
I'm the Ma, Ma LOLOL cutie

LOL!  I made a pun and didn't even know it.


LOL!  I made a pun and didn't even know it.

That was a very good one!!

Look how stunning Luna is:


Look how stunning Luna is:

Seriously I’m considering to open an Instagram page for her :)


Seriously I’m considering to open an Instagram page for her :)

That leg hahahah

Such a pretty lady


That leg hahahah

Such a pretty lady

Chingu it was like she was posing for me. I just caught her red handed. :). That spot of the sofa has given me so many great pictures <3


That leg hahahah

Such a pretty lady

I was thinking the same thing!  That extended leg!  Perfect!


I was thinking the same thing!  That extended leg!  Perfect!

<3 <3


Look how stunning Luna is:

So cute!  With her jacket on, ready for the cold snap!


Seriously I’m considering to open an Instagram page for her :)

You should!  She's so photogenic!


So cute!  With her jacket on, ready for the cold snap!

You should!  She's so photogenic!

She really is <3 


Chingu it was like she was posing for me. I just caught her red handed. :). That spot of the sofa has given me so many great pictures <3

Nah, she just wants Shen Yi to paint her as one of his Frenchie girls hahahahahahahaha


Nah, she just wants Shen Yi to paint her as one of his Frenchie girls hahahahahahahaha

:P :)

More De Beers goodies from our Supreme Lord of the Universe’s studio <3 <3 <3


More De Beers goodies from our Supreme Lord of the Universe’s studio <3 <3 <3

Have I mentioned how grateful I am for his PR studio ... today?

So glad to see Tan Jian Ci getting these big endorsements.

Kok, I’m so slow. I’m only now noticing the zipper on his pants during that Jo Malone event hahahahahaha

There were some new photos on Weibo and I was like “ah, that’s the famous lethal zipper that was making Kokuto lose sleep”.

Oh, to be invisible. *zip*