
I saw pics of them with various hair colors.  But not how they actually make the wigs.

For kokuto's dogs? :D!!


For kokuto's dogs? :D!!

Ahahahahahaha Kokuto's dogs will be rocking silver wigs


I saw pics of them with various hair colors.  But not how they actually make the wigs.

Here, look at this sorcery! https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/15yqzzs/making_fake_hair/


The little one is Taro, who is actually my Mom's dog that I'm keeping for her permanently.   I think he's a Chug (Chiuaha and Pug).  And mine is a mutt Champloo. I'll see if I can find pics.

Ahhhh cuuute! Love the names, especially Champloo lol



If I kept count of how many times I died and came back because of these videos, I'm sure it would mean that I have way more than 9 lives 😹


Ahahahahahaha Kokuto's dogs will be rocking silver wigs

Yeah! After they can be filmed in a fanvid and be famous! (maybe even enter TJC's Studio) ! A Stop-motion one! Can't wait! :D


Here, look at this sorcery! https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/15yqzzs/making_fake_hair/

Cool now I know how to extend my hair when I'll grow very old, thx my friend! <3


Yeah! After they can be filmed in a fanvid and be famous! (maybe even enter TJC's Studio) ! A Stop-motion one! Can't wait! :D

I keep telling her that we need to open a Weibo account. We need to be famous!! Maybe the dogs will be our way in hahahah


I keep telling her that we need to open a Weibo account. We need to be famous!! Maybe the dogs will be our way in hahahah

You tube chanel + weibo account + talent = why not?


Cool now I know how to extend my hair when I'll grow very old, thx my friend! <3

This is so cool, right?? I have so many questions about this process

You can even start selling it on eBay 😅


You tube chanel + weibo account + talent = why not?

The talent part will cause the downfall hahahaha


This is so cool, right?? I have so many questions about this process

You can even start selling it on eBay ?

You have better things to do! :D But you make me so laugh!!! OmG! but sure I guess you can! Just give those hair some compiling names...


You have better things to do! :D But you make me so laugh!!! OmG! but sure I guess you can! Just give those hair some compiling names...

Selling fake hair on eBay was not something I would imagine myself doing at this point in my life, but then again there are plenty of things I didn't see coming in 2023 😹😅

The talent part will cause the downfall hahahaha

I guess it takes even more than that...like luck, forever strong will and trust in your project(yourself), working sans relache -adress book- involving more and more people. While even so, with excausting work without  that spark off luck (destiny?) - le but ne peut etre qu'effleuré or reached in a very different way from what expected.

You could for exemple start just analysing what could fit, what interest the part you want to reach...Than work out / direct your talent to the right direction...

(I've done the exactly opposite, but I knew the way, everything is reachable while on same Earth with some talent (and you have I love your collage, your paper work! It's just that I found out that my thrue will is in the opposite direction!:D I love to be free and exist in a more contemplative way : ) )...The question is what do you really really want?