
Still working???   Freelancer life is never ending.

Heh.  Well, TJC said something like it, in his Red Suit and Black Gloves video, didn't he?    ;)

Pininterest.  O_O

What in the seven hells is a Pininterest?


Good news!  We meet the major requirement for working on Tan Jian Ci's staff!

Tan Jian Ci's Staff


Sorry. Well, that's easy.



Sorry. Well, that's easy.


lol!  I can do that.  Also, eat the food I provide, while I sing to you!  Seriously???  Where do I sign up for this gig?

What in the seven hells is a Pininterest?

It's another super secret Tan Jian Ci website. ;ppppp



lol!  I can do that.  Also, eat the food I provide, while I sing to you!  Seriously???  Where do I sign up for this gig?

Is that even a job? We could volunteer. No need to get paid. Actually, I'd pay for this job. 

What is this madness?!


Is that even a job? We could volunteer. No need to get paid. Actually, I'd pay for this job. 

What is this madness?!

Yes, it's a paying job!!!  Can you believe?  Remember, that guy he had that had to literally drag him out of bed in the morning?

Remember, that guy he had that had to literally drag him out of bed in the morning?



Went down the rabbit hole looking for the video.  Here's a cut from that video.

Dragged out of bed



Went down the rabbit hole looking for the video.  Here's a cut from that video.

Dragged out of bed

No way ????



Went down the rabbit hole looking for the video.  Here's a cut from that video.

Dragged out of bed

What a pretty baby. Pretty, pretty, pretty.


No way ????

Seriously!  But I love it, cause I'm a night owl too, and sometimes, it feels like this to get me up.  I mean, I hit the snooze button repeatedly.


What a pretty baby. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

I don't understand how he's so gorgeous even first thing in the morning.   But I appreciate it fully.

From the other thread ...


Imagine waking up to this every morning:

I now wonder if XL basically being frozen / unmoving while healing was an idea from Tan Jian Ci inspired by his sleep habits?  I mean, how funny would it have been to see XY dragging XL / FFB out of the bed like in that video?  LOL!


Seriously!  But I love it, cause I'm a night owl too, and sometimes, it feels like this to get me up.  I mean, I hit the snooze button repeatedly.

I don't understand how he's so gorgeous even first thing in the morning.   But I appreciate it fully.

It’s like my daughter. Hee alarm starts ringing every weekday at 5:45 am and the bus pick her up at 7:40 ??‍♀️


It’s like my daughter. Hee alarm starts ringing every weekday at 5:45 am and the bus pick her up at 7:40 ??‍♀️

It takes almost an hour to convince myself that I NEED to get up.


It takes almost an hour to convince myself that I NEED to get up.
