
How much work Tan Jian Ci puts into his stage performance.


The performance.


KOKUTO, I need to message you about something serious lol


KOKUTO, I need to message you about something serious lol

uhn.  Okay.  I'm on the computer now.

More photos (๑乛◡乛๑)

Black shirt version \O/

And finally...


Oooh, nice!  He's a little sulky there.  I like the black shirt.  But the white is more revealing.


Oooh, nice!  He's a little sulky there.  I like the black shirt.  But the white is more revealing.

Yes the white is better. Except for the unnecessary use of Photoshop to erase important things :)

This was shared on the Facebook group:

Reminder! JC-T × ELLE and Disney Zootopia Materials Drops will start @1:30 today! Stay tuned!

November 22 @ELLE Shanghai Disney Zootopia Cooperation

 13:30 Picture materials Official Weibo

 13:45 Video material Official Weibo Dou||Audio, video

 15:15 Official video (multiple people) Official Weibo and Douyin || Audio and video

ELLE WEIBO Direct Link
? https://weibo.com/u/1273610165

上海迪士尼度假区 Shanghai Disney Resort Direct Link
? https://weibo.com/u/5200478600

? 檀了个讯息 11.21 ♥️
? https://weibo.com/7844731680/4970572733222899

Tan and Disney in the same sentence.


Tan and Disney in the same sentence.


lol!  Your dream pairing!


Yes the white is better. Except for the unnecessary use of Photoshop to erase important things :)

IKR?  So odd.

I need to put in a transfer to Disney Shanghai hahahaha

Please Chinese Mickey, be my boss! 


I need to put in a transfer to Disney Shanghai hahahaha

Please Chinese Mickey, be my boss! 

Or at least do a year as Artist in Residence.


How much work Tan Jian Ci puts into his stage performance.


The performance.


TJC is a perfectionist and very professional. Respect to him, he’s not only dancing but also design the performance, how the light falls and everything. He practically directing his performance to the smallest details and rolling out his own ideas. I‘m glad the PD took his inputs seriously. Both of his Campus Go performances are sitting high in my fav list of his dance performances. They feel really polished.


Those frame to frame pics of TJC ELLE shooting vid are great. Yes white transparent clothes are the best clothes for TJC LOL. I‘m still praying for the day they finally released those partially to completely exposed  pics of him, after all I‘m taking my task on counting his mole VERY seriously LOL. ? (emoji testing)


TJC is a perfectionist and very professional. Respect to him, he’s not only dancing but also design the performance, how the light falls and everything. He practically directing his performance to the smallest details and rolling out his own ideas. I‘m glad the PD took his inputs seriously. Both of his Campus Go performances are sitting high in my fav list of his dance performances. They feel really polished.


Those frame to frame pics of TJC ELLE shooting vid are great. Yes white transparent clothes are the best clothes for TJC LOL. I‘m still praying for the day they finally released those partially to completely exposed  pics of him, after all I‘m taking my task on counting his mole VERY seriously LOL. ? (emoji testing)

Yes, after watching this "rehearsal" video, I can easily see him moving into directing at some point.  He's on top of everything.

You guys are way ahead of me on the mole counting. ;p


Or at least do a year as Artist in Residence.
