
  • Differences in Personality and Behavior:

    • Tushan Hou's aura reflects his inner strength and resilience, suggesting a character who is unafraid to confront challenges head-on and assert his authority when necessary.

    • Jing's aura, on the other hand, may be characterized by a sense of empathy, understanding, and emotional depth, reflecting a more introspective and compassionate personality.

This is a superb in depth analyze on Xiao Yao take on Jing and Hou. From same family, looks similar but totally different. I mean opposite. I really the description of these two different men and your take how Xiao Yao see them.

 Winny Aye:


  • Differences in Personality and Behavior:

    • Tushan Hou's aura reflects his inner strength and resilience, suggesting a character who is unafraid to confront challenges head-on and assert his authority when necessary.

    • Jing's aura, on the other hand, may be characterized by a sense of empathy, understanding, and emotional depth, reflecting a more introspective and compassionate personality.

This is a superb in depth analyze on Xiao Yao take on Jing and Hou. From same family, looks similar but totally different. I mean opposite. I really the description of these two different men and your take how Xiao Yao see them.

Hey thank you! your translation from the book is superbe too ! <3 I can see, and it makes me happy, that we wont miss anything from chapter 14 :D! Cant wait we pack it all together :)) *hugs* 

DW contemplating Yeshiqi's drone-canvas (800 drones!! lol) in the sky - wrap up ceremony...

Weibo XiaoJing tread - post from today :).

Funnily we've been talking on how WXL chooses Jing  from the begining too. She will doubt, she will dispair - but will  never surrender her feelings for Jing.  ( we'll cover that soon in TH thread with the poignant moment when XY is preparing herself (again :D) - to meet Jing...some extracts are pg 399 here).

pg 399

Congratulation to400 pages of Xiao Yao and Jing 's Love !

Happy 400  ! Thank you ! Hugs and cheerings ladies <3!


He just scrubbed his body with linen cloth, from his neck to his chest, and then slowly from his chest. Slide down to the abdomen and gradually penetrate between the legs.

Xiaoliu's eyes had been following the movements of his hands, but when he saw it, he suddenly turned his head and bit the duck's neck hard, making a clicking sound.





FoLLow Jings-Xiao Yao's  descrition :


The man opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Liu. The sunlight filtered through the window and reflected Xiao Liu. His cheeks were red and crystal clear in the sunlight, like a beautiful jade with a faint blood halo.

=> REFLECTED.......<3

All is already here. 



He just scrubbed his body with linen cloth, from his neck to his chest, and then slowly from his chest. Slide down to the abdomen and gradually penetrate between the legs.

Xiaoliu's eyes had been following the movements of his hands, but when he saw it, he suddenly turned his head and bit the duck's neck hard, making a clicking sound.





FoLLow Jings-Xiao Yao's  descrition :


The man opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Liu. The sunlight filtered through the window and reflected Xiao Liu. His cheeks were red and crystal clear in the sunlight, like a beautiful jade with a faint blood halo.

=> REFLECTED.......<3

All is already here. 

  1. Gender Expression and Sensitivity: The description of Xiao Liu's cheeks as "red and crystal clear in the sunlight" evokes an image of delicate beauty, akin to that of a woman. 

  2. Symbolism of Sunlight and Reflection: The sunlight filtering through the window and reflecting on Xiao Liu's face carries symbolic weight. Sunlight often symbolizes illumination, clarity, and revelation. In this context, it signify a moment of emotional clarity or realization for both Xiao Liu and Ye Siqi. The reflection of Xiao Liu in the sunlight also symbolize introspection and self-discovery, hinting at a deeper understanding of one's desires and emotions.

  3. Comparative Imagery: Beautiful Jade with a Faint Blood Halo: The comparison of Xiao Liu's complexion to "a beautiful jade with a faint blood halo" is rich in symbolism. Jade is highly valued in Chinese culture and symbolizes purity, harmony, and longevity. The addition of the "faint blood halo" introduces an element of vulnerability  adding depth to the characterization of Xiao Liu. This juxtaposition of beauty and fragility underscores the complexities of human emotion and experience.

  4. Intimacy and Connection: The moment when Ye Siqi opens his eyes and gazes at Xiao Liu is a moment of intimacy and connection between the two characters. The exchange of glances in the soft, filtered sunlight creates a tender and intimate atmosphere, deepening the emotional resonance of the scene. It hints at an unspoken understanding and bond between Xiao Liu and Ye Siqi.

  5. Exploration of Identity and Desire: The passage subtly explores themes of identity and desire, Ye Siqi's gaze at Xiao Liu in this moment reflect a recognition or appreciation of Xiao Liu's authentic self.

  6. Self-Reflection and Inner Awareness: When characters see themselves reflected, it symbolize a moment of self-awareness or introspection. In this case, the sunlight reflecting on Xiao Liu's face signify a moment of inner realization or understanding, both for himself and for Ye Siqi. It's as if the external reflection mirrors their internal states, revealing hidden truths or emotions that were previously obscured.

  7. Recognition and Understanding: The act of one character observing another in a reflective surface also symbolize a deeper recognition or understanding between them. In this passage, Ye Siqi's gaze upon Xiao Liu, as he is bathed in sunlight,  represent a moment of recognition of Xiao Liu's true essence or identity. It's as if Ye Siqi sees beyond the surface and perceives Xiao Liu's inner beauty and feminine vulnerability.

  8. Connection and Intimacy: The use of reflected imagery often underscores moments of intimacy and connection between characters. In this scene, the shared gaze between Xiao Liu and Ye Siqi, framed by the sunlight's reflection, creates a sense of closeness and emotional intimacy. It's a moment where they see each other not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually, deepening their bond and understanding of one another.

  9. Symbolism of Light and Clarity: Sunlight, as a source of illumination, is often associated with clarity and enlightenment. When characters are reflected in sunlight, it symbolize moments of revelation or newfound understanding. In this passage, the sunlight's reflection on Xiao Liu's face signify a moment of clarity or insight for both characters, illuminating their feelings and relationship dynamics.

Overall, the use of reflected imagery  in this passage of  Chapter 1- adds layers of depth and symbolism to the scene, inviting readers to contemplate the characters' inner worlds and the connections between them. It's a powerful literary device that enhances the emotional resonance of the narrative and enriches our understanding of the characters' experiences and relationships.


Happy 400 again: this was a little Bonus to celebrate! :D <3


Hey thank you! your translation from the book is superbe too ! <3 I can see, and it makes me happy, that we wont miss anything from chapter 14 :D! Cant wait we pack it all together :)) *hugs* 

Hugs....♡♡ yes two more parts....translation will be done..

And we can all pack it altogethers..good scenes are just coming  

 Winny Aye:

Hugs....♡♡ yes two more parts....translation will be done..

And we can all pack it altogethers..good scenes are just coming  

Yes yes yes ! Hang on :D I know how time consuming this is! 


DW contemplating Yeshiqi's drone-canvas (800 drones!! lol) in the sky - wrap up ceremony...

Where’s this from?


Where’s this from?

Closure ceremony from diamonds for Weiwei's after last day work for #XianTaiYouShu #LoveOfTheDivineTree  video  link :https://weibo.com/3904873514/5003925082342102

it moved him a lot.....


Closure ceremony from diamonds for Weiwei's after last day work for #XianTaiYouShu #LoveOfTheDivineTree  video  link :https://weibo.com/3904873514/5003925082342102

it moved him a lot.....

I’m not surprised, he also cried during the opening ceremony. Tears of joy

Lost You Forever Chapter 14 part 5 translated by me

Xiao Yao was secretly praising in her heart. "It was no wonder that she was a descendant who had been cultivated by two large families." She looked at Zhuan Xu. Zhuan Xu smiled a little, so Yao smiled and accepted it, "Thank you."
Xing Yue said happily. "The more people there are, the more joyful it becomes walking around the market." Don't fight with us, come with us."

“Sure!” Xiao Yao promised. They walked around while chatting. Xiao Yao didn't talk much. But everyone took good care of her. Therefore, the entire group could stay altogether. Xing Yue and Feng Long also bought quite a lot of things. All the servants, that accompanied,  had their hands full to the point of overflowing.

"Don't laugh at us.  Our parents both come from large families. When arriving at Five Gods Mountain, if we don't have anything in our hand, It won't look good, but if we give it to one person, we have to give it to others as well.” Hou said: “We are not laughing. We are just admiring." 

Xing Yue laughed.

Xiao Yao's mind was thinking about how Xing Yue was nice toHou no less. Her expression was not noticeably different from how she treated Jing. Xing Yue said, “I can't take it anymore, I can't continue walking. Let's find a place to rest." Zhuan Xu smiled and said. “I know that you will not be able to take it. On that side there was a liquor store. The cooking is not bad. Anyway, it is almost time to eat dinner. We go there to drink and eat. Let's consider it a farewell party for all of you."

Zhuan Xu led everyone into the liquor store. The owner of the liquor store probably knows Zhuan Xu. So he came out to welcome them himself and lead them to sit in the main courtyard.

The central courtyard was surrounded by two-story buildings on all four sides. The second floor had quite a few Teng Luo flowering plants, but the old master(shopkeeper),  didn't let Teng Luo (wiesteria) flowers to twist themselves and fell down but let them dangle to the ground, drooping, like a curtain of green pearls. Some Teng Luo trees beared bright red fruit. Some have small purple flowers, some were yellow, in the middle of the storefront, so that dazzling of bright green would be seen. It's like sitting in the middle of a forest.
Xing Yue looked at Zhuan Xu and smiled as she complimented him. “It's a very nice place.”

The old master invited everyone to sit. On the large stand was a large, low, rectangular table. Two people can sit on one side. Xiao Yao didn't know that what was Zhuan Xu's plan. While she was hesitating, Xing Yue pressed her to sit next to Feng Long. Xing Yue sat down on Xiao Yao's left side together with Zhuan Xu. On one side, Jing and Yi Ying happened to be sitting across from Xiao Yao and Feng Long. Hou sat alone on the other side, opposite from Zhuan Xu.

The old master(t่he owner) four or five kinds of alcoholic beverages. There were both a strong flavor and a thin refreshing flavor like honey. Then he brought out seven or eight plates of exquisite snacks, along with melons and other many fruits for everyone to choose from. As the old man saw Zhuan Xu nodde his head as to show satisfactory showing that he was satisfied, he immediately retreated. Feng Long smiled and said: “Look at this expression. You are not like a guest, but like an owner.”

Zhuan Xu smiled and said. “I don't dare to deceive with you. I can truly be considered the owner of this place. I like to brew alcohol. But drinking alcohol alone feels helpless, so I opened many shops." Xing Yue became interested, so she kept asking. Yi Yang and Hou also interjected with questions from time to time. They talked very cheerfully.

Feng Long used clean chopsticks to pick up the jade melon  and putting it on a small plate for Xiao Yao, and said in a low voice, “Just now, I saw you eat this first. I think it might be something you like. But you continue to eat very little. If it feels too far I'll help you pick it up.” Xiao Yao glanced at Jing for a moment. The she slipped a piece of jade melon into her mouth said to Feng Long, "Thank you"
After Feng Long had tasted the various kinds of liquor,  he poured the sweet liquor, refreshing fermented from fruit" for Xiao Yao "You try this one." Xiao Yao received it and said in a low voice. “Please talk with them, don't bother taking care of me.”
Xing Yue had a sharp ear, so she interjected and said, “My brother is normally not like this. Someone else has to take care of him. And he still doesn't see the value, not even to mention taking care of others. I see he looks a bit strangely today. Even to me he has never paid such careful attention like this.”

Feng Long's voice slowly said, "Don't talk nonsense!"
 Xing Yue made a cheeky face and said to him, “Brother Jing, you are close to your brother, do you think my words are nonsense?"
 Jing smiled slightly, "You are't talking nonsense." Fenglong was dissatisfied. Therefore he pointed the finger at Jing and said to Yi Yang that “Excellent sister-in-law. Hurry up and help me block his mouth.” Yi Yang was so embarrassed that her face was red. She swept her eyes to look at Hou for a moment while her mouth was saying “Don't go calling haphazardly!” But her attitude was very enthusiastic, helping to pick up   snacks that are far away, and also helped to get the liquor for Jing. Feng Long shook his head, smiling, he said "Isn't this helping to keep his mouth shut?"
Zhuan Xu and Xing Yue both laughed loudly. Yi Ying was didn't care. Both hands lifted a goblet of liquor and brought it to Jing's lips. She said in a gentle voice, "Drink it"

Jing sat frozen in the place, not moving, his face adorned with a forced smile. Everyone laughed loudly. Feng Long said, “Eh? Normally, I've never seen him shake things up. Today this already is happening.”
Jing lowered his eyes and drank the entire goblet from Yi Yang. Zhuan Xu and Feng Long's hands clapping their hands while laughing. Feng Long praised: “Still a considerate sister-in-law!” Hou clapped his hands and laughed loudly. Yi Ying was stunned and cried one time with a beautiful smile blooms like a flower.

Xiao Yao felt uncomfortable and her ears shrank. She kept eating the jade melon in one sitting until the dish was finished. Feng Long hurriedly helped her with another plate. Yi Yang said, “Xiao Yao, there are no outsiders here. Wearing a hat would be quite uncomfortable. Take off your hat.” Xin Yue supported, “Yes, that is right.”
Xiao Yao apologized. “It's not that I don't want to take off my hat. But it was because I didn't know what I was eating and suddenly a rash appeared on my face, I can't really show it in front of people.”

Yi Ying and Xing Yue both sighed regretfully. Xing Yue let out a long sigh, and said to her brother, “Don't blame your sister for not helping you. It is because heaven will not help you.” The old master brought two maids to collect the cold food, and ready to serve hot food with many more liquors. Xing Yue took a bite. Then she said to Zhuan Su, “Not bad.”

Zhuan Xu smiled and said. "Receiving  praise from you like this, when we leave, I have to reward the chef handsomely.”
Everyone changed the topic, discussing the various clans and families in Da Haung, which descendants had outstanding achievements in these decades, and their personal preferences. You say many things, I say many words.They looked like they were just talking randomly. But every word had hidden with a deep plan. Jing had always been quiet, drinking alcohol in silence. Everyone must have gotten used to his behavior like this. Therefore neither of them were surprised, but he seemed to be staring blankly. But everytime Feng Long or Zhuan Xu suddenly spoke to him, he always responded correctly and accurately, showing that he knew clearly what was happening around him.

Xiao Yao grabbed a jar of strong liquor and drank it one by one. Her bones gradually got and body softened  like a cat.Her head was leaning on one hand.  The other hand held up a goblet of liquor. Feng Long looked at her in surprise, didn't speak, picked up a jar of liquor to drink as her companion. He waited for her to finish one cup, then he poured another one for her. He himself drank  one cup too. The two of them looked like they were having a drinking competition. Zhuan Xu saw this and smiled and said, “Fenglong, you shouldn't be drunkening my sister.”

Fenglong sighed and said. "Who drunken who? I don't know for sure." Zhuan Xu knew the amount of Xiao Yao's drinking, so he just smiled and didn't say anything else until the end. Feng Long was actually the one who got drunk first, and the others drank until they were drunk. Everyone was intoxicated. No one knew who offered to go out to sea, which everyone did not object to. Not far from the tavern was a port. Zhuan Xu sent someone to prepare the boat.
Everyone actually took a boat with sailed out to sea.
When they got on the boat and were blown by the sea breeze, everyone's consciousness  gained a lot more clearer . Maybe it was because they would be parting tomorrow or maybe it was because they were so young, and parting was just an excuse for the young people to take advantage of the opportunity to have fun. The whole group bursted into cheers. One salute another for a glass of liquor. Another will pay homage to a glass of liquor and keep drinking.

Yi Ying drank until she was drunk and then pulled Xing Yue up to dance on the deck of the ship. Fenglong saw a large fish swimming past. He said that he would go into the sea to catch fish. and jumped into the sea and Zhuan Xu was surprised. Xing Yue smiled and shouted, “Don't worry! He was from the Shui family. When he see water, he goes crazy for it! Who else is drowning? who is afraid of drowning and die, but he will never be drown!”

Zhuan Xu was not fully convinced about it no matter what. He thought about calling one of the servants to follow him down. But the only servant who was following them was steering the boat. Hou raised the goblet of liquor and said, “I will go catch fish to accompany him.” With that, he jumped into the sea and Zhuan Xu stood looking at the bow of the boat. Yi Ying sat on the bow of the boat, letting her feet to the air, she smiled and said, “Don't worry. Since he was young to grown up he had hunted countless of wild animals in the sea. I'm only afraid that in a moment he will brought back many fishes." The effects of the alcohol increased until Zhuan Xu started to have a headache.

Yi Ying laughed and asked Xing Yue: “I will go grab the moon. Are you going or not?” Xing Yue shook her head, pointing at Yi Ying, she said: “You really are drunk. " Suddenly, there was a sound of a loud boom. Yi Ying had jumped into the water. Xing Yue laughed and Zhuan Su said weakly: “I should not be worried anymore, should I?”

“I don't know. I don't know exactly her abilities in water  will know when try going down" She pulled Zhuan Xu. so Zhuan Xu said. "I can't swim, you know." “I know you can't swim.” Xing Yue's eyes flashed brightly, just like the brightest star. She said to Zhuan Xu teasingly: “Jump after me!”

Zhuan Xu didn't speak, but just looked at Xing Yue with a half-smiling, half-scowling. Xing Yue looked up and laughed. Her eyes were beautiful and soft like silk. “Do you dare to entrust your life to me?” With that, she was still and staring at Zhuan Xu. As she walked back to the bow of the ship, step by step. Then she fell on her back and threw herself into the sea.

Zhuan Xu smiled a little, and walked slowly , and then resolutely jumped in after her without delay.
 Xiao Yao picked up cup of liquor, collapsed on the ship's side, smiling. She drank another sip. If it weren't for last night, she was forced to be soaked in the sea for a full night by Xiang Liu, the devil who deserved to die, she wanted to jump down as well.

There will be one more part for this chapter ..stay tune..

 Winny Aye:
Lost You Forever Chapter 14 part 5

thank you!

Thank you @Winny Aye