AH :

The version Kokuto posted in the main comment section works. Idk why the version in this thread doesn't work. They look like exactly the same URL to me. 


That's weird.  It was the same.  But I redid it and I fixed it, I think. 


Thanks ladies :-). I think something is off with my account because I can't see your post about this on the main comment section, Ko. I checked both seasons. 

"It's all about the money is very apt for Jing :-). DW and WHL looked liked they were trying to memorize their moves :-)

I think that's just TJC being TJC. Very smooth and smexy with his dancing. His movements in the fight scenes as XL are really excellent - and yes, sexy in how powerful and decisive they were.

Thanks ladies :-). I think something is off with my account because I can't see your post about this on the main comment section, Ko. I checked both seasons. 

There have been some weird stuff happening...lately, there was someone who make comments, but thier posts were no where to be seen too. 


Mugged or just bad hair day for our babies??!?!


I really think his brother jumped him.


Xiao Dai is such a cutie. Every time I see him, my heart just explodes, very much the same reaction I have for XD's dad. hehe.


Xiao Dai is such a cutie. Every time I see him, my heart just explodes, very much the same reaction I have for XD's dad. hehe.


Xiao Dai is adorable ... and much less nervous than his brother.


Thanks ladies :-). I think something is off with my account because I can't see your post about this on the main comment section, Ko. I checked both seasons. 

"It's all about the money is very apt for Jing :-). DW and WHL looked liked they were trying to memorize their moves :-)

I think that's just TJC being TJC. Very smooth and smexy with his dancing. His movements in the fight scenes as XL are really excellent - and yes, sexy in how powerful and decisive they were.

Well, it was down at the bottom of a long thread .... see if it shows up directly.


Ha!  I thought the same thing about Jing and the dollar signs.  lol

DW looked determined, while WHL seemed unsure, but sweetly trying.

And yes, I agree.  Tan Jian Ci has the benefit of experience and talent and smexy ... but it mirrors XL, right? 


There have been some weird stuff happening...lately, there was someone who make comments, but thier posts were no where to be seen too. 

Definitely.  That link should have worked fine.  I mean I copied the same link, I just had to do it twice to get it to work here.


Mugged or just bad hair day for our babies??!?!


I really think his brother jumped him.


TJC looks like someone mugged him out of his nice clothes. What in the fresh hell is that combination :-)? I rate the red glasses, though. I have a similar pair. 

Xiao Dai learned how to be cute from his Papa. That head tilt is his signature. And yes, he looks like he lost a fight to Li Qiu :-). Their personalities are polar opposites. Xiao Dai looks like he'll kill you with cuteness while Li Qiu looks like he's ready to cut a bish who looks at him wrong :-)


Well, it was down at the bottom of a long thread .... see if it shows up directly.


Ha!  I thought the same thing about Jing and the dollar signs.  lol

DW looked determined, while WHL seemed unsure, but sweetly trying.

And yes, I agree.  Tan Jian Ci has the benefit of experience and talent and smexy ... but it mirrors XL, right? 

The link didn't take me there directly, but I found it. 

I thought DW also had a dancing background. Maybe it's a different form of dancing. WHL just comes across like an earnest puppy :-)

And yes, I'm quite certain that we've discussed XL's erm...experiences extensively on this thread :-)

Thanks ladies :-). I think something is off with my account because I can't see your post about this on the main comment section, Ko. I checked both seasons. 

There have been some weird stuff happening...lately, there was someone who make comments, but thier posts were no where to be seen too. 

@HeadInTheClouds, her comment is a reply to another person's comment in the main comment thread for S1. If you log out of your MDL account and go back to the page and can see the comment thread with Kokuto's reply, the original commenter has probably blocked your account. If you log out of your MDL account and go back to the page and still can't see that comment thread, it's probably a technical issue. 

Edit: nvm, looks like you found it. 

 AH :

@HeadInTheClouds, her comment is a reply to another person's comment in the main comment thread for S1. If you log out of your MDL account and go back to the page and can see the comment thread with Kokuto's reply, the original commenter has probably blocked your account. If you log out of your MDL account and go back to the page and still can't see that comment thread, it's probably a technical issue. 

Edit: nvm, looks like you found it. 

It was this one:

KhanhN replied on your watched topic Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao’s Story and Romance.
3 days ago

This person commented but the post is nowhere to be found.


It was this one:

KhanhN replied on your watched topic Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao’s Story and Romance.
3 days ago

This person commented but the post is nowhere to be found.

That might be a situation where someone left a comment but then deleted it. 


There have been some weird stuff happening...lately, there was someone who make comments, but thier posts were no where to be seen too. 

You saw that too?  I thought I was craze craze :-). And many times message notifications don't show up for me either. 


Xiao Dai is such a cutie. Every time I see him, my heart just explodes, very much the same reaction I have for XD's dad. hehe.

His papa taught him well :-). Look at his cute little face...

 AH :

That might be a situation where someone left a comment but then deleted it. 

it's wierd becuase this is had happened more than once with this user. I think this is the second or so time. 


it's wierd becuase this is had happened more than once with this user. I think this is the second or so time. 

That user joined in February. I have the notification that you posted about a comment from that user, but I don't have any other notifications about comments from them since their join date. But it's possible you could have gotten a notification about a comment from them in a thread that I wasn't subscribed to at the time the comment was made. 


You saw that too?  I thought I was craze craze :-). And many times message notifications don't show up for me either. 

His papa taught him well :-). Look at his cute little face...

He's SOOOO cute!  And well groomed.  heh

I'm surprised he hasn't got a doggie endorsement yet.

We MAY be in trouble.  Filter released it's wrap video ... and honestly, I'm not sure what I'm watching.
