Please don't hate me, but below is just my pure and honest opinions about XL and TSJ.
Note: After watching S2, I started to like TSJ character. I didn't really care who XY ended up with just wished for XL to have a better ending.

XL is the giving type while TSJ is the attachment type

TSJ said to XY: “If you die then I’ll accompany you”
Since XY saved his life once, TSJ sees XY as the only light in his life. He’s just like a cup of tea. When you take a sip it’s filled with a touch of sweetness and fragrance. Always having a “sweet mouth”, and always listening to you. He is always tender and gentle but gentle nature is open to everyone. His character has this type of kindness that is too divine, it’s not fitted for a romantic relationship.

For example, he doesn’t dare to disobey the opinions of his elders (grandma), he’s afraid of hurting Miss FangFeng so that’s why he hasn’t been able to break off the engagement. Due to  his soft heart, he forgave his brother, Tushan Huo, who once tortured and humiliated him. Ultimately he died, falling into his brother’s trap.

Kindness isn’t his fault but it needs strength. He loves Xiao but also loves the world. When handling problems he always hesitates. For example he once asked XY to wait for him for 15 years to break off the engagement which were such empty promises and guarantees.

XL love for XY is expressed through his actions, which is closer to a mature view of love. XL let XY go from no one to depend on, nowhere to go, and unable to protect oneself to
Someone to rely on: Using his remains 6 lives to save TSJ from being eaten by sea monsters, from then on XY has someone to rely on.
Somewhere to go: Giving the entire ocean to XY to use as a sanctuary, and teaching her how to breathe freely underwater.
How to protect herself: He taught her how to shoot arrows for decades and even forged her the most powerful weapon in the world.

In his lines of emotions, Xiang Liu was always a pragmatic, action-oriented lover. He didn't need XY to be with him, but only wished for her to be safe, to be happy, and to have a good time.

When finishing the entire show, I feel like when TSJ and XY are together they aren’t that happy. XY smiles the happiest and sheds the least amount of tears whenever she’s with XL. When XY is with XL, she’s more of a naughty and innocent girl. However when she’s with TSJ, she becomes a caring, sensible, tolerant girl. When she sees TSJ's tears, she becomes a big sister and comforts him.

She’d rather talk about her tragic past to XL than TSJ because when she’s with XL, she can feel at ease and talk freely. When being with TSJ, she’s put under more pressure. Every word or phrase she says will lead to TSJ overthinking.

#1: in terms of power
TSJ is fed well and has plenty of extravagant silk clothes to wear since his childhood. Excellent in all aspects of guqin, chess, calligraphy, and painting. However most of these were his family’s wealth that paid teachers and lessons for him to learn these. He was slowly pushed step by step to take over the Chief role of the clan.

XL is a demon who cracked out a shell with no parents and became a slave to entertain people. After escaping the slave arena, he was saved by Hong Jiang. He didn’t trust anyone so he fled to the snowy mountains. Living a life full of ups and downs, struggling to move forward, but becoming the nine lives demon, Xiang Liu, that no one dares to mess with.

#2: In terms of love
TJ's love is an obsession that has lost itself and color. He love’s XY but cannot express it publicly only privately. He makes several promises that are unable to be preserved.

XL’s love is strong, hot, and majestic, but there is something deep inside: I love you, but you are free. He’ll bring her to admire the moon and cool breeze, swim the magnificent deep sea, and view the mortal fireworks. What XL cannot give her, he will use his other identity as FFB to give to her.

#3: Love token
To simply put it, TSJ gave XY a purple fishcore, it’s not the best, but some would argue it’s the thought that counts, but Tu Shanhuo simply caught a red one when he casually entered the water. The thought does matter but TSJ did not spend enough time looking for the best one but instead rushed to send XY the token of love.

XL spent 30 years collecting various rare materials to create a magical bow. We all know very well that XL is very poor. You can imagine how many bloody battles he went through to obtain these rare materials.

#4: Obsession
TSJ’s way of thinking is if he can’t wait, then he’ll just keep waiting until XY appears. He still waited for XY even when the water had reached past his neck in Haoling. When XY died, he simply commited suicide without thinking of other methods or people to save her.

Built on a tough and mature mind, built on a true and pure character, built on a strong and stable inner core. Most of XL’s lives were used to save XY, he knows his ending but does things secretly for XY without her knowing. He’s willing to die without asking for anything in return and without hesitation.

CX wants XY to be alive, TSJ wants to accompany XY while they are alive. XL will teach XY to protect herself. CX and TSJ won’t teach this to XY because they believe that as long as XY has them, it’s already enough that they will protect her.

CX loves XY so he kills TSJ, XL loves XY so he saves TSJ. CX likes XY because of his childhood feelings, TSJ likes XY because of the debt since XY once saved him

It wasn’t that XY chose TSJ but XL didn’t give XY the chance to choose him. When XL died he never said the words “I love you” to her. Not that he doesn’t want to say it but he can’t. He loves her so he’ll give her everything he can give her, without her repaying him or knowing it.

Every character in the story had the opportunity to reveal and confront their traumas, except Xiang Liu. Not enough attention is given to his background and traumatic past. 

Considering where he came from, it's a significant achievement that he didn't become a bloodthirsty villain. He literally escaped from a slave arena, and the brief glimpses we get of that place hint at its horrors.

We see Xiang Liu as a strong, undefeatable character, but he likely harbors insecurities, especially regarding love and romantic relationships. People often say that Xiao Yao chose Tushan Jing because of her past traumas and fear of abandonment. It's also important to note that TSJ was proactive in pursuing her, recognizing her distrust of men.

Given the kind of trauma Xiang Liu endured, he needed someone to proactively pursue him and convince him of the possibility of a romantic relationship. Instead, Xiao Yao brutally rejected him, never giving him the chance to experience the kind of love and reassurance he needed.

I would say  Xiang Liu deserves his own story.

XY crushed XL's heart. Love can change a man, and XY never gave him that choice. XL wasn't on a marytr mission, and even if he would end up dying for his loyalty, he would have loved XY to the Moon and back, and gave her more than one reason to keep on living even after he died.

By the time XY's love fornhimngrew to great, she should've jumped in that water and swam towards him....or when the last battle was going on, she should've ran to him.

There's this beautiful Thai film, Sunset at Chaopraya, about the love story of the protangantists, who was forced into a political marriage admist the Japanese invasion during WW2. When she finally realized how much she loved her husband, she ran out during an air raid  to look for him. They were able to confess thier love for one another, she held him while he passed. It was so sad, broke my tiny girl heart, but there was this beautiful closure.

When I read the novel, I was waiting for closure...and I never got it. TH left us with this deep sense of regret for XY, because it wasn't like she didn't love XL back. And for XL, just the deep emptiness that he was free of the world's burdens, he deserved so much more than what XY gave him, which was just a sliver of the love he deserved, that was also devoid of hope.

Xiang Liu's love for Xiao Yao was never reciprocated. In situations like this, especially with powerful characters or anti-heroes, it's not uncommon for them to turn negative or vengeful. However, Xiang Liu's love for Xiao Yao was profoundly selfless. Despite his unfulfilled feelings, he chose to support her, make her stronger, empower her, and respect her wishes regarding her choice of life partner.

Xiang Liu faced criticism for not abandoning his cause to pursue Xiao Yao more aggressively, but there were multiple reasons behind his restraint. 

Firstly, Xiao Yao did not want to be with a complex person who had other priorities besides loving her. She desired to be the first and only priority of her partner's life. 

Secondly, Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao stood on opposite sides of a conflict. Xiang Liu and Cang Xuan were at war, and Cang Xuan was Xiao Yao's brother. Supporting Xiang Liu would have meant opposing her own brother. 

Thirdly, Xiao Yao was Haoling royalty, making their positions vastly different.

Xiao Yao desired a calm and quiet life, which would have required XL to give up his position as a general. However, he had a debt of gratitude to repay and chains of filial piety binding him. He had also developed strong bonds with his fellow soldiers, making it difficult to abandon everything. Despite these complexities, he might have taken the plunge if Xiao Yao had been brave enough to admit her feelings.

Xiao Yao always wanted someone like Ye Shiqi, and in the end, Tushan Jing became that person when they married. Tushan Jing gave up everything for Xiao Yao and followed her devotedly, just like Ye Shiqi used to. This contrast is why Xiang Liu's character often stole the limelight. His strength and integrity shone through his actions and decisions. This is not to say that Tushan Jing was weak or a bad character; it's just that, when compared to such a compelling figure as Xiang Liu, Tushan Jing seemed lackluster.

I asked AI to objectively analyse XL and TSJ.

Determining which character is "better" objectively between Tushan Jing and Xiang Liu depends on the criteria used for evaluation. Here’s an analysis based on various aspects of their character traits and development:

Strength and Resilience

Xiang Liu:

Background: Survived and escaped from a slave arena, demonstrating immense physical and mental resilience.
Adversity: Overcame severe trauma and violence from a young age, rising to a position of power and influence.
Strength: His strength is not just physical; his mental fortitude is evident in his ability to maintain his principles and kindness despite his harsh past.

Tushan Jing:

Background: Grew up in a loving and privileged environment, which provided a strong foundation but also insulated him from early adversity.
Adversity: Endured significant trauma when kidnapped and tortured by his brother, showing resilience in his recovery and return to his family.
Strength: Demonstrates emotional strength in his loyalty and devotion to Wen Xiaoliu, as well as his attempts to reconcile family conflicts.

Loyalty and Duty

Xiang Liu:

Duty: His loyalty to his foster father and comrades defines many of his actions. His sense of duty often supersedes his personal desires.
Selflessness: Displays a selfless approach to love and relationships, willing to respect and support Wen Xiaoliu's choices even if it means stepping aside.

Tushan Jing:

Duty: Struggles with his familial obligations, particularly with his grandmother and arranged fiancée, but ultimately prioritizes his love for Wen Xiaoliu.
Loyalty: His loyalty is primarily directed towards Wen Xiaoliu, and he makes significant sacrifices to be with her, such as leaving his family.

Love and Relationships

Xiang Liu:

Love: Loves Wen Xiaoliu selflessly and empowers her. His love is characterized by deep respect and understanding.
Relationships: Develops strong bonds with his soldiers and maintains loyalty to his foster father, indicating a capacity for deep and meaningful relationships.

Tushan Jing:

Love: His love for Wen Xiaoliu is deep and unwavering, characterized by devotion and a desire to protect and support her.
Relationships: His relationships are complicated by his family dynamics and the deception of his fiancée, showing his struggle to balance love and duty.

Character Growth

Xiang Liu:

Growth: His growth is significant, moving from a survival-focused individual to a selfless lover and respected military advisor. His ability to maintain kindness and loyalty despite his background is admirable.

Tushan Jing:

Growth: Experiences substantial growth, learning to assert himself and make difficult decisions. His journey from a conflict-averse young lord to someone who can take decisive action reflects significant personal development.

Moral Complexity

Xiang Liu:

Complexity: His background and actions present a morally complex character. His willingness to do what is necessary for his comrades and foster father, even if it involves violence, adds depth to his character.

Tushan Jing:

Complexity: While he faces moral dilemmas, particularly in dealing with his brother and fiancée, his actions are often guided by a desire to do the right thing and protect those he loves.


  • Objective Evaluation:

    Strength and Resilience:         Xiang Liu, for overcoming extreme adversity.
  • Loyalty and Duty:                        Xiang Liu, for his unwavering sense of duty and selflessness.
  • Love and Relationships:          Tushan Jing, for his deep devotion and sacrifices for Wen Xiaoliu.
  • Character Growth:                    Both characters exhibit significant growth, but in different ways.
  • Moral Complexity:                     Xiang Liu, for his morally grey actions and complex motivations.

Overall, Xiang Liu might be considered the stronger and more complex character due to his resilience, loyalty, and moral complexity. However, Tushan Jing shines in his devotion, personal growth, and efforts to reconcile love and duty. The "better" character ultimately depends on the values and criteria prioritized in the evaluation.

Thank you! I never understood the TSJ and XY love story. After awhile I skipped through it. Also, XY never gave XL a chance. She was always vocal with her feelings for TSJ and very action forward with TSJ but very rarely did that with XL. Except for the missed kisses. XL was waiting for an opening for XY and you could see he felt insecure and that's why he led through actions. I miss him and forever think hes the best choice!


Thank you! I never understood the TSJ and XY love story. After awhile I skipped through it. Also, XY never gave XL a chance. She was always vocal with her feelings for TSJ and very action forward with TSJ but very rarely did that with XL. Except for the missed kisses. XL was waiting for an opening for XY and you could see he felt insecure and that's why he led through actions. I miss him and forever think hes the best choice!

Interestingly, I also asked AI which lover would modern girls choose. The answer, to no surprise, was TSJ. He is basically that stable, wholehearted lover who would put his partner first over anything. Plus many people actually prefer the quiet, calm AKA boring life. So I am not surprised at all that XY chose TSJ as her lover. His family entanglements did pose a challenge but they were easier to resolve than XL's inevitable death. 

Despite all that, XL is indeed a more memorable character!

Did you put in the AI the fact her was offered mutiple chances to stand down/surrender? Only reason he didn't was because of his insecure relationship with XY and her not being the one to ask him. AI is a calculator. The info is accurate  if you put literally every last piece of info in. Otherwise your outcome and judgment is still flawed. Also TSJ was given chances to show his love and devotion to XY. XL wasn't, all the stories about him were half fed truths like the reason her life was saved. But yet he never corrects them cause just like XY his trust in humanity doesn't exist.


Did you put in the AI the fact her was offered mutiple chances to stand down/surrender? Only reason he didn't was because of his insecure relationship with XY and her not being the one to ask him. AI is a calculator. The info is accurate  if you put literally every last piece of info in. Otherwise your outcome and judgment is still flawed. Also TSJ was given chances to show his love and devotion to XY. XL wasn't, all the stories about him were half fed truths like the reason her life was saved. But yet he never corrects them cause just like XY his trust in humanity doesn't exist.

OoO great points. Plus we need to more careful analyzing TSJ...becuase character development is nauced. I am one that believes TSJ never achieve any development, he never quite overcome his flaws .... so if I were to ask Chatgpt to analyze, it wouldnt have the above results.

Thank you!I don't think they have a happy marriage. He has never once stood up for her. The only reason they got back together is cause she mentioned she was wrong for handling the situation.  Without his family money and prestige he is nothing so I doubt him walking away from his name will last long. And if she wants to be with him she needs her princess title cause he never defends her. Even in the beginning when she launched that attack against CX and he fled cause he didn't want his identity to be found out. That mistrust she had for him them should've stayed. Cause out of consoling her and waiting around like a puppy dog when he has done wrong. He's useless. I agree  there was no growth for him. She just stuck with what was safe. 


OoO great points. Plus we need to more careful analyzing TSJ...becuase character development is nauced. I am one that believes TSJ never achieve any development, he never quite overcome his flaws .... so if I were to ask Chatgpt to analyze, it wouldnt have the above results.

Absolutely, the way a character is shown in a drama can really influence how people see them. If TSJ’s character wasn’t fully explored in the show, it might make him seem less impressive compared to XL. And yeah, with such amazing actors bringing these characters to life, it’s no surprise that XL might seem to stand out more.

But when it comes to modern preferences, emotional availability is a big deal. TSJ’s commitment and the fact that he’s willing to put his partner’s needs first would probably make him more appealing to many people today. Although he also did some questionable things which I don't like, specially extracting the 15-year promise from XY. I feel, at that point, XY's feelings were not really deep for him but Him doing so, bound XY. Also he should have resolved his issues before committing to XY. In modern setting, it placed XY in a mistress or side chick position technically.

XL and XY both were not willing to give each other any chance. And if someone did that in the modern setting, obviously it would go down the same route as it did in the story.


Thank you! I never understood the TSJ and XY love story. After awhile I skipped through it. Also, XY never gave XL a chance. She was always vocal with her feelings for TSJ and very action forward with TSJ but very rarely did that with XL. Except for the missed kisses. XL was waiting for an opening for XY and you could see he felt insecure and that's why he led through actions. I miss him and forever think hes the best choice!

XL never surrendered because the chenrong army was his buddies. It’s his loyalty for them, he’s bled, battled, and suffered with these men for several hundred of years. He’s not just gonna abandon them. He also does surrender because he’s using his life to repay his debt to Hong Jiang who saved him out the slave arena. 

XL wasn’t waiting for XY to give him a chance, he knew what his own ending was going to be so he had already given his hope during the beach scene when XY said shes afraid he would appear in her dreams. XY never said anything because she’s scared she’s wrong and because XL will abandon her because he has other priorities. Whereas XL never said anything because he knows hes going to die in the battlefield and doesn’t want to give her false hope.

I love this take I completely agree. Of the choices XL seemed to be the most selfless and overwhelming. He would risk it all just to protect her but his only flaw is that he couldn't give up on his foster family.  TSJ love wasn't as deep or selfless as XL. I kept thinking to myself that if anyone else gave him the time of day like XY did would he even have loved her. TSJ just seemed to be their and at times doesn't risk as much compared to the other characters.  While for XL I think their connection was much deeper and always thought it would have always been her no matter the circumstances. In my delulu world I would have loved him and XY to be together and for him to abandon his foster family.