
Regardless what FFYY did to grandma, Jing had already made it clear to her time and time again. She should atleast considered Jing too, but no. She proceeded to drugged him. They ganged up on him. So I still wanted to choker her? Especially when she was in all smiles??

I mean TSHou wife know the affair of TShou + YY mah...

she should inform the grandmother..


Xiao Yao said "You all think that I saved Jing's life and he just glommed on to me, but in truth it was Jing who saved me."

Zhuan Xu stared in disbelief at Xiao Yao.

Xiao yao continued "When I left Jade Mountain, I was just a kid who knew nothing. Later I encounterd all those horrible things, I only glanced over it when telling you and didnot share all the details. I did not forget any of it, it's just those tens of years of agony and shame are horrible for me to stomach. When I was locked in a cage by the nince-tailed fox, he would beat me and torture me and make me eat all sorts of digusting things. I lived even worse than an animal. I hated everyone I could possibly hate - I hated them for abandoning me, for making me live a nightmare. I may have survived in the end but my heart and soul was battered. When I met Jing, he was dirtier than then dirtiest beggar. I saved him in split second's kindness and didn't actual care if he lived or died. But when I discovered all the wounds and bruises on his body, it remind me of myself so many years ago. I suddenly had a strong desire for him to survive, to keep on living. It was like seeing myself get past it, if Jing could survive. I endured the same torture and shaming, so I know how it can turn a person extreme, cold, suspicious, and how hard it is to be someone who is warm, trusting, and kind. But Jing dit It! He showed me, proved me, that no matter how others have treated us, we can choose to still be kind and good and forgiving. Gege, you might see him as weak and indecisive but you tell me, if one day, I betrayed you in the worst way, can you just kill me afterwards?"

Zhuan Xu said with certainly "You would never betray me or hurt me!"


Zhuan Xu softly asked "Xiao Yao, if Jing Killed me, would you punish Jing this way for me?"

Xiao Yao : "Jing would never hurt you! He knows how important you are to me. He would rather endure pain himself than put me in such pain." Xiao Yao's voice got softer and softer.

Zhuan Xu held Xiao Yao thightly and kissed her forehead "Xiao Yao, I'm sorry! I was wrong! I was wrong"
From childhood until now he did everything and never regretted anything until now.

Zhuan Xu's tears fell and Xiao Yao saw it and smiled "Gege, Zhuan Xu... I ... I forgive you! It's too hard to hate you... worse than cutting my own heart to pieces.. I forgive you..."

Zhuan Xu cried "Xiao Yao, tell me! If we could do it all over again and I held you close after we reunited on Five Gods Mountain, with no chance for Jing to get close to you, would you have picked me?"

Xiao Yao was about to pass out but Zhuan Xu's words took her back to the very beginning and it was as clear as yesterdat "When I was locked up in the cage by nine-tailed fox, all I could think of was you...  all I missed was you... when you didn't recognize me, I still use my life to save you... back then... there was no Jing yet... " Xiao Yao's voice trailed off.

Zhuan Xu cried out "Xiao Yao! Xiao Yao!.... " but he could feel only silence as her breathing ceased.

On Cao Yun Peak, they played during the day and slept in each other's arms at night. They burried and said farewell to their love ones, they endured the pain together... Xiao Yao said her heart had turned cold into stone, but he remained the most precious treasure that Xiao Yao kept deep in her heart,in the softest most secure place. When Jing said he would give first and trust first to try and win Xiao Yao's heart, Xiao Yao had already done the same for Zhuan Xu. She didn't like politics and care about the greater good, but she accompanied him back to Xuan Yuan Mountain and always protected him...

He always thought Jing was not good enough for Xiao Yao, could not treat her right, and only made her sad. But what about himself? Zhuan Xu kissed Xiao Yao as his tears splashed on her face, but she would never embrace him back or comfort him "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm here with you."


this is the scene she wanted to kill Xuan for plotting Jing murder? so sad.


this is the scene she wanted to kill Xuan for plotting Jing murder? so sad.


There is a hot search today saying Deng Wei loves tu shan jing more than Tong Hua lol? 

no offence but i agree with it in some place,i am grateful with the author for creating him but at the same time his character was a tool for making other character superior.

like if Jing was physically strong and ruthless then he would not fell in trap made by his brother,also XL don't need to save him and XY in the end.

this is the thing i wanted to say if they made jing perfect in every way then she wouldn't create three ML's also Xiang Liu wouldn't be the most popular character.So they should be grateful that Jing is simple ?

but it was unexpected for netizen that the jing of the drama version becomes more popular than the jing in novel.

 Xiao An:

they never cared about his happiness unless his granny would never blackmail him by her death,i really hated it.yes his kindness becomes his weakness but do they want him to kill his granny ?then he is not the same jing whom XY loved.. 

my poor baby

Nooo why is he like that- who's doing that to him ?

in ep 35 when CX brought a coat for XY but saw the 2 Haoling princesses arrived. he stood there and didn't know who to give the coat to. why was he being indecisive? if he loved XY wouldn't he give the coat to her and hint to AN he was in love with her sister? i know AN will throw a tantrum but he needs to stop leading her on so she could move on. or do you think he did have some feelings for AN but is too focus on XY to realize it??

just asking for opinion. to those who has finish 39 episodes, do you think we should wait after ep 34. because the breakup seems very very bad. and the wedding is the one btw FL and XY? or should i wait till season 2 came out. is the breakup tat bad that makes it hard to swallow and wait for S2.


just asking for opinion. to those who has finish 39 episodes, do you think we should wait after ep 34. because the breakup seems very very bad. and the wedding is the one btw FL and XY? or should i wait till season 2 came out. is the breakup tat bad that makes it hard to swallow and wait for S2.

Yup breakup is bad.. wedding yet to come.

Maybe wait for s2. 

If not read novel.



What episode is that? 

: If you can rewrite #LostYouForever ending, how would you rewrite it? #ZhangWanyi: I won’t change the ending, just fix the middle part — I’ll shoot Tushan Jing first  oh I’m sorry, I mean I’ll get rid of him first   


 Xiao An:

: If you can rewrite #LostYouForever ending, how would you rewrite it? #ZhangWanyi: I won’t change the ending, just fix the middle part — I’ll shoot Tushan Jing first  oh I’m sorry, I mean I’ll get rid of him first   


well XL stans are saying he should take XL's name instead of TSJ,bcz in the end he saved them lmao even if there were no XL then XY would live like a widow for jing so it would not change anything but if there were no jing ,XL still will never choose love over responsibility so then CX will have a chance if he choose to live with XY without being  ambitious .

 Xiao An:

it's only yaoliu shipper's thinking lol.

The toxic ones. There are some that recognize she loves Jing too, but those toxic ones are the loudest.



until now, I still do not understand why the grand mother so persistent to keep FFYY?

what is so good about FFYY? *gosh....



maybe the grandma got brainwash by FFYY and TSH. 

TSH's wife should raise out her voice to Grandmother "TSH has an affair with FFYY". 

She made sure the grandmother relied in her. Also, FFYY thought Hou was Jing at first. Also, Hou's wife was a maid before and she's timid.  Do you think the grandmother would have believed her word against FFYY, who ran there in her wedding dress and who now runs the household? That's why she wanted to talk to JIng and when she said that the baby looked like Hou and JIng's father, it was her hinting.  Hou's wife never met their father because he died when they were really young, so with that line she basically says "the baby looks like Hou", but Jing was still heartbroken and this didn't really click until later.


No wonder when he was Ye Shiqi he doesn't want to go back to Tushan Clan. Everyone is toying him. Fortunately, he was able to free himself from the shackles of his family in the end.

That was the only time when he was free and when no one was using him.