

Do I have new year depression? Or Am I so bored?  why do I sometimes like to challange posts on JingYao's discussion section (the one under season 2). @nathsketch, am I seeking trouble myself?

Hahaha, however, I am quite pissed and dissapointed because they didn't give me the reply or response

Are you going there???

Nooooo that's madness, don't do that.

That thread it's so awful lol

The fugly edits make my eyeballs bleed. The grammar too.

They won't reply because they won't be able to. No coherent arguments. Been there, done that :)

Here, look at something pretty:



.... genuine question here

....why do most Chinese novels describe sex as "being eaten"?

Almost all the novels I'm reading describes it the same way .....

The last one I read , the lady exclaimed " my boss just ate me and wiped his hands clean"


it ís because of asian culture. generally they always avoid using direct, literal words for sexual activity (haha, i also try to avoid using that word here)

i think using “eat somebody “ is used quite recently. Normally used by young generation. that word also implies sex action with certain amount of passion and maybe utilize the mouth during the whole process . It is also a funny, less serious way to tell about that topic

Additionally, maybe Chinese authority tightens the censorship, thus using such indirect word can ease the censorship. 









haha, I made a post questioning their comprehension about the neck bite in the pool (in chapter 6) on their site just a few hours ago. 


it ís because of asian culture. generally they always avoid using direct, literal words for sexual activity (haha, i also try to avoid using that word here)

i think using “eat somebody “ is used quite recently. Normally used by young generation. that word also implies sex action with certain amount of passion and maybe utilize the mouth during the whole process . It is also a funny, less serious way to tell about that topic

Additionally, maybe Chinese authority tightens the censorship, thus using such indirect word can ease the censorship. 

Hahaha, it's just so funny to me

....another novel described it as being infiltrated

"he totally infiltrated me to exhaustion"




@nathsketch  yep, I'm being sexually educated the Chinese way


Hahaha, it's just so funny to me

....another novel described it as being infiltrated

"he totally infiltrated me to exhaustion"


LOL beware the infiltration


@nathsketch  yep, I'm being sexually educated the Chinese way


it ís because of asian culture. generally they always avoid using direct, literal words for sexual activity (haha, i also try to avoid using that word here)

Hilarious. When I saw the posts some of you guys were making about LMLMV and saying words like "delicious" and "eating", I thought you  guys meant something else.

i think using “eat somebody “ is used quite recently. Normally used by young generation. that word also implies sex action with certain amount of passion and maybe utilize the mouth during the whole process . It is also a funny, less serious way to tell about that topic

This exactly ^ I thought you guys were talking about this act lmaooo



.... genuine question here

....why do most Chinese novels describe sex as "being eaten"?

Almost all the novels I'm reading describes it the same way .....

The last one I read , the lady exclaimed " my boss just ate me and wiped his hands clean"


If HeadInTheClouds and  H19279 didn't inform me what "being eaten" means in Asian countries I would've thought he went down there and....... I'll STOP!!! I won't say anymore!


Hilarious. When I saw the posts some of you guys were making about LMLMV and saying words like "delicious" and "eating", I thought you  guys meant something else.

This exactly ^ I thought you guys were talking about this act lmaooo

I don't know if in Chinese the word "delicious" can be used in which context. But in Vietnamese, "delicious" ("ngon") can be used in many cases: food (of course); beautiful, saxy body; (adverb) easily;healthy

In Dutch, there is similar word meaning delicious - lekker. It is used in million cases whenever speakers feel nice, positive or fine about something. 

BTW: in LMLMV, there are a lot of food scenes. And Dr Mo & Sheng Sheng did not perform some further acts although they shared the same bed. It would have been more delicious if he had eaten her. LOL 

i think using “eat somebody “ is used quite recently. Normally used by young generation. that word also implies sex action with certain amount of passion and maybe utilize the mouth during the whole process . It is also a funny, less serious way to tell about that topic

OMG.  Now I'm remembering all the times I said Tan Jian Ci fed us well ...with his appearances and pics and videos.



Hilarious. When I saw the posts some of you guys were making about LMLMV and saying words like "delicious" and "eating", I thought you  guys meant something else.

This exactly ^ I thought you guys were talking about this act lmaooo

Lol, in the novel the fl did acknowledge that Dr Mo was "eating" her in all ways

.......I almost died 


OMG.  Now I'm remembering all the times I said Tan Jian Ci fed us well ...with his appearances and pics and videos.


Are you serious now? Come on

To be honest, this expression is used in the exact same way in Portuguese here in Brazil.

It is what it is.