And not go to jail.

LOL that was a mess. It was so promising.

And people be wondering why XL fans are literally lighting candles and incense for the release of Love Me Love My Voice.

My lighters are running out of fluid.

Dear Divine Being. Just let him kiss a woman. And not go to jail. And have a happy ending. Preferably with the woman who returns his love mightily. And did I mention, kissing? Thank you. XL Fan 4Evar

It's not asking much, is it? All them pretty idols do this in every fluffy, silly drama 24/7, 365 days.

But somehow it's too much for the little dude. 


LOL!  If only one of the car blocking fans had been dressed like Chubby!  We could meme the heck out of that.

Yes!! Someone should have cosplayed as Chubby!! Ahahaha

LOL that was a mess. It was so promising.

It was truly, "the thrill of victory" immediately becoming the "agony of defeat."

My lighters are running out of fluid.

 I disabled my smoke detectors and got a burn permit from the county.

It's not asking much, is it? All them pretty idols do this in every fluffy, silly drama 24/7, 365 days.

But somehow it's too much for the little dude.

Seriously.  It's criminal.  


Yes!! Someone should have cosplayed as Chubby!! Ahahaha

LMAO.  Chubby Cosplayer throwing themselves on the windshield. Oh wait, isn't that a Fang Feng Bei? LOL!

It was truly, "the thrill of victory" immediately becoming the "agony of defeat."

Worse than the 7-1 Brasil x Germany World Cup match in 2014.

I disabled my smoke detectors and got a burn permit from the county.

Seriously. It's criminal.

Worse than the 7-1 Brasil x Germany World Cup match in 2014.

OMG.  I didn't know, so I googled it.  Forgive me.  But I almost peed on myself laughing at the memes for this event.  Poor Brasil.


Worse than the 7-1 Brasil x Germany World Cup match in 2014.



And people be wondering why XL fans are literally lighting candles and incense for the release of Love Me Love My Voice.

Dear Divine Being.  Just let him kiss a woman.  And not go to jail.  And have a happy ending.  Preferably with the woman who returns his love mightily.  And did I mention, kissing?  Thank you.  XL Fan 4Evar

We‘ll get our wish in LMLMV.  I‘ve just read somewhere, that in continuation to that BTS joke TJC made after underwater kiss scene, where he asked the director ‚the kiss should be beautiful right? What a shame I can’t use my life experience skill‚. Now they joked that he couldn‘t show his life experience skill in LYF but he definitely showed them in LMLMV 🤩. Hope this melon is true. The BTS kissing scene from LMLMV looks pretty hot though 🔥🔥

Another melon (https://min.news/en/entertainment/f3f44f8be08c5186094a6aedd5795e28.html) I‘ve found is that in August a dating rumour broke out about an actor who become really popular through his summer drama and a post-‘95-little flower actress. They were filming a drama last year together and got close and started secretly dating afterwards. The drama they filmed is not yet aired. TJC and Zhou Ye fit this description, as they filmed LMLMV last year, the drama not yet aired and ZY born in ‘98. To be fair the source of this melon doesn‘t seem reputable, so I hesitated to share this here, but then just today I found a clip in Youtube from LMLMV  filming wrap up (https://youtu.be/WWlj8OExP8g?si=ejPFIo521qVYO2_d), where TJC visibly put his arm/hand around ZY shoulder but later retracting it slightly so his hand is hidden behind her jacket hood, TJC-ZY hugging each other way longer than the perfunctory hug between co-workers  (compared to how TJC hug another actor afterwards) and ZY adoring  glances to TJC. I don‘t really follow Cdrama actors and actresses before but from what I see, even if they are really good friend in real life it is not usual for actor and actress to be so touchy2 with each other.  Normally they still keep some distance between them, even if they are playing the CP.  Pls correct me if I am wrong, cos now my spidey things is tingling, but maybe I see what I want to see🤷‍♀️ after reading that melon. Maybe their interaction is  actually pretty normal for co-actors after filming🤔.

How cool is that if this is true, then he find his HE in real life too, I hope 😄

PS: and I wrote in another Post about how TJC was being shy, that his heart rate was shooting out of the roof in Hi Saturday LFY Ep, when he was asked if he was ever confessed to by others (co-worker) while filming. And Yang Di teasing him ‚tell us her name‘ LOL (https://youtu.be/g-Hg1rsyG3E?si=Iz7ttggPw5NT9q6Z Timestamp 26:45)


Imagine the honor. I don't deserve this.

🤣You‘re already the inofficial president of TJC fan club in MDL, seeing how you are on every thread on TJC 🤣Well if we‘re ever voting, you‘ll get my vote 😉

Hope this melon is true. The BTS kissing scene from LMLMV looks pretty hot though 🔥🔥

Wow.  You are putting together the pieces from all over like Sherlock Holmes!  Or that string connecting meme guy. :)  

Excellent work!

How cool is that if this is true, then he find his HE in real life too, I hope 😄

PS: and I wrote in another Post about how TJC was being shy, that his heart rate was shooting out of the roof in Hi Saturday LFY Ep, when he was asked if he was ever confessed to by others (co-worker) while filming. And Yang Di teasing him ‚tell us her name‘ LOL (https://youtu.be/g-Hg1rsyG3E?si=Iz7ttggPw5NT9q6Z Timestamp 26:45)

I remember that!  Hmmmm.  Interesting.

I also remember when he and ZY and Neo were on H!6 in costume drama costumes, and Neo said he could teach her to sing, and she told him she wanted Tan Jian Ci to teach her.  And then she went and found Tan Jian Ci.


This has been me the whole morning looking at that ridiculous comment section.

This is me side eying those cringe comments >.>

me in my head

Good thing you guys commented. I wouldn't have been as mature if I commented myself ahahaha 😂


Heres another one with zy on closing ceremony of lmlmv… cant wait for the drama as i love the book. 


Marathon watching and reading TJC content did that to me. I‘m now seeing things, my brains connecting random things and create a story on itself🤣🤣.

Oh I catch that too, that after hugging, it looks like that ZY is pouting  for a bit, so TJC flicks her hair. And afterwards as they stand next to each other for group photo, it looks to me that ZY actually linked her hand/arm to TJC arm (like wenn you walking together with your bf and you linked arm instead of hand holding, to get TJC closer to her and then slipping her hand away to hold her bouquet. This could also be normal gesture between close friend or I‘m seeing things,  because I’m a crazy fan at this point 🤩. Maybe someone more tech savvy than me can play the vid screenshot to screenshot and zoom it in to confirm or refute my observation 🤣.

About the melons you mentioned. I believe that one has been refuted by the fandom. But yeah, ive seen that clip too. If we go cpn, there was also the hi6 episode where zy chose tjc laoshi over hmh. she was also a guest last june at hi6 so you can observe and compare how the interactions were.There were also melons about tjc and zy appearing in the same IP and melons that say that theyve been spotted but where those pictures are… idk lol. I like zy.‚

I‘ll watch the Ep again, because I didn‘t catch this exchange, because mostly I‘ve been fast forwarding through Hi6 Ep and only watch TJC‘s scenes in them. What do you mean with melons TJC and ZY appearing in the same IP? Do you mean  Love Me Love My Voice, cos that is from IP right? Well it‘s normal that the actor’s agency would buy the photos from paparazzi to protect their star. I think the paparazzi even usually offer them first to the agency, unless the photo really capture some big scandal that really worth a lot of money if exposed.

Of course there is the cp with mxt too, which they both refuted. But they will be both guests at hi6 on the 22 so interesting to see that interaction too.

Yes, I read this melon as well and they also have good chemistry in Hi6 Ep. But when they randomly choose partners and MXT is paired with TJC, he said ‘I‘m going to help my older sister (cie cie)‘. Not a romantic thing to say to someone you have romantic interest in, I would say 😉. Definitely I‘ll watch their next interaction in Hi6. Do you mean Ep from this saturday 22.10? OMG I can‘t wait to see him in Hi6 again.

Then there was the melon with syf which was also refuted. Who is this?

Then there is jbgz (with yz)… and if you follow their studio weibo it really is like an echo for most of the posts… the style is too similar that jbgz joke around that studio have merged 

I watch their BTS from LYF and their interaction in Hi6 (YZ was there quite often, I think I watch at least 4 EPs already with YZ and TJC) and they have very good buddy/friends vibe thing but I can’t sense any romantic tension between them. That‘s why I ship their character but not them in RL like I ship YZ-DL in AoL. In AoL BTS DL keeps playfully pranking YZ like a little boy pranking the girl he likes to get her attention. I had fun following their RL-ship at that time. But due to intense fans war they avoid each other in public afterwards for a long time. What a sad thing.  

obviously all these are melons… how he manages to squeeze his lovelife in his super crazy  schedule is super amazing.

Yes, actually the most logical conclusion is that those stars are lucky to have a good nap once in a while and no one is dating anyone because when do they find the timeIs it true that after Go East wrap TJC is starting filming new Tong Hua drama? Hope he get rest and doesn‘t destroy his health. And maybe afterwards filming UTS S2 ? 


OMG.  I didn't know, so I googled it.  Forgive me.  But I almost peed on myself laughing at the memes for this event.  Poor Brasil.

Bahahahahahahaha that was one of the most hilariously awful matches in the history of FIFA ahahahaha

So please, laugh to your heart's content 😹


oops. i thought ive deleted my post as i felt a little guilty sharing those rumours. lol

TJC emojis: http://xhslink.com/hAxJGv


🤣You‘re already the inofficial president of TJC fan club in MDL, seeing how you are on every thread on TJC 🤣Well if we‘re ever voting, you‘ll get my vote 😉

LMAO not only here but in every YouTube comment as well ahahahahahaha

But thank you 😹