
I’m legit worried about Love Has Fireworks. WCR last drama has a rating of 2.8 on…somewhere from a picture I was sent. Douban maybe?

Anyway, we live in fear. Nothing new. Lololol

Douban rating is nasty and driven a lot by black or biased audience. And also some actors or actresses have a lot of such audience in Douban. I did not watch the firework drama with Yang Yang. However when it receives such huge objection, there would be a huricane of 1 star for any reason. 

I can give another example: Falling into your smile. It is basically an idol drama however it was regarded as a drama about e-sport. It received a lot of criticism about plagiarism  and unfaithfulness to e-sport spirit etc. Then it was stormed originally with 1 star rating on Douban from many who never watched or finished the drama.Last year douban rating was just above 2 and now it is 3.2. Cheng Xiao's performance was not good. I think hers was somehow similar to Zhou Ye's in LMLMV. The drama itself was quite fun to watch and it is at least comparable with LMLMV (at least). The pace was much better.  And in fact it was on top list of Netflix or WeTV in many asian countries for many years. Its rating on My Drama list was 8.6

What is your favorite Tan Jian Ci drama, then?

By a large margin, The Advisors Alliance and its sequel Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon -- so many great actors turning in great performances, him included. My other favorite shows he's done are Secret of Three Kingdoms and The Centimeter of Love. I liked Under the Skin too but I felt like some of the police procedural stuff was unrealistic and some of the cases were solved in an unprofessional or goofy way, which to be fair is pretty par for the course with most Chinese police shows. However, I enjoyed TJC's performance and I have always liked Jin Shi Jia in everything I've seen of him.

I've definitely started watching more idol dramas lately, I blame this on having developed a fondness for certain actors such as Zhang Linghe and Zhang Xincheng. However, unlike with TJC, I don't try to watch every project they do, I pick and choose based on my mood and what seems interesting -- most of them I don't end up finishing.


By a large margin, The Advisors Alliance and its sequel Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon -- so many great actors turning in great performances, him included. My other favorite shows he's done are Secret of Three Kingdoms and The Centimeter of Love. I liked Under the Skin too but I felt like some of the police procedural stuff was unrealistic and some of the cases were solved in an unprofessional or goofy way, which to be fair is pretty par for the course with most Chinese police shows. However, I enjoyed TJC's performance and I have always liked Jin Shi Jia in everything I've seen of him.

I've definitely started watching more idol dramas lately, I blame this on having developed a fondness for certain actors such as Zhang Linghe and Zhang Xincheng. However, unlike with TJC, I don't try to watch every project they do, I pick and choose based on my mood and what seems interesting -- most of them I don't end up finishing.

You understand me. That’s precisely it. Nothing to add lol

And if they put a mustache on Jin Shi Jia for season 2 of Under the Skin, I’ll go feral. That’s my only request.

By a large margin, The Advisors Alliance and its sequel Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon -- so many great actors turning in great performances, him included. My other favorite shows he's done are Secret of Three Kingdoms and The Centimeter of Love. I liked Under the Skin too but I felt like some of the police procedural stuff was unrealistic and some of the cases were solved in an unprofessional or goofy way, which to be fair is pretty par for the course with most Chinese police shows. However, I enjoyed TJC's performance and I have always liked Jin Shi Jia in everything I've seen of him.

Thank you!  I was trying to decide what to watch next of his, so I'll definitely try Advisors Alliance next.  He looks hilarious in Centimeter of Love, but I heard that Chinese audiences see the character differently than non-Chinese audiences.  I think I heard him say that was the character that was the furthest from his personality, so it should be interesting. 

 He looks hilarious in Centimeter of Love, but I heard that Chinese audiences see the character differently than non-Chinese audiences.  I think I heard him say that was the character that was the furthest from his personality, so it should be interesting. 

His character is a spoiled, unpleasant, flighty younger brother who is very favored by his parents, especially his father, over his older, more mature sister who has a stable life and good career. It struck a nerve with Chinese audiences (familial tensions, parents favoring the only boy and younger child), a character many of them loved to hate. I thought he was terrific and so believable (even though I've seen him in several other shows and know how different that role was to other things he's done and how it stretched his acting skills). He was so believable that he said he had people yelling at him when they saw him in the streets. I really liked that he took on an unflattering, challenging role like that and the rest of the cast were good company -- seasoned veteran talented actors like Tong Liya and Tong Dawei. It's not a show international audiences paid attention to, but it's the kind of show the general audience in China likes and will watch, and a prestigious job for younger actors to land -- a family drama aired on a state-owned tv network with a cast of well-known and respected actors.

And if they put a mustache on Jin Shi Jia for season 2 of Under the Skin, I’ll go feral. That’s my only request.

Jin Shi Jia has played the only boss love interest in an age gap relationship with young woman that didn't put me off. He was great in Twenty Your Life On.

KOKUTO WE NEED YOUR HELP. Check your messages plis


Jin Shi Jia has played the only boss love interest in an age gap relationship with young woman that didn't put me off. He was great in Twenty Your Life On.

On my list :D Heuehehehe



KOKUTO WE NEED YOUR HELP. Check your messages plis

Sorry, I had to visit the Mom.



Gugggghhhnnnn!!!  It's freezing outside, but he taking pics in his shorts and opened shirt.  He's so good to us.

The Harpers Bazaar pics.  Full of STARING!

It struck a nerve with Chinese audiences (familial tensions, parents favoring the only boy and younger child), a character many of them loved to hate. I thought he was terrific and so believable (even though I've seen him in several other shows and know how different that role was to other things he's done and how it stretched his acting skills). He was so believable that he said he had people yelling at him when they saw him in the streets.

Yes, that's similar to something else I read.  I love that he took it on, and was so good that people were yelling at him in the street.  That's awesome.


TAN TAN TAN indeed.
