
oh thanks for this. their youtube channel is not optimised for search engine. lol. the number of plays is quite low for what it should be… they need  a social media manager

Yes, I don't even try searches.  I just go to the links or sites I'm interested in, and click on anything that looks promising on the side.

They may be working on getting a social media manager, cause the Chinese group is pretty organized.  But all their 'global' social media sites are relatively new, like a week or so, the plays are going to be low.  So, spread the word!  The links to various platforms are here:



Me! Pick me!! LOLOLOL

You should seriously DM them.  I just posted the links to their various platforms.  It's global, so maybe they could use a hand with translations in Spanish and Portugese?


i hardly interact so i dont post. app wont translate to chinese (not sure if there is an addon),  but when i have to post and not sure how to phrase i use microsoft translate english to chinese then use google translate to translate back just to be sure that the translation got the gist of what i wanted to ask. 

It's amazing the hoops we jump through to understand what is going on with Tan Jian Ci.  :)

I'm just thankful we've got Google Translate now, even if it isn't the best, it is something.


Xiao Dai will soon be a ML in his own drama ahahah

LOL!  Eyeball my dogs and tell them they will now become ACTORS! cause we've got a date with Xiao Dai.


You should seriously DM them.  I just posted the links to their various platforms.  It's global, so maybe they could use a hand with translations in Spanish and Portugese?

I thought about that... I really did. 

But what if the workload is too much?


LOL!  Eyeball my dogs and tell them they will now become ACTORS! cause we've got a date with Xiao Dai.

Please, yes. I need to be friends with people who know actors ahahahaha

Yes me too. After his epic styling as XL, Mo Qiang Cheng looks so normal. Just the guy next door, still handsome but not drop dead gorgeous. He really gives off a total different vibe as MQC, the sweet and gentle type. What a good actor he is. Like you I also didn‘t fully get TJC-ZY chemistry from the short trailer they released a couple of months before (low key sweet chemistry but not sizzling hot) and the story doesn‘t seem very interesting for me. But I’ll watch any drama with HE for him. My interest peaked only after reading the dating rumor (yes I love a good bit gossip, sue me ?). Seeing TJC-ZY BTS interaction and the last clip I found seal the deal for me and now I can‘t wait to see LMLMV.


In a costume drama, they look breathtaking.  And I know to expect them falling in love, romantic rivals and villains and perhaps wars and contract marriages to stand in the way of true love, and the episodes will be about how they overcome these obstacles.  And everything, including their love, is EPIC, life and death, eternal!

With this drama, I have no idea how they are going to fill all those episodes?  There doesn't seem much conflict to overcome, even between themselves.  They appear to be in love with each at first voice and their love seems less epic and more about choosing a menu for dinner.  Not exactly a life and death decision upon which the fate of kingdoms rest.

That said, what I'm seeing now shows a lot of genuine warmth and love.  And FINALLY ML who gets the gal.  Yeeeeesssss!

Yes, from the interviews I saw, it looks like that he really deep analyze his characters and put a lot of thought about how to act a scene. There is a BTS clip from the scene where XL rushing to Haoling to save dying XY and breaking the barrier, you know where he jump from Furball back with his crescent moon blade to slice the barrier. He was basically directing himself for that scene and explaining his idea to the filming crew. The vid posted by his official fanclub about his journey in c-net is also touching and shows how thoughtful he is.

That was the video I was just watching!  It was so good.  Very revealing.  It's interesting you say he sort of directed himself in that scene breaking the barrier to get to XY (which was so good), because when I was watching that video, and hearing him talking about his career, I thought, I can see him transitioning into directing at some point.  He really is introspective and gets into the thoughts and feelings of the characters, as well as is open to learning.  There was something else I watched where he said he does things slowly, but he thinks that works best for him, so he's very deliberate.


Please, yes. I need to be friends with people who know actors ahahahaha


I'm sure you stand a much better chance than me and the dogs of meeting actors, especially Tan. ;p


I thought about that... I really did. 

But what if the workload is too much? 

You say that.  You want to help, but as freelancer, your time is limited, but flexible.  It's an inquiry, not a commitment. ; )

I suspect they are experienced and organized, given their association with the Chinese club, but if not probably best not to get too deeply involved.  I've ended up carrying (smaller) clubs before, and it can suck the fun right out of things.

And you can always get your others involved if they need more than you can handle.



I'm sure you stand a much better chance than me and the dogs of meeting actors, especially Tan. ;p


In a costume drama, they look breathtaking. And I know to expect them falling in love, romantic rivals and villains and perhaps wars and contract marriages to stand in the way of true love, and the episodes will be about how they overcome these obstacles. And everything, including their love, is EPIC, life and death, eternal!

This is exactly what interests me in a drama. The obstacles and the overcoming of said obstacles.

With modern dramas, eh... not so much. I started a few of them and finished even fewer.

That said, what I'm seeing now shows a lot of genuine warmth and love. And FINALLY ML who gets the gal. Yeeeeesssss!

Agreed, it will be a balm for us. I hope it doesn't become too draggy. Anyway, even if it does, it's not a big deal. We're watching it for him, so it's all good.

but flexible

You are trolling me, right?

I suspect they are experienced and organized, given their association with the Chinese club, but if not probably best not to get too deeply involved.

I think so too. I've been following the main Chinese club and they are really organized.

I wanna get deeply involved. Yes. Hmm-hmm.


re: lvlmv and chemistry between zy and tjc… ive read quite a few posts that say the same, a very weak chemistry between the two. couldnt be the age gap, zhao lu si and the guy in dating in the kitchen had a goood chemistry… or maybe because tjc was still adjusting from his xiangliu role. i remember watching an interview where he explained he had difficulties letting the character go or something to that effect.. 

about the continuity and themes…. seriously amazed by the level of thought (and energy) people put to what i would read as is… 

Yes!  I'm in awe.  I'm just trying to get what is in front me finished.  lol

Wow.  I didn't realize there was 8 years between Zhou Ye.  For some reason, I was thinking they were the same age or at least she was 30ish.  The thing is, Tan Jian Ci looks so much younger than his age, so that helps.

Uhn oh.  RLC shippers.  The bio says she is dating some guy named Lai Kuan Lin in 2021??  Is that still a thing?



I'm sure you stand a much better chance than me and the dogs of meeting actors, especially Tan. ;p

Hahahaha that would make a good script for a drama
Just replace it with "I'm an artist. An artist!" 😹


You are trolling me, right?

I think so too. I've been following the main Chinese club and they are really organized.

I wanna get deeply involved. Yes. Hmm-hmm.

LOL!  Oh, we've tainted certain words forever. 

Yes, please don't write, "limited, but appreciates flexible."

That Chinese club is scary.  Like I suspect they are military logistics officers.

Do they have Level Ratings for how deeeeply you're involved?  Who was it that was talking about their level on weibo?  Bugei?