
We need to look for those fan edits of XL and XY getting a happy ending. There's that AU one based on that fanfic but we need moree

Well, finding women with white haired dudes probably isn't too difficult.  We could .... appropriate them. ;p


Well, finding women with white haired dudes probably isn't too difficult.  We could .... appropriate them. ;p

like Pororo did, she used that scene from eternal love of dream ?


like Pororo did, she used that scene from eternal love of dream ?

Trying to remember which scenes ...  I think there was one scene with them rolling around in bed.  But it was all the breathing around the neck biting ... whew!

Here!  Have a scene from the novel ... I think.  It came with the passage about XY crying over finding out her dad's the Demon General and XL giving her a cool kiss before leaving.



Here!  Have a scene from the novel ... I think.  It came with the passage about XY crying over finding out her dad's the Demon General and XL giving her a cool kiss before leaving.



If I could get this, or one touching scene or my ultimate: a stolen kiss, I would be happy with Season 2.  Just ONE bit of weakness in XL.

Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao


I thought this fanart was already on here but it turns out it got deleted in the season 1 gallery :(


So gorgeous!  Thank you, Elise!


I thought this fanart was already on here but it turns out it got deleted in the season 1 gallery :(


Yeah, during The Purge. Glad that you rescued them!

Source: no idea :( I was looking through my phone and saw these fanarts. I remember saving them during the Great Purge.

I love these undersea fan arts.  So gorgeous!

Here's a new one that _YingYue_ just posted in S1 Photos.

Source: Weibo

Also, two videos of fan art.

