

 I look at it objectively, I feel like she always hangs out with him whenever she is heartbroken over Jing (XL is  kinda like a rebound sometimes to just distract her from the reality). I mean XL spends time with her willingly to cheer her up a lot of the time. And I say this as someone who loves both of the guys.

I am glad to finally see someone saying this. 🙌 

I had the same thought as well. This  was kind of made me feel  pissed at XY for  this.

Why be mad at XY? When XY is deeply heartbroken over TSJ, XL can feel her pain and heartbreak and he chooses to go to her and cheer her up. If there's a risk of her getting too close to him, XL shuts it down and keeps distance between them. It's XL's choice to do all that. It's not like XY uses him. 


So, I was watching the YaoJing (21-39) cut and I know we have talked about this before, but Jing really said my grandma drugged me and XY was like "it sucks to be you, babai" Don't get me wrong, it broke my heart to see her so heartbroken, but darn....

I think her reaction was pretty normal. She just found out the woman was pregnant. Between shock, anger, and pain ...I highly doubt she was in a position to even be rational. Of course, she could analyze things later on when more calm, but tsj didn't bother to look for things just didn't end well for them. 



 I look at it objectively, I feel like she always hangs out with him whenever she is heartbroken over Jing (XL is  kinda like a rebound sometimes to just distract her from the reality). I mean XL spends time with her willingly to cheer her up a lot of the time. And I say this as someone who loves both of the guys.

I am glad to finally see someone saying this. 🙌 

I had the same thought as well. This  was kind of made me feel  pissed at XY for  this.

Hahh i know the shipping wars seem to be quite strong with this storyline, and wanted to make my own judgement by reading the novel. It’s fun to analyze the characters and every reader will have their own interpretation. However, I’m just irked when ppl think that Jing is just someone XY settled for (where it’s more sympathy than love), and just a choice based on logic rather than love. XY is practical and doesn’t just go with passion when it comes to romance, and I like that about her. However, I definitely feel that Jing’s unwavering perseverance made him endgame. She was drawn to his gentle heart and opened her heart to him completely after he showed his love through actions (where he willingly accompanied her in death - the biggest gesture). And the rest was history. You would think she’d cut him off completely after he married and supposedly had a son but the longing never ended and it was only after clarifying the misunderstanding, that they were finally happy and at peace. I was very happy for them after they got over that hump.



 I look at it objectively, I feel like she always hangs out with him whenever she is heartbroken over Jing (XL is  kinda like a rebound sometimes to just distract her from the reality). I mean XL spends time with her willingly to cheer her up a lot of the time. And I say this as someone who loves both of the guys.

I am glad to finally see someone saying this. 🙌 

I had the same thought as well. This  was kind of made me feel  pissed at XY for  this.

Hahh i know the shipping wars seem to be quite strong with this storyline, and wanted to make my own judgement by reading the novel. It’s fun to analyze the characters and every reader will have their own interpretation. However, I’m just irked when ppl think that Jing is just someone XY settled for (where it’s more sympathy than love), and just a choice based on logic rather than love. XY is practical and doesn’t just go with passion when it comes to romance, and I like that about her. However, I definitely feel that Jing’s unwavering perseverance made him endgame. She was drawn to his gentle heart and opened her heart to him completely after he showed his love through actions (where he willingly accompanied her in death - the biggest gesture). And the rest was history. You would think she’d cut him off completely after he married and supposedly had a son but the longing never ended and it was only after clarifying the misunderstanding, that they were finally happy and at peace. I was very happy for them after they got over that hump.


That’s one of the things I enjoy about the characters. They’re not perfect and make mistakes. XY recognizes hers and realizes that instead of just sitting back and waiting to see what Jing can do, she can fight for him if she truly loves him. Can’t wait to see XY work together with Jing to uncover the truth - that’s one my favorite sections in the novel.

Hopefully they don't water down the investigation to uncover the truth behind the child. 

Yeah, I hope that whole arc doesn’t suffer too many edits/cuts

At some point I felt like the one she wants to marry is YSQ. And the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with is TSJ. After all, the one she had deeper relationship with was TSJ. But it was harder to be with a TSJ that with a YSQ.

That's what I felt it was.  I also see AH points 

At some point I felt like the one she wants to marry is YSQ. And the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with is TSJ. After all, the one she had deeper relationship with was TSJ. But it was harder to be with a TSJ that with a YSQ.

Oh interesting. I had a different interpretation of YSQ and TSJ. In my mind, YSQ is the version of TSJ that is free and able to live a simple life with WXL / XY. He neither has nor wants status or wealth. Most importantly, he isn't burdened by responsibilities to the Tushan Clan. 

After FFYY "dies", TSJ is free to marry within a year, but he is still the clan leader. While he wants to get married ASAP, they end up being engaged for ~40 years while XY works on her medical texts on Xiao Yue Peak. She still spent lots of time with TSJ during those years, but it seemed like she wasn't in any hurry to marry or move into the Tushan Clan residence. 

When TSJ finally returns to her near the end of the novel, he tells her that he is her YSQ. At that point, he no longer has any responsibilities to the Tushan Clan. He's back to having no wealth or status, and is free to wander with XY. I always felt that was the version of TSJ that XY preferred, and ultimately that's the version of TSJ that she marries and sets off to spend the rest of her life with. 


l also think that way actually. I agree with what you said. That's why I put at some point. I can't help but to think about it tho that TSJ is not only the version that is burdened with responsibilities with wealth and status. And YSQ is not only the free one with nothing. There were some shifts in personalities too. TSJ was more layered and complex. XY went through a lot with TSJ and therefore had deeper relationship with him. I felt like XY not only love YSQ but also come to love him as TSJ. It's just my side thoughts tho, we can i ignore it😂



l also think that way actually. I agree with what you said. That's why I put at some point. I can't help but to think about it tho that TSJ is not only the version that is burdened with responsibilities with wealth and status. And YSQ is not only the free one with nothing. There were some shifts in personalities too. TSJ was more layered and complex. XY went through a lot with TSJ and therefore had deeper relationship with him. I felt like XY not only love YSQ but also come to love him as TSJ. It's just my side thoughts tho, we can i ignore it😂

The various identities (not just YSQ and TSJ, but also QXL and XY, and XL and FFB) are definitely interesting to think about. XY's identity is also an important factor in the equation. 

When she is WXL, YSQ matches her. Which is why he promises in the dragon bone prison to resolve his engagement and return to her as YSQ. But when she becomes Haoling Jiu Yao (Gao Xing Jiu Yao in the novel), she becomes someone that is completely out of reach for YSQ, but not completely out of reach for future clan leader TSJ. Later, she chooses to be Xiling Jiu Yao because that status more closely matches TSJ's status as clan leader. 

In the end, XY wants to leave her status behind and wander, and TSJ returns to her without status or responsibilities. So he matches her and is free to wander with her. 

After all the hardships they went through I’m happy XY and Jing got to just be free of their bloodline and titles and travel the world together. 


After FFYY "dies", TSJ is free to marry within a year, but he is still the clan leader. While he wants to get married ASAP, they end up being engaged for ~40 years while XY works on her medical texts on Xiao Yue Peak. She still spent lots of time with TSJ during those years, but it seemed like she wasn't in any hurry to marry or move into the Tushan Clan residence.

 So they have been engaged for 40 years. That's something.

About shipping wars, 

I think this type of story is supposed to have them. hmmm I do understand YaoLiu ship and  the attraction between them . But I do not agree that she chose Jing as second to XL or she decides to be with Jing only because XL didn't choose her. it is definetly not out of pity. I also strongly do not agree that her love for Jing is less stronger than that secret feeling for XL. 

My take on YaoLiu is that, they had push pull tension feels and scenes which is very very common in many romance stories. I think a lot of romance fans like this tension heat between main couple ? Forbidden love trope involved. So when a more calmer romance like YaoJing come, they could not feel much?  That's my thinking though.

For LYF, where XY has to meet up with ..let say 3 soulmates. And each one some destined circumstances but also choices too (meaning it's not always depends on fate) . Thats how I feel like while watching or reading. There is a chance she can end up of with one of them depending on choices made . If CX did not choose to be emperor , he had most chances to get XY heart in that way. If XL could made up mind that resist pride and surrender to this not going to win war anyway and persue on XY  while she was heart broken from Jing, XY may end up with him. But the fact as I see, XY is born to live a life. She is not  ambitious. Like she said her heart is small, not fit whole world, at near end of novel. She is true to herself till the end.

YaoLiu is like a  karmic testing destiny. TSJ/YSQ is more like a gift to XY although not without a super painful *testing for both of them. edit: I think hardship would be more suitable word than testing . 

To me, YaoJing romance is slow burn to strong feeling. Their steady commitment , devotion and trust(though initially more on his side)  is what make them strongest union of all in the end.    

I am currently listening to Favor Mortal Fireworks, this song is for YaoJing. 

Hmm come to think of it. The person we most want to spend our entire life with is also the person who can give us the most pain and longing with their absence.

XL question and the way author describes XY feelings feels like intended to confuse and makes us reflect. There are many people XY loves and wants to keep. The author made room for interpretations. Those interpretations may be about XY or it can reveal about ourselves, perspectives and our own preferences.