
It's fate! It's another one of these  inexplicable photoshoots hahahaha

I sincerely dislike that chair because it hurts my butt.

BUT I think I should treat it better.


I sincerely dislike that chair because it hurts my butt.

BUT I think I should treat it better. 

Well no wonder, chairs go draped over your head. Can't hurt your butt that way


Well no wonder, chairs go draped over your head. Can't hurt your butt that way

LMAO I've been using chairs wrong my entire life hahahahaha


Someone sent me this today.

They want me to stop existing.

Geez they need to get a life. 

Just do you and ignore them.

Someone sent me this photo today.

They want me to stop existing.


Geez they need to get a life. 

Just do you and ignore them.

Oh no, the photo disappeared LOL

There was a photo. But it wasn't uploaded :D

I can't upload it for some reason. Too hot for MDL (๑乛◡乛๑)


Someone sent me this photo today.

They want me to stop existing.

Ahhhh now it worked!! :3


Ahhhh now it worked!! :3 

Oh ... Give that person a big hug!!!

He is so fine


Someone sent me this photo today.

They want me to stop existing.

Ahhh finally hahahaha


Oh ... Give that person a big hug!!!

He is so fine

Hahahah yes! Sorry, I made you guys think I was receiving death threats lol

It was a friend from Insta. She knows exactly what I like :D


Ahhh finally hahahaha

Yeah, it was tough. Too hot to handle heheheheh

It definitely grows on me, and I do need to watch it again.  There's alot there.  Oh, that reminds.  I stumbled on Avenue X's thoughts on Tan Jian Ci from that movie.  That was also the first film she worked on ... not sure exactly as what ... maybe a production assistant.

My dream AvenueX video would be her discussing the career trajectories and current level of fame vs. acting skills and ability of TJC compared to Yang Yang since she worked with both in their first projects. She was a PA on the 2010 version of The Dream of Red Mansions -- Yang Yang's first acting job. I would especially like to know how she thinks XL would have been had Tong Hua gotten her first choice and Yang Yang had accepted the role. Not that she would ever make such a video -- too controversial, I suspect, even for her.


My dream AvenueX video would be her discussing the career trajectories and current level of fame vs. acting skills and ability of TJC compared to Yang Yang since she worked with both in their first projects. She was a PA on the 2010 version of The Dream of Red Mansions -- Yang Yang's first acting job. I would especially like to know how she thinks XL would have been had Tong Hua gotten her first choice and Yang Yang had accepted the role. Not that she would ever make such a video -- too controversial, I suspect, even for her.

Wow.  I did not know that.  Now I'm going to have pay attention to her Yang Yang reviews.  I didn't realize Yang Yang was about the same age as Tan Jian Ci or they both started in film so young.  Actually, I just read the MDL bio, and also didn't realize Yang Yang has pretty much had a golden acting career.  I mean, he basically has only had male lead roles for his career -- though I think the only one I watched was Who Rules the World.

What I didn't understand was how Avenue X was ignorant of the fact that Tan Jian Ci was busy with M.I.C. for those years that she said he 'fell off the radar.'   But I guess she doesn't follow Chinese music.  And yes!  I'd love to hear what she thinks about a Yang Yang XL.  

I saw one interview where Tan Jian Ci said something like, his career rise has been slow, but felt that worked for him.