Sauvignon Blanc|Self-control max Mr. Xiangliu’s forehead kiss

Xiang Liu, why did you choose Gonggong?

If the plot changes in the drama were to make people want to swear, the deletion of the forehead kiss would be in the top three.

Master Xiang Liu relied on the lover's Gu to locate his position. Thirty-seven years later, he hid from Xiao Yao and was so agile that he could even pull his hand back when it touched his face. He was kissed by other girls under the sea and was able to avoid it at the last moment. He pretended to be under the sea with a heartbeat. I don’t know, Xiaoyao hinted that they wanted to travel around the world together without answering... With such incredible self-control, why could he not resist kissing Xiaoyao’s forehead after letting him go completely?

Because... I finally made sense!


Xiaoyao was silent for a while and suddenly asked: " Xiang Liu, why did you choose Gonggong? Is it just because he is your adoptive father?"Xiao Yao didn’t know how she had the guts to ask him this question, probably because Xiang Liu didn’t seem like Xiang Liu tonight!

I just realized there was something wrong with that statement. Xiaoyao asked why he "chooses" Gonggong, not "follows" Gonggong. Because of "following" Gonggong, when they were at the bottom of the sea, Xiang Liu told half of the story, and Xiao Yao guessed the other half. When they met for the last time before the wedding, Xiao Yao also understood Xiang Liu's choice.

It's just that Xiaoyao only accepted Xiang Liu's decision in the past, and accepted the fact that even though he felt that Xiang Liu loved him, he would not choose himself no matter what. Finally at this moment, when there was almost no way out between them, she couldn't help but ask him, wanting to hear him tell her himself: Why?

Why choose Gonggong? The question is not at all the reason for following Gonggong, but: Why not choose me?

Although you gave up on me and I accepted it, at least let me know your heart!


"Not just because he’s my adoptive father, there are also all those soldiers I fought along with and watched them die. We drank together, we went to battle together, we picked up our fallen brethren’s bodies…..” Xiang Liu looked over at the altar “For hundreds of years, do you know how many of my fellow soldiers I’ve have to personally cremate?”

Xiao Yao couldn’t imagine but she understood what Xiang Liu felt. Her Fourth Uncle could have survived that day, and he did love Fourth Aunt and Zhuan Xu, but he chose to die alongside his soldiers. In this world there was camaraderie so strong that one would die rather than abandon it.

Xiang Liu smiled and pointed to his heart: "I can't count them, but they are all here."


Xiang Liu answered her, I can't cross the sea of blood of hundreds of years of corpses, I can't cross the undead souls that can't be dispersed, I can't cross the love of life and death, no matter what, I will accompany them to complete this journey. So I can't go to you, and I can't accept you.


"Xiao Yao buried her head on her knees and remained silent. She felt her heart was filled with panic, but she couldn't tell whether it was for Xiang Liu or herself.

"What are you thinking about?"

"As Chi You's daughter, the world is big, but there is nowhere to go." "

Is Xiaoyao really just thinking about "the world is so big, but there is nowhere to go"? This sentence is not connected with the previous text.

"I don't know whether it's for Xiang Liu or for himself." Xiang Liu once said that Gonggong was "a pathetic fool, leading a group of fools, doing pathetic things." However, he himself was trapped in responsibility and friendship, and he disdained While doing this sad thing.

Xiaoyao saw the gap between them from Xiang Liu's words: So that's it, I finally understand what's between us, it's not whether the relationship is deep enough, but that you are "like my fourth uncle, you can escape, you can escape" I love my fourth uncle and Zhuanxu deeply, but he chose to die with soldier" You obviously love me, but you chose the same path as my fourth uncle.

"My heart was filled with panic" because I finally understood that the reason why I was given up was unchangeable and insurmountable. Although I understood it, it was difficult to accept it and there was nothing I could do about it.



Xiao Yao gently touched his white hair and said, "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Leave after paying homage to old friends!" ""

Touching hair is such an intimate gesture! I can’t pretend anymore at this moment, I can’t help but love, and I can’t escape my fate. She obviously couldn't let him go, but she still cared about his safety. I didn't want him to leave, but I had to say goodbye.


"Because she had just cried, Xiaoyao's eyes were exceptionally clear, and Xiang Liu could clearly see himself in her eyes. He reached out and touched her eyes, closing them : "I'm leaving! "

Xiaoyao only felt a soft coolness on her forehead. After a slight touch, it disappeared immediately. Xiaoyao suddenly covered her forehead and opened her eyes to see that there was no one in front of her. "

All things are without light, only your eyes are bright, and there is only me in your eyes. If you can't look at it anymore, you will feel reluctant and distressed. A little more indulgence and a little more affection will turn into harm to the other party.

In front of him is clearly the woman whom he deeply loves and who loves him deeply, but so close is the end of the world. A kiss on the forehead was a farewell kiss, and I finally said, yes, I love you, but you and I will never be destined for each other in this life. 


I think you posted something earlier today about the meaning behind the fish purple amethist versus the red amethist, which I found very interesting. Did you delete that post, I can't find it anymore. 


Your analysis (translated from Chinese via Google Trad, maybe ?) are very interesting! Are there any others?

I have the impression that these analysis allow us who don't speak Mandarin, to understand the many possible meanings and subtleties of the language. 

Alas, it seems that trying to understand this novel beyond the surface without having been immersed in the culture and the language is beyond our reach...


oh yeah..I deleted it. Maybe tomorrow I'll try reposting it



oh yeah..I deleted it. Maybe tomorrow I'll try reposting it

Oh yes, please. Was such a great analysis and comparation between the purple amethist that Jing gave her and the red / blood amethist XL gave her. 

 I don't know where you get these reviews from, but they are so interesting to read. If you have more, I'd love to read more. 

Oh yes, please. Was such a great analysis and comparation between the purple amethist that Jing gave her and the red / blood amethist XL gave her. 

I don't recall XL giving XY a fish ruby. Do you mean the red fish ruby that Tushan Hou gave to FFYY and later gave to XY? Or maybe the map-of-the-sea jewel that XL gave to XY?

 AH :

I don't recall XL giving XY a fish ruby. Do you mean the red fish ruby that Tushan Hou gave to FFYY and later gave to XY? Or maybe the map-of-the-sea jewel that XL gave to XY?

No, it's a way of saying. He gave her his blood, thus the ability to breath underwater. It was a very interesting analysis between the meaning behind the purple amethist and the red amethist. Tbh I did find it a bit weird that Jing, being so wealthy, couldn't find a red one to give her. 

"Xiaoyao was silent for a while and suddenly asked: " Xiang Liu, why did you choose Gonggong? Is it just because he is your adoptive father?"Xiao Yao didn’t know how she had the guts to ask him this question, probably because Xiang Liu didn’t seem like Xiang Liu tonight!

Why choose Gonggong? The question is not at all the reason for following Gonggong, but: Why not choose me?

Although you gave up on me and I accepted it, at least let me know your heart!"

I didn't think like this while reading the novel, but to be honest re-reading this part with this interpretation în mind, it does raise a good point. 

Good morning,

I think Xiao Yao is in love with Xiang Liu like XL is with XY, but their love was initially spoiled by XL's mistreatment of "XY"...

 Loving someone who "raped" their body is not simple . She forgave him when he saved her life on the shell and it blew the last nut. remember she was ready to leave everything behind to go with FangFang Bey. How many times did she tell him “too bad you’re not FangFang Bey”. She wanted him to abandon his promise to continue the war for "Gongong?"

They are soul mates that fate has broken. They are soul mates who sacrificed their love through gratitude offered by Jing or Gongong...

Can the writer offer us a happier ending for both?

Thank you all the same for this magnificent book which makes us experience full of emotions.

Also I think I have read something interesting în the deleted post about the mulberry wine that CX makes for her, the plumb wine that Jing makes for her versus the poisons that she makes for XL. Speaking of drinks, but I belive there is a scene în the drama where XY asks Jing to feed her and fast forward to the next episode or so and we have FFB being fed by her. I find it to be a good indicator of their relationships dynamics, while în XY-Jing relationship XY is the taker, în XY-XL relationship she is the obedient one - the giver. Also interesting îs that she is the "taker" when it comes to Jing and CX's plum and mulberry wines, but the "giver" when it comes to XL's poisons. 

Loving someone who "raped" their body is not simple . She forgave him when he saved her life on the shell and it blew the last nut.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but that is a very serious word that generally shouldn't be thrown around to refer to anything less than its actual meaning. 

 AH :

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but that is a very serious word that generally shouldn't be thrown around to refer to anything less than its actual meaning. 

I agree AH. I was about to say the same thing.

No, it's a way of saying. He gave her his blood, thus the ability to breath underwater.

Got it.

Tbh I did find it a bit weird that Jing, being so wealthy, couldn't find a red one to give her.

I liked that part. It showed that even immense wealth can't get you everything. 

 Snowdrop Meadow:

Hi, just my two cents why XL started to push XY away more after chapter 22 - XL felt for the very first time pain of losing a lover - up until this point in the story he only knew the experience of losing fellow soldiers in the battle and losing mother (as FFB) due to a natural cause. 

That's an interesting thought. 

I felt like it was more about XL's view of TSJ. Even though he was still engaged to FFYY, TSJ's actions after XY's assassination showed that he was devoted to her. He transferred all of his spirit power to XY and (even though he thought she was dead) he managed to keep her alive and safe from the fire - making it possible for XL to save her. And he didn't want to live without her. I felt like XL decided in chapter 22 that TSJ's actions showed that he could eventually fulfill the role of "person XY could rely on" when XL was gone. 

He sucked her blood by piercing her skin repeatedly without her consent... This is unusual abuse which is not trivial.