
I think it comes out Aug 8th! Can’t wait to see and hear his beautiful voice again. I am still not over the messy S2 and my YaoXuan ship so hoping this new series will help me get over the hump

LOL, and me too. I enjoyed ZWY's acting so much in LYF, it was stellar, so I'm curious how he is in this next drama. He did obsessive and brooding so very well in LYF....

 CX/XY will always be my ship ?  I can put up with her with JIng, XY is happy (for now), but in my mind, I have an alternate ending where CX's confession makes her consider him in a new light....and our ship sails happily ever after when he chooses differently this time. I know, not going to happen! 


I was not happy with the whole “throne vs love” question because it was irrelevant, as it was already emphasized in the drama and novel as to why he chose power. The illusion and his answer to that question were cheap cop outs to make him into this “proper” emperor with good morals and a clear conscience. I feel robbed of the many scenes and lines from CX - the one where he says to XY in the novel, “Only if you are well does my world have purpose” (which aligns with his life mission all this time)

This!!! I just watched the final two episodes today - Viki dragged them out thru to Sunday (yesterday), so I've caught up now. That moment where he says under the tree to XY,  "I'd chose the same path again" - NOOOO! He would not! Not knowing what he knows now. He spent the whole drama not being able to let her go,  and the reason he went for the power was to protect her. So it's like they suddenly rewrote part of his character, to say he was using that reason as a cover for his real ambition, which he never expresses at any other time. If they changed the ending with the author's input, I hoped for something that aligned with what had already happened and his character. I guess it was the best they could do, but it weakens him. He's always been honest, so he would be frank if he just wanted the power, too, in the beginning. I can't see him loving power more than her.

Ofc I know we were all  (or should say not) prepared for the climax to be an illusion per the script. That was already one thing that really bugged me, but to have the confession scene play out like that too? Him choosing the throne over XY? I don’t know why they had to include those lines, to prove CX cares about that most? Even though it was already emphasized he was not a power hungry person and the reason he chose it was to protect all he had left? I mean yes, he technically chose the throne over XY, but he didn’t really have much of a choice as a kid . It was the only way he and XY could be safe, it was his destiny. I feel like that just diminished the impact of him giving her the flower and contradicted everything that was shown from S1 til now. Am I the only one unhappy about this???

I'm unhappy too about this. I wasn't prepared for it to be an illusion. At first I was ok with it, curious how it would change the ending. But then those lines - choosing power over XY - and then the flower - which she then wore in her hair after!! - I agree with all you say. His character wasn't power hungry too. I just saw those lines today (finished the drama) so am still ranting in my head. My CX is always obsessive about her! At least he is back to looking for her at the very last scene, even though he looked more lost than anything. Sob. He is lost without her.


LOL, and me too. I enjoyed ZWY's acting so much in LYF, it was stellar, so I'm curious how he is in this next drama. He did obsessive and brooding so very well in LYF....

 CX/XY will always be my ship ?  I can put up with her with JIng, XY is happy (for now), but in my mind, I have an alternate ending where CX's confession makes her consider him in a new light....and our ship sails happily ever after when he chooses differently this time. I know, not going to happen! 

This is what fan fic is for.

 Katelyn Arshi:

Yessss, the "what could have been" is just killing us. It' really hard to get over that endless yearning like CX for XY.

Yes!  Watching the FMV again (which is amazing and makes my CX/XY heart so happy!) , I suddenly thought, how lonely CX must be for the rest of his life now. In a way, I wonder if the writers wanted to redeem CX by having him give up XY similarly to what XL did for XY? He just had to give her away in marriage, but that last look at him in QST, he is bereft. He doesn't know where she is in the world.


This is what fan fic is for.

Is there any LYF fan fic? I don't usually look at it, mostly I just rewrite things in my head and imagine it differently. I really like the FMV Katelyn found for us. 

 Katelyn Arshi:

ZWY Studio update
Only seeing the cold moon and warm sun,
the lovesickness is boiled and revived. 

Seeing the live photoshoot brings back all the brooding again. ZWY looks so good in black and white, too. Love this photoshoot.


Absolutely!  I am hoping they are offered something together soon. I will miss them together here.  A one of a kind "brother and sister" magical pairing. Even now, XY is wandering around with the flower (poinciana?) in her hair, from him ? ?

Yeah, I think in the novel he said she had to wear it in order to marry Tushan Jing (someone can correct me if I'm wrong). In the drama, there is not such obligation, so it's more of a sweet gesture for her to continue wearing it.


Yeah, I think in the novel he said she had to wear it in order to marry Tushan Jing (someone can correct me if I'm wrong). In the drama, there is not such obligation, so it's more of a sweet gesture for her to continue wearing it.

Haha yeah you are right it was his last possessive act to claim her as his “wife” before TSJ and for her to continue wearing it means accepting that fact. They even paid respects to their family when he asked her to wear it and he introduced her to his parents as the woman he loves. During that time XY felt like it was like a mini wedding because they were bowing to their family members. Tbh I much prefer this but the drama obviously wanted CX to redeem himself and be the “good bro” in the end.


Seeing the live photoshoot brings back all the brooding again. ZWY looks so good in black and white, too. Love this photoshoot.

Looool he is the master of brooding. 100% more attractive. I think his new drama will be more light hearted but the Rise of Ning (which will probably be released after) seems broody - he falls for his “sister” there too apparently haha

ZWY certainly suited the role of CX. Even with the changes, it was great to see different sides of CX.


ZWY certainly suited the role of CX. Even with the changes, it was great to see different sides of CX.

ZWY is very impressive as CX.  His interpretation is very detailed with the character's inner turmoil of pain and restrain of being lovesick. A man with great power yet so powerless in love. His love and madness are so moving and interesting. 

Looool he is the master of brooding. 100% more attractive. I think his new drama will be more light hearted but the Rise of Ning (which will probably be released after) seems broody - he falls for his “sister” there too apparently haha

I managed to get the poster fo ZWY that Katelyn posted earlier, he in his warrior outfit, as my cell phone home page. Now I can have brooding CX every time I open my phone! While he is battle weary, it's such a good shot of his face. He definitely photographs well in black and white. lol 

I'm looking forward to Rise of Ning very much too - I saw that about his 'sister' also. 

Thanks for answering the novel question too about the flower, too. Very interesting, the changes by the drama to keep her as his sister and he the 'good' brother in the end- yes,  definitely can see this for the drama, for the censors.  I think I will prefer the novel  for this part of the story at least, because he doesn't do this little about-face at the end, like he does in the drama. *Sob* he looks so lost at the end of the drama, standing there looking for a sign of her.....

The last few episodes of LYF were so tear-laden for me, I have to wait a few days before I can re-watch the drama in whole. Ep 19 to 21 - just Niagara Falls for me here. And then XL's final part - *SOB* I have not recovered yet. I'm starting  the novel shortly to go further into the LYF world ?and see what the drama left out/changed. I'll probably cry reading it, too, lol. Then I can do a re-watch after! 

I have not recovered yet. I'm starting  the novel shortly to go further into the LYF world ?and see what the drama left out/changed. I'll probably cry reading it, too, lol. Then I can do a re-watch after! 

LOL, LYF can have that effect. One has a hard time saying good bye to this world.


ZWY certainly suited the role of CX. Even with the changes, it was great to see different sides of CX.

 Katelyn Arshi:

ZWY is very impressive as CX.  His interpretation is very detailed with the character's inner turmoil of pain and restrain of being lovesick. A man with great power yet so powerless in love. His love and madness are so moving and interesting. 

I agree with both of you. We got to see so much of ZWY's acting skills in this performance. He really went deep in some of the different portrayals he did - the drugs descent, the obsession with XY, the desire to protect her even from Jing - and honestly, Jing did hurt her! I understand CX! lol I really appreciated all he gave to his role. CX was entirely believable as a love-torn brother who became Emperor. I agree, his love and madness are moving and interesting to watch. I'm so glad the drama kept much of this intact and it passed the censors.