
I used my cellphone and I could see it 😂😂

I think I was so out of it that I fainted and dreamt that I didn't find it 😹

I swear, I looked everywhere and saw nothing ahahahaha

Yeah, it's just like Kokuto said. You're not an outlier. You're just more clever :)

No, no. Not more clever. My hyper focus is just a little narrower ^^

But my girl, if I'm being honest, I just care about the man. If he's happy, I'm happy. That's the way it is lol

This is making me think that I should make a thread specifically for the three people that like the novel ending so we can cry about all the changes they make in season 2 ^^"

Two threads is fine by me.


The clearer the better.

<3 <3 <3


I think I was so out of it that I fainted and dreamt that I didn't find it 😹

I swear, I looked everywhere and saw nothing ahahahaha




The address is in the last part of the page and there’s a phone number too

 AH :
three people that like the novel ending

LOL Three people? You, him, and Tong Hua? Hahahaha


The address is in the last part of the page and there’s a phone number too

Yes, I saw it! But that's so unrealistic hahaha

What would I even send to him? My heart? I need it to keep living 😭😹


LOL Three people? You, him, and Tong Hua? Hahahaha

I swear there's definitely been at least one other person on here somewhere who said they also liked the ending ^^


Yes, I saw it! But that's so unrealistic hahaha

What would I even send to him? My heart? I need it to keep living 😭😹



The address is in the last part of the page and there’s a phone number too

Uhn oh.


Yes, I saw it! But that's so unrealistic hahaha

What would I even send to him? My heart? I need it to keep living 😭😹

Yes, let's NOT pack yourself in a box and send it to him.  As awesome as you are, shipping to China takes too long, and we need you!


Uhn oh.

Yes, let's NOT pack yourself in a box and send it to him.  As awesome as you are, shipping to China takes too long, and we need you!


 AH :

I swear there's definitely been at least one other person on here somewhere who said they also liked the ending ^^

it will be only Jing fans!!  😂😂😂 

 AH :

I swear there's definitely been at least one other person on here somewhere who said they also liked the ending ^^

There's Kokuto, but she's been on Copium for so long that she doesn't even know what she likes anymore 😹

Then there are the Jingers, but let's pretend they don't exist ahahahahaha

Then there are the Jingers

Not on this thread, dear lord, no. LOL


it will be only Jing fans!!  😂😂😂 

And they'll still complain like: "Why isn't everyone singing Kumbaya with us?  Why doesn't every living being on the planet love this as we do?" 😹