XL didn't want to act on his own (cause if he did, he'll be acknowledging his feelings and you know that boy aint gonna admit it even if it kills him) and he knows that if he "accidentally" just crosses path with Jing, Jing might try to persuade him to snatch XY. So he pretended to not care and acted all nonchalant by asking for something in return to make the whole orderal a trade. Unluckily for him, Jing is smart and got him all figured out. But of course Jing isn't gonna push it cause why egg your love rival on. 

Good point. So he just makes it an accident once again and then makes it a business deal  😩

Side note:

I think Jing was the only one who knew of XL's deep love for XY at the end of the book. Of course he doesn't know all the details but he knows how much XL loves and cares for XY that's why he never really minded her hanging out with him. 

Is he also aware XL is FFB? I find it funny when he woke up from coma and having that heart-to-heart talk with XY and then him bringing up FFB as a better choice etc... haha. Also, after his fight with Feng Long, he again mentions FFB as a more suitable candidate for XY along with FL ~

We can all say XL doesn't give XY room to hope when it comes to him. Her not expecting anything from him (like how he actually cares/love her) won't lead her to disappointment. And she's been disappointed her entire life, her mom, her grandma, Xuan, and even Jing. XL is sparing her from all of that. While she's hurting coz of the people around her, XL is there to uplift her. He gives her the solace she needed.

It's unfortunate they have a beginning but no end.


We can all say XL doesn't give XY room to hope when it comes to him. Her not expecting anything from him (like how he actually cares/love her) won't lead her to disappointment. And she's been disappointed her entire life, her mom, her grandma, Xuan, and even Jing. XL is sparing her from all of that. While she's hurting coz of the people around her, XL is there to uplift her. He gives her the solace she needed.

It's unfortunate they have a beginning but no end.

Yao-Liu romance is only a fantasy.  It will never happen because XY has CX in her heart as well as TSJ.  XL has always been a confidant.


Yao-Liu romance is only a fantasy.  It will never happen because XY has CX in her heart as well as TSJ.  XL has always been a confidant.

The use of “confidant” is actually ironic for XL bc both XY and XL refuse to tell each other their feelings or inner most thoughts which is what you do with a confidant. You would also trust a confidant. However, XY has major trust issues with XL bc he actively misleads her to believe everything he does for her is a business transaction, rather out of selfless care. Their relationship is so much more complicated than “confidant” imo.

I love all the insights that I’m reading on this thread…I enjoy watching these dramas but I have never been this emotionally invested until LYF. I know it’s just a fantasy story but it pulls at my heart strings especially XL and his storyline …I wish the screenwriter of the drama made slight changes and just have XY at least learn somehow that XL did in fact care for and loved her—it wouldn’t change the fact that he’s gone but at least she can remember him with fondness & a better understanding of him…this would also lessen the tragedy in our hearts ❤️ 

what is LYF? is it Lost You Forever?


But XL stopping her wedding is coz Jing asked him to, right? XY even waited for him for 7 days but he didn't show up... well, until, of course, on the wedding day😆. To make it more dramatic, perhaps😆

I also love when XL/FFB calls her name coz it's very rare he does it. Can only count the times with my fingers. 

Kindly spill the tea about the gossip after she escaped her wedding 😁 ~

The servants gossiped that XY and FFB had been hooking up and openly flirting and that when XY and FFB ran off from the wedding, Xuan came with backup and killed him and dragged XY away. Which is why she ran back to haoling to make a strong medication/pill to revive her dead lover. 🤣🤣 The rumor is so crazy 🤣🤣


I love all the insights that I’m reading on this thread…I enjoy watching these dramas but I have never been this emotionally invested until LYF. I know it’s just a fantasy story but it pulls at my heart strings especially XL and his storyline …I wish the screenwriter of the drama made slight changes and just have XY at least learn somehow that XL did in fact care for and loved her—it wouldn’t change the fact that he’s gone but at least she can remember him with fondness & a better understanding of him…this would also lessen the tragedy in our hearts ❤️ 

Ditto. I've never been emotionally invested in a drama character as well until Xiang Liu. You can't help but feel for him. No character has given me such emotions before.

I don't think they would change the ending (XY not finding out everything XL did for her) coz the script is also penned by Tong Hua herself. Although I REALLY wanted for her to know as well, that would disregard everything that XL did for her. He wanted her to have a worry-free life so letting her know what he sacrificed to achieve those would all be for naught.

The ending being the same in the drama is somehow kinda confirmed by Yang Zi in one of her live streams.

I'm watching both Lost You Forever and Mysterious Lotus Casebook. LYF gives me more heartbreaks while MLC gives a lighter feeling about friendship and brotherhood. A good combination. These two are one of the best C-dramas this summer ~

 Sirry Usly:

The servants gossiped that XY and FFB had been hooking up and openly flirting and that when XY and FFB ran off from the wedding, Xuan came with backup and killed him and dragged XY away. Which is why she ran back to haoling to make a strong medication/pill to revive her dead lover. 🤣🤣 The rumor is so crazy 🤣🤣

This is so funny ~


The only edit I wanted was for her to somehow figure out how to get to the letter. We don't need to see her read it. So, open ending kind of vibe but I know TH won't give me that. 

As for the gossip, yes it was so funny. AN is the one who tells her what all the servants are saying. I also really loved the aftermath of the whole run-away bride thing because her family really does not give a fuck 🤣🤣 

The majority of them were happy she ran away, including Xuan 😂🤣

 Sirry Usly:


The only edit I wanted was for her to somehow figure out how to get to the letter. We don't need to see her read it. So, open ending kind of vibe but I know TH won't give me that. 

As for the gossip, yes it was so funny. AN is the one who tells her what all the servants are saying. I also really loved the aftermath of the whole run-away bride thing because her family really does not give a fuck 🤣🤣 

The majority of them were happy she ran away, including Xuan 😂🤣

What letter was that? Is it the one XL put in his wedding gift?

But wasn't XY worried about her reputation when she ran away with FFB? 😂 

Lol.. I didn't expect even Xuan would be happy about it. Well, of course, he is ~ 😂  


What letter was that? Is it the one XL put in his wedding gift?

But wasn't XY worried about her reputation when she ran away with FFB? ? 

Lol.. I didn't expect even Xuan would be happy about it. Well, of course, he is ~ ?  

Honestly, I think I might be remembering this part a little incorrectly but from what I remember her put a letter for her in the doll thingy that he gave A Bi to give to her. And it's difficult to reach/get at. Can another novel reader correct this part if I'm wrong? I'm almost certain it's that. 

As for her reputation, yeah she was worried and sad that it was going to be ruined but she made that oath/promise to XL. She can't go back on it. 

Lastly, Xuan, when he found out she left the wedding he was really happy but when she finally came back he was kind of mad because she just took off and with FFB no less. His reaction isn't that surprising though cause in the novel he gets drunk and tells her he doesn't want her to get married and that he wants her to marry him/be his empress. Forgot the exact lines. I posted it in the Xuan thread though I think. 

 Sirry Usly:
Honestly, I think I might be remembering this part a little incorrectly but from what I remember her put a letter for her in the doll thingy that he gave A Bi to give to her. And it's difficult to reach/get at. Can another novel reader correct this part if I'm wrong? I'm almost certain it's that. 

Ah, this one I actually read coz it's in the epilogue and I read the epilogue. The message there is the same as his first and last inner monologue. It was indeed his wedding gift that he made. He inscribed those words in the crystal he put inside the doll, which he made sure no one could ever open, even himself.

"The ability to take care of yourself, someone to rely on, a place to go --- wishing you a lifetime of worry-free happiness!"

 Sirry Usly:

The servants gossiped that XY and FFB had been hooking up and openly flirting and that when XY and FFB ran off from the wedding, Xuan came with backup and killed him and dragged XY away. Which is why she ran back to haoling to make a strong medication/pill to revive her dead lover. 🤣🤣 The rumor is so crazy 🤣🤣
