
Thank you so much sis! It seems that the love bug in the novel is completely "two-way", but this is adapted in the drama. When discussing the plot of the drama, I will still use the settings in the drama, otherwise I think it may lead to confusion. When discussing the plot of the novel, I will use the setting you mentioned :-)


Indeed, I don't think he ever really decided to pursue Xiao Yao. There were a few times when he almost lost control, but in the end he managed to bury his feelings for her happiness. This is also the admirable thing about Xiang Liu: he doesn't get entangled, doesn't backpedal, only gives companionship, doesn't give torment. He doesn't easily change things he has decided. Finally he achieved the happiness of the one he loves with unbelievably strong will.

But yes, he still needs Xiao Yao's company. Before Xiao Yao left Qingshui Town, he had allowed himself to be emotionally attached to her, because in his original plan, Xiao Yao would accompany him in his life until his death. Xiao Yao has promised to be "his man". To him, this is a committed relationship. He even sent a congratulatory gift to her on Ma Zi's wedding day. When Chuan Zi's marriage was blocked, he made the decision without hesitation to settle it for her. Because she is "his man". Moreover, Xiao Yao told him that she would rather die than leave Qingshui Town. How could he know that one day she would choose to leave forever?

And, I think there are two main reasons why he pretended to be another woman while on that ship. The first one is to listen to Xiao Yao's inner thoughts as a stranger, the most important of which is of course the reason why she doesn't go home. Did you notice the urgent, exasperated tone in his voice when he asked her why she wasn't coming home? :-) The second one is my personal opinion, that Xiang Liu had been angry since they parted last time. He went all the way to Wushen Mountain to save her regardless of his own safety, and was injured, but found that she was with Jing (in his arms, hugging his neck). She had clearly asked him for help before, but now she has Jing, so "I don't want to owe you", she even said it in front of Jing. How could he not be angry? But even though he was angry, he still missed her, and when he saw that she was going to take the boat, he couldn't help but want to see her. But how can our proud Lord Xiang Liu admit this? impossible! It's someone else you're chatting with, but Xiang Liu hasn't forgiven you yet!

Then I want to explain another point. Regarding the reason why Xiang Liu was so angry after knowing Xiao Yao's true identity, realizing that she would never meet him again was just one reason. Another important reason was that he couldn't bear that his feelings for her was based on a bunch of lies.


Another important reason was that he couldn't bear that his feelings for her was based on a bunch of lies.

not really. XY lied a lot. But he could see some truth from her:

  • Her  3 No: no home, no one to rely, no self- protection. —> he was moved by that. And he kept this as target to fulfill this 3 no to 3 have
  • She treated him fair as a friend. She was not scared of him due to his demon nature and bad reputation 
  • She helped him in several cases: the medicines for the army, willing to give him blood when he got injured (from the 3 or 4th time) and willing to hurt herself to help him in the battle with CX
  • Nice time together

i don’t remember XL’s face when he saw her falling from the cliff in the drama. in the novel it’s said that he smiled and enjoyed her image which looked like a  flying butterfly . He might be angry and disappointed when he heard the news. But it was not the full stop for their story yet. He only got furious when she refused the air passing and later told him that she pretended not to know him. Then he knew their relationship could not restore as before.

In the drama, XL watched XY carrying by Jing after swimming the whole night. This means he still worried for her safety and watched her during swimming . Such scene is not written in the book


"Another important reason was that he couldn't bear that his feelings for her was based on a bunch of lies." 

I am with you on this one. I belive his intention to met her was because he wanted to check if despite getting her identity back, WXL was genuine and wasn't just a role play from her part. Her refusal to kiss him underwater, something that she used to do often in the past as WXL, misleaded him to belive that her WXL persona was just a lie and basically took him for a fool. This was the point when he got angry, not because he was disappointed that she refused to kiss him lol or because she was his sister's enemy, but because her refusal was some sort of a confirmation that everything was just an act. After she explained herself to him and offered him the poison, he was still curious of why didn't she kiss him if, as pointed out, things between them are the same as before. It was then when XY told him that even though she is still the same as before, something did change and for the first time hinted at the fact that now, being a girl, could start wanting more from him than just having him as a temporary companion and that is something that she is most afraid of, giving that, în her own words, XL doesn't have the will to stay with her forever. XL understood very well what she meant by that, XY as a girl wanted more from him than WXL. 

Been sick today, so of course you guys got real chatty.  lol

Will try to catch up but I wanted to say, Tong Hua called it the Love Bug.  Not the Protection Bug or the Friend Ship Bug or Cheaters Bug or even the Voodoo Bug.  This isn't even subtext or 'snake in the grass' technique.  This is a big neon flashing sign that tells the reader that these two people love each other deeply and are connected by that love for life.  For XL, this was his confession and marriage vows.

And XL accepted this bug with full knowledge.  He specifically asked if he could remove the Love Bug, and was told that he could not, once it was successfully planted.  He was also told they would live together and die together.  Why would XL accept the bug only to protect XY, while still planning on dying with his troops?  That's not protective, that's forcing her to share his pre-mature death.

Of course, later, XL finds a way around this -- probably inspired by the assassination attempt.  But at the time he accepted the Love Bug, it was with the knowledge that his death would mean hers.

By the way, I don’t think Xiang Liu firmly believes that he will definitely die. He just thinks that the possibility is very high, so he doesn’t want to gamble with Xiao Yao’s future. If he is lucky enough to still be alive after fulfilling his obligations to his army and adoptive father, and Xiao Yao does love him, I think he will pursue her. But he will soon find that Xiao Yao obviously loves Jing more, and Jing is indeed suitable for her, so he no longer had any illusions. Pity he won't ask her, "Please give me a hundred years and don't let other men enter your heart."

Why would the possibility be very high?  He's got 9 nine lives and is a shapeshifter as well as one of the best fighters and spiritual powers in the land.  The only reason he dies, is because he chooses to die.

I don't think XL ever thought Jing was more suitable for XY or that she loved Jing more than him.  He had the Lovers Bug and knows her heart.  If XY loved Jing more than him, then it would have turned into the Heartbreak Bug and killed them  both.

Lost You Forever Season 2

Status: Serialization to be updated


Starring: Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Wang Hongyi, Tan...

Director: Qin Zhen Yang Huan

First broadcast time: 2024-03-10

Where is this from?

Look what showed up on the Twitter.  I wish we could see the ice ball better.


"Why would XL accept the bug only to protect XY, while still planning on dying with his troops?  That's not protective, that's forcing her to share his pre-mature death."

But at that point in time he had no choice but to accept the bug in order to protect her.  XY would have probably died within a few weeks if not for XL taking the bug in. She was set on removing the bug from CX, XL was the only suitable one who could, at least have her life prolonged. 


Look what showed up on the Twitter.  I wish we could see the ice ball better.

Wow, thank you for posting this. 


Where is this from?

Weibo Yaoliu


He specifically asked if he could remove the Love Bug, and was told that he could not, once it was successfully planted.  

Also, why would he specifically ask the if he could remove the bug, if he didn't think of removing it? 


Look what showed up on the Twitter.  I wish we could see the ice ball better.

You beat me to it, Kokuto. Thank you. I'm disappointed. It looks so small. I was expecting something bigger. 

Also, just a little clarification. It's Lovers bugs, not Love Bugs. Lovers makes it even clearer what kind of love it is supposed to be :-).


Look what showed up on the Twitter.  I wish we could see the ice ball better.

it seems to have the man in green inside the ice globe. And the green man looks way bigger than sth gray/white in the middle. I don’t know if it was the real ice globe used in the drama. 

And if it fits the belly of the laughing doll, the the doll will be tiny