aura, on the other hand, may be characterized by a sense of empathy, understanding, and emotional depth, reflecting a more introspective and compassionate personality.

Overall THou's Impact on Xiao Yao: his aggressive aura trigger a sense of caution and unease in her. 

Xiao Yao's preparations for meeting Jing, drawing directly from the provided text and expanding upon her actions, thoughts, and emotions:


  • Xiao Yao first tends to her physical appearance, noticing a prominent palm print on her cheek. Despite the mark, she maintains her composure and displays a confident demeanor.

  • She instructs her maids to prepare water for her shower, indicating her desire to freshen up and present herself in the best possible way for the meeting with Jing.

  • After showering, applying medicine to her wound, and eating a little, Xiao Yao prioritizes rest, recognizing the importance of being well-rested and refreshed for the upcoming encounter.

Thoughts and Emotions:

  • While selecting her outfit, Xiao Yao aims for a balance between comfort and attractiveness, reflecting her desire to appear both appealing and confident in front of Jing.

  • Despite her efforts to prepare for the meeting, Xiao Yao's thoughts drift to Jing's  late-night activities and his attempt to conceal his exhaustion. This triggers a sense of sadness and disappointment, as she realizes the depth of his inner turmoil and the challenges they face in their relationship.

  • Despite her initial sadness, Xiao Yao resolves to push aside her negative emotions and focus on the present moment. She decides to proceed with her visit to the Tushan Family's residence, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jing before his departure.


In her preparations to meet Jing, Xiao Yao demonstrates resilience in the face of adversity and a strong willingness to confront her own emotions and uncertainties. Despite her initial disappointment and doubts, she remains determined to seize the opportunity to connect with Jing and reaffirm the bond between them, even in the face of  obstacles. This blend of determination and vulnerability underscores the complexity of Xiao Yao's character and the depth of her feelings for Jing.

Inner Resolve and Resilience:

  • Despite bearing the physical mark of a slap on her cheek, Xiao Yao maintains her composure and refuses to show weakness in front of her maids. Her determination to proceed with her preparations despite the visible bruise showcases again her inner strength.

Emotional Turmoil and Vulnerability:

  • Beneath Xiao Yao's confident facade lies a whirlwind of emotions, triggered by the sight of the palm print on her cheek. The juxtaposition of her outward stoicism and inner turmoil reflects the complexity of her emotional state, hinting at deeper insecurities and fears that she struggles to conceal.

Self-Care and Reflection:

  • Xiao Yao's decision to take a shower, apply medicine to her wound, and rest for a few hours underscores her commitment to self-care and well-being. In the solitude of her chamber, she allows herself moments of quiet reflection, processing her thoughts and emotions in preparation for the meeting with Jing.

Conflicting Desires and Expectations:

  • As she selects her outfit, Xiao Yao grapples with conflicting desires to appear both comfortable and attractive. Her choice of attire reflects a delicate balance between her personal preferences and her desire to make a favorable impression on Jing, highlighting the internal tension between authenticity and loving expectations.

Hope and Disappointment:

  • Xiao Yao's anticipation of meeting Jing is tempered by a sense of disappointment and sadness upon realizing his apparent attempts to conceal his exhaustion. Her fleeting moment of despair underscores the fragility of their relationship and her concern for it.

Determination to Connect:

  • Despite her mixed emotions and doubts, Xiao Yao resolves to press forward with her plans to meet Jing, driven by a deep-seated longing to reconnect with him before his departure. Her decision to visit the Tushan Family's residence symbolizes her unwavering commitment to their relationship, even in the face of obstacles and uncertainties.


Xiao Yao's preparations for meeting Jing reveal a complex interplay of emotions, ranging from inner resolve and resilience to vulnerability. As she navigates the intricacies of their relationship, she grapples with conflicting desires and expectations, ultimately driven by a profound longing to connect with Jing on a deeper level. Through her actions and inner reflections in this scene of chapter 14, Xiao Yao emerges as a  character whose journey is defined by the pursuit of love, authenticity, and emotional fulfillment , it showcase her- Inner Fortitude.

She embodies the strength and courage needed to navigate the complexities of love and relationships. As she prepares to reunite with Jing, her resolve only deepens, paving the way for a meeting that promises to be both transformative and emotionally significant. 


Found it on Pinterest, I think it’s AI

100% :))