
How did the test go?

Did the teacher accept Tan Jian Ci as the correct answer for all the questions?

Ah yes, I got everything right!

And she said my calligraphy is better than most Chinese students she had back home 😋😎 She told me that with phones and technology nowadays, people sort of forgot how to actually write things, and she said it’s been a while since she saw such a pretty writing heuheheueheueh


Elise, any progress with your Weibo account?


not yet

You got the wrong gif there, Elise.  Here we go.


Ah yes, I got everything right!

And she said my calligraphy is better than most Chinese students she had back home 😋😎 She told me that with phones and technology nowadays, people sort of forgot how to actually write things, and she said it’s been a while since she saw such a pretty writing heuheheueheueh

Nice!  Artist skills pay off!



In my old community we had a big lake and there was an alligator there. I never saw it but one of my neighbors told me that she did near to her house.

I remember that so many years ago I was going to work and there was a huge traffic jam trying to get into the I-75 and I didn’t know what was happening. Everything was because there was a big turtle trying to cross the road 😂

The one wildlife we didn't have to worry about... gators.  Thank goodness.

But turtles, yes.  We had a bunch.  They were good neighbors.  Though the dog gave them a hard time.


You got the wrong gif there, Elise.  Here we go.

They really need to hurry up and send her that code. I have no one to talk to over there.

And I feel weird postings things randomly hahaha


Nice!  Artist skills pay off!


Thank you! Yes, that’s what makes it so fun! They’re drawings! 


They really need to hurry up and send her that code. I have no one to talk to over there.

And I feel weird postings things randomly hahaha

Girl.  I see you everywhere.  Post away.  And they will come.

And by "they" I mean our fellow fans. ;p


Thank you! Yes, that’s what makes it so fun! They’re drawings! 

Yes!  It's inking complete with line weight.


Girl.  I see you everywhere.  Post away.  And they will come.

And by "they" I mean our fellow fans. ;p

Now you’re scaring me. Am I really everywhere? I need to dial it down a bit 😹😹😹

But I’ll treat that account as any other social media. Use it for work related stuff, you know? Keep things professional. 😅


Kok, I found you on YouTube.

I'm proud to say that we indeed are long-lost sisters.

Things we like:

- Marvel;

- The Folio Society;

- Loreena McKennitt;

- Dramas;

- Sony Soundtracks. My favorites are Pride and Prejudice, Outlander and Hans Zimmer's scores, all of them.

... and the obvious one. Don't even need to mention him.

Yes.  The Obsession.  I need to clean up that YouTube and do some organizing.  Make it easier to find things.  Add some more obsessions. ;p

And that about covers the essentials.  I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from Marvel right now, but even though they've done my boy dirty,  I'll be back.  It's been a constant.

You like Loreena McKennitt?  Awesome!  She's not as well known as she should be.  But I love her music.  I think the Visit was the first album I heard.  I love her Lady of Shallot and the Highwayman.

Soundtracks and scores are great for doing stuff that requires a bit more focus, so they've always been favorites.


Now you’re scaring me. Am I really everywhere? I need to dial it down a bit 😹😹😹

But I’ll treat that account as any other social media. Use it for work related stuff, you know? Keep things professional. 😅

LOL!  You aren't alone.  If I'm seeing you everywhere, then I must be there too... at least visiting.

Okaaaaay.  If you say so.  lol


Yes.  The Obsession.  I need to clean up that YouTube and do some organizing.  Make it easier to find things.  Add some more obsessions. ;p

And that about covers the essentials.  I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from Marvel right now, but even though they've done my boy dirty,  I'll be back.  It's been a constant.

You like Loreena McKennitt?  Awesome!  She's not as well known as she should be.  But I love her music.  I think the Visit was the first album I heard.  I love her Lady of Shallot and the Highwayman.

Soundtracks and scores are great for doing stuff that requires a bit more focus, so they've always been favorites.

Who’s your Marvel boy? They did so many characters dirty. I’m taking a bit of a break too. After Endgame, I only watched WandaVision, and that was for work.

I do! I really love her songs. My favorite is The Mystic’s Dream. I can listen to it on repeat every day. It was because of Mists of Avalon. I love that movie

Soundtracks are always on my playlists. Can’t choose a favorite! 😻 

Who’s your Marvel boy? They did so many characters dirty. I’m taking a bit of a break too. After Endgame, I only watched WandaVision, and that was for work.

I do! I really love her songs. My favorite is The Mystic’s Dream. I can listen to it on repeat every day. It was because of Mists of Avalon. I love that movie

Soundtracks are always on my playlists. Can’t choose a favorite! ?

Namor.  Probably my first fan crush.  Hated, anti-hero, sea prince whose costume consists of nothing but green scale speedo.... and abs.  I clearly have a type.  The movie changed him up, but kept lot of the essence (green trunks!), so I was happy.   But he's been trashed in the comics, and has disappeared for most of this year.

I watch most of the movie and TV stuff.  I need to rewatch Loki and get on season 2.  He's a fav of mine.

Oh yeah.  Mystic's Dream is a good one too.  Well, all of her stuff.  I didn't know it was in Mists of Avalon.  Will have to revisit that.  I'm actually listening to Cyndy Lauper's Sisters of Avalon right now.  :)

I can't choose either.  Though I lean toward the older guys, like Zimmer, Williams and Horner.  I'm not as familiar with the newer composers.

Ahhh Namor. Yes, it makes sense! I don’t know much about him, and I haven’t watched the new Black Panther.

Oh, I forgot about Loki! Yes, he’s one of my favorites, my second favorite. I only watched the first season, so yes, a rewatch is in order :)

Same, I love her style of music, it’s so magical.

Same same same. The newer ones I like are Max Richter (though not exactly new), and that extremely talented cellist who performed Joker’s score. Hildur Guonadóttir. I probably wrote her name wrong :P

Oh cool.  I'll check them out.  I did watch a few of those movies, so I'm sure I've heard them.

Loreena is definitely magical with many influences.  I also love how she uses poems.  Fabulous.

Don't get started on Namor.  I will not shut up.  MCU Namor is very divisive ... as he should be.